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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Well, I'm sure he'll learn when he's being sacrificed to the devil by my son. Hey, maybe I'll get one of the cooler nicknames out of this like the dragon. Though now I wish he had a better first name, Adelmo the dragon just doesn't have a great ring to it.

Also, hippy barthday Oamp.
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Re: OOC thread

At age 10 he would have had to have help... keep that in mind ;) He isn't from a second wife, is he? ;)

And thanks. Currently sitting here dealing with the consequences of eating fully 1 half of the birthday cake right before bed last night.
Re: OOC thread

Hmm. Where these raiders from Ronny? Depending on where, Ceit might be able to understand them.
Re: OOC thread

I'm his mother so no, the only other remaining heir is devil boy's twin sister. I would say it might have been the creepy nanny that appeared from nowhere but she randomly disappeared before the suspicious deaths. I know children aren't supposed to be able to plot but the deaths did happen as events so maybe he did do it. According to the event they both look like they died from fright without a mark on their bodies indicating what actually killed them.

The raiders weren't really saying anything beyond look out, I just wanted to point out they were speaking Norse so I wouldn't have to mention it everytime. All the Scandinavians at this point in time speak old Norse, though they do have various dialects in this case Norwegian or whatever the dialect spoken on Mann would be. If they actually say anything of import I would tell you or point out you didn't understand them.
Re: OOC thread

Sounds good. That far north it would have been Old West Norse, which was what eventually became Norwegian. Which Ceit speaks.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, basically Ceit can understand Norwegian, Icelandic, and any dialect spoken in the Faeroes, Orkney, Mann, and Dublin. She'd probably be able to piece together Swedish and Danish as well but it might take a bit more work and concentration.

Interesting tidbit I never knew before, Pictish is actually part of the brythonic branch of insular Celtic. Meaning it would be more like Welsh and Breton than Irish or Scots Gaelic which are goidelic. So your pretty much set to understand almost everything spoken on the British isles at the time.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, I had to look into the Picts one for research on a CK2 AAR ;)

Also, that said, related question in my story now :p
Re: OOC thread

Honestly I leave that up to you. Technically speaking most of the characters should probably be illiterate but realism doesn't always add to the story in the game. Same with the library, can you imagine how rich someone would have to be in order to actually own a single book much less a whole library at this time period.
Re: OOC thread

Indeed. Was just thinking about to about how D&D actually has it as a mechanic. Also how one GM put exploding runes that blew up when read into one campaign and we never read a sign again for the next 18 months. But most importantly, Marie's arc is kind of about 'fake it till you make it', IE peasant/Gangrel to noble/Ventrue. Learning to read could be a good part of that, hmmm.... Maybe has enough natural intelligence knows a little something but will have to work to get better at it.
Re: OOC thread

As creepy as he might be, I love my demon spawn even if he ends up murdering me to take over. Diplomacy 15, military 32, steward 12, intrigue 28, learning 13 he has all the sin traits plus impaler, zealous, ambitious, genius, strong, and the voice of Satan. He'll also be inheriting the de jure duchies of Toulousse and Barcelona, which are almost all built up as high as possible. He's also married to the daughter of the king of France and already has two children one a genius the other strong. Muahahahaha.

That would actually work if you want to go the route of learning to read as part of Marie's development. I can even pretty much blend it right into the storyline without changing a thing. I figure even if Marie is illiterate by today's standards she would be able to piece some writing together, given the time especially if she practices. Though now I'm trying to figure out what her native language would actually be? I would say either French or Dutch (or Frisian, not sure which would actually be spoken at the time), maybe German or Luxembourgish.
Re: OOC thread

That's near the best stats I've ever seen :p I really should brief you on the evolution of my Kingdom of Illinois though to emphasize the importance of having the char be well liked as well, heh. Though that said, a high diplomacy score will get a char to be well liked, but at that rate, I don't know if that's enough to offset them.

Well I was always aiming for French. Marie is a char I've used for several things, and in modern setting is French. This time I went for geographically Flanders, though back in the day Flanders didn't exactly exist heh. Mentally though this one not only is "vampire Marie" to separate her from the others but also "Belgian Marie", with the intent that really not much is different heh.
Re: OOC thread

I believe we've stated that Ceit has some difficulties with English at her current standing in the story. But I'll figure she'll have learned it when she moves from prologue to main story. Otherwise won't be as fun to play when no one understands her.

And still using the Scots/Irish Gaellic for her occasional forays into foreign tongues. Just cause that's what I've been doing already.
Re: OOC thread

Actually I'm surprisingly well-liked by everyone it seems, I've already managed to improve my holdings through guile and diplomacy. The only characters that don't like me are the really pious types, which excludes most of the catholic's unsurprisingly. Another strange occurrence is that there are at least five other rulers near me who happen to be possessed, so we actually really like each other.

At least modern Flanders didn't exist, the county of Flanders is a little further east bordering on Normandy I believe. Basically your right on the edge of areas that speak French, Dutch, and German. So how about we say French is her language of choice with a passing familiarity of Dutch and German, she did work at an inn I figure it makes sense that she would have some knowledge of them. Also she can read and write a bit of French only because she has never received a proper education.

Actually most of the vampires in London only speak passable English, French is probably the language of choice in the court of London. Thankfully I make most of my vampires with a wide familiarity with other languages, even if it's only passing familiarity.

And yes do stick with Gaelic, I don't know any Welsh.
Re: OOC thread

Well my point actually was that we had this conversation previously and the result I said was what we'd decided on already basically ;)

Though I will say every time I just said Flanders I meant Walloonia x.x
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, Flanders would be the Dutch half of Belgium wouldn't it. At least I knew what you meant even if I didn't quite realize we were both saying the wrong place.

Anyways I was working on my maps a little earlier and something occurred to me. Vampires tend to have this thing with being somewhat stuck in the past since the elders are the ones in charge, hence the somewhat feudal structure of the modern nights. So why do the vampire lands seem to match up so well with the actual human kingdoms?

Yeah the actual mortals are essentially doing what the vampires want and copying them so to speak. Depending on who you would consider the most infuential the vampire kingdoms would probably look a little different than they do canonwise. So the question becomes who do you think would have more influence on the day to day vampire world: the elders or the ancilla.
Re: OOC thread

I think it's because F for France, and F for Flanders. I mean, what kind of word is Walloon even? It sounds like some sort of mentally challenged duck?

I think that question hearkens back to who has the power, the politicians or the bureaucracy ;) It depends how hands on vs out of touch the elders are, and once an elder gets to a certain age they definitely seem to get out of touch. Some more than others, namely the 'social' clans like Ventrue, Lasombra, etc.
Re: OOC thread

I hereby declare that all the Belgians in the northern part of the country are to be replaced with mentally challenged ducks. Why? Because that is the most hilarious image I've ever pictured in my mind especially when the ducks are speaking Dutch.

Also, Father Merrin was unable to remove the demons in possession of my character and I'm also apparently a werewolf. Coincidently my government type is listed as a duchy of terror, and I haven't even started torturing the peasants yet. Even if this all ends up terribly it's by far the most interesting event line I've seen.

And those social clans are also the ones most likely to gather and create larger governments. Personally what I'm leaning towards is that the majority of vampires tend to be most influenced by the oldest of the ancilla and the few elders who are young enough to have not lost it. Putting them roughly 300 to 400 years prior, of course there are exceptions. Some clans such as the Brujah and Toreador tend to latch on to newer ideas more easy, while a few clans such as the Tzimisce tend to live very much in the past and be more traditional. Does that make sense or am I thinking too much again? Actually just answer the first half of that question I know the answer to the second part.
Re: OOC thread

More or less, though I'd also add that even when people aren't trying to twist things to their own end there's also likely a good deal of the 'telephone' effect going on where exactly what they're trying to do gets lost over time. The less social clans are also the ones more susceptible to that ;)
Re: OOC thread

So who knows a lot about werewolves in the world of darkness? I would like to at least include them in general on the maps but I'm rather lacking in knowledge about them and could use some help in deciding where certain tribes would be present. I know a few things like the Fianna are usually Celtic, the Get of Fenris are Scandinavian, and the White Howlers are from the highlands. Not much beyond that though to be honest with you, I can't even name all the tribes off the top of my head.
Re: OOC thread

Just now fired up CK2 again after the big changes. A lot of the stuff you were having issue with at first Ronny are indeed the new changes. A lot of people have been complaining about them, but I think the game will grow into the changes. Most people complaining seem to be people that gamed the system and now can't anymore.

You'll also be interested to know I got stuck playing a 2 year old slow child as my char after the father died after being maimed :p