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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Maybe. In this day and age I ignore most the lent things. Was home yesterday though and my parents don't know that (what they don't know can't hurt them). Had some wonderful homemade salmon salad, and then family sized Long John Silvers, of which I took the leftovers home. As for how I'm doing, let's just say I've not thrown up since age 11, and now if I want to tie my record I need to wait until I'm 39.
Re: OOC thread

Long John Silver's, ewww. I think I would rather have the food poisoning. I grew up on a steady diet of freshly caught seafood, as such I've never been a big fan of Long John's or Red Lobster. Though they are a vast improvement over fish sticks.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, I hate fish sticks, but you know it is. I live downstate man, we don't even have the lake. How are we supposed to get any sort of fresh seafood living smack dab in the middle of a large continent x.x I mean, I wouldn't get excited for Long John Silvers either normally except it's probably been a year and half or so since I've even had that, as only one of the two towns here has one. A shame too because it's like my favorite type of food, except for maybe Mexican. Ironically, the only place for something approaching legit seafood are the Mexican restaurants on the mid-end of the scale. The only other option is typically catfish or something similar at local places which I find utterly bland.

On the bright side, I now have a great story to tell my coauthor on this paper I'm working on getting published. He was banging the manager there and suddenly had a massive falling out and curses the place under his breath now. I might have to join him in that regard.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah the seafood isn't really any better up here, at least it isn't when you consider I was born in New Orleans and spent a lot of time on both the east and west coasts of the country. The only time I get what I would consider decent seafood is like you said some of the better Mexican restaurants in the area.

I don't get the chance to go fishing or frog-gigging enough anymore to get it that way either. Though I do usually like the Mexican grocery stores this time of year, they usually get some sort of seafood for lent unlike other grocery stores.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, well my problem then becomes I like the whole range of Mexican food enough that their menu then tempts me away from seafood. I like the cheese a lot on chicken, which doesn't really pair with seafood as well.

I wish some place offered a seafood quesadilla, though from my googling that's not just a regional thing, but really nowhere does it. A few recipes for making homemade ones, but my kitchen is tiny. I have 4 burners, but using a standard size pan crowds the other 3 enough they're functionally useless. More kitchen space is definitely on my shopping list for my next apt.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, I pretty much always get the chimichanga or the enchiladas at the place I like. Honestly Mexican food is entirely too good, I would be a very fat man if I lived in either Mexico or the southwest.

I've seen seafood tacos but never quesadillas myself, though I now also wish for such a thing. I could also do with a larger kitchen than my new one, my stove isn't small like yours but I can't fit in the frIdge to get anything very well. Since it only opens halfway I practically have to crawl while turned sideways if anything gets put too far in the back.
Re: OOC thread

Using the measure of "1 standard pan", that is about as wide as my oven, and then I have counter space equal to about 3 standard pans, a little less really, across 3 seperate tiny islands. One is now taken up by my spice rack and other stuff of that nature. Another by stuff for doing the dishes. The last is currently free, but until recently was holding a lot of my surplus liquids like tea and whatnot. But yeah, serious lack of prep area... can barely justify the effort of making scrambled eggs because no counter space...

Also my fridge is a piece of crap but I got it fixed last week, but that's another story.
Re: OOC thread

My family used to have lobster races when I was a kid. The winner got cooked first, so he didn't have to watch the rest go in.

So... yes, the military is not entirely to blame for my twisted humour.
Re: OOC thread

I feel like my rash course of action in spilling all the beans while also talking about it in such fancy terms is a nice mix for a Gangrel trying to masquerade as a noble :p
Re: OOC thread

My kitchen is not much bigger than a closet to be honest with you, basically enough space between the two counters to walk down. Though my stove and fridge are of normal size unlike yours, and I thankfully have plenty of cupboard space to keep my counters open. I can work in it well enough unless someone else is out there than we have to squeeze past each other.

The military didn't make my sense of humour anymore twisted than it already was, all it did was make the humour drier and more sarcastic. I don't recall ever having lobster races but I did used to like putting salt on raw frog legs to make them dance.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, well in terms of cabinets, I have two. One for the other spices/snacks/odds and ends, and one for all the dishes. The thing is, they are way far apart, and the wall in between has an obvious imprint on it from where a mirror uses to be, but there is no mirror. The maintenance guy even commented on it like "wow that sucks, too bad you're not allowed to put anything there yourself." Real facepalm worthy...
Re: OOC thread

Darn ninja vampires. I do kind of like the way Marie is going about things, especially considering she's basically flying by the seat of her pants. At least in regards to knowing about the supernatural world.

I also forgot to mention but I added a few pictures to the character bank, namely Magda, Prince Maloosha, and someone who will have to remain a bit of a mystery at the moment. I tend to only add characters who I plan on sticking around for a decent part of the story but if you think I'm missing anyone feel free to ask about them.
Re: OOC thread

I'm using the philosophy "you don't have to be smart, just not dumb". It's a very subtle difference, but very important. Most people don't get the distinction. If you're not dumb, you can figure out what doesn't work, and avoid that. You may not understand why something works, but if it does, all you have to do is keep doing it and you'll be fine.
Re: OOC thread

Makes sense to me. I kind of wish more political and military leaders would follow just such a philosophy to be honest with you, then again most of them are actually dumb. I also love when I'm working towards one idea story-wise and an even better one occurs that still fits what I had planned so far. If only it would happen more often.
Re: OOC thread

Dancing frog legs. Well then. Can't say I've ever had frog legs. Granted, PEI loves its lobsters and potatoes.

And love the image for Magda, and very curious for this Sigridr character.
Re: OOC thread

I know it's cliche, but it really does taste like chicken... well, saltier sea chicken at least... Kinda tastes like alligator, which also tastes like salty sea chicken :p
Yeah, frog legs dance when you put salt on them, sort of like that one Japanese dish where the squid starts moving when you put the sauce on it. And it really does taste like chicken, I describe it more as a gamey chicken but salty sea-chicken also works. Most people I know are squeamish about them until they try em, of course they don't usually realize it's frog since it looks like chicken too.

It actually took me a while to find one for Magda, I apparently make to many ginger characters and I've used a lot of them already. I haven't really decided what to do with Sigridr yet, but I was afraid I would lose it if I didn't save it. I do have some ideas though.

Also, this computer sucks and I can't type on it worth a shit. Windows 10 also sucks. Thankfully it's not my computer.

MERGE: Egads, my internet has been horrid the past three or four days, on the bright side it did allow me a little time to really try and get into CK2. Right now I'm trying to decide what to do about my second son, who may or may not be the spawn of satan. Even if he isn't a devil child there's something wrong with him, 3 year olds don't normally have that high an intrigue. And if that nanny of his , who just randomly showed up from nowhere, kills herself on his birthday while shouting it's all for you. If she does I'll just have to find the medieval version of Dr. Bugenhagen. Seriously though he's one creepy kid, even more so than some of the other creepy kids in the game.
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Re: OOC thread

See, that's the spirit. It's middle ages family drama simulator really ;)
Re: OOC thread

Yep, he's the anti-christ. He just murdered everyone ahead of him in the line of succession, pretty impressive for a ten year old. He's already got a military skill of 12 and an intrigue skill of 14, not very good with money though. I guess I'll just build up my troops so when he comes of age, I can unleash him on the Umayyads. I also find it funny that my chaplain thinks it's perfectly normal for my creepy kid to start buzzing around other children and to enjoy the sight of other people's blood.
Re: OOC thread

I think you might need to have a good long chat with your chaplain about proper child rearing techniques.