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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

I don't know if thriving democracy would be how I describe modern Russia, but I may have to give that a good watching when I'M bored on of these days.
Re: OOC thread

I don't know if thriving democracy would be how I describe modern Russia, but I may have to give that a good watching when I'M bored on of these days.

That was pretty clearly sarcasm on his part :p
Re: OOC thread

Just thought of a question I was wondering about. How does level 2 auspex work?
Re: OOC thread

Basically you concentrate and look at the creature whose aura you want to read. Which is why staring at another vampire in court is considered extremely rude. The longer you stare at the creature in question the more information you can gather and the more accurate.

When you use it You'll actually see a halo or aura of colors swirling around the person, which represent the various emotions said creature is experiencing. You can also discern things like magic-use, diablerie, if the creature is alive or dead and so on.

I usually describe the colors and give their meanings since I didn't want to hae to type out the huge chart of the different colors and their meanings.
Re: OOC thread

So remember those games I mentioned that taught me so much about history, etc? CK2 and the like, which is how I know the time period stuff for this game. The company that makes those games just bought White Wolf, and thus now owns Vampire. This could be the start of something epic ;)
Re: OOC thread

It could be the start of something epic, but is it the good kind of epic or the bad kind. Pardon me for being pessimistic but CCP buying White Wolf was supposed to be epic, but it was pretty much a failure. Geh, I hate when I get in a pessimistic mood, must be because the holidays are coming up.

Granted it could just be entirely possible that they were interested in the world of darkness MMO that CCP messed up. In which case the pnp game lines would continue to be run as they currently are by OnyxPath. I would be fine with that but I'll wait to celebrate till after I see what happens.

Then again this might explain why they suddenly came up with the idea of making a V:tM 4th edition recently.

Meh, what do I care. Not like I'm buying new books anyways.
Re: OOC thread

CCP is a derp company, even if EVE isn't objectively bad :p Conversely, Paradox knows what's what, and is still trending upwards.
Re: OOC thread

True, you don't get much more derp than CCP. I'll still wait till they say something over at Onyx Path forums before I stop with the pessimism. Unless my general mood gets better in which case the pessimism will likely go away on it's own.

Right now the only news on Onyx path is that they've known about the deal for a while but they can't say anything more. Which is neither good nor bad as far as I can tell.
Re: OOC thread

Any company that shares an acronym with the Chinese Communist Party is definitely derp.
Re: OOC thread

Now that you point that out, I wonder what the company's acronym stands for.

Ah, here we are Crowd Control Productions. Maybe they're associated with China after all, they do love to control crowds over there after all.
Re: OOC thread

Last night, for the first time that I remember, I had a dream that I was a vampire and had the sensation of sucking blood and everything. I wouldn't say it was a sexy dream... I rarely have nice dreams, but it was definitely interesting! Wow. Has anyone else ever dreamed anything like that?
Re: OOC thread

Nope, but my dreams are along the same vein in that they are neither good nor bad. My two main recurring dreams are pretty much outright weird in fact.

The first involves me and my brother fighting werewolves in wal-mart, or at least we sort of fight them. We actually just jump really high and we knock the werewolves out by luring them into chasing us and then jumping over the aisles so that they run into the walls.

The other involves me being an instructor at a dance camp overrun by zombies, naturally these zombies don't eat people but dance. So it basically turns into Thriller at some point. I can also jump really high in this dream, in fact it seems to be my dream super power since it pops up in most of them.

Also been horribly sick the last week and a half. Should be back to posting soon now that I seem to be recovering.
Re: OOC thread

Glad to hear you're getting better! Being sick stinks.

Now we know what to do if we ever come across a werewolf in OtN. ;) That's kinda neat how different people have superpowers in dreams. My big superpower is usually telekinesis, but sometimes I've been able to stop time too.
Re: OOC thread

Shitty to hear you was sick. Glad that yer recovering.
Re: OOC thread

I think I got swindled when it came time to get super powers, especially considering that half of my jumps just end up as falling dreams. Granted my falling dreams are usually pretty comical since I usually fall out of bed during them.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry about the lack of posting but first there was Thanksgiving, then for some reason ULMF kept making my computer crash for a few weeks. Must have been something with one of mys recent updates since it seems fixed now. Anyways hopefully you all are enjoying the holidays, I know i'm not. Bah, humbug.
Re: OOC thread

I have time off. Good enough for me I suppose.
Re: OOC thread

Time off is usually a good thing.

Yes, I'm a scrooge. Well sort of a scrooge, I like everything about Christmas but presents.

Also my coffee pot cracked this morning. I now understand how random workplace shootings happen. Not that I actually shot anyone but I did think about it.
Re: OOC thread

Or at least headbutting everyone in their filthy coffee drinking mouths. Been there.