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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

woo hoo, temporary information completion.

Also, is Jourdain now represented by the guy from Black Death?
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Re: OOC thread

Ah, that's what the pic is from. I thought it looked familiar. I mostly chose it because he has light colored hair and is clean-shaven, unlike the previous one I found. The dark colored armor helped as well.

He is a somewhat similar character to Jourdain as well since he essentially became a witch hunter/inquisitor at the end. It's along the same line as what Jourdain does. So yeah Jourdain is Osment or Osgood from Black Death, thankfully I didn't make him look like Sean Bean or I would have to kill him in some gory extravagant method.
Re: OOC thread

Gory and extravagant is always fitting for VtM though. Still, good find. And good little flick.
Re: OOC thread

I thought you were gonna say gory and extravagant death fitting for Jourdain, haha. But seriously, nice pics. :)
Re: OOC thread

Hey, he's not the one who murdered the queen of England so if anyone is getting a gory extravagant death it would be Eliza. Though actually in this game we have but one punishment...which is to be tied down on a bed and receive a spanking.

Also I'll post as soon as possible been a little busy so far this week, probably the rest of the month. I'm moving though it is just to the other side of town, still a bit hectic at the moment.
Re: OOC thread

Vezina has been, and will continue to be, very naughty.

When can I expect her spanking? :D
Re: OOC thread

Yes, yes we'll all get a good spanking. And after the spanking, the oral sex.
Re: OOC thread

But, but.. Eliza already had a gory, extravagant death. Afterwards, she became a vampire. ;) Besides, Queenie was pretty much asking for it and likely would have done the same to Eliza.

Are the spankings a Mithras policy or a Ronny policy? haha. I think everyone here has been a little naughty at some point! Some more than others. :rolleyes:
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Re: OOC thread

Spankings and oral sex? Ah, the court life.
Re: OOC thread

I just watched Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) tonight. I guess you guys have all seen it right? It was... hmmm... interesting! I'm not sure I followed the plot very well, but I loved the visuals, costumes, and scenery. I liked how they depicted the vampires too. Those gothic themes. Some of the scenery kinda reminded me of Chapter 1 from Own the Night. :) And then there's vampire Mina toward the end of the movie. She was so hot. I'd give her my soul if Eliza didn't already have that.

I just wish I knew what was going on for like... the whole first half of the movie.
Re: OOC thread

I believe the spanking policy comes directly from the inner council, some Malkavian named Michael Palin. Of course if you prefer to have cookies with your spankings and oral sex feel free to join the Sabbat.

Bram Stoker's Dracula does have great visuals though it was rather lacking in the storytelling department. As we all know it can be hard to fit everything that makes a book great into a movie though. Still probably the best Dracula movie I've ever seen, a lot more faithful to the book. Which believe it or not is one of my favorite books. Who knew?
Re: OOC thread

Hmmm... I do love me some cookies...

Do you have any favorite vampire movies/books? I've been looking for some good ones lately.
Re: OOC thread

Gary Oldman was a great Dracula, and the movie was good. It's difficult for a movie to remain faithful to the source material, being that it was presented from 'letters' that recounted the events from different points of view.

Lesbian Vampire Killers is a fun movie. Has a young James Corben as a hapless 'fat friend' who manages to defy expectations.
Re: OOC thread

Dracula is an epistolary novel? That actually sounds pretty interesting. I haven't read something like that in like ten years (old >.>). Might have to pick it up sometime!

Heh, I actually saw Lesbian Vampire Killers too. It was kinda fun and cute for what it was. Personally wouldn't have minded if the vampires won though. :p
Re: OOC thread

You know you want it. ^_^

Yes... yes I really do.

As for movies. Though it's probly not the kind of Vampire movie yer looking for, Stakeland was amazing. Fairly dark though.
Re: OOC thread

Yep, Dracula is epistolary. One of the reasons it became a favorite of mine when I first read it. The various letters and journals from each of the persons involved created very real characters in my mind.

Another set of books that I like is the Anno Dracula series by Kim Newman, it's set in an alternate universe where Dracula survives and spreads his curse throughout Victorian England. It contains characters from other well-known novels of the time period or vampires such as Sherlock Holmes, Count Orlok, Dr. Jekyll, etc. So basically it's the world of darkness as a book without actually being the world of darkness.

Movie wise the only thing I can think of that you probably haven't already heard of would be Byzantium. Very creepy yet nice atmosphere to the movie but the story does lack at points. Still all in all I though it was pretty good.
Re: OOC thread

There's also that new one, Only Lovers Left Alive. Haven't seen it myself yet, looks kinda interesting though.
Re: OOC thread

Both of those sound pretty interesting! I'll have to try to find a copy or something.

The other day, I watched an old 70s movie called The Vampire Happening. It was pretty cheesy but also kinda hilarious. And I don't think I've ever seen more nudity in a film that wasn't porn.
Re: OOC thread

Just checking Ronny but that tornado today wasn't *that* close to you, right? The news report I saw just said it was that general area and wasn't very specific.