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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Yeah, was mildly annoyed by that. Maybe because the former makes claims to being a state, and the latter doesn't, though to be fair, despite my background, I don't really know if Boko Haram claims to be starting their own state or not. Also not very happy about the situation in Crimea, but eh, *shrugs*
Re: OOC thread

I'm hardly an expert on the subject but from what I know Boko has essentially declared itself a caliphate, much like IS. Personally I lean towards it being more a matter of IS getting more press than Boko, despite their similarities.

On the plus side at least they still consider the Crimea to be disputed rather than part of Russia.

Also it was really hard to describe what exactly happened to the girl in my second to last post for Marie. It was supposed to look sort of like the scene in the Matrix when Neo sees the deja vu cat but I couldn't think of a way to describe it without using modern terminology. For some reason that really irked me and I had to get it off my chest.
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Re: OOC thread

Well I unfortunately agree, it's just I kinda really want them to have a better reason than that, considering how well thought out the rest of the map series is...

Also, it's been ages since I've seen those movies, and don't remember the finer points anymore :p. I think I can make do though, heh.
Re: OOC thread

Well someone has to be the optimist in the group.

Think of it like seeing someone glitching in a video game or missing a frame in an animation. It mostly just annoyed me that I couldn't figure out how to describe it without being anachronistic.
Re: OOC thread

Does anyone object to my dropping the Followers of Set and replacing them with the Baali as a clan? Technically it will be more a mixture of the two but I prefer the name Baali.
Re: OOC thread

I have no objections. And I agree with your name preference.
Re: OOC thread

No objections from me. Does that mean Echidna will be Baali now?
Re: OOC thread

I'm not sure on Echidna, since she was a setite warrior before. It wouldn't take much work to turn her into a Baali I suppose.
Re: OOC thread

What's the reason that you want to combine those two clans?

For what it's worth, I like Setites. But if you want to combine them that's fine with me. None of us are really playing as them.
Re: OOC thread

I like the Followers of Set myself, I just also happen to find the Baali an interesting concept. I guess the main reason I would like to use the Baali would be that they have a bigger place in the history of my game than the Followers did. I've also come up with more ideas for using them in the game itself and for the future. Basically I find them easier to fit in the game better than the other.

Though now that I think about it since the Baali and the Followers of Set are rather similar in many ways. How about I just make the Followers the Laibon legacy of the Baali. Granted the Laibon aren't likely to pop up any time soon but there is always the future.

There actually was another change I wanted to make, though it's actually very minor if you think about it. In regards to the Assamite, I would like to make the vizier caste the main part of the clan that most people are familiar with. Picture it from the Assamite point of view, they don't view themselves as assassins but rather as judges. So the warrior caste or the executioners are more like rumours, but the vizier caste or judges are relatively common.

Make sense?
Re: OOC thread

I don't mind the Baali being combined with the Followers.

Maybe the Followers are just a very successful Egyptian bloodline of the Baali, and they worship an Earthbound Fallen Angel who goes by the name Set? (And has convinced all but the highest tier of Setites that he actually is a Dark God.)

As far as clan disciplines, they sync up very close... Obfuscate and Majesty, with Serpentis and Daimonion being specialized versions of thaumaturgy. It's not a hard leap to make.

I just have a soft spot for the snakes, so I wouldn't want to see the disappear from the world completely... but if they're officially a bloodline of the main Baali clan - that would be pretty neat.

In any case... oh dear, demon vampires. And y'all thought the Tzimisce and Lasombra were bad guys. :D


As for the Assamites. Sure, I don't mind their viziers being more well known at this time. Scholarly muslim vampires - makes sense considering Baghdad was the cultural and academic center of the world during these times.
Re: OOC thread

Bloodline or legacy, pretty much the same thing in my mind. Not that a bloodline needs to be all that similar to it's parent clan, as in the kiasyd and lasombra.

That actually is how the baali work from what I've read only the very top tier know what they're actually worshipping. While the low level goons go around pretending to be Ozzy.

So yes demon vampires, that all but a handful of assamite and salubri, think are completely dead. I believe the appropriate quote here is, "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."


Well technically a good number of the assamite aren't Muslim. The ones who are belong to the Ashirra, which is a sect of Muslim vampires of various clans, who are the leaders of the Midnight Crescent.

The viziers tend to be the public face of the clan so to speak so they also might not even be from the Middle East. Basically they blend in with whatever court they're watching and if they find a cainite lacking. Then they call in the warriors to execute them.

If I was any good at it I might even invent a variant form of Quietus for them to aid in judging. Sort of how Valeren is a variant of Obeah with the Salubri castes.
Re: OOC thread

I wasn't sure between Obeah and Auspex, but I think I'm gonna go with level 2 Auspex. Auras are fun, and Ariadne is quite taken with Auspex so far. :)
Roger that.

Merge: All right, I've got the clan and discipline information fixed up once again. Nothing really changed of course except for the Baali stuff being added in but I like it better now. Go ahead and take a look in case I messed something up, always glad to know what everyone thinks about things after all.
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Re: OOC thread

For completion's sake, you haven't included the Tremere, unless I overlooked it.
Re: OOC thread

Only thing I can think of, is that you've not updated the NPC album in awhile. Heh... other than that, I can honestly not find anthin.
Re: OOC thread

Well if you look those are just the clans and bloodlines available for characters. The Tremere, Followers of Set, and Anda bloodlines are NPC only; though it is highly unlikely that you'll run into the Anda since the Mongols never made it to London. Same with the Laibon and Ashirra legacies, though they are more likely than the Anda.

And yes the NPC album is woefully behind. Kind of difficult to keep that updated though.
Re: OOC thread

Fair enough regarding the NPC only detail.

Everything looks fine to me. :)
I should add that the high clan - low clan distinction does still exist. I just chose not to write it down since it largely depends on where you are on who is considered noble. The Ventrue, Toreador, Lasombra, Brujah, and Tzimisce are pretty much universally considered high clans. The Cappadocians and Salubri are often regarded as high clan though not always. The Assamite and the Nosferatu are high clans within the Midnight Crescent and in the lands of the Laibon, the Gangrel or Akunanse are considered a high clan.

Merge: All right I updated the NPC album, wasn't actually that big of a deal since I only had a few characters to add. Dropped a few that I didn't have a use for anymore, and updated the ones that needed it. Best of all I actually found the picture I've been looking for all these years to represent Jourdain.

Also updated the roads and a few minor mistakes and the like everywhere else, which means I only have one more thing and I'll be done updating information for awhile. Or at least until I decide to do so again.
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