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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

I wasn't planning on really doing much work that day, but asked someone else over the web for some data they collected because I was going to use the same statistic and didn't feel like crunching all the numbers myself. He suggested we just up and finish the math part of our respective projects right then and there, because he had a key to get into the building any time we wanted, heh. It's a pretty interesting feeling having a moderate sized office building to yourself.
Re: OOC thread

Back around now, so Vezina responses can continue.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry for disappearing there. My mother got very sick over the holidays which kind of threw off all of the plans I had already made. I don't think I've even been on the internet the last month. Just bear with me while I get back into the swing of things.
Re: OOC thread

Take care of yer mum Ronny. Hope she gets better.
Re: OOC thread

I'll be outta the country for a little while. Won't be back til Feb 5th.
Re: OOC thread

Rodger dodger, you probably won't miss much with my blazing posting speed of late.
Re: OOC thread

Hey everybody. Things have been pretty crazy, but I miss you guys. :( I'd like to get back into the swing of things with Ariadne if it's okay.
Re: OOC thread

Works for me if it works for Rony. Welcome back!
Re: OOC thread

Sorry for being way slow with updating Vezina. Got a post in, will hopefully be faster in the future.

Also have no problem with RP rejoining. :)
Re: OOC thread

Crazy you say....don't mind if I do. I mean of course it's fine to rejoin but keep in mind things are just as crazy on my end. Which makes my posts come rather slowly of late.
Re: OOC thread

And I return!
Re: OOC thread

Just in time, it appears. Haven't missed a thing. XD
Re: OOC thread

More Ariadne pics maybe. :)


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Re: OOC thread

Ooh, I like those 2 pictures. Especially the second one since that jewelry thingy makes it look like she has an eye in her forehead. The first one is nice to since that's probably about what it looked like when she was getting sent away to face execution.

Also I keep forgetting to mention that I updated the maps quite a bit. Not only do they look much better but I did make some changes here and there. Especially since Oamp gave me that map link which made it a bit easier to figure out what countries existed at the time. I did still take a few liberties of my own because I can but overall I think they're much better.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, when I saw the picture with the eye, I was like "omgosh that's perfect! saved!" Who knows, maybe she even wears it as a disguise at some point.

I like the maps too, especially how we can see all the characters on there. I'm wondering about the Old Man on the Mountain now!
Re: OOC thread

Sweet maps. Though I'm curious as to this link that OAMP sent you. I want it for meself.

Cause I be greedy like that.
Re: OOC thread

Back on page 39, but I guess here it is again.

Re: OOC thread

It probably would make a pretty decent disguise, not that it's hard to hide your forehead. So long as you don't mind long bangs.

Granted it's only a rough general area for the characters starting locations but I thought it would be interesting to include. Just to see how far some of them traveled to end up in London if nothing else.

The Old Man on the Mountain is up in Alamut excepting blood tithes from the judges of his clan. At least when he's not guiding the Ashirra of the Midnight Crescent that is.

I also want to know why they choose to show the areas under ISIL control on the map yet they don't show the areas under Boko Haram control.