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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Don't worry, Lexwyn always tries her hardest. I do too, but let's just say I'm skeptical ;)
Re: OOC thread

*om noms popcorn while watching Eliza and the Queen*
Re: OOC thread

Depends on the military training, but yeah fun be will be most likely had in some way.

There isn't really much to be skeptical of, unless you go around killing mortals for no reason he's not likely to do anything to you. He hates corruption in any form including that found amongst the Norman rulers. Which is also why he kind of holds himself aloof from Cainite politics, since they are kind of inherently corrupt. Come to think of it he would probably make a pretty good scourge if a new one should be needed.

*Grabs a handful of the popcorn because it is rather entertaining*

I just hope Eliza keeps making her rolls to prevent frenzy, because it'll be a lot more interesting without a dead queen/hunter.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, well, Lexwyn doesn't like stuck up people though, and him coming across as such earlier is partially the cause of skepticism. Kinda the whole 'ooo, don't you think you're something special'. reaction ;) Granted, it's far far from a unique sin among those of the night, but Lexwyn's own attitudes don't exactly give her fellows much credit in a lot of cases.

Not saying they can't get along, just saying it's not without it's own unique challenges ;)
Re: OOC thread

And here I was more worried that she wouldn't like him for being a Norman. She's going to have a hard time finding Cainite's to get along with, though she is a Brujah so that does make sense. I'm perfectly fine with her going the way of the other stuck-up loner if that's what you would prefer. Or should I say one of the many stuck-up loners, there are a lot of them for some reason.
Re: OOC thread

I suppose it depends on how they react to her. Lexwyn probably enjoys those or equal competence level that disagree with her, if only for the mental challenge of matching witz with them. The Assamite... well, he was just an idiot in her eyes. Someone that at least makes valid points, if wrong, will not deter her, and she might even enjoy ruffling their feathers. It isn't so much the attitude, but the first impression when it comes to the being stuck up.

The whole Norman thing might be a problem with Jourdain, but he's already shown part of his colors, which override that to an extent. She would not credit a normal Norman with being able to maintain such poise while being stuck up as he has ;)
Re: OOC thread

Vezina would have been all right with Jourdain had he not had the impudence to treat her like a two day old neonate because she killed some mortal thug who had attacked her, and to lecture her on the Via Regalis - his own interpretation of it, not hers - it was all a bit much.

As cool as the Lasombra are, it's an immense trial to have any patience with them. :D
Re: OOC thread

He's not exactly witty, but he is intelligent and perceptive. So I'm not sure if that would make him interesting conversation or not. He's also got poor charisma and high manipulation so I try to play him as such. His nationality, while obvious, isn't really a big part of his personality or style so it might not bother Lexwyn actually. We'll just have to see I guess.

The strange thing about the Lasombra is they were probably my favorite clan when I first started playing. After a while you realize how one dimensional they are and that you can only really make 2 types of them, Eliza and Jourdain. Obtenebration is still cool but I honestly prefer the Ventrue now just because you have a lot more leeway with the type of character you can make.
Re: OOC thread

Psh, Eliza isn't one dimensional. She has many dimensions - multidimensional. :p
Re: OOC thread

There's no reason that you couldn't make a variety of Lasombra characters. It's just the clan's policies and their tendency to end up in the Sabbat (in modern games) that shape their character.

By the Eliza and Jourdain comparison, are you referring to those who embrace their clan's will to power and those who reject it and go martial-loner cool-guy-in-trenchcoat-and-ponytail-cos-highlander-was-a-great-show-in-the-90s?
Re: OOC thread

I didn't mean to say Eliza was one dimensional. I meant the clan seems a bit one dimensional because of their clan policies and tendency to fill the role of bad guys. Though they do an admirable job of filling that role what with the whole strangling people with their own shadows bit.

First off Highlander was horrible though the soundtrack was great. And they actually do fill the 2 typical sorts of Lasombra in the dark ages. Those who embrace the clan's will to power like Eliza, and those who follow the Lasombra road of night like Jourdain. Which is actually kind of an odd road for the Lasombra since it's about remaining aloof from politics and convincing sinners and the corrupt to give up their evil ways.
Re: OOC thread

I have returned
Re: OOC thread

Welcome back. Alas I fear I need a break from posting for a while, I'm feeling kind of burned out. I'll probably still be around unless I decide to go camping and it will be just for a short while so feel free to get caught up.
Re: OOC thread

Being burned out is no good. :(

Have fun recharging.
Re: OOC thread

Vezina would be really tough because you somehow have to mix the look of a feral witch with that of a refined noble. Not an easy image to find as you pointed out.

Was looking on deviant art for some inspiration, found a bunch of pics that had elements of what I think could be Vezina. Most times the models are incredibly pretty because most artists like to draw or photograph pretty models.

That's not to say that with the wonders of modern makeup or a splash of Vicissitude, Vezina couldn't be a looker, but anyways, these pics are in the ballpark.

The first is something close to what she might have been as a mortal:

The second is what she'd look like at her absolute best appearance, perhaps she'd need a little work done, but this is her at her ideal nobility, spending BP for masquerading, of course:

And here, if you focus on the face, hair, and general paleness, is what she might look like in the wild, as a witch that you wouldn't want to meet in the woods at night:
Re: OOC thread

Recharge with lightning Ronny! Metal rods and the like!
Re: OOC thread

*Prepares to spank Vezina with tendrils of shadow.* Nice pics Blue! They're really interesting. I like the differences between each one.

That got me thinking. A long time ago, I found some pics of a model that sometimes made me think "Eliza in Modern Nights."

This is her:

Although despite all of her dresses, I've always liked the idea of Eliza in a white sweater, designer jeans, and leather boots. Very specific I know, lol.
Re: OOC thread

But electricity is bad for vampires, just ask Petra.

Is it bad that I picture something completely different for Vezina, not that I would argue for the picture I have in mind since it's your character. For some reason I constantly picture a lighter color of hair more akin to say dirty blonde. But the most important feature in my mind has always been her feral green eyes, feral but still noble. And no I don't know why I picture the lighter hair color, I'm probably just weird.

Though actually put a little lighter shade of hair and a fancier dress on the first picture and it would be pretty close to what I normally picture. So maybe I'm not as far off as I think. Of course with makeup or a touch of viccisitude I could easily see the hot version as well or the evil witch version if the opposite was done.

I like the random Lasombra crown on the sweater. And this might be weird but I can somehow picture that specific outfit on Eliza quite well.
Re: OOC thread

Like I said, they're ballparks, with bits and pieces. I have looked, and there is no perfect picture of her that I'm aware of.

Her hair is darker than you're imagining, though it's not black. It's a light sable, which is to say, a brown that borders on black, but in the fire light (or under the sun, which of course is not an option for her) it would be revealed to have lighter shadings.

Her eyes are something that these pictures lack, yes. I really will have to continue to look for those. To me, the coloring is less important than the thousand-yard stare quality.

... okay, I guess these might be good eyes for her:


EDITED: put in a brunette pic for better contrast, although the insane makeup and pouty lips aren't right.
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