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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

I know a lot of us have played bloodlines, but there's another game too made earlier, Redemption. Currently on sale for $3. Not near as good, but some people might be interested. It's set both in medieval times and the modern day.

Re: OOC thread

I actually really enjoyed that game when I got the chance to play through it. Not sure if it would work on my current computer, like so many other games which I keep forgetting to try out again.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, I probably would have enjoyed it more if I played it closer to when it actually came out. I mean, I'm not one of those gamers that rages that everything has to have the latest graphics, but the game was notably dated by the time I got to it last year.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah it probably would seem a little dated if you just played it for the first time last year. I've actually stolen a few ideas from it for the game. Nothing obvious thankfully, at least not plot-wise so it doesn't spoil anything. I did the same with Bloodlines as well, as if no one had noticed that the Ankaran Sarcophagus pops up in the timeline. Muahahaha.
Re: OOC thread

You actually got around to playing it now?
Re: OOC thread

No, but I still know pretty much everything that happens in the game. I just haven't actually had the chance to really be immersed in the actual visuals and what not.
Re: OOC thread

I think i'll just leave this here...

Re: OOC thread

Hey Ronny, I have some questions about feeding. Is the victim always out cold? For how long? Do they remember things like commands when they wake up? Would they remember anything about the attack if the vampire was still there when they woke up?
Re: OOC thread

They don't always have to end up blissfully passed out. A lot of vampires particularly Toreador and other social types tend to feed bit by bit at large gatherings. Basically you just take a single blood point from a number of people and end up full all without anyone noticing the feeding. You just have to make efforts to not get carried away and to disguise the biting for what it actually is.

I don't think commands would carry over after they've passed out since it's just a single command that gets carried out right away. The higher level dominate powers like hypnosis and forgetful mind would carry over but not simple commands.
Re: OOC thread

I found this pic last night, and it reminded me of someone. :)

Re: OOC thread

Makes me wish I could provide pictures of other characters, but alas none of the pictures I find quite portray what I see in my mind.
Re: OOC thread

I've had a few pictures tucked away for Anabelle inspiration. I could share some.

Also Ronny. Yer so mean. Though I suppose Anabelle now has a reason for fighting she didn't before.
Re: OOC thread

I'm always happy to see what inspires my players, it makes it so much easier to write for said characters at time. I barely have to think most of the time when I write for Eliza since Ranger shares her inspiration so often. I could probably provide pics for some of the NPC's but not all of them and I hate to do things halfway. It doesn't help that it's a little more difficult to find pictures for characters in the dark ages either.

And yes I can be mean at times I suppose.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah it can be pretty hard to find good pics. I spend way too much time looking for them, but I just got lucky with Eliza. I found a couple amazing ones and then Squid generously helped with the eyes and the dress colors.

This pic always made me think of Genevieve:

I've never found an Adria pic though. Probably cause she is infinitely more beautiful in my mind than any picture I've ever seen. :eek:
Re: OOC thread

Nothing I've found quite matches with my mind's eye for Vezina and I doubt there ever will be. She's not a drop-dead gorgeous. She's like a feral seer dressed up in noble's clothing.
Re: OOC thread

I've never found a singular image that I felt perfectly captured Anabelle. As I said before I have some for inspiration, I don't find any single one fully captures her.

This was also a major inspiration for Gwenhwyfar in my War of the Damned story

And a female vampire wearing a kilt with a sword is a very difficult image to find.
Re: OOC thread

Wow, that second one with the fiery sword is amazingly well done. Do you know who the artist is?

Also, <3 Amelia. :D
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Re: OOC thread

Rodrigo A. Branco is his name. The picture is titled "Vampire Amazon"
Re: OOC thread

Yeah it would be infinitely easier to find pics if I could photoshop or the like. Though there is a positive to not finding pictures in that sometimes it's better to let your players have free reign with their imaginations. Adria would be impossible simply because she is more beautiful and perfect in my mind than any picture I've seen as well. She was originally invented to be my characters sire after all, aren't you glad I shared her.

Strangely I picture Genevieve as infinitely more innocent, despite the fact that she is anything but that on the inside. Of course that could be just be the blood smearing her lips. I always pictured her with darker hair too but that's probably because the other 2 Lasombra already have snowy blonde hair, even if they aren't really siblings. I still like it very much.

Vezina would be really tough because you somehow have to mix the look of a feral witch with that of a refined noble. Not an easy image to find as you pointed out.

If you could somehow combine all three pics it would probably be perfect. And if you think finding a female vampire with a sword and a skirt is hard to find. You should try looking for a priest with a warhammer, for some reason every single pic is from a certain game. I like Warhammer but it's not quite what I'm picturing in this case.