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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Sorry about the slow posting rate but spring has sprung and I've got a bad case of spring fever. It doesn't help that I work outside all day which just allows more fresh air to get to my brain than most people.

So I've got more work to do on Occam and Ranger's prologues obviously but for the rest are done for the most part. So I'll probably be finishing out the other three soon. So if there's anything I've touched on in the prologue that I haven't got to but you want to know about let me know. If it's not meant to be made clearer later on in the main plot I'll make sure I work it in.
Re: OOC thread

Will Anabelle's prologue go through the entire trial and her getting dropped off on the mainland, or is there a "time jump" coming up soon for her?
Re: OOC thread

I was planning on a time warp since the prologue is 11 years before the actual game start. The court won't be more than a few posts and after that is pretty much downtime type stuff.
Re: OOC thread

Sounds good to me
Re: OOC thread

Just wondering what my current Blood pool, will power, and damage points are sitting at, and if I have any experience.

I'm figuring that living alone and hermit like has left Anabelle without much else socially.
Re: OOC thread

I'll be sure to PM everyone that information when you get into chapter 1, so if I forget remind me and let me know what you spend it on.

Feel free to describe an inn or a tavern or even certain areas of the city as you travel through them. London's more than big enough to fit the handful of important locations in with whatever you guy's make. Think of it as cooperative storytelling.
Re: OOC thread

I thought I should point out a few things. You can always tell another Cainite when you run into them, unless they are hidden by obfuscate or have taken extreme measures to hide their nature. As such I'll always let you know if an NPC is another Cainite.

If you have auspex you might notice hidden things or get basically something like a spider sense about something. It doesn't always happen though so I wouldn't depend on it. You also can't read auras at a simple glance it takes a few moments of good, hard staring to pick out an aura. Most Cainite's will find this rude, especially since they know what you're doing.

If you read a fellow player's aura and they let you I'll let them tell you how they're feeling. If it's an NPC I'll describe it with the color and hue and then spoiler what it means. No cheating for the rest of you though or you might get eaten by drop bears later that night.

Most of the colors are fairly obvious: red is anger, blue is sad, green is lust, etc.. Vampires or other undead usually have a pale aura, humans are a normal aura, and if I say you see a bright red aura you had better hope you're not the slowest person in the group.

That's all I think of at the moment, any questions?
Re: OOC thread

Mmkay, thanks for the reminder. I looked up the Auspex rules on the White Wolf wiki and it was saying that each level of auspex let you read auras at a greater distance or some such - but I'd forgotten the exact rules. I'll go ahead and play it out like you said from now on.
Re: OOC thread

No problem and I see what had you confused. The reading of auras at a greater distance is the entry for how they handled auspex in VTM: Bloodlines, the video game. Seriously though if I describe the aura as very bright, run. The only thing with a brighter aura than a normal human is a Garou and they don't like you, though they might let you live if you leave quickly enough.

Also am I right in assuming that Anabelle is still hiding her femininity, Sinful?
Re: OOC thread

For the most part. She isn't trying as hard as before, but she is putting some effort into it.
Re: OOC thread

Roger that, she probably doesn't have to try that hard since her appearance wouldn't have changed any over the years. With the exception of her clothing being dirtier, maybe.
Re: OOC thread

Is her disguise enough to fool Vezina at level 2 Auspex? Or can we assume that the Tzimisce sees enough telltale signs to recognize her gender?
Re: OOC thread

Honestly I would say to just role play and decide that amongst yourselves. Though I don't think it would be that difficult to pierce Anabelle's disguise if Vezina wanted to. The question is more would why would Vezina be trying to pierce her disguise unless she had a reason to think Anabelle is a female. Most Cainite's don't really care about gender, since it doesn't actually matter to them in the slightest.

Jourdain only realized Anabelle was female when he put his hand to her throat to try and stop the bleeding in the prologue. I'm sure you'll eventually realize that sort of stuff about each other since you are meant to be a coterie though.
Re: OOC thread

Honestly I would say to just role play and decide that amongst yourselves. Though I don't think it would be that difficult to pierce Anabelle's disguise if Vezina wanted to. The question is more would why would Vezina be trying to pierce her disguise unless she had a reason to think Anabelle is a female. Most Cainite's don't really care about gender, since it doesn't actually matter to them in the slightest.

Jourdain only realized Anabelle was female when he put his hand to her throat to try and stop the bleeding in the prologue. I'm sure you'll eventually realize that sort of stuff about each other since you are meant to be a coterie though.

Just wanted to know if it were a thing she would notice at a glance or not.
Re: OOC thread

Oh sorry, I doubt it. Anabelle's voice is pretty rough thanks to being slit while she was a human and most of the other obvious features are pretty easy to cover up and have been.
Re: OOC thread

Oh sorry, I doubt it. Anabelle's voice is pretty rough thanks to being slit while she was a human and most of the other obvious features are pretty easy to cover up and have been.

Aye, pretty much this. She wears the cloak around most of the time, and lots of guys had long hair back then.
Re: OOC thread

However not many men were named Anabelle, I'm guessing?
Re: OOC thread

Not many. But maybe. Medieval times were weird.
Re: OOC thread

I'm guessing there probably wasn't that many of either sex named Anabelle in the Dark Ages. At least I'm pretty sure it's a more modern variation of Anna, I could be wrong though. I'm not exactly a nameologist.

Also strangely enough the Normans were pretty friendly with the Scots at this point in time. Granted they were probably only friendly because the Normans were more busy with the Saxons and the Welsh, that and there were still small border kingdoms between the two of them. Of course the games more fantasy than history lesson so knock yourselves out, I just thought it was a funny tidbit to share.
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