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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Well I feel a lot better knowing people have just been busy and didn't forget about it. Though I have to say, with the exception of Sinful you all fooled me with your preferred clans. Not that it's a bad thing just that they surprise me is all.

I'm most definitely not an expert but I found that when I made the 2 Malkavians in LoTN. It was far easier to just make a normal character and then add the crazy afterwards, at least it worked better for me that way.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, all my character creation process is weird. I start at the end and work backwards, is what works best for me. I need to figure out the what and the why, and once I do, the how comes about as fast as I can type it. I'm just lacking for inspiration at the moment, I think.
Re: OOC thread

Eh it's not to weird, all my characters are made differently each time I make one. Sometimes they come out really easy, sometimes they just keep evolving constantly as I play them.

Malk's can be hard to get inspired for as well, especially since you don't want to come out as a Fishmalk. Which is why I despise their clanbook, it makes em sound like they're all Fishmalks.

I was wondering if I should make like a basic timeline for what''s been going on in like the last 40 years or so for everyone to get a gist of the time period they're in. Not sure if it would help anyone more than it might confuse them though. I was also wondering if I should put up a gist of the roads or just let everyone discover them in game.
Re: OOC thread

That might actually be helpful. Knowledge is power, after all.
Re: OOC thread

Okey-dokey then, gives me something to work on while everyone works on their characters. Now if I could only remember where I set my book for the roads, since I can't remember all of them.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, a quick timeline and some knowledge on the roads would be good. My character being from Scotland should perhaps know some of the travel information.
Re: OOC thread

That's not what I quite meant by roads. The roads are sort of like vampire religions or more like paths of morality. In modern times they don't come up since the Camarilla is assumed to follow the Path of Humanity but in the Dark Ages there were several and they were fairly common since religion tended to be more powerful at the time. You don't have to follow one or really worry about them but the option is there if you want it.
Re: OOC thread

oh... well then I'd certainly like to see what's available.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah the other type of roads don't really exist, unless it's one of the old Roman ones. Not exactly that safe to travel on either with bandits, wolves, etc. The safest way to travel would be by ship but even that's not great since they they don't really go beyond the sight of land and there's pirates, both Lasombra and human, especially in the Mediterranean.
Re: OOC thread

True enough. Though I'm sure there's a few beaten down dirt paths... that would also be plagued by wolves and bandits and thieves... and drowned out during the rains.
Not to mention the fact that people still believe in things like dragons, not to mention vampires and werewolves. Making traveling even more dangerous since there's likely not much to save you if you do run into trouble.

I really like the character, Spider. He breaks the usual stereotype of all Toreador being pretty/handsome but still fits very well in the clan. The only problem I see is that a sire wouldn't just throw out their child so to speak. At least not without presenting them to the Prince but it's not really a major point as that gives me the perfect means to come up with a prologue. So I'll just put the stamp of approval on it, though you should still feel free to add on or change things after looking it over.
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Re: OOC thread

Isn't it a hundred years or so before the formation of the Camarilla though? Vampire communities are pretty much run by whomever puts the most effort in to be respected or feared, so unless they want an accounting of everyone you sire, you should be free to pretty well embrace whoever you like. Now granted, I don't actually know much of anything about medieval vampire culture, that's just my educated guess about what was going on at the time.
Re: OOC thread

Well actually the modern society at least that of the Camarilla is based on the vampire society at this point in time. Though for the most part they aren't as strict about some of the traditions since they don't fear humans at this time.

Presentation of a new childe might actually not be to a Prince at this time though, instead the child was often presented to their grandsire or the eledest clan member in the area at least with the high clans. The low clans not so much since the Prince probably doesn't care what they do as much unless problems occur that is.

So yeah not as big of a deal and I wouldn't change how he has it written since it does provide me with a perfect avenue for the prologue.
Re: OOC thread

Found my charrie. Sadly, he's from back in the day when backstory didn't matter too much in my friends' games, but given that his backstory *is* one of my stories, he's got something. I suppose I just need to tailor it for what you've got going on now. God, it's so strange looking over an old character sheet like that. And I scared my ST *laughs* She was over when I grabbed my old character sheet folder and she looks at me and goes "Are those *all* characters?" (The folder was, roughly, about an inch thick.) "Yup." "You know, I forget how long you've been doing this until I see stuff like that." "Wanna see the first incarnation of Steph?" *passes over Brujah sheet* "Oh, and here she is when she was a mage for the first time. Last name's different, though, but same idea." *passes over Akashic sheet* ST: "Ah, never really was big on the intelligence, was she?" "Nope."
Re: OOC thread

I was going to say that only an inch thick folder isn't that impressive when I realized you meant it was just for the WOD characters, makes more sense now that I realize that.

If you need any help fixing things just let me know. I'm around though it might take me a little longer since I keep getting distracted by saving the people of Gotham City.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, come to think of it, those were just White Wolf characters. Then there was the *other* folder full of character sheets. That one's probably two, if not three. Not to mention I have a "master copy" folder, though that one's not nearly as thick.

And yeah, I found Marcus. I might do somethig up for him, but to be honest, I'm sort of getting out of the mood for it. Then again, I've just recently started a Victoriana campaign (think Victorian England + Magic + Demons) so that might help me get into the proper mindset (even if your game is set earlier, heheheh.) I'll see if I can't toss something up. I just haven't decided what to do with him yet as far as background goes. I think that's the hangup.
Re: OOC thread

Well I've been pretty distracted with my new game this week so it's not like I'm in the perfect mood right now. Thankfully I only have one side quest and a few riddler trophies before I can do everything again in the plus setting. So give me a few more days and I should be more in the mood to get this started.

@Sinful: I was planning on doing a prologue for everyone but it doesn't have to cover the characters embrace. So you could either take care of that part of your back story on your own and your prologue would be something else or that can be your prologue. Other than that everything looks fine on the character sheet.

Also my space bar seems to broken, it took me twice as long to type this as it should have since I had to correct every other word.
Re: OOC thread

Ack. Broken keys on the keyboard suck, especially that one. And yeah, still not feeling it, tbh. If it's all right, I may drop in later, if that's at all feasible, but right now, I just can't wrap my head around coming up with another character. Sorry, Ronny :/
Re: OOC thread

Meh it's not too bad as long as I remember that it's broken so I can fix as I type. It's okay you do have an awful lot of games going on to be coming up with another character. Maybe later on as you said.
Re: OOC thread

Well I've been pretty distracted with my new game this week so it's not like I'm in the perfect mood right now.


... fun game.