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(OOC) DND Unchained Chat

Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

It's coming up right now, and yes everyone gets shared xp. I'll announce when everyone levels up since I'm tracking xp. You can also gain corruption if you want, just let me know if you want it, and if it was willing or unwilling.

And yes, America loves drugs. Pills are little pellets of heaven to us. Wait, did you say weed? OH MY GOD NO, WE'RE NOT SAVAGE

Eh, if you dun wanna do off-screen corruption I dun mind it either. Anyway, posting my characters intro!
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

One question on the 'chained' status thing. If someone gets chained (three failures) do they like, teleport away? Or does it just disable them and keep them from being healed out of being chained for the rest of the fight?
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

One question on the 'chained' status thing. If someone gets chained (three failures) do they like, teleport away? Or does it just disable them and keep them from being healed out of being chained for the rest of the fight?

Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

After personal deliberation with this beta build idea for dnd sex combat rules, I'm pondering giving characters advantage on saving throws when avoiding being taken advantage of when an enemy strikes a PC or NPC, but increasing the DC at the same time, but not by much. The idea being, I kind of want to find a balance of likelihood where it happens just enough, and not too much, towards a character that is fit to be in the front lines. The aim is to make the chances of someone fit to be dodging to be at most 25% to be grabbed. Obviously higher for people that can't dodge/wrestle, since they don't want to be in melee regardless.

After that first fight, I want to hear what you guys thoughts are. I know grave would prefer game over rape (which means it might happen once in a year of playing this due to how easy it is to stay alive), but in line with combat rape, I want to hear your thoughts.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I'm not sure I fully understood what you wrote. You want to give advantage to rolls to avoid being grapple raped but to boost the difficulty of it? Hm. I think that depends what the dcs would be. It might make no diffrence at all or all the diffrence depending.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

Well, I'm picturing someone with a good # in their stat without profiency having a +3 bonus. I kicked the difficulty down by 2-4 from 13 at it's lowest, but I still feel the odds are too high.

With something like a goblin, the odds of getting snatched up would be 35% because if you roll a 7 or lower with +3 vs DC11, keeping in mind you want 11 and up to succeed. If I bumped this up to DC13, then the odds would become 45%, BUT you roll twice because of advantage, lowering the odds to somewhere just above 20%. Which I think is a much more comfortable number.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I would like to see game over rape before next year, and I think this combat system makes even difficult fights easy. I think instead of having all the enemies focus on raping a downed person. You should probably redirect the focus once someone is chained. The second rolling system would also work well with a debuff, when someone is chained make other’s lose their advantage to getting grappled. That should make combat a bit more difficult, and actually gives us a chance to lose.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

A 20% lewdities chance would statically make for at least two in combat rapes each fight, if we assume equal opponents numberwise, after all those chances apply per player per sucessful gropey attack.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I'm not sure if debuffing others for letting one person get downed is a good idea.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I'd say we probably won't see equal numbers very often is all.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I've kind of acknowledged that it makes an actual loss less likely, but I think I kind of have to do that so I won't make my players grumpy. Cuz as you saw, despite the fact you mentioned it STILL created some grumpiness. Imagine if it made dnd harder?

On the flipside... Maybe a max of two enemies violating a character at once, then the rest go off to hump someone else. Granted, the scene before could repeat if they all miss, and the last one to attack becomes the second dick in the chimney. Then you'll see the whole one person tanking again.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

Well I mean one person tanking makes sense, when its a tank. Though the whole 'everyone jump on one character' I wasn't necassary but not overkill there to down anyone, but i think where it started to get a bit overkill was when they seemed to ignore everyone that was smashing them just to go after Laya more, so maybe the 'two at most violating a character' would be the good way to go there.

As for the advantage roll but with a harder DC, I have no issue with that one, like Fmouko I'm actually fine with seeing the party getting downed at times so don't really mind the challenge either way. Just feel it might be a bit better to have something of a more even distribution of attacks (even if they outnumber us go like 2-3 to 1 and spread it out) then the 'Hey, lets fuck this one and ignore the others approach' the kobolds took there.

If anything that might make it a bit more challenging as they could take down multiple party members a turn instead of just one. (And still be a bit less salt inducing)
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Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I don’t know why, the grapple system so far gives us a huge advantage. It immobilizes enemies, and now enemies are even immobilized when we’re down, couple that with the fact that this game already heavily favors the PC’s, I don’t see why you should give us more of an advantage. Normally when a person gets downed, you don’t immobilize a single enemy after all.

I even feel that when a character orgasms, they should lose HP, so enemies didn’t waste 3 turns raping a girl and literally doing nothing but gives us an advantage to hit them. However, I can see how some people might have issues with this, since this is purely based around combat and disregarding the trauma RP thing.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

*chuckles* I feel like things get bogged down in mechanics. What stops you from describing taking damage in a sexual way, grapples or not, I fondly recall a horse-futa that had a very.. special unarmed secondary attack in an arena challenge, for example.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

Agreeing with both above. I think as long as you spread the enemies out a bit more to not be like "The GM has decided you specifically die." Then I don't really see the system currently being needed to tone back, and I figured it'd just be a matter of time before some creatures would inflict trauma damage outside of grapples there Pervy, but probably something for later then level 1 kinda stuff.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I guess things would be weird if you brought out the rapedemons by level 1..*sulks a bit*
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat


So, given recent thoughts, I offer my thoughts, and offerings for you all to decide upon.

First thought: Dnd gets harder. A failed save in this case means you suffer the same conditions as Grappled though with the afore mentioned ways of escape or dealing with it. So, failing a save means you are put into such a condition that you are given few actions other than to escape it or fight while in it. Same as before, suffering 3 turns of violation in an encounter results in an orgasm, unless you made your Charisma rolls. You orgasm, you roll one more time for trauma, and are stunned. You also suffer an instance of Exhaustion. This can add up, and only a short rest will remove one instance of this kind of sex induced exhaustion. A long rest will heal 3 instances, equal to 3 short rests. This is true even on the current beta rules, but five exhaustion status effect and your character is defeated and only rest will allow them to even move. This can result in PC's being helpless in grapples.

Second thought: Dnd gets harder a different way, taking sex damage will cause you to lose HP based off of the monster's CR, with the idea being that a failed check means the enemy does not need to roll for AC, but they also do reduced damage. (A kobold will deal 2 damage/turn. A goblin will deal 4.)

Third Thought: Same as 2nd, but the damage only occurs on orgasm, in addition to the exhaustion effects.

Final thought: If the alternatives sound horrible and fuck it just keep it the same with the rule of 2 dicks only.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

NG+ Final Thought: Attacking an enemy in a grapple with an ally, you either take a disadvantage to avoid hitting your alley, or you roll normally and if you fail you hit your friend instead. No other rules change, other than the ones I wanted before with avoiding the grapple in the first place.
Re: (OOC) DnD: Unchained Out of Character Chat

I'd say third one, with how easily we seem to be able to get orgasmed I don't think it'll make to much of a difference whether its per turn or per orgasm. Though the NG+ Thought would probably be the largest difficulty difference and I would say to leave that out for now but keep it in mind if the games end up feeling really too easy.