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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Gotcha. Survival instincts could serve to let her do blood stuff if necessary.

And no, no defense against spankings. *Corrine eyes Charlotte warily, what's that she's hiding behind her back?*
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Just watched the Spike/Drusilla intro episode again. They are both so hot. So well acted too.

It would be so hot to be fed on by both at the same time... especially if ya know. Didn't die. :eek:

Also, I've decided that Drusilla is a Lasombra that diablerized a Malkavian (at least in terms of DotD :D )
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I know we're all excited to move on to the vampy portion of our character's lives.

I was wondering though - would anyone be interested in a kind of "one shot prey" thread? It would be something where you'd come up with random characters and get preyed on by various vampires in the city. Your characters wouldn't die or anything (unless you wanted them to I guess), but they wouldn't get turned to vampires very often either. They'd just be simple prey. :) It wouldn't be as detailed as the regular threads obviously - more like little short one shot encounters, and you could make as many "prey" characters as you like. I just wondered if anyone would be interested in that idea.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I'd be willing to try it out.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

GRRR, I'm so perturbed right now it's not funny. I was listening to a great playlist on youtube earlier which apparently disappeared within a few hours. I was going to listen to it again while I made my posts here and in OtN, now I've lost my inspiration juice. In the immortal words of Snoopy, "Curse you Red Baron."

Maybe I'll be able to remember most of the songs, though I doubt it since there was 47 of them.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Awwww.. that sucks Ronny! Take your time. *huggles.*
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I did manage to find it so now I just need to make a post here while it hopefully inspires me. Here's the list should you somehow not have enough songs to listen to already, I somehow doubt that's the case with you.

I think a lot of them work well with my character since he is a child of the 80's, if any of the NPC's are about the same age or were embraced in the 80's it might inspire you a little, too.

I might look into doing a one shot thingy assuming I have the time, if only to help you flesh out more NPC's for the greater game.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Thanks Ronny. I can never have enough songs. :)

You don't have to do Midnight Snacks if you don't want to. It's just for fun. But of course if you do want to, that's great.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

For some reason I had the feeling you would say that. I highly suggest listening to "I Want Your Hand On Me" from the playlist for if you decide to reread Ali's embrace at some point. It's very fitting but try not to make a mess.

These two songs are also really good though they aren't on the playlist, I just found them from the playlist. Actually the entire soundtracks from Fright Night, Lost Boys, and Night of the Demons are great in general but especially for vampires.

I think it sounds like fun but I do have enough trouble keeping up with the normal game and my game. Granted you do as well. Maybe we could just cut out eating or sleeping.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yeah I guess I'm a masochist, but I think it'll be fun.

Then again I guess anyone that thinks one of the hottest things ever is being bitten on the neck and elsewhere by a vampire might be a masochist.

Should have some posts soon, but I've been having kind of an extended Buffy marathon lately, hehe.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I think she likes making messes Ronny. Besides, she makes such lovely ones.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Well if you like the biting as much as you enjoy the getting bit part that would technically make you a sado-masochist. But seeing as I don't have to clean up the mess you can be what ever you want.

And take your time with the Buffython, I'll probably be busy watching all my 80's horror movies over the weekend.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I'm not gonna say who, but you guys seem really lucky whenever I actually decide to throw some dice. lol
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Who else thinks it would be hilarious if Zorro's loyal steed Toronado turned out to be an oldsmobile rather than a horse?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

VW Bug, bright red, with racing stripes.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Hey guys and gals. Rules modification!

After talking with Blue, I decided it would be fun for us vampires to be able to have blood sucking good times without necessarily having to bind ourselves to other vampires in the process.

Instead of the usual rule that drinking from another vampire automatically binds you to them in three steps, I'm gonna make "Blood Binding" an ability that you have to activate just like Masquerading, Dominate, etc.

Basically if you want to bind a vampire to yourself, you have to "will it" by spending 3 BP to activate the Blood Bind ability. If the vampire doing the biting isn't being consensually bound, they'll have a small chance to resist using the mental stat. If they are bound, it'll be the same rules as in 3 steps to total binding.

Anyways, feel free to go nom nom on your vampire friends... as long as you trust them not to bind you. ;)
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Editted in a bit more on my last post, felt it ended too abruptly. Nora Jones apparently sung that song in 2002 so I'm off by two years, but darn it, I wanted it. ;) Maybe Daughters can hear music from the near future?

Obviously I approve of the blood binding house rule. Finally vampires are free to love again!
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Nice addition. I was planning a Melpominee lesson anyway, but that just makes it easier.

I'd say hearing near future music is okay for a Daughter. It's coming from the muse after all. ;)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Hey Rangie, do you think that it might be neat for each major NPC and PC to have their own theme music that would enter a Daughter's head momentarily when they walk into the room?

Sort of like how opera's blend in a character theme into the main score when they appear or say something?