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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Haha, I was kinda thinking that at the time but didn't wanna mess up the mojo. lol
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

shivers and delight.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I'm so glad you liked it. :D

And now I guess all of the embraces are complete, you little fledglings you.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Congratulations to the class of 2013!

*everyone tosses cowled capes in the air*
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Apologies if Corrine is just seeming such a mental mess. Maybe she was destined to be a Malkavian after all. I'm having her calm down now. Rational side is taking over.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Haha, no need to apologize. It would probably be weird if she wasn't a little freaked out, all things considered.

You don't have to be Malkavian to be batty either. Though I kinda half wondered to myself how much of a stretch it would be for it to turn out that Corrine's guess about the hospital bed was actually true!
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Well technically there is one more embrace to finish but you aren't doing that one. You know I thought Lionel was just a crazy Toreador all this time, well actually how do you tell apart a Toreador and a Malkavian in the first place.

And I uh really feel I must mention that unless the vampire is at least a couple hundred years old or really, really snooty they would never use the term Cainite, instead opting for the more modern kindred. Well they might use it in the Sabbat actually since they consider themselves the Sword of Caine but not in the Camarilla and most definitely not amongst the Anarchs. The Camarilla of course denies the existence of Caine and the antediluvians as nothing more than myth and if you insist on telling lies they have some archons who would like a word with you. The Anarchs of course despise all elders and would kick your ass for even offering them a boon much less calling them a Cainite. I realize I use it all the time in my game but there is a bit of time between the two and any of the characters active in OtN would at the very least be incredibly powerful elders or more likely methuselahs so they wouldn't care what anyone else thinks other than the other methuselahs that is.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Thanks for the info - I guess I might be using "cainite" too much. I'm not sure what the problem is though because Nikki said that she thinks both terms are stupid and likes "vampires" instead, and that would be consistent with what you said right?

Besides just because organizations and clans are supposed to be a certain way doesn't mean everyone's the same. It says a lot in the handbook that the rules are basically just guidelines and they shouldn't take the place of creativity.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Cainite is an archaic term mainly reserved for use by the priests and ductus of the psuedo-religious, insane cult that is the Sabbat.

It's not that it's incorrect, it's that a punk rebel type probably wouldn't even know enough about the term to bother mentioning it.

Edit: I guess also that since Caine and the antideluvians are supposed to be fictional bogeymen according to the Camirilla's official party line, to say the word Cainite would be sort've legitimizing the Sabbat.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

So... what? Do y'all want me to edit the posts or something?

And here I thought it was a cool line.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Nah. I think we were just being nerdy with the lore.

All hail Caine! Or Lilith!

However the inclusion of Lucifer's name as an 'ancestor' was really interesting in final curtain call. If Ronny had said that, I'd be worried that Corrine was about to be inducted into the Infernals.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

You know, with nitpicking like this, it's possible that you guys are going to hit upon something that's important down the road and most definitely intentionally left in as a sign :p I tell you, in the games I run, I have to constantly yell at people that things are like that "for a reason", while barely restraining the urge to strike them down with lightning for using OOC knowledge :p
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

*strikes down all with lightning and cackles with glee as the grand antediluvian while drinking Buffy's blood.*

Ranger Princess's Character Sheet: You Lose. Even Caine.

Edit: In case anyone was wondering, I had my hands over my head, wrists crossed then chopped downwards to conjure said lightning bolts. The rivers sloshed fiercely with brilliant red waves and other various things of that nature.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

That was pretty hot GM fiat action.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I didn't mean to make it sound like I was telling you that it has to be a certain way. I thought maybe you were using the term Cainite because it's what I always use in OtN and I was trying to helpfully correct it since it isn't really the same game. Sorry.

As suggested I won't use any OOC knowledge from now on after all it's your game and you might have changed things for a reason.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Well... I do actually need help sometimes. I mean it's such a vast game with so much history that you guys know a lot better than I do, but then again at the same time I like to be able to build my own world and I hope that the stuff I build is actually fun.

It's just that sometimes when stuff like that happens I start to feel like geez what am I doing trying to be a GM/ST.

But yeah I guess it was a pretty cool fiat action, heh.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Exciting post, RP.

Like I asked in the thread in spoiler, I'm guessing that Corrine doesn't know how to do any blood powers yet, being a brand spanking new vamp. Is there any ability she might know to do by instinct?

Regarding your GMing, I think you're doing great. :D
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. :)

As far as spanking new vamps... yes please, I mean...

Fortitude is a passive power at least for natural kinds of damage, so she'd have that extra physical resistance. However, in order to resist supernatural damage, it requires focusing and learning.

Melpominee I would say requires daughter mojo, so probably not.

Presence actually might be one that could be instinctual. The way I see sublime magnetism is kind of a confidence thing. Even though Eliza doesn't know presence, I think she's a good example. She's just a really confident person when she's not being paranoid. That doesn't mean she has to be like Eliza... it's just the example that came to mind. So if you feel like presence would be a natural ability for Corrine, it might be instinctual (a la Harry Potter talking to snakes and then everyone being like wtf?) If not, it would require more focusing and learning to conjure it.

*goes back to nomming the Slayer*
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Freshman vamp hazing ritual, break out the paddles. ;)

How instinctual are the basic blood abilities? Could Corrine raise her strength/dexterity/stamina with blood points yet? Likewise, does she know how to use blood healing?

Most of these powers she'd figure out on her own eventually. The vast majority of Gangrel do. But she's only been a vampire for about 5 minutes and there's a potential situation coming up.

Regarding presence, I'm going to say that Corrine is confident when she's in her element, but that's not the case right now. She's too frazzled, too vulnerable. She won't always be that way.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

She doesn't know the basic blood abilities, but she might be able to use them. I'm thinking it's something where the beast is aware of those powers that she has as a vampire. So if the beast gets irked about something, maybe Corrine could naturally raise some of her stats. Or if she got injured, maybe the beast would know what to do to heal. I don't mean that Corrine frenzies. More just like an attunement with her inner beast, especially in situations that call for self defense.

No defenses against spanking though. :p lol