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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yep, I think it's fun to think about what things were like back then. Cell phones were getting more popular, but not nearly what they are today. Definitely no smart phones. Underworld wasn't a movie yet. Interview with the Vampire, Blade, and Bram Stoker's had all been made. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a big show in its third season. (I'm sure one of my NPCs would love to get their undead hands all over Sarah Michelle Gellar :p )

Bill Clinton was still president. We were only on book 4 of Harry Potter. Napster was HUGE and new. DVDs were becoming more popular. On MTV, they actually played music videos, and TRL was a popular show. And yeah, Philly sports fans weren't happy campers.

That's all I can think of right now.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

nahh.... there weren't walkie talkie phones back in 2000... think about it, the Matrix came out in 2000, and there were small cell phones in that movie, even stylish. The real difference that there were no tablets and "texting" wasn't widely implemented, at least not from phones. Walkie-talkie cells were early 90s I think.

Edit: Random memory - I think the original Half-Life game was still the FPS of choice, at least for people I knew.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I didn't go on these trips until at least 2003 through, so.... Granted, by walkie talkie I meant this, not bricks:

I also live in a very rural area too where the more fancy phones probably weren't supported by the network anyway. We only got 4G about 6 months ago.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Also Ranger Princess had braces and was in 8th grade. She thought she was fashionable but was not. She didn't know she was a lesbian yet, was obsessed with Creed, and definitely would have loved the thought of Mark Tremonti or Brad Pitt sinking fangs into her neck. She had posters of both on her wall and watched Buffy.

Also: Titanic was FREAKING HUGE, but she only watched it twice unlike some of her friends who watched it 27 times.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I was only in 4th grade, hadn't had my leg operation yet, was a very skinny and fast kid, and liked watching anime on tv which I didn't realize was anime yet. Oh, and I was still an evil genius even back then ;)

Oh, and i hated titanic, due to the unfortunate choice of name for the main characters. My sister and I were born BEFORE that came out, so obviously we are NOT named after them. I mean seriously, how stupid are some people (even adults). I mean now a days if people don't remember when it came out, that's more understandable, but at the time... seriously x.x
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Thinking upon the year 2000 is going to make me feel old. Realizing that well over a decade has come and gone since that time is quite sobering. Yeesh.

The good news is that I can harness these distant memories of teenage angst and my current feelings of regret, sublimating them into my vampire PC. Obviously, this was the reason to set it in the year 2000.

Oh hey, remember when "In the year 2000" was still a forward-thinking sketch on the Conan O'Brian show?

Yeah... so old.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Dear lord what have I done. If Blue feels old I guess that makes me at least an elder.

I spent most of 2000 stationed in California for language school. At the time I had no scars, no tattoos, and didn't need glasses to see more than 10 feet away. It was the year I first drank alcohol and also the year that I lost my virginity thanks in large part to the aforementioned movie Titanic.

I don't remember anyone really having a cell phone in 2000. However I got my first one in 2001 when I went to Korea and it was pretty small and stylish so they existed. Buffy was awesome and forget your NPC's I would love to get my hands all over her. For gaming in the barracks we mostly played either Starsiege: Tribes or Counterstrike and I had the fastest internet connection with my mighty T1 connection, everyone else had 56k.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Did I kill this thing again because if so I really have to stop doing that.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Nah, you didn't kill anything Ronny. We're just in awe of your strapping good looks.

And I'm thinking of how to get Buffy involved in the RP now. And flopping around cause knowing long posts imminent.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Strapping good looks :confused: Oh I see you take something to help you keep going. Does it make you feel funny sometimes?

Well it wouldn't be that odd for a hunter to be running around in a city the size of Phillie. I know the feeling I'm always flopping around and my posts aren't usually as long as yours.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

So if a Buffy is gonna be running around, which one of us is gonna be Angel? Which one's gonna be Spike?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Well I guess we would have to come to some kind of agreement on their respective clans to decide that. My personal take of the two is as follows.

For Angel I would probably lean most toward a Brujah, though you could probably make really good arguments for Malkavian with his psychopathic split personality Angelus. Of course if you're looking for a darker game, Angel could just be a front that Angelus the evil master mind puts on for his nefarious plots in which case I would say Lasombra.

Spike and Drusilla, since she was his sire, I would probably lean towards Toreador. He was William the Bloody after all and no one said the Toreador were good at art just that they tend to be involved with it in some way.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Man I've -never- watched Buffy.

Also I don't remember a damn thing about what I was doing in 2000. <_> I was and continue to be an oblivious fuck, playing whatever vidya I had at the time and not giving a shit about music or movies. By my estimation I was... shit, I think I was in 4th grade then? I don't think I even had my N64 and PS1 and shit yet, NES and SNES errday. Hmm... maybe Pokeymans Blue and a Gameboy Pocket, too.

The PS2 came out in 2000, dang. Definitely didn't have that, then. Paper Mario was '01, too...

Feelin' pretty derpy measuring history via videogames instead of actually relatable popular culture, also <_>
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Those evil guys always seemed to have a soft spot for Buffy. ;)

Spike is a toughy because Drusilla reminded me a lot of a Lasombra - kinda snotty, but she also had a capacity for goodness and was more than a little insane. <3 Spike also had a major sire crush on her (I don't blame him really. She was really hot. I would be freaking crawling around at her feet.) He even tried to get a love potion to seduce her! I guess that's not totally uncommon for vampires of any clan though. I could see him as a Toreador or a Lasombra.

Angel reminds me more of a Ventrue for some reason, but the Malkavian and Lasombra stories are pretty cool too.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

It's okay Blarg, I don't think I was doing much else when I was in fourth grade. Of course you might have to replace the NES with Atari in my case, but it boils down to roughly the same thing. I would count video games as pop culture myself as well.

Lasombra usually don't have much of a capacity for goodness but I could still see both of them as Lasombra now that you mention it. And of course he's in love with her the blood bond is a powerful thing and her being his sire means that he's at least partially bound. That blood binding will make a person do some crazy things.

Actually now that you mention it I could see Angel as a Ventrue, too. He does work for a law firm and he can be a bit of a stuffed shirt at times.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Man I've -never- watched Buffy.


Just kidding.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Blarg, I should be galled at you for not having seen Buffy, but in fact, I avoided watching Buffy when it was airing regularly because I thought it sounded just so ridiculous and I didn't much like the idea of turning vampire slaying into a comedy. I also wasn't aware of Joss Whedon's abilities as a writer at that time. (I discovered him with the prematurely canceled Firefly fiasco).

However, my better half owns the entire series on DVD and I watched it a couple years ago. Was worth it. Clever, entertaining stuff. Angel's kind of annoying to me, but that's only because I don't get why people think he's good-looking. Apparently I'm wrong on this issue, or so I've been informed.

Then again, some people also find Benedict Cumberbatch handsome and I have NO idea what they're on about. I think he looks like an alien. (For Blarg's benefit, Cumberbatch is the bad guy in that new Star Trek film, he also portrays a very interesting take on Sherlock Holmes in the British TV series "Sherlock")
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Bluey and Benedict, sittin' in a tree - K I S S I N G!

Actually, I agree with you on Angel. I never realllyyyy liked him too much. When I was watching back then, I had more of a crush on Spike. I liked blondy bad boys - what can I say, I'm half German.

Anyway, later on, I learned the folly of my ways and converted to blondie girls. (I like lots of hair colors really...)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

>.> My TV was always tuned to Cartoon Network and Toonami. Unless my parents were watching things, in which case it was, like... the local fishing show, or maybe Charmed, or Xena or whatever. ...Shit, that's all the shows I can think of. I have no idea what they watched back then. <_>

So bad at TV and stuff. I haven't seen so many of them there good TVs. No Firefly or BSG or anything. <_>

Also regarding handsome people it's all about young Princess-Bride-Cary-Elwes and current-day-Johnny-Depp