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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Promethean is an interesting concept, I've read the corebook. Trouble is that, even moreso than Mage, it seems designed for a 1 on 1 game. Each of the characters is dealing with loneliness, about the fact that wherever they go, whatever or whomever they choose to hang onto, it all starts to degrade, and they're forced to realize that the kindest thing they can do for people and places they choose to love is to move on and not be around them.

Kinda demoralizing.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)


I haven't read Promethean, though being the Terminator sounds fun.

When I think Promethean, tbh, I think of the DUNGEONS: THE DRAGONING version (that's not to be confused with plain ol' Dungeons & Dragons, incidentally; it's a fan creation consisting of practically all the RPGs mashed together), which are full-prosthetic or completely artificial super-cyborgs, basically. The little picture they get is Major Motoko from yon Ghost in the Shell, though I assume her source material lacks the Disquiet mechanic they get. Which I'm assuming is part of their WoD mechanics?

Also, so how 'bout them fan-books.

I was recommended once. I guess talking about giving people lightsaber teeth will do that. It is slightly hard to wrap my head around, also, aaa.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Ah Dungeons: the Dragoning, the most frightful amalgam of games I've ever seen. Well unless you count Samuel Haight that is. Behold the most illogical WoD character ever made.

The only fan made book that comes to mind for me is Senshi: the Merchandising. I think there was a Highlander one that someone made also but I don't remember it's name.

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

It was Highlander: the Gathering.

I read it over, not bad stuff, but it seemed a little silly to try and incorporate it into WoD. Imho a werewolf in Crinos form would have ripped off Duncan MacCloud's head without breaking a sweat, but according the rules, an Immortal with a high level of quickening has the ability to buff all physical attributes for a scene, gain extra actions every turn a la high level celerity, and can regenerate every turn like a werewolf.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yeah, that was it. Honestly though it would have been silly anywhere not just in the world of darkness. When the main star of your movie is Christopher Lambert playing a highlander after being taught by Sean Connery an Egyptian Spaniard it's hard to take any of I seriously. Besides what can't a Garou kill within a few turns especially when in crinos form.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

What can't a Garou kill? Uh... I dunno. The Wyrm?

Silly Werewolf games.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I guess there is the Wyrm. They also apparently couldn't kill the Ravnos antediluvian, or Samuel Haight, or Mithras. The latter two I'm not really sure why since one is perfectly mortal and the other is just an elder vampire. He is a bad ass elder vampire but he shouldn't be able to fight Garou packs and win like he apparently used to do.

My thoughts exactly.

Also, argh it's Lestat. Thankfully it's the not the Tom Cruise version though.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Hopefully it's not really Lestat. But yeah, oh my! Corrine would let that guy bite her.

And yeah, Werewolves need to be reined in. The way the metaplot works, the vampires have somehow managed to not be killed off by werewolf packs, and not only that, have actually been winning the nightly war against them. Rules don't support this fact though.

I guess you could carry around silver but wait... Garou are so badass, they'll carry around giant silver glaives anyway, just to taunt you.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I can support that claim. The only LARP I've ever played, the ST brought me in as a Garou using a sheet that he made for me, allegedly a starting character without any special treatment, and told me to start killing vampires, which was everyone else. I literally ran through about 2/3rds of a 30 person group, many of them in groups of 2-6, and only stopped because we ran out of time irl. I killed the prince too, if I recall correctly, and wasn't invited back because the players were super pissed at me over butchering so many of them. This was well before I was actually familiar with WoD and I can't tell you how the fuck my sheet worked, but yeah, werewolves be OP as fuck yo.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

They're basically killing machines. In a Werewolf - Only game, it's fine, because the ST is free to throw wyrm spawn at you and armies of mook fomori mutants. When everything is trying to kill you, it's okay to be a living weapon.

But Vampire is supposed to involve intrigue and talking and solving problems cleverly and at times indirectly. Werewolves just say F that and break out claws and body enhancements that it takes many vampires campaigns worth of experience to accrue.

So yeah, kinda imba.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

It's not really Lestat. Just like Zorro isn't really Zorro. In this case, even more differences though. :p I actually like Queen of the Damned, but :p

I just thought he was smexy and had kind of the look was I going for.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yeah, he does. I thought it was a good choice!

EDIT: And I liked Queen of the Damned too.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yay. That's all that matters then. :) A bit less tan though... obviously. lol

Edit: I like your reply too. It's going to give me a good opportunity to develop his personality I think, hehe.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yep Garou are stupidly powerful if you look at the crunch despite losing constantly to pretty much everyone in fluff. Hell they lost the war of silver and iron to the fae and I could probably beat them up. That's why if they show up in my vampire games they are lupines and ruthlessly house-ruled. Just remember that only means they are beatable they can still fuck a single stupid vampire up.

That sounds like it was the ST's fault not your's Tass, seems like the ST was just being a dick. I've heard of more and more LARP games being more like that than good ones which is probably why I've never actually tried it. Well that and I don't own a trenchcoat or sunglasses.

Not a big fan of Lestat though Queen of the Damned was alright. To be perfectly honest Stuart Townsend is one of the few people I might go gay for. I just prefer him as Dorian Gray is all.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Well, now we have a thread for Ranger. The big happy family shall be complete :)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Howdy, it's me back to kill the OOC thread again.

So in my thread are you saying that there's two doors: the exit the brunette just took and an old bricked up door. Or is there only one door and the brunette somehow just exited through a bricked up door. If it's the former are both the doors in the same wall or does the bricked up door seem to lead in an odd direction.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

There's two doors. The hallway goes to the left and the right. There's an old bricked up door directly in front of Kelly. So like if he kept walking straight, he would crash into the bricked up door. The brunette went through a different door at the end of the hallway on the right hand side. The left hand side of the hallway is a deadend.

Neither of these doors is the one Kelly came in... so I suppose that makes three doors!
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

So having my own thread gives me new insights into the feeling of "omg I want to know what happens next now!"

Can't guarantee faster posts because it's a lot of work, but I might try to go a little faster at times. :p
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Oh, well that doesn't seem all that strange. When you said it looked strange it made me picture something far more unusual. I guess it would be three doors now that you mention it though.

Now I just feel bad since I apparently didn't make you feel like you wanted to know more in my game. Oh well.

Don't feel the need to wait for me to post if it makes it easier to post faster. I myself only post when I feel up to it in either game.
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