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RPG Loli [一人オンライン/Hitori Online] 黒より深き漆黒の闇から -奈落の脱獄者- (RJ318793)


Demon Girl
Apr 8, 2011
Reputation score
It's the apocalypse everyone. Hitori Online has made a h-game that doesn't have a Loli MC.
Still has lots of other loli characters though.


Basic as basic can be, the main character has been kidnapped and imprisoned in a dungeon full of lewd zombies, bugs, probably other stuff too. Escape. Fail. Get fucked. Try again.

Rather than RPGmaker, this game uses some other engine I've never heard of, but controls are basically the same as any rpgmaker game, with the addition that you can use wasd in the place of arrow keys to move around, q and e, plus the mouse to look left and right, and left clicks count as Z for the catch-all interact/select button. Shift is sprint. There's no skip text option, but you can speed through the text heavy sections by setting the text speed to instant in the options and mashing z.

This is a semi-roguelike dungeon explorer. You are gonna die a lot, either due to the scarcity of healing items/spots, running out of decent attack items, or just picking the wrong option and getting raped while sleeping in a bed you thought was safe. Fortunately, as players of their previous games will know, Hitori Online loooooves their NG+ mechanics, so a gameover will just send you to the lap room, where you can save, check your achievements, and start over. Restarting loses all your items, but you keep your levels (borderline worthless as they are, as is typical for this dev), stat boosts from consumed items, and a couple of special items that you might have found while exploring. Achievements will also give you items to start following laps, giving you an easier time as you explore more.

Basically wander around the dungeon, picking up items, searching rooms, opening chests, and fighting enemies with all the items you've gathered. Fights are typical turnbased stuff, except you have no regular attack option. You do have a cheap attack skill, but it's so shit it might as well not exist, taking tens of turns to kill even the easiest enemies, which will happily kill you in 5-10. Instead you use all those items you've gathered as 1-shot attacks, meaning you should try to gather as many as possible, and save the best ones for the tough fights. Don't use the keys and lockpicks as weapons, despite the fact that you can, they're much more useful opening doors and chests that have higher quality loot.

There are several forks in the dungeon, and you can't backtrack in a given lap. Fortunately this isn't a procedurally generated dungeon; maps, enemies and item locations stay the same, letting you memorise things to get (for example, one early fork I found has a weak skeleton knight that guards a chest containing a potion that fully heals you and buffs your attack and defence, a must-have for boss fights). These forking paths can mean different paths lead to drastically different areas, one fork I've found leads to a nest of insects, while another leads through hordes of zombies to a golem boss.

To make exploration even more complex, defeat doesn't always kill you; some enemies will "just" rape you (though let it happen twice or three times and it's a bad end for you), some will drag you to a new area, some of which aren't just extended gameover sequences. That insect nest I mentioned earlier? It has a super tough bossfight (might be unwinnable, beyond my ability to test), and on defeat moves you deeper into their nest, which can be escaped (if you pick the right options, anyway), leading to a whole new area.

I have yet to find the end of either path, nor can I rule out other paths existing somewhere, so I have no idea how extensive the demo actually is.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to hook this game, as it's an engine I'm unfamiliar with, and my go-to options aren't working. If anyone knows/finds something that works, please let me know, using OCR to translate options suuucks.


Jun 17, 2009
Reputation score
Rather than RPGmaker, this game uses some other engine I've never heard of
You and me both. Just from looking at the code, I would have guessed they just made their own engine in-house, but it's apparently . I don't know of anyone that's hooked a game by them before, but the exe is pretty easy to patch. I might make a quick partial translation at some point, but it seems like there's a lot of text to go through for not a whole lot of content yet.

I have yet to find the end of either path, nor can I rule out other paths existing somewhere, so I have no idea how extensive the demo actually is.
Looking in the assets for the game, the demo has 97 'maps', which probably correspond to the 3D rooms you explore. Each one seems to have a unique name, which can be seen in the top-center of the menu. I made it to a "This is the end of the demo, game over" location as well.

EDIT: I've posted the first version of my translation patch over in the Translations form: Link here


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Demon Girl
Apr 8, 2011
Reputation score
You and me both. Just from looking at the code, I would have guessed they just made their own engine in-house, but it's apparently . I don't know of anyone that's hooked a game by them before, but the exe is pretty easy to patch. I might make a quick partial translation at some point, but it seems like there's a lot of text to go through for not a whole lot of content yet.

Looking in the assets for the game, the demo has 97 'maps', which probably correspond to the 3D rooms you explore. Each one seems to have a unique name, which can be seen in the top-center of the menu. I made it to a "This is the end of the demo, game over" location as well.
Interesting, can I ask what you're using to edit/patch the exe file?


Jun 17, 2009
Reputation score
Interesting, can I ask what you're using to edit/patch the exe file?
The game 'player' is just a .NET application, so any decompiler can open it up and edit it will some basic programming knowledge. I happened to use JustDecompile, but there are plenty of options. I'll probably make a new thread under translations to post what I've done so far as a WIP soon.

Getting back on topic, I can report that the Insect Boss is beatable, and rewards you with a pair of glasses that lets you see enemy HP in combat, very handy. There's even a route to escape the underground and reach the surface (but the demo ends as soon as you get there).

There's mentions of an 'Underground Community'「地下共同体 」both in the achievements, and from one of the friendly NPCs, but I haven't been able to find it yet. That 'seems like' the only major area I haven't explored yet, but with a game like this, who really knows.

EDIT: I've posted the first version of my translation patch over in the Translations form: Link here
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Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
is my autotranslate reading this right? estimated release October 2022? sheesh. bound to be good as hell though.


Demon Girl
Apr 8, 2011
Reputation score
Found the underground Community. You can get to it by going left at the very first fork. To get through the room without being raped, you need to be "early" which I managed to do by leaving my cell straight away and not searching for any items/stopping to talk before reaching that fork. You have to fight a horde of 6 zombies even so, but if you've gotten one of the spell tomes via achievements you can nuke them all on turn 1.

The final room of that route is called Underground Prison: Final Peace, which has two exits and a save point. The right exit is the end of the demo and sends you back, the left side leads to the Community. You can choose to marry in, prostitute yourself, or get enslaved if you try to leave. Lack of translation hurts here, because there's tons of choices and no save area inside the community itself, though at least most of the slave path options are translated.


Demon Girl Master
Mar 26, 2012
Reputation score
So I lost to the zombie and she got raped and impregnated. However, it wasn't a game over and she just got up and continue on. Does that mean there's pregnancy in this game?


Demon Girl
Apr 8, 2011
Reputation score
So I lost to the zombie and she got raped and impregnated. However, it wasn't a game over and she just got up and continue on. Does that mean there's pregnancy in this game?
Given their track record and the fact that you can already see a pregnant sprite by losing to the giant bug? It looks likely.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
Any updates? don't see a blog link or anything.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Any updates? don't see a blog link or anything.
There's a link to their blog on dlsite's page for the game, rather easily found. It says "Support via fanclub" if you've changed dlsite's language to English. Big pink button.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 9, 2011
Reputation score
It's out. For some reason the link in the op shows that it isn't out yet but it is.

Probably because of the word "announce" instead of "work" in the link.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Thread moved to the H-Games section.

It's out. For some reason the link in the op shows that it isn't out yet but it is.

Probably because of the word "announce" instead of "work" in the link.
Pretty much. It takes DLSite a little bit to set up the auto redirect. It should be working now.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
another one? I'm running out of h games that I'm looking forward to. a great problem to have.


Aug 28, 2009
Reputation score
This desperately needs some guides or saves or even machine TL.
A lot of branches and short choices around.


Demon Girl
Apr 8, 2011
Reputation score
Yeah, inability to hook text on this really hurts, MVgamehookpatcher and reipatcher have spoiled me. It's tedious as all hell, but you can use OCR, such as Capture2text, which has built in translation. It's slow, but even just doing it for the options helps a ton.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
I feel like this game is trolling me. I haven't been able to find any route that doesn't end in horrible death. I've tried looting as much as possible and not looting as much as possible. Most of the loot sucks anyway. The closest I got to a real route is a rather interesting route that occurs if you take the right path and find the bed and then choose to sleep in the bed. It leads to a route where the character powers up and actually becomes capable of fighting hordes of zombies... but then it ends when I fight a chimera boss and it basically three shots me and survives the super powerful sword until it breaks. WTF?

Is this one those "left alive" game designs where you can't do basic things until you've done a new-game plus like 50 times?

edit: yes it is. Should have read OP in more detail lol. Would be nice if you didn't have to play through the game all over again just to make a minor change in decision-making.

Double edit: SWEET you can easily cheat engine this game. Nice! health and atk at 2byte values.

Last edit: adding my save files. Saves 1 and 2 are hacked and have massive attack and max hp. Wasn't able to boost defense because I couldn't find the values due to not having an defense increasing items.
I know they're in the game so someone else can try it.

Save 1 is my favorite I found the slime route and its also on the loli route. Go through the door and take the left path after the skeleton knight lets you through.

Last final edit: Finding the defense stat is actually really hard to do and doesn't seem possible by changing equipment. Also the game has no gallery as I have beaten the game on several routes (it looks like the general rule will be either killing the leader of the dungeon who is a snake lady or killing the leader of the overworld who is a skeleton king, overworld victory seems to be more positive).


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New member
Jul 5, 2018
Reputation score
It has gallery room , but you need to get that true true true ending to open the room


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
I don't have a copy of the full game, but the demo works perfectly fine with MTool, and is even better than usual. I'd suggest using that.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
It has gallery room , but you need to get that true true true ending to open the room
oh shoot how do I get the true true ending then? I went to surface and killed both guardian and king (both seemed like happy ends compared to what happens when you go deeper into the dungeon) defeating the throne guardian actually resulted in a longer credits scene as opposed to others that just had a single name pop up (i.e no special thanks). And by doing this I unlocked the ability to save anywhere at any time. In addition there's a new loot area right at the start point that lets you fight a slime so you can finally get the adult slime loss scene.
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