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RPG RPG Maker [ One person on-line ] [ 一人オンライン] KOKOACHAN fever / ココアちゃんフィーバー RE124943 RJ124943

Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

Thank butterflyfreer and Tyrian, without you I would never guess it
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

Well, I beat the C-rank tournament and I think I might be done with the game. If you get that far, you'll get three options. The first is to keep training with the swordsman guy, which is the same ending you get from losing any match in the arena. The second option is to try to become the best in the arena, which seems to be the final path, judging by the difficulty of the random encounters in the dungeon you get sent to afterward. The third option is to join the magic association. That seems to be the path you should go on the first time you beat the C-rank tournament, and there's three possible endings after a series of dungeons.

I'm probably stopping here because one of the dungeons is another solo mission for the previous game's character, but against much stronger enemies than last time. If I find the boss and actually have to kill it, I'm done. I guess I was supposed to grind her up to level 40 during the final dungeon of the first 'real' ending you get. Bonus points if I can't leave the dungeon to restock on items or grind somewhere where I can actually kill the enemies.

Edit: Can't leave the dungeon and you have to kill the boss, but he was 'nice' enough to include a grinding spot that has easy enemies for decent exp, considering their lack of difficulty. There's also an item/equipment vendor, but not being able to go to the blacksmith or accessory shops means even more level grinding. The easy enemies give about 300 exp with the exp boost passive equipped, which is about on par with an encounter in the dungeon just before the c-rank tournament. You need about 4000 exp for a level at 30, and I'm guessing I'll need to hit 45 or higher to kill the boss here. Tried fighting it, she's got something like a half million health and regenerates a generous portion of it every time she gets a turn. Since that's not bad enough, she also has charge-up skills that are pretty fast (Meaning an extra turn of regen), inflict one of three poison-like debuffs, can break your clothes (hope you didn't need those stats), and do around 200-300 damage. Yay game design.

VVVVV You can't change the main girl's clothes, just the red haired girl on the rare occasions you have control of her. There's barely any scenes other than the ones mentioned further up the page, and I haven't found a gallery room yet so a late-game save would actually just make it harder to see any CGs.
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Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

I'm really lost, more than you guys
Is there a way to change her clothes?
Can some one send a complete(or close to the end) save?
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

btw, anyone knows what the last stat does? agth says it's "capability".
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

Edit: Can't leave the dungeon and you have to kill the boss

i just kinda breezed through the boss right now, was lv 42~ you just need updated equipments and of course titles.
trick is, quickness is kind of a god stat, if you can get it up to 200 or so you can have like 8 turns before your opponent has even a chance to act and i'm not exaggerating, i had around 8 turns of attacks before the boss could act with 206 quickness, then kokona (red haired one) still has an attack that cancels charge attacks, the one who gives a sort of scared face status effect on the enemy, so the boss didn't really do much.
the optional "miniboss" before her was kinda like that too, just had to defend whenever he would attack me.
the game actually breaks completely if you have a ton of quickness
btw, the first shop in the night part of the town sells xp giving items, so if you're tired of grinding just cheat money and buy them. but really, just pumo quickness and you win the game
if you guys want i can do a quick and small guide of the game later on
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Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

can someone give me a worked link please :D
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

can someone give me a worked link please :D
search around ...
and no link for loli games ... sorry ...

so ... hint ...
search with this words "ココアちゃんフィーバー" ...
seek torrent, there's still some seed left ... try at sukebei (ver 1.42) if you can't find in goggle ...
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

okay thx ill do my best :D
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

Pity the bulk of these players of translations are all dead.:mad:
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

Sorry to Necro this post, but seems like the author had decide their newest game's demo would be bundle with this game, and it recived an update yesterday.

Hoping anyone brought it could share the demo file.
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

I think the update went live last week, can't translate their tweets at the moment so I can't check what they said recently though.
Re: Kokoa-chan Fever, Sequel to Kokona Online RJ124943

I think the update went live last week, can't translate their tweets at the moment so I can't check what they said recently though.

That was the update with the new game demo "New Life of Cocona" bundle with the old game, it looks so great, but it don't got an independent release.
Lets hope someone had the old game can upload the demo.