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one-on-one games, or non-stats games?


Apr 12, 2009
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I was just looking through the available games, I didn't see much in the way of one-on-one RP possibilities (unless I'm blind and/or haven't found anything yet!) I'm wondering if there are folks on this forum who are interested in a free-form game geared more towards smut/sex/etc. than combat, not using stats and levels?

I admit, I'm more interested in smut-geared play on this forum because I can get plenty of G->R rated stuff elsewhere, but at the same time I'm not at all interested in cybering -- and definitely not using pronouns like 'you' or 'I'. I'm more interested in playing at a level removed from that, since I have more fun with the writing than the thought of typing one-handed, so to speak. Part of the fun for me is in developing a character and seeing how said character interacts with someone else (or someones else -- I'm a little overwhelmed when it comes to group RP's where the focus is on meeting someone new every thread, but using the same character to play along with a couple of other players' characters could be neat!)

ANYways, would anybody be interested in picking up a game -- it doesn't have to be long and on-going, it could be based in scenes that we actually wrap up and move on from! -- that involves elements of smut? I'm fairly open to playing characters ranging from tops, bottoms, tentacle beasts from outer space, switches, or just... normal fluffy vanilla, if that's what's called for. I'd rather not play a dominant character ALL the time, since I also like playing the kind of character who gets led on, but I don't mind playing a top to get a scene rolling. I'm also more interested in f/f or f/m pairings than m/m or anything with hermaphrodites. X3

If you have a character, idea, or just like the sound of playing a game that's free-formed and geared towards the smexin's, lemme know? (I don't know in which forum it would be played out, though I'm sure I could find that out while we figure a basic premise out!)
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Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

I would, but the sex-geared? I've never been one to roleplay, the best I can do is just try to put what I would do in that situation, hence why most characters I make are heavily based on myself. So one on ones is as close to cybering as it can get for me.
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Hm... I'm interested. I haven't written anything smutty for a while, and my tentacle demon gets bored just fighting warrior mages elsewhere.
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

I'm indifferent on the subject. It's whether I have a good time or not.

I'll use an example I'm sure you know: Sarah, my survivor char. She started out innocent enough, but over the years, gained some more perverse additions. See, that's her molding with the RP enviroments I visited. And I have a blast every time I step into those Army-Surplus Boots ^^
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

@Toxic: Eep, I'm not sure that that's what I'm looking for! XD I suppose it sounds strange to want to RP this kind of stuff but not also want to fap to it? Maybe I'm just weird, that way.

@Termite: Sounds promising! Any character types you'd be interested in playing him off of? (Or were you suggesting warrior mages as an example?)

@Lurker: *snrt* I'm a little embarrassed about that. XD I hadn't meant to make any of my characters smutty... but, you know, it's a zombie apocalypse game where they're camped out for days and weeks and months and years... and when they're relatively safe for all that time, the 'oh woe is me!' threads get boring after a while! X3

"I'm indifferent on the subject. It's whether I have a good time or not."

I kind of agree with that, actually. XD I don't usually play a game JUST for the smut, more often a game that I think is fun and that evolves towards elements of smut. It seems to make the point of it more meaningful that 'congratulations, tab A has been placed into slot B!'
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

At least I wasn't the idiot on the Survivor Diaries that wrote about raping zombies and then walking by a few months later to see it pregnant >>; That was some crazy shit back in our time...

Anyway, subject in hand:
It seems to make the point of it more meaningful that 'congratulations, tab A has been placed into slot B!'

Quote for truth. I want a generous feeling of success or defeat ^^;
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Oh god, I remember that! XD People wrote some really dumb stuff, there! *contributed to the wambulance with emo characters FAR too often*

In any case, is there a portion of the RP board where I can make an open post, and if someone wants to jump in, it's a-okay? Without sign-ups and rules and such as the like? XD It doesn't seem possible to do free-form, spur of the moment style stuff here, which I guess is understandable if everyone's only interested in stats and pre-determined settings and enemies!
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Err, re-reading what I wrote, I have no idea what I was trying to say or how it came out.

I meant that I'm not at all sexual and it's hard enough for me to even put in such material in turn-based uncontrollable situations, let alone free-play.

I hope that's how my original post came off as
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Oh god, I remember that! XD People wrote some really dumb stuff, there! *contributed to the wambulance with emo characters FAR too often*

In any case, is there a portion of the RP board where I can make an open post, and if someone wants to jump in, it's a-okay? Without sign-ups and rules and such as the like? XD It doesn't seem possible to do free-form, spur of the moment style stuff here, which I guess is understandable if everyone's only interested in stats and pre-determined settings and enemies!

You should be able to do that in the general play-by-post board, and there are several non-system based games floating about.
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Oh! I'd thought that was for defeat the tentacles and 'the person below me...' style games. If it's for RP as well, maybe I'll put up a plea over yonder.

Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

What I meant was that I use him elsewhere strictly to battle other people, and everyone else is some kind of warrior mage that can throw elemental whackadoos out of their butt.

That being said T'ent isn't exactly your average tentacle demon. He's a sex fiend with a heart (aww...). He definitely loves women and will do all manner of naughty things to them, but he doesn't go out dragging the unwilling into dark corners. His father's more likely to do that.
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

That being said T'ent isn't exactly your average tentacle demon. He's a sex fiend with a heart (aww...). He definitely loves women and will do all manner of naughty things to them, but he doesn't go out dragging the unwilling into dark corners. His father's more likely to do that.

Ooh, he sounds like fun! X3

Do you have any preferences for characters to play against (or with XD) him? For girls, I've got a fairly wide range of personalities -- there's that fire elemental from the other sign-up thread, the short one with the flaming horns who's perky and exuberant, probably willing to go with the flow; I've got a sullen cat-girl who's just as interested in fighting as anything else -- she's not particularly girly, though; there's a blonde human who's more experienced with things but is also more laid-back. (Those three are the first off the top of my head, but I can make up a new character, too.)

I think the only male character that I have at the moment would be a human fella, youngish (twenties) who always seems to get himself into temporal troubles. XD Not sure he'd be the best for this, but I like playing him, so I wouldn't mind seeing where -that- goes.

Would you rather play in the play-by-post section, or via PM's? (I prefer the pbp section simply because it doesn't fill up my inbox... I don't mind other people reading what I write, but I don't think a lot of people will stop by to read through anyhow!)
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Whatever you decide will be perfectly fine with me.
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Ooh, the choices. XD Where's this guy usually found? I can set up a first post if you toss me a setting! :D
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Anywhere people go. He knows how to blend in with the local fauna.
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Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

XD Gah, I kind of need more to work on than that!

Oh well, let's see if this works. X3 I'll make a post up in the PbP section, feel free to drop a reply whenever!
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

I'll get one in tomorrow/today sometime. Work is kicking my ass, lately.
Re: one-on-one games, or non-stats games?

Take your time. :) I completely understand.