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One More Bad Day (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 30, PP = 58, EP = 32, Status = Fine

So far, Therion had offered no aid for Gevira in her quest. She'd been to Celesis, Gods-Reach, and even the Academy, and no one had been able to tell her how to help her sister. Even though they'd long left Artmirst behind, her family had barely been able to take care of her sister, who'd been reduced to a mindless puppet by the demons corruption. for the past two years, Gevira had searched everywhere she could, spoke to every expert on demons that she could find, and still had come up empty. Now, her last hopes lay in Therion, with a married pair of mages, who supposedly might know something about the corrupting influence of demons.

She'd just arrived in the massive city, having passed the gates only moments ago, when something had Arrived. It was huge, floating over the city like some kind of titanic jellyfish, with its multitude of writhing tentacles. It was gray, and looked as though it were covered in slime, and as she and those around her looked up at it, a multitude of small objects began falling off of it onto the city like snow. One of them fell directly in front of Gevira, and as it stood up, she got a good look at it. It was about 3 feet tall, and stood on four thin jointless legs. It was also slimy, and its only other distinguishing feature was the fact that it had no extremities besides its legs, and a dozen or so writhing fleshy tentacles. It took a step toward her, Gevira estimating that it was now ten feet away form her, and she had no idea what this thing was or what it wanted.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

(Damn! Right off the bat! Um, ok, let me try to think of something to respond with that isn't in just one line.)

She was starting to lose all hope. She'd spent so much time traveling about it was probably already too late for her sister. But she wasn't going to go back home without at least something.

Looking upon the gates of the city, she placed a hand on her chest in relief.
Finally, I've made it. This is my last hope. If this doesn't work then... She shook her head, dismissing those depressing thoughts and biting her lower lip. Passing through the gates, she felt a great sense of burden come off of her shoulders. She was now in a safe place, and would be able to finally rest and get a good sleep. She was also surprisingly hungry too from her long walk from the last city. But before she was even able to turn a corner, a dark shadow started to cover everything. At first, she figured it was the clouds just covering up the sun for a moment, but looked around and noticed something floating up in the sky. The burden that had lifted off her had come back with a vengeance as her knees literally started to quake upon what she saw.

Suddenly, things started to seem to fall from the sky. It didn't take long before she found out what they were though, as a sudden impact upon the ground announced it's arrival, and stood up in front of her. Such an odd creature, a jellyfish, but walking on land? The sky continued to rain down these monsters all over the city, and she got a pretty good idea what was about to happen. An invasion of some sort, but what did they want? More importantly, what were they going to do to the people?
Glaring at the creature, she assumed one of these things should be easy enough to take out. But it looked like physical attacks like a sword wouldn't work so great against it. Jellyfish didn't have much density so the sword's force would probably just be absorbed, bouncing off harmlessly. Still, she drew her sword just in case, but took a defensive stance with it. It was getting close, but also close enough to burn.

(Pyrokinesis: Attempt to burn it by shooting a horizontal pillar of fire from her hand, and sustain it to prevent the monsters progression. Use 6 power. Not sure if this is considered overkill or not.)
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Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 49/58, Status = Fine

(I had your EP and PP reversed. My bad and fixed now.)

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 x 6 = More hp than it has, and I'm much too lazy for math.
Also, those rolls are a little freaky.

A flaming sphere appears in her hand, and with an effort of will she pushes it toward her foe, resulting in a horizontal column of flames rushing toward the creature. It slams into the slimy thing, and once the flames clear Gevira sees that she'd reduced most of its body to dust, with nothing left but its legs. Unfortunately, more of the monsters were landing all around her, and yet more were still falling from the sky. People around her were screaming in fear now, and dashing about, trying to find shelter from the creatures that seemed to be falling form above without end. Even as she watched, four more slimy creatures landed around her, indistinguishable from the one Gevira had just disintegrated, one on each side of her. She could see several people that had been grabbed by similar creatures, and that their clothes were being torn off, suggesting to her that these creatures had intentions similar to those of the demons that had destroyed hr sisters mind.

She was surrounded, and the panic around her meant that she'd risk hitting innocents if she recklessly burned them down. She could try to flee through the gaps between the aliens, who were each ten feet away from her, though then she'd risk being grabbed as she tried to flee.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

She lets out a confident smile. That thing didn't even stand a chance against her. But before she could celebrate, she was quickly corrected as more of them surrounded her. They didn't stand a chance against her one on one. But like ants, if they gathered together they were going to tear her to pieces. Hearing the screams, she frantically looked about to see people being touched and abused in a more sensual manner then rather being eaten or killed. These things... they were like what got to her sister. Her eyes went wide with terror at the thought of her becoming in the same condition, a person who's only sole purpose was to fuck and breed like an animal.
"No! Not me!" She screamed out in desperation, looking for any way to flee and possibly get away. The people around her were out of her reach, she couldn't help them. And if she wanted to help others, she couldn't allow herself to end up like this either. She.. she had to cover herself somehow if she was going to run for it.

(Is there anything around that she could pick up with telekinesis to knock away some of the slimes and then run into a building or something? If so, make her use the appropriate energy cost. If not, well.... use mind cutter in a horizontal arc in front of her. Power 5)
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 49/58, Status = Fine

(Telekinesis only lets you move something in one direction at a time. So, you could pick up a bench or somesuch to whack two of them. However, you need to give me the EP spent for that too, so Mind Cutter it is.)

Attack(Gevira): Hit.
Damage: 4 + 6 + 1 + 7 = 18 x 5 = 90 damage.
Attack(Enemy2): Hit.
Gevira has been grappled.
Aphrodisiac: Gevira is at 12/13 Resistance.

Geviras mental cut strikes the creature directly in front of her, literally ripping it in half right down the middle. The things spindly legs collapse as they're separated from the rest of its body, the tentacles waving pathetically for a second before lying still. Seeing a tavern across the street from her, Gevira tried to rush forward only to be grabbed from behind. A slimy tentacle wraps around her left arm, pulling her back and keeping her in place. A strange warmth begins to spread through her body, originating from where the slimy creature touched her skin. More of its tentacles reached for her, while the other two creatures made off for other prey.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

That's one down! I need to run for it! She watched the pathetic slime thing fall in defeat, lifeless on the floor. She immediately went to sprint, but as she ran something grabbed her arm and she was halted.
"No!" She screamed, glancing back to see of the those things was gripping on to her. The slime must of had some poison, because she could feel something. It was warm, but it didn't sting or cause pain. So then what was the point?

She struggled, pulling her arm as she saw two of those creatures separate from the group.

Ok, two left. I should still have a chance left. But if she was going to beat these things she needed to get away.... or did she? If she just kept trying to run these things would just keep grabbing her. Their reach was too long. She had to kill them. Grinning and bearing her teeth at the thing, she pulled hard on her arm, but not to get away, but to pull the thing towards her. She jumped forward into the monster with her other hand outstretched, releasing pyrokinetic energy. "Talk to the hand, you freak!"

(Seeing as 5 and 6 keeps commiting overkill, I'll just put in three energy to pyrokinesis)
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Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 43/58, Status = Grappled,

Damage: 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 x 3 = 27 damage.
That's only if you roll well on damage, apparently.
And I forgot to include your grappled status last round. My bad, but I expect to do that a lot.
Grapple: Enemy wins.
Geviras clothing has been removed.
Aphrodisiac: Gevira is at 10/13 Resistance.

The tentacles spasm as Geviras flaming hand smacks into the center of the creatures mass, burning off a sizable portion of its slimy gray skin. Its appendages wrap around her other arm, however, and then yet more tentacles begin pulling her clothing apart. Within seconds, her trousers are on the ground around her ankles, joined swiftly by her panties, and her shirt is pulled apart, revealing her chest in full. More of its poisonous slime gets into her system as the creature manhandles her, and its appendages go straight toward her erogenous zones, leaving Gevira only a second or two before they started trying to push into her body.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

She almost squealed in delight as her hand sunk into the beast, hearing the sizzling of burning flesh, like a hot smelted iron bar put into a bucket of water. But for some reason, it didn't phase it, and continued to manhandle her. It happened so fast too, she could feel the air against her bare body all the sudden and noticed it had completely disrobed her. The tentacles were starting to rub her in places that made her shiver, and she felt like she was starting to burn up as the poison seeped into her body. But that brief moment of pleasure was soon overcome by an outburst of rage.

Glaring her eyes at the monster that almost seemed to burn with embers, she screamed. "NO! You won't have me! You CAN'T have me! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Her body felt like her blood was boiling, her heart pumping blood frantically as it tried to provide oxygen to her body, the air around her wavering from blistering heat as one would see in the desert. Her breathing grew rapid, her chest heaving and struggling to breath in anything that wasn't already consumed from heat, as if a fire was absorbing all the air around it. A nearby wooden cart suddenly catches aflame, the heat growing so intense the puddle of slime she had earlier burnt off was starting to bubble and evaporate into the air like water. Her hair lifted softly in the air as if gravity no longer applied, hovering and swaying like the flames of a burning blaze. She wouldn't let it end like this for her, no. If she was going to be violated and raped, she was going to take everything with her in the process.

"YOU WON'T HAVE ME!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and seething through her teeth as she let out a sizable amount of energy, enveloping the whole alleyway with a briefly blinding orange light that exploded from her form.

(Use 10 power!!! And if.. I'm going overboard you can take like 5 hp or 10 hp due to possibly burning herself in the process. I just saw some other rps and some pretty epic stuff can happen. I know it's early here, but I honestly didn't think she'd be assaulted right off the bat 0_e.)
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 30/58, Status = Fine

(I generally consider people to be immune to their own spells and powers. I'd have epiced that if it weren't for the fact that it disintegrated the enemy you're fighting three times over.)

Damage: 6 + 3 + 4 = 13 x 10 = 130 damage.

The heat emitted by Geviras outburst of overwhelming power caused the skin of the creature holding her to blacken and crack, its poisonous slime swiftly drying up from the heat of her mentally conjured flames. When her burst of power finally ended, and she came back to a state of relative normality, she found herself standing naked in the street, her attacker simply gone, and the buildings next to her burning softly, not quite blazing but swiftly approaching such a state. Looking down, she noted that she'd spared her armor in her blast, which was lying around her feet. The streets around her were still filled with utter chaos as more monsters fell from the sky, and just about everyone was now being either raped, or carried off in the arms of a menagerie of abominations. For the moment, nothing was coming for her, but if she didn't move, either into one of the buildings or some way down the street, she'd certainly be spotted and attacked again. Unfortunately, she'd just set the buildings on fire, and that flame was likely to spread to neighboring buildings since it was unlikely that anyone would come by to put it out. The streets were still filled with monsters, though most of them were, for the moment at least, distracted.
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Re: Gevira (Sponge)

(oooohhhhh shit. Playing with her conscious, dirty move :p)

She gasped and panted as she fell to the floor on her knees, exhausted by her own outburst. It didn't take long until she realized that the monster was dead, and she was free. But looking around, things had only gotten worse. Possibly even because of her. She whimpered softly, letting out a dry sob as she started to run down the ally, slipping on her shirt and struggling to get in her pants and underwear. Looking back, she saw the chaos that she had made herself. The houses already looked like they were being engulfed, and what could of been a safe haven for somebody was now a death trap of flames. She could only pray that nobody was in those houses.
She sobbed, running down the alley looking for any safe haven.
It's not my fault! I didn't mean to! I didn't want to be raped! It wasn't my fault!
Such simple words were all she could constantly repeat in her thoughts. Normally, she would be calm in a disastrous situation, but this was entirely different. She had always at least been able to help. But to be a part of the disaster was something new to her.
I've never done that, I don't want to hurt anybody, please nobody be in there. Her mind started to twist and mock her, giving her images of a cowering mother with her child taking shelter in the corner of the house, screaming as the flames and smog devoured them.
She sobbed heavily at the thought, so she just ran. Possibly to run away from her own thoughts.

(I guess run until she finds shelter?)
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58, Status = Fine

As Gevira picked up her clothing and ran down the alleyway, she noticed that one of the buildings that had caught fire was the tavern she'd tried to run to to take cover in before being grabbed, its thatch roof catching alight immediately and the flames quickly spreading across the dry surface. There had been people within when she'd looked inside earlier. Trying to pus the image of someone burning alive due to her actions, she ran on, finding nothing but more chaos throughout the streets as legions of gray monsters rained from the sky. Everywhere, people were fighting desperately as slimy tentacles reached for them, and more than once she nearly ran into a convoy of monsters dragging or carrying a group of people to who knows where.

Her lungs and leg muscles began to burn from exertion as Gevira ran on desperately, finding no sanctuary among the streets of Therion. Every corner she turned seem to have only more enemies, and so she dashed through the streets and alleyways, occasionally chased by some of the creatures that weren't already occupied. Eventually, she simply cannot run any further, and comes to a halt in an alley. She hadn't seen anything moving on the last street she'd passed, about thirty feet back, and the alley she was in was located between a pair of warehouses. Having not been paying much attention until now, Gevira realized that she must be close to the Docks now. If she kept going forward, she'd probably end up at the harbor, which would be full of ships this time of year, while back the way she came she could end up at the Goldspike, the Mages Quarter, the Markets, or any number of residential districts.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

She ran... all she could think of doing was running, desperate not to get caught by any of these things. It didn't matter where she was going, she was just fleeing from the monsters, as far away as possible.

Finally running out of breath, she came to a stop and panted for air, head throbbing as blood pulsed through her heart with each beat. Glancing about she realized she was on her way to the harbor, and she could possibly escape this whole entire mess! But... then what of her sister? She had spent so much time trying to make it here, and to just flee from the last source of possible information would only spell doom for the one she sent out to save. She shivered, scared but determined as she turned around and looked back.

I need to get to the Mages quarters. They should at least know something, and also they should at least be having a decent defense against these monsters. It's better to take shelter where people can fight back then to hide alone.

Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58, Status = Fine

Turning around and continuing on after she'd had a breather, Gevira turned South at the end of the alley, heading toward the mages quarter. The city around her was now mostly quiet, the monolithic tentacled thing still floating above the city, though no more monsters fell from the sky. She proceeded down the street at a slower pace, only for two women to walk out of a house and directly into her path. They were both nude, and fairly thin, with blond hair. One of them had her hair down to her lower back, while the other womans hair didn't even fall to her shoulders. Both of their bodies were glistening with an unknown substance, and they turned in unison toward Gevira, standing side by side no more than a foot apart. They started walking toward her, their steps in perfect unison, as they both quietly said; "Hello.... How are you?" Their voices were flat and emotionless, and both of them were looking straight into Geviras eyes, while she reflexively tried to avoid directly meeting their gaze.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

She was walking, determined to get to her destination. All the sudden, some strange woman came from some house and she saw they were currently naked. Perhaps they had been attacked too? As they turned to look at her, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.
Something isn't right with them. They were covered in... something. Their skin seemed to shine unnaturally. Then they way they spoke to her only confirmed her suspicions even more. There was no emotion, like they had been brainwashed or currently under the control of some evil power.
Run! Her mind spoke to her, and she happily obliged. She'd have to find another route to the Mages Tower. Turning away from the woman she ran frantically down another road.

(Have her throw something behind her as she flees with telekinesis, something to block their way or knock them off their feet. Barrel, cart, etc.)
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58, Status = Fine

Gevira overturned a stall in the two womans path as she turned and ran away, taking a side road and losing sight of the pair. She ran down the alleyway until she hit a road that ran parallel to the one she'd been on, which she followed until she ran into a crossroads. Her side aching from all the running she'd been doing, Gevira finally admitted to herself that she had no idea where she was. The road branched in three directions other than the one she'd come from. South-East, South-West, and North-East. She hadn't the slightest idea of where exactly in Therion the Mages Quarter was, other than that it was somewhere in the Southern portion of the massive city. The roads were all empty around her, devoid of anyone, friendly or otherwise. The buildings were all completely undamaged, as though there hadn't been any battle here.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

(quick question, out of curiosity, was it good I ran? :p And since I'm only choosing a direction, I guess I'll make it brief. )

Her sides ached, she hadn't ran so constantly like this before without at least a break. She didn't have much options. She needed to go somewhere southwards.
South East.. she'd head south east! Immediately, she continued to run.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58, Status = Fine

(Depends. Was it good for your character, probably. That was an enemy that, even after being slightly powered down, still basically means unavoidable sex if you get grappled for more than a turn.)

Gevira continued running until she simply had to stop, unable to go any further without at least a moments rest. She directly halted in front of a tailors shop, which smelled strongly of leather and oil. Inside, she could see a light that might have been cast by a small flame, but whether it was safe to investigate or not was unknowable from out here. If she didn't want to risk it, she could continue on once she caught her breath.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

As she gasped for breath, she noticed there was a small light in what appeared to be a tailor shop. Leather, oil... the smells were very strong. And if that was fire inside.
Leather that could be soaked in oil might catch on fire! And if somebody is in the house hiding!

Normally, she would of kept running, but her moral codes prevented her from continuing on before she could make sure that nobody could be either passed out inside the house or something. One of those monsters could of gotten in and raped a victim, leaving their tired and passed out body on the floor, while the fire could possibly catch on the oil and burn them alive.

She drew her sword, and kicked down the door.....
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58, Status = Fine

Kicking the door open, Gevira found a moderately sized empty room, furnished in simple undecorated wood siding and with a few tables set near the entrance with chairs stationed there, one of which had a burning candle on it. The room smelled foul, though it didn't smell as bad as the full tannery surely would, where the fresh hides were cleaned and prepared. There was a desk and a table on the opposite side of the room, and a pair of doorways that led further into the building. One, directly behind the desk, was slightly ajar, while the other, on the far right wall, was closed. The room was otherwise fairly empty, and it seemed likely that this place was where the owner dealt with his customers, rather than doing the actual work itself.
Re: Gevira (Sponge)

She sighed with relief upon seeing that candle. Sucking on her fingers, she wettened them with her saliva and approached the candle, putting the tiny flame between her fingers and snuffing the flame out. She didn't have time to pursue further into the building, but the threat she thought possible had been extinguished. Turning towards the door, she head out into the alleyway again, continuing the direction she had been going before....

(leave the house, continue towards where I THINK might be the tower.)