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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The other spider, when hugged by the nude angel, would squirm until he managed to shove his face between Anthriel's breasts, at which point he would blow a loud raspberry while nuzzling against her soft orbs, his fur tickling her sensitive skin. "Obviously!" the spider replied while still nuzzling into her, which he would continue until she managed to extricate herself.

The comment she aimed at Dori caused the sleek miniature dragon to huff, his head tilting and rising. He didn't deign to respond, and the less perverted spider promptly launched into an explanation at Anthriel's threat to rush into the mushroom forest; "Well.... There are mushrooms! And mosses! And all manner of fungi! A lot of them are poisonous, and some of them let off poisonous spores! Some will be as dangerous to you they to you two as they would be anyone else, so please stay on the paths! You could get hurt! Or made into spore pod factories! Or infected!"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel laughed loudly as the other spider basically motorboated her until she managed to wriggle free, listening as the not so breast obsessed spider told her more about what was off the paths.

Not intimidated in the slightest by plants, of any kind, especially not at full strength and with a dragon nearby, Anthriel floated up and waved at both of them, before cackling madly and charging off the path to the west with a loud "Wheeeeeeee!", her wings flapping happily until she was a good distance outside of any interference to be caused by yon proud, guardspiders.

Waiting for Dori to follow, Anthriel shook her head if he seemed to want to go back, instead landing and rushing off into the mushroom forest... thing. She didn't have a proper name for it. Fungal Tree farm? Sporefest? It didn't matter, Anthriel wanted to see it all. If something truly diabolical lived her... well... Fire solved most problems... she had plenty of that.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Flapping off into the woods with the protests of the spiders left in her wake, she found Dori sailing smoothly through the air behind her as they went off of the path and into the mushroom forest. Snorting in a dignified sort of way, the black dragon would remain at her side as they flitted through the numerous mushrooms. The first thing that they would come upon after leaving the spiders, besides the mushrooms that had seemingly taken the place of trees, would be a clearing in which a strange orange fungus had coated the ground and all of the surrounding mushrooms. Spikelike spires of orange rose up into the air, connected by veins of orange that ran along the ground, but if looked at closely the spires seemed to travel along an oddly familiar shape, though Anthriel couldn't quite figure it out from the air. Dori looked down at the orange bed dubiously, and kept hovering over it rather than descend onto it.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, soaring away from the protesting arachnids, giggled as Dori followed and they went to more properly explore this strange area. It wasn't long before they saw something new to them already, Anthriel glancing down at the odd orange expanse with it's spires and long lines of expansion.

Curious and not in the least bit afraid or worried about this place, Anthriel dropped out of the sky suddenly, tucking her wings only to level out much closer to the ground to get a closer look at everything, though she wasn't sure it was safe to land on it quite yet.

Floating around, Anthriel drifted around the spires, getting a better look at whatever this stuff was. It was a fungus... but it was new to her entirely.

If she didn't notice anything threatening, Anthriel would slowly and gently lower herself to the ground in front of one of the spires, reaching out to feel whatever the heck this stuff was. It was so interesting!
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 47/53 Resistance

Perception (Anthriel) : Failure.
Perception (Dori) : Failure.

Attack: Hit with 5 spore pods.
Resistance (Anthriel) : Anthriel fails 2 out of 5 and is paralyzed twice. She also takes a total of 4d6 Resistance damage.
Resistance Damage: 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 6 Resistance damage, leaving her at 47/53.

Floating around, Anthriel would spot nothing particularly threatening among the bright orange fungal spires, and would then float down to the ground to better indulge her curiosity. Dori wouldn't follow, instead gliding up above and watching her interact with the odd fungus. The orange carpet was soft beneath her feet and had an odd, flaky texture to it that only dug slightly against her skin. The spires were of a similar make, the buildup of mushrooms in a collective almost like coral and the heads of the tiny mushrooms making up the whole acting almost like scales.

As she examined the odd arrangement, she would be too enamored with it to notice the subtle stirring of the bed of fungus, and so would be caught completely by surprise when the mound suddenly rose beneath her, almost knocking her off of her feet. She was sent sprawling when the thing suddenly wrenched upwards and slimy white tentacles burst out, each one spewing a pod the size of a grapefruit and smacking her in the face and chest. Dori let out a roar and turned to come down to help against the sudden attack, but he too was seemingly caught by surprise and thus had to take a moment to circle back.

In the meantime, Anthriel would be left coughing as the spores all exploded, each one covering her in particles of fine dust that, as she breathed them in, made her feel light-headed, weak, and even began to leave her slightly aroused, though all three effects were currently fairly minor. For now. The creature that had shot those pods and produced the tentacles from which they had issued would rise up from below, a massive creature that almost looked like a spider as it climbed up onto eight thick fungus-coated legs, and most of the spiders rose along with it. A pair of fangs appeared, each as long as Anthriel's forearm, beneath a very spider-like maw, and the creature would take a trundling step toward her after rising and already be practically on top of her, tentacles dangerously close to wrapping around her limbs.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, completely awestruck by her observations of the place, the textures, the feel, even the small, scale like mushrooms adorning the spires, was simply too interested in what was going on to notice the shifting.

It was not to her benefit.

As the creature surged up and she was struck twice with odd, spore filled pods, Anthriel coughed as she inhaled whatever had just been spread all over her, her limbs feeling heavier, and even some... odder reactions.

Looking at the massive creature with a mix of awe, and horror, Anthriel snapped back to herself as she realized just how close it, and it's many tendrils were, beating her wings furiously to get her into the air as she hurled a handful of demonic flames at it, not wanting to be struck again by the odd pods.

Paralysis bad.
Fly at speed up and back before attacking.
(1d6+4)*25 EP -2 hp.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 69/71, PP = 71, EP = 123/148, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance, Grappled

Dori: Fine

Monster: Taken 15 damage, grappling Anthriel

Initiative: The spider wins.
It tries to grab her.
Attack: Hit.

Anthriel flies up and blasts, presumably with a bolt version since you didn't specify. That requires a grapple check.
Resistance (Paralyzed) : Success. She gets her action.
Grapple: Anthriel loses. The attack attempt fails. She takes 4d6 Resistance damage from spores.
Resistance Damage: 6 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 15 damage.

Dori comes down and mauls the monster.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 9 + 48 = 58, 58/4 = 15 damage.

As she beat her wings in an effort to lift herself upwards, the tentacles around Anthriel suddenly lunged at her, quickly wrapping around her ankles and dragging her right back to the ground. She was able to unleash her bolt of hellfire anyway, but as it pulled her back down it wrenched her towards the ground so hard that her back slammed against the soft, fungus-covered earth. Her intense blast went high, missing its target completely and incinerating a mushroom tree instead, and that gave it time to wrap more of its tendrils around her, grabbing one of her arms and thoroughly wrapping around her waist and legs. Dori came roaring down on top of it, his wings folding in to avoid either being impaled upon the orange spikes that covered the thing's back, but as all four sets of his claws rent into its carapace the monstrous thing didn't even seem to notice.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Being grabbed before she was able to properly get off her attack, Anthriel scowled and thrashed around for a moment, before cursing at the enormous things grip, and bursting into a swarm of spiders, her recent run-in with the gifts the reason for the odd choice. Now un-grab-able, Anthriel skittered her way Away from the creature, letting Dori draw it's attention before she marshaled for another attack, pissed that she had let it grab her in the first place.

Form of yon Swarm away from huggy spider.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 69/71, PP = 71, EP = 118/148, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance, Form of the Swarm

Dori: Taken 47 damage. Paralyzed x2.

Monster: Taken 31 damage

Anthriel uses Form of the Swarm!

Dori mauls!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 12 + 48 = 63, 63/4 = 16 damage.

Ye monster bites Dori.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 7 + 67 - 28 = 47 damage.
Resistance: Dori fails. He gains 2 instances of Paralyzed.

Transforming into a swarm of smaller, non-fungus-infested versions of the creature that had grabbed her, Anthriel was able to free herself from the gigantic fungus spider and flit away, leaving Dori on the monster's spiky back. He continued to maul it, claws rending into the fungal coating and the rotted carapace beneath, but the monster only seemed to notice because its previous prey had vanished. Tendrils wrapped suddenly around the dragon and, with a wrenching motion, tore him off of the spider's back and slammed him to the ground below with a thunderous crunch. From thousands of eyes at once, Anthriel would see the spider rear over her draconic lover, helpless to do anything about it, and then watch as its fangs, at least a foot long, lunged down and vanished into Dori's chest. His furious roaring became a low whine of pain, and though he continued thrashing it was looking a good bit weaker now, and when the thing pulled its fangs free they were dripping as much with a toxic yellow ooze leaking from the tips as they were with Dori's blood.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, watching silently as Dori continued to tear at the odd creature, saw it was about as effective as spitting on a forest fire, her many eyes forced to watch her lover slammed to the ground and impaled on one of the monster's fangs. She was still too close to do anything about it properly though, much as that made her scream inside, and rather then reforming, continued to move away, lest the creature grab her again... It was too large for her to fly out of the way in time...

Second action to save posting time

Now having a safer vantage point, Anthriel began to pull the swarm back into herself, the many spiders that were the angel piling on top of one another to eventually reform the tattooed half breed, the angel crackling with rage.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 69/71, PP = 71, EP = 118/148, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 47 damage. Paralyzed x2. Spent 19 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Monster: Taken 61 damage

Anthriel moves for a turn, I guess.
Resistance (Paralysis) : Success.

Dori fights back using dragon's breath X = 12.
Resistance (Paralysis) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 6 = 10 * 12 = 120, 120/4 = 30 damage.

Ye monster bites Dori again.
Attack: Miss.

Anthriel returns to normal form.

Dori activates Dragon's Pride X = 6 and backs off.
Resistance (Paralyzis) : Success.

The spider tries to bite him again.
Attack: Miss.

As Anthriel, in spider form, crawled away to a position of relative safety, she was able to see Dori change tactics. As those fangs, dripping with venom and the dragon's own blood, positioned themselves for another bite, the dragon's head snaked forward and opened to unleashed a tremendous roar accompanied by a wave of volcanic flame. For a few brief moments, the spider vanished beneath those intense flames save for its splayed legs and some of its tentacles, but when the blast ended it stood right where it had been, singed but not burning. The orange fungus around it didn't catch fire either, even though the dragon's flame could have set stone to melt had it been more intense, and the dragon was so stunned that the spider was able to drop its fangs toward him again. This time, however, he rolled out from under it just before it could sink them back into his flesh, and when he got back to his feet and wrench away from the grasping tendrils he began to burn with seething anger.

Despite that anger, the dragon's stance became more controlled and careful as he backed off, leading the lumbering fungal spider away from Anthriel and jumping back as it snapped its fangs at him once again. It followed, exposing its side to the angel as she resumed her normal form, but its tendrils were still dangerously close and seemed to be taking an interest in her again.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, watching Dori do his damnedest to draw the spider away form her, realized clearly that the dragon knew their best chance was to get Anthriel in position to blind side the thing with something with a lot of juice in it, trusting that Anthriel could do the task as he continued to dodge the creatures massive fangs.

Anthriel was in truth, more worried about Dori, then truly angry, but that changed nothing as she quietly and discreetly beat her wings, drawing herself up and away from the monster before she let her power surge through her, her tattoos taking on a spike like quality, before hissing and warping across her skin, her black eyes seeming to pull in the light around her as she reached out to the shadow of the monster chasing Dori. She hadn't exercised this power since her original fight with the demon... and honestly, it still made her uncomfortable... But it did it's job... with incredible efficiency.

Rupturing Shadows X=43. Ceiling broken by 13. Total cost 56 EP+13Hp
8*43=344 dmg ignoring AV cos Master Blaster.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 56/71, PP = 71, EP = 62/148, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 47 damage. Paralyzed x2. Spent 22 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Monster: Taken 248 damage

Anthriel uses Rupturing Shadows X = 43.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 43 * 8 = 344, 344/2 = 172 damage.

Dori continues to maul it, now with 20 defensive fighting.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 6 + 48 = 61, 61/4 = 15 damage.

The monster tries to bite Dori.
Attack: Miss.

Anthriel's power lashed out viciously at the fungal monstrosity, tearing through the outer layer of fungus and into the rotting carapace beneath. The thing let out a gurgling hiss and began to swing towards Anthriel, seemingly unphased by the vicious attack that left the angel reeling in both body and spirit from the effort that it required, but Dori launched himself at it and raked his claws across its body. The monster turned to him, reaching with its countless tendrils, but the dragon shredded those that got too close and fell back and away, drawing it further from the angel and leaving her to continue attacking it from behind.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel reeled from the drain, and she could taste the heavy copper of blood in her mouth, but still the creature stood, and Anthriel was outright shocked.

Seeing Dori continuing to play red herring, continuing to draw it away from her and having faith in her ability to bring it down, Anthriel grit her teeth before drawing on the same power. The problem was the damned thing was too tough, and simply trying to gamble on whether or not it would simply die, or that she'd be able to kill it was going to get Dori killed. Hell, Killed was probably the better of several options involved here.

Drawing deep, Anthriel pulled all the shadows around her into a swiftly growing mass, bleeding her soul into it as she gave it life. She was already disgusted by this...

Shadows Made Manifest
Summons a creature made out of pure shadow to serve the character.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The character summons a creature, choosing the size and shape of it however they can imagine that has the Unarmed Fighter Talent and a Body stat equal to 10X. In addition, the character may pay additional EP to grant the shadow creature any of the following mutations for 1 EP each: Razor Fingers, Tentacled, Spider, Dangerous Tail + Venomous Attack (Paralysis) or Greater Wings.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

EP Spent. 43, total EP cost 56, Total HP cost 13.
The creature has 400 body, unarmed fighter, and razor fingers.

As her own monster boiled into being, the leviathan a monster from her own nightmares, Anthriel crossed her arms and floated higher into the air, and safety as the creature took shape, a 2 legged, barrel chested man where bonelike shards and torn fibers protruded from it's back where wings should have been, it's jaw stretching down in a silent cry to reveal a toothless, hollow maw and it's arms seeming too long for it's body, descending past it's waist as it came more fully into being.
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 47 damage. Paralyzed x2. Spent 25 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Monster: Taken 265 damage

Big Scary Monster: Fine, 400 Body, Unarmed Fighter, Razor Fingers

Anthriel summons a big scary monster!

Dori continues to maul it, now with 20 defensive fighting.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 11 + 48 = 66, 66/4 = 17 damage.

The monster tries to bite Dori.
Attack: Miss.

Summoning her monstrous nightmare apparition, the spider seemed not to notice the shadow monster as it continued chasing Dori, leaving her dazed and almost completely spent as pain lashed through her body and soul. The dragon and the fungal behemoth snapped at one another, Dori carving off more of its rotted hide and mushroom coating while the monstrosity again missed, but now Dori backed off of the orange fungus and was suddenly no longer being followed, the spider stopping and then beginning to reverse back towards where it had been buried.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, continuing to watch Dori fight this creature with a sinking dread in her stomach, felt her anger surge to the fore as the creature decided it was going to go back into hiding. At least that's certainly what it looked like.

Beating her wings slowly, Anthriel looked at her behemoth, before giving it a nod. She didn't need to speak to control this creature, it obeyed her very soul.

Gesturing imperiously with her hand, Anthriel reached out to command the monster she had brought into being, beginning the end of the creature as her own behemoth entered the fray. Silently charging, arms outstretched, Anthriel's shadow beast dove at the spider, arms outstretched to place the spider under it's control, reaching to throw it to the ground and hold it, before Anthriel got to enjoy the carnage sure to follow.

Grapple dat Spider!
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 47 damage. Paralyzed x2. Spent 28 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Monster: Taken 265 damage

Big Scary Monster: Fine, 400 Body, Unarmed Fighter, Razor Fingers

Anthriel's big scary monster tries to grapple the big scary spider!
Attack: Hit.

Yon spider tries to attack yon big scary monster.
Grapple: Failure.

Dori flies up.

Anthriel's shadow monster, born of her nightmares, would do as she commanded and reach down the grab the massive fungal spider. The abomination didn't initially react to the shadow monster, but as it reached down with its massive black claws and lifted the thing, wrenching it away from the ground, it thrashed. Tendrils wrapped around the monster's arms, and the spider squirmed until its drooling fangs were pointed toward it, and then its thrashing brought them closer and closer to the monster she had summoned to fight it even as the pointed fungal spires began to sag and its flailing limbs beat against the shadow monsters body harmlessly. Dori, taking the opportunity created by the shadow monster taking the spider's attention, spread his wings and took to the air again, bringing him up towards the hovering Anthriel while the two monsters fought.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, watching her creation seize the spider in a fear and hatred empowered grip, nodded almost to herself as she continued her commands with the creatures assault.

Grinning as Dori joined her, Anthriel otherwise showed no outward sign of recognition, instead focusing on the battle, wondering why she hadn't thought of this sooner... she'd have to remember the tactic.

As the Spider turned itself around, trying to bring it's fangs to bear, Anthriel made a slight chopping motion with her arm, her abominations grip was perfectly strong, now it was time to go on the offensive.

Maintain Grapple, Start the Pummeling. Attack.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 47 damage. Paralyzed x2. Spent 28 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6.

Monster: Taken 281 damage

Big Scary Monster: taken 78/400 damage, 400 Body, Unarmed Fighter, Razor Fingers

Anthriel's big scary monster and the spider wrassle!
Grapple: Monster 6 + 400 = 406 vs 418 = 2 * (200 + 9) == spiders wins!
Damage: 6 + 5 + 67 = 78 damage.
Resistance: Ye shadow monster is fine.

Dori mauls the spider.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 11 + 3 + 48 = 62, 62/4 = 16 damage.

The abomination she had called upon wrestled with the monstrous fungal spider, neither making any noise save that produced by their jostling as they both sought to harm one another. As the two wrestled initially, the spider came out the victor, managing to sink its fangs into the shadow monster, but the creature had no blood in which its poison could find purchase, and its wound was minor. Dori took the opportunity to swoop down and strike again, his spiked tail thrashing against the gigantic spider as he nimbly weaved away from the gigantic orange spikes jutting from its back, but when he came away the spider barely seemed to have noticed his assault even as he circled back for another pass.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, nearly shocked into complete uselessness as her creature failed to maintain it's hold on the spider, shook her head in disbelief, before ordering her shadow abomination to continue with it's assault. She didn't want to belief the spider would win out in terms of strength a second time.