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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

"We are going to the village, but I've got to go to the stream first. Gotta wash the pancake off my face!" Dori replied while still taking chunks of syrup covered pancake off of his face and plopping them into his mouth. They arrived at the stream quickly enough, and Dori promptly kicked off his boots and undid the buttons on his shirt before pulling it off, revealing a toned physique beneath that showed no signs of his inhuman heritage. Leaving his garment hanging from a tree, he shot Anthriel a brief smirk before climbing down the bank to stand in the shallow stream, and then crouching down to splash water onto his face and into his hair. He was down there for a minute or so, during which Anthriel was left to her own devices in order to entertain herself, but if she did nothing to interrupt him he would climb back up and don his shirt and shoes once more, "Ready to get moving again?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel watches silently as Dori goes to the stream and proceeds to wash off, a goofy idea running through her mind. As he smirked at her, his bare chest just as taunting, the Idea became a decision...

As he turned to head back up after cleaning himself, he wouldn't see Anthriel, until of course a chorus of tiny voices all shouted "CHARGE!" and a veritable swarm of tiny angels swooped down and clung to him, pulling at his clothes and attempting to steal his buttons. Overall just being obnoxious as several squirmed under his clothing and wriggled around, poking, prodding, tickling, and pulling...

Form of the Swarm! Attack of the Derp! 5EP. XD
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 143/148, Status = Fine, Form of the Swarm

Dori glanced around in search of Anthriel as he climbed out of the stream, concern evident in his voice as he even shouted; "Anthriel? Where'd ya go?" That was about when the order to charge came, and a fleet of tiny angels descended upon the dragon before he could make any sort of reaction. He never knew what hit him, as he was swarmed by miniature Anthriels and sent into a fit of laughter, both due to the silliness of the sudden attack and because of the ones that found their way into his shirt. In the end, the dragon couldn't hope to weather the concentrated assault, and collapsed onto his back in the grass in a fit of laughter and wild squirming in an attempt to dislodge some of the miniature angels covering him.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel, or rather the army of tiny Anthriels continued the relentless assault upon the giant dragon, giggling and laughing with glee and amusement as Dori soon wound up on his back, trapped in a fit of giggles himself. When Anthriel had thought that he'd had enough, the tickling stopped and Dori was treated to the sight of the 6'' Angel walking up his chest towards his face, the others of the swarm taking off and swirling around in the air.

Crossing her arms and sticking out her tongue for a moment as she stood in the center of his chest, the diminutive angel bit her lip before bursting out laughing and almost falling over. To his right, the swarm seemed to be reforming, the tiny angels coalescing until the tiny one giggling on his chest was all that was left, and then she too joined and the fully grown, howling with laughter, Angel was rolling on the ground, her hands clutched to her stomach as she snickered and giggled "O Hahahahaha he Teehehehehhahaaahaha. The mighty Dori brought down by a swarm of pixies!" She managed to snort out before devolving into giggles again.

And then something very strange happened, Anthriel sneezed... And somehow, someway, when the angel sneezed, she immediately burst back into the swarm! For several seconds, the tiny angels all looked at each other confused before a huddle was formed on the ground and they tried to figure out what had happened. Failing miserably, all but one of them wizzed off somewhere else to explore along the stream, One staying with Dori, alighting on his shoulder and speaking into his ear. "Okay... I have no idea how that happened, but for some reason I'm stuck this way for awhile... So... you're stuck with me until we can figure out what happened..."
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 143/148, Status = Fine, Form of the Swarm

Dori watched Anthriel reform with a wide smirk, laughing somewhat less enthusiastically than she was, though that wasn't saying much considering the fact that she was rolling about on the ground. Upon her observation, he adopted an affronted look that was belied as false by the upward curl of his lips and said; "Hey, I was only in human form! You're not the only one who can change forms ya know!"

When the angel sneezed and burst back into her swarm of miniatures, however, Dori looked somewhat confused. "Stuck like this? That's... Probably not good. There's someone that I can take you to that might be able to help, if you want. Though, it might be a good idea to stay miniature like that. Don't want to give any old men a heart attack when they spot a buck naked angel strutting through town," Dori said as he climbed back to his feet, moving carefully so as not to dislodge her from his shoulder.

The swarm of miniature angels, meanwhile, fond the stream to be fairly peaceful. Though it moved slowly, the water was deep and swift enough to prevent many things from growing in the water, but there were still many signs of life about. Fish swam beneath the water, and frogs hid in the bushes waiting for a fly to move past them. Rabbits, deer, and various other creatures drank from the water before moving away as quickly as they could, and birds sang in the trees, audible even above the sounds of moving water.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel snickered at Dori as she clung to the hem of his shirt, finally deciding that the top of his head was an easier place to both hold on, and hide. Wriggling up his head and squiring into Dori's hair, the diminutive angel layed down and peeked out of the shaggy brown locks, holding on, but trying her best not to pull. "If you think you know someone that can help then Great!"

Thinking for a moment as they walked, Anthriel pondered what he had said about old men and heart attacks, wondering what that was all about. Was nudity that rare down here? it must have been if EVERYONE seemed uncomfortable about it. What a strange bunch...

The swarm was having a great deal more fun on the other hand, playing in the stream and teasing the wildlife, noticing a great deal more about the various plants and animals now that they were small enough to really get a good look. While several were lounging around in flowers on the banks of the stream, another was bouncing up and down on a frog, chasing it and generally being a nuisance. Several more were seeing if they could catch flies, the strange insects so much more interesting now that they were the size of a small dog in comparison, and last but not least, one was staring at a spider from a safe distance from the web, the spider thoughtfully staring back.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 143/148, Status = Fine, Form of the Swarm

The various wild creatures that Anthriel encountered didn't seem to quite know what to do with the swarm of pint sized angels that had descended upon them. The flies all tried to flee, though not all managed to escape before they were captured by a miniature Anthriel. The frog likewise attempted to flee, hopping away in an attempt to get the miniature angel to leave it alone, but Anthriel proved to be the faster of the two and kept up with it easily. The spider, meanwhile, stared at the pixie staring at it while remaining utterly still.

Dori, meanwhile, gave an irritated snort as Anthriel climbed up into his hair, but made no comment as he proceeded to head toward the village. "We'll see about getting this sorted out once I know that the village is safe."

The journey didn't take very long, maybe about five minutes tops, before Dori broke out onto the main road and stepped past the village gates. The place was being reconstructed following the damage caused by yesterday's battle, but people seemed to be in high spirits despite the devastation. Dori strode up to the first person that he saw, who happened to be a fairly pretty young girl who was standing just outside of a large wooden building that could only be a tavern, and said; "Emily! Is everyone alright? How bad was the damage? What happened here?" Dori's voice was filled with concern, but Anthriel knew that he had been present during the attack and knew full well what had happened.

The girl smiled a little too pleasantly at Dori and replied; "Oh Dori! It was awful! The demon from the tower sent an ogre, and the shadow dragon appeared and fought it! The entire village was almost destroyed! But then an angel appeared and killed the ogre, and then fought the demon lord of the dark tower! They both vanished, but the demons fled the tower this morning, so she must have won!" Dori put on a decent show of surprise and amazement, and it showed in his voice too as he said; "Oh, well shit. That's crazy! But at least the demons are gone now, and we should get some peace and quiet!"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

The tiny angels just continued to goof around and play, the caught flies being deposited carefully in the spiders web before they fluttered off to leave the arachnid in peace. Eventually, the wound up either playing in a tree or lounging around in the edge of the stream, generally just taking it easy and doing nothing of consequence. After a little while they got bored again and went back to the cottage to see what the other women were up to.

Meanwhile back in the Village, Anthriel quietly snickered in Dori's hair as he put on his charade, and had to stifle outright laughter as she was apparently named the hero. Staying out of sight and quiet, she teased so only Dori could here. "I saved your butt O mighty Shadow Dragon!" before taking on a more serious tone. "I'm glad they're alright, and thank your mother for me if you see her again, I don't know how things would have ended up without the rescue..."

Sliding back into his hair Anthriel watched the people industriously start to rebuild their town, Humans really were an amazing bunch. Even given everything that had happened, they just picked up and rebuilt everything without skipping a beat...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 143/148, Status = Fine, Form of the Swarm

The spider seemed quite excited by its gift of numerous flies once it finished flailing its mandibles and forelegs at the miniature angels that had brought them, busying about wrapping all of the captured flies in silk while the mini Anthriels all flitted off. When the swarm returned to the cottage, they found Mom sitting outside, hard at work washing something. She was humming to herself and didn't seem to notice the swarm of angels unless they got too close to her. The inside of the house was empty, and Karie was found outside a short ways off, sifting through the brush in the woods near the house. She wore the black leather's she'd been clad in yesterday, and seemed fairly alert, necessitating that the swarm of Anthriels attempt to be stealthy lest they risk discovery.

At Anthriel's teasing, meanwhile, Dori glanced upwards, looking as if he was rolling his eyes, and whispered back; "I could have taken that ogre!" The girl he was talking to, who'd been going over details regarding the state of the village, stopped speaking and looked confused for a moment. "What? Is something wrong, Dori?" Dori blinked twice and quickly replied to the human girl; "Uh, no! Nothing at all... Just, uhh... Talking to myself, reminding myself of something!"

The girl blinked twice in turn, and then said; "Alright... Anyway, I think Nickolai is looking for people to help rebuild all of the damaged buildings. You might be able to talk to him if you wanted to help out, and I think he was offering to pay people. I know how rough the times are for your family these days, it might be good if you've got some coin to help you through the winter." Practically attached to Dori as she was, Anthriel felt him tense painfully at the girl's words, as though she'd struck a nerve. "Yeah... That sounds good actually, I'd like to help out a little around here if I can, and we could definitely use the money. I... I've got to go now, I'll see you later Emily." With that, Dori stalked off, not even waiting for the girl's return goodbye before heading deeper into the village.

The people present were all hard at work, either going about their daily chores or working to repair the damage that had been done to their homes. As soon as the girl looked away form Dori, he ducked into an alley and silently headed to the outskirts of the village, moving with surprising stealth given his nature. All too soon he was gone, heading off into the woods in a direction that Anthriel quickly surmised to be towards the demon's tower.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

The swarm passed by Mom without giving her any trouble... But when they found Karie... The woman was sifting through the bushes for something, the light filtered by the trees as the winded rippled through the grass. As the entire swarm landed, they all sunk as low into the grass as they could, making their way quietly forward as only the extremely small could. Step by cautious step they moved, and they waited, and the moved, careful not to alert then woman until it was too late... When they were all in position, some in the grass around her, some hiding in the bushes, it became a repeat blitzkrieg of what had happened to Dori, A chorus of small voices and a flurry of wings as the call to battle was sounded! In moments Karie was covered in poking, prodding, and tickling angels, The battle had Begun!!!!!!!

Meanwhile back in the village, Anthriel was worried about Dori's change in mood, wondering if he felt guilty for the damage, or embarrassed by his families apparent financial problems. As he moved away from the village, the people hard at work as only humans ever could be, and towards the tower however, her blood ran cold and she began yanking on his hair softly. "What are you Doing!"

Despite any bravado the Angel had, the area made her nervous as painful memories of what had happened sprang to the fore, the event in the tower... Shaking her head to clear the thoughts as best she could, she repeated her question, not wanting to be around here at anything less then full strength. Gods only knew what was left lurking in the ruins of the powerful demons lair...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 143/148, Status = Fine, Form of the Swarm

Karie let out a yelp of surprise when the swarm of pixie Anthriels suddenly descended upon her, and the girl fared no better in her defense against such an attack than Dori had. Flailing wildly, she knocked a few of the miniature angels aside before she realized that they were only tickling her and descended into a fit of giggles while squirming wildly on the ground.

As she headed off into the woods, Dori replied; "I'm going to go and kill some demons. I can sell the bits I tear off of them for a lot more coin than I'd get from helping rebuild the village, and I'd rather take some merchant's money than the village's anyway." Though he sounded upset, he seemed to be taking measures to keep much of it out of his voice. He paused suddenly and cursed, "Damnit! I forgot you were stuck like that for a second.... And the one who might be able to help you is the same guy that's apparently organizing the repairs for the village. Damnit.... Are you sure that you can't piece yourself back together?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel would have answered, had a stray strand of hair not caused her nose to itch unbearably. Trying to rub the strand away and get to her nose at the same time, the effort was to no avail... "ehhh... AHhhhhh.... AHHHHCHHOOOAA!!!!!~~"

With a sneeze that would have scared a cannonball back into the barrel, all of the small angels currently tormenting Karie felt an odd tug behind their navel as they were ripped from their current position and forcibly reformed into the original. While Karie may have been glad that the pixie swarm was suddenly gone, Dori wasn't so lucky. Well... He may have thought he was lucky, many men would... Because suddenly, there was a confused, nude angel on his head..... With a yelp and the inevitable splat, Anthriel was once again whole, and Dori was underneath her in a heap...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 143/148, Status = Fine

Karie was more or less helpless beneath the swarm of angels, writhing about on the ground and laughing hysterically beneath their tickling, but when the swarm of miniature Anthriels was called back she sat up after a moment and said; "What in the hell was that?"

The swarm, meanwhile, was called back to the angel sitting on top of Dori's head, and Anthriel quickly reformed into her fully sized form... Right on top of Dori's head. The dragon, as surprised as Anthriel if not more so, yelped and went down in a heap with the nude chained angel on top of him. In the end, she was lying on top of him with her crotch in his face, the reverse just as true for her as she was able to feel him exhaling on her petals, while her wings were splayed out on either side of them. Dori was frozen like a statue, and she felt him stop breathing immediately as he tensed in the awkward position, not daring to move a muscle and closing his eyes tightly.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel was confused. She was whole again, and she felt a breeze... Noticing where she was and blushing furiously, the Angel immediately sprang to her feet and covered herself. Kicking Dori in the leg and looking down at him, noticing he was blushing just as profusely as she was, she started chuckling, then outright laughing again at the bizarre occurrence. "Well.... That's one problem solved... Get Up."

Still snickering she took to pulling the bits of dirt and other debris from the tumble from her wings, shaking her head and laughing at Dori as he got to his feet. "Well. Shall we?" She said, cocking her hips to the side and continuing to smile at his bright red face.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 143/148, Status = Fine

Dori didn't even flinch at the kick, he simply laid on the ground with a deep red flush on his face while his expression appeared almost traumatized. He didn't move until after she had finished laughing, or at least finished laughing hysterically. He was still blushing brightly, and could barely look at her as he said; "Yes. Uhhh... Lets."

He turned to move off, heading toward the tower and making sure to keep Anthriel behind him if she allowed it, though he also seemed to be attempting to make it not obvious that he was attempting to get his blush down..... And keep his front out of her field of vision.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel did NOT allow it, walking in front of him on purpose and swinging her hips with every step, taking a strange pleasure in teasing the shy man as she headed for the tower. Besides, she didn't mind giving Dori a little show since he seemed to enjoy it so much. Stretching her wings out a little as she walked, tired of having them wrapped around her, which inevitably lead to cramping, Anthriel finally showed a little mercy and fell back to walk beside him, refusing to notice that anything was bothering him at all, apart from the tent in his pants...

Lifting her face a little to let the breeze better hit her face, she wondered what would be left after the master of the tower had been killed, it would do her some good to relieve some stress and murdering demons always put her in a good mood. As they walked under the trees, the sunlight filtering between the leaves in a dancing display of light and shadow, Anthriel quietly wondered just how desperate Dori's family was actually getting, knowing she had gold tucked away in her wings, a small pouch... She wondered how helpful 50 of the heavy coins could be. Regardless, she would do her best to try and repay the kindness that had been shown to her.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Dori definitely did seem to enjoy her display, at least once he stopped trying to pretend that he wasn't staring directly at her ass as she led the way toward the tower that the demons had once inhabited. He at least managed to keep a tent from obviously appearing in his pants, though it took some effort on his part and his erection was still showing when she moved to walk beside him instead of in front of him. He was visibly relieved a few moments later, and his normal smirk returned once more as he said, "We shouldn't have much to worry about. As far as I know the one we killed yesterday was the strongest one there, everything else should be easy pickings."

The tower came into view through the canopy of leaves above them a short while later, the trip having been easy for them since they could both fly or jump over any particularly dangerous spots in the swampy ground. The bottom of it was, despite the death of its lord, still guarded by no less than a dozen goblins, but they spread out a great deal as soon as they spotted Anthriel and Dori, two of them running right into the darkened entrance of the tower while four more simply took off in separate directions. The rest shouted at one another unintelligibly and dispersed, raising rifles that they had no doubt scavenged from somewhere. The closest were those directly ahead of Dori and Anthriel at about thirty feet away, and the rest grew steadily farther until the ones on the edges were about fifty feet away. "Hoo boy, the welcome wagon!"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Look only for the giants and you'll be eaten by the ants Dori" Anthriel said as the tower loomed closer. As the structure came into view, Anthriel saw that it most certainly still had inhabitants, and they were goblins... Ugly foul little creatures, and they had guns... and they were pointing them at her...

The tower alone was enough to stir her anger, but the obnoxious little creatures deserved nothing more then to be put down in a rather painful manner. Lifting her arm and pointing her outstretched hand at the creatures closest, Anthriel gave a new power a try, the heat rising from her soul to flow through her arm and focus in her hand. Turning her hand she snapped her fingers, focusing on a spot between the nearest creatures and triggering an explosion of black, all consuming, flames...

Hellfire Blast X=6 For (1d6+3)*6 10 foot radius
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 69/71, PP = 71, EP = 142/148, Status = Fine

Attack (Anthriel) : Hit.
Damage: 4 + 3 = 7 * 6 = 42 - 9 = 33 damage.

Attack (Dori) : Hit.
Damage: 10 + 1 + 48 - 9 = 50 damage.

Attacks (Goblins) : All miss.

Anthriel sent an orb of black flame hurtling at the two nearest goblins who, perhaps predictably, tried to get out of the way. They also failed, mostly, as they came out of the explosion of pitch black fire badly singed and limping heavily. Dori, meanwhile, hurtled away from Anthriel with a cocky smirk on his face, moving toward the 2nd goblin on the right. The dragon in human form didn't seem to lack any power despite his reduced size, as he hammered his fist into the diminutive demon hard enough to send it flying backwards with its chest caved in. The farthest goblin on that side fired at him, but Dori casually turned away from the bullet and the shot missed him completely. The other five goblins, including those she'd set on fire, took shots at Anthriel that were either clean misses or that curved around her natural protective aura. Neither of them had even taken a scratch, but the other remaining goblins didn't seem to have been driven to flee just yet.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel smirked as the bullets either went wide or bent around her, her wings wide as she slowly and patiently walked in an arc around the goblins, trying to line more of them up. Watching the Dori fight in human from was a treat in itself as well and Anthriel made a mental note to learn more about him when this was done.

Step...Step....Step... Never rushed or hurried, her eyes locked on the foul green creatures as she stretched out her arm again, her tattoos not so much shining, as pulling the light from the air around them as black electricity threatened to discharge. When she thought she had a good shot, Anthriel let it go, the cackling and whipping bolt ripping through the air full of malice.

Devil's Lightning EP:10 (1D8+4)*10