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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

As she flew over the swamp that she had so unceremoniously landed in, Anthriel saw smoke on the horizon. Black smoke that smelled of burning flesh as the angel of balance drew near to it. Too much smoke for it to be a small funeral pyre. As she drew neared, the moon above shining down upon her as she flew high above the treeline, she could hear the screams of those below, and the long, bellowing cry of some magnificent beast. Whatever was going on, she couldn't see it from all the way up here, so she would have to descend down into the fray to discover the source of the ruckus. Or, she could simply continue on her way, and trust that what was going on below was a strictly mortal affair. Though, from the sound of that roar, that seemed.... Unlikely.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Blind)

As Anthriel glided silently through the night, the light of the moon and the stars making her feel so at peace were ruined as the illusion was shattered by a pillar of smoke and the anguished cries of those bellow. The smell of burning flesh making the hair on the back of the angels neck stand on end as she drew nearer. "Hellfire" she muttered as the smoke obscured her vision too much to reconnoiter from the air. Whatever was doing this needed verification and she knew it and the sounds coming below stirred a deep rage, something was wrong here and it was time to find out what.

Anthriel used the thermals rising in the air from the smoke to gain some more height before tucking her magnificent wings in and diving to the ground, If she couldn't do this safely than recklessly and with speed was the only smart move. Landing in the middle of whatever was going on like a feathered bomb she spun, wings tucked close, and crouched, Ready for anything
Re: One in Three Thousand (Blind)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Upon landing on the ground within the center of the town, Anthriel can't be blamed if she immediately wished that she hadn't landed here. Following her nearly meteoric descent from above and her incredibly graceful landing, Anthriel rose to her and surveyed her surroundings in the blink of an eye, her supernatural senses allowing her to see through the thick smoke that blanketed the town. People were running around the village, some clutching weapons and others clutching children, the two groups going in opposite directions. Some massive spiritual presence was beyond the veil of smoke, and a moment later she detected another of equal power just beyond it. Another titanic below was answered a moment later by a similar cry of rage and fury.

A few seconds later, the smoke cleared, and Anthriel saw something that made even her shake slightly with dread. Standing in the village square, its massive scaly back to her, was a dragon with black scales. It breathed a cone of flames onto another equally massive creature, but the behemoth beyond shrugged off the fire and came forward, wrapping one massive hand around the scaly things neck and forcefully pulling it forward despite the powerful creatures roar of protest. Another hand, clutching a warhammer that was the size of Anthriel's entire body, raised up, trying to find a good shot at the dragons massive head as it bobbed about, trying to go for its opponents throat. An ogre, clad in armor made of black steel that glowed crimson across its polished surface, was the dragon's opponent.

A dragon.... Their kind hadn't been sighted in..... Over a thousand years, until the invaders had come two years ago. And now, here was one, right before her eyes, engaged in a highly destructive duel with an armored ogre, a beast that had never been seen in this part of the world. Their struggling had obviously been the cause of the devastation in this village, but it also looked like one would soon be killing the other. She was free to intervene, if she so desired, but she honestly couldn't know which, if either, would be the better option to strike at. Both were formidable opponents on their own, but she lacked any sort of context to go by, and as such had no idea which to back if she had to choose.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Blind)

Anthriel stood there in stunned silence, the world around her seeming to fade as she saw two titanic forces doing battle, and of all things, A Dragon and an Ogre. One was certainly about to strike a death blow, of that she was certain. Anthriel had witnessed too much death to not see that and their struggles were destroying the village. The choices available to her seemed clear as people ran to and fro to escape to destruction, This Fight HAD to END!

Anthriel summoned her strength, her wings snapping outwards as the tattoos adorning her body flared to life, their would be no doing this by halves. as the light burning across her skin flared with a blue light that lit up the surrounding area, small streamers of energy crackling around her form, the sheer amount of power focused into her causing the dirt on the ground to fly away. The Dragon may be black, but it had been seen here before, it belonged here, and the Ogre was about to have one hell of a bad day...

Battle Aura 30EP, Upkeep 28EP
Speed, Attack Mod, Attack Dmg, Dodge: +90
Resistance: +30
Totals for the modified numbers
Mod:196 (Spirit)
Damage 116 (this includes the spirit/4 for the next attack using energy blade, meaning all you have to do is make the rolls and multiply)

Energy Blade 30EP, Attack mod 196+1d20, Target: Ogre

As Anthriel felt the power surging through her stabilize she prepared to attack. but the angle was going to be a problem, the dragon was in the way. dropping into a sprinters crouch the violently glowing angel launched herself forward, the speed alone carrying her behind the pair. Pivoting and jumping at the ogre a brilliant 3 foot blue blade exploded into existence on Anthriel's right arm as she aimed her blow at the behemoths spine...
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Blind)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 59/148, Status = Battle Aura 30, Energy Blade 30

Anthriel spends 30 EP to activate Battle Aura and then another 28 + 31 = 59 EP. So, total of 89 EP spent as of the end of this post.

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 = 3 * 30 = 90 + 116 = 206 damage.

Grapple (Dragon vs Battle Ogre) : Dragon wins!
Damage: 5 + 11 + 40 - 32 = 24 damage.

Casting (???) : Success.
Attack: Hits the Dragon, misses Anthriel
Damage: 6 + 1 + 12 = 19 * 5 = 95 - 16 = 79 damage on the dragon

Perception: Success!

The nearby scampering villagers stopped to stare as Anthriel burst into near blinding light, some cheering while others screamed something that Anthriel didn't quite catch. The two combatants failed to notice her despite her glow, however, and she was off like a shot.

Her blade of energy went through the ogre's armor like so much paper, cutting into its flesh with equal ease in its burning power. Roaring in pain as she cut into its back, it dropped to its knees, not quite as paralyzed as she might have liked, but clearly much worse for wear from the powerful strike. The dragon, seeing its opponent wounded, reared back its head only to surge downwards, tearing chunks of armor and flesh alike from the ogres throat before pulling its bloodied mouth back and issuing another furious roar as the ogre crumbled to the ground at the dragon's feet, its throat torn out.

Before either Anthriel or the dragon could finish off their injured opponent, however, a wave of magic washed over all three of them. Anthriel's empowered aura easily allowed her to push off the affects, the magic moving around her like water around a rock rather than threw her. Neither the dragon nor the ogre were so lucky, however, as the dragon's battle-cry and the ogre's dying grumbles were cut off by sudden gushes of blood from both of their mouths.

The source of that attack was readily apparent as a woman in a long black gown glared at the battle in the village from the top of a small building on the opposite side of a bridge. The thatch roof of that building was on fire, but the woman clearly didn't seem to care much at all for that fact as she beheld Anthriel with a mix of scorn and amusement. She wore none of the obvious signs of it, but Anthriel knew at a glance that this was a demon, and not just any demon, but a demon lord. There would be no hearing her over the surrounding chaos, but she held out a hand and beckoned to Anthriel suggestively. With her enhanced speed, the demon was easily within Anthriel's range of attack, and had just as clearly had intended for her to be within the range of that attack, signifying less the friendly intentions.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Blind)

As Anthriels blade tore through the ogre and the dragon seemed to gain the upper hand a wave of magic tore through both of the combatants. Although she had managed to shrug off the effects it was clearly powerful. Already feeling the severe drain from using her power in such a reckless manner Anthriel saw her target, As the Angel spied the Demon Lord she shook with rage. "HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE IN THE WORKINGS OF THIS WORLD!! HOW DAAAAARRRE YOOOU!!!!!!!!!!" Anthriel screamed as she launched herself at the demon, all thought of strategy gone as she sought only to rend the offending creature limb from limb...

Battle Aura 30 Energy Blade 30 Total Upkeep 29EP
Attack Mod 196
Dmg increase 116
Action: Attack
Re: One in Three Thousand (Blind)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 30/148, Status = Battle Aura 30, Energy Blade 30

Attack: Hit.
Damage: Doesn't matter.
Resistance: Anthriel wins!
She realizes that it was an illusion.
Perception: ???

The demon put her hands on her hips and grinned at Anthriel even as the glowing angel blazed toward her, moving far faster than any living thing had any right to. Her energy blaze came forward in a slashing motion, and Anthriel stopped her motion perfectly just after passing the still grinning demoness, the magical weapon having passed through the demon without any hint of resistance. Her target, who should have been sliced in half, turned and continued to smile at her, her appearance.... Flickering slightly, and raising her hands to clap excitedly. An illusion. "Oooh, good effort! Flawless form! And such passion! I'm going to enjoy you immensely, once you've been properly tamed."

The voice was strange... Off somehow. Then, Anthriel realized it: The voice was bring thrown from elsewhere. Somewhere to her right, judging by the sound of it. A glance that way revealed no less than four other demons, each of them identical to the image of the woman that stood next to her. "Come on then! Give it another shot!" Each of them said, the voice coming from each of them, and Anthriel hadn't the slightest idea which of them was the real one.

One stood on top of a small shack directly across the street from her, her arms folded as she stared at Anthriel wearing a broad grin. Another was sitting cross legged in the center of the road between the two buildings, her head in her hands and a bored expression on her face. The third was sitting on a bench, her arms spread wide out in front of another building to the right, also wearing a wide grin. Another was hopping up and down a short ways down the road out of town, waving her arms excitedly as if begging for attention. The last of them was standing her arms held out in front of her with her eyes closed as she mouthed something that Anthriel couldn't quite make out, half hidden behind a sign in the far left side of her field of vision.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

As Anthriel scored what she thought was a flawless strike she was downright shocked that she had been fooled in such a simple manner, the incessant taunting from the demoness was infuriating...

Anthriel cooled her rage as she dispelled her Aura and her blade, the light adorning her body fading as she began to mark her targets and summoned a very different kind of power. "I've already had enough of you..." The Angel stated with venom...

Although there was no telling which one was real there was nothing stopping her from attacking all 5 at once...

This was her last chance, her only shot at ending this abomination...
Piercer 26+4 (1d12+2 X26) Targeting all 5 visible demons
No Buffs, Attack Mod: 106

Anthriel held out an upturned palm to reveal the swirling black mass that was her intense hatred, and smirked as the dark spears reached out to strike her opponent
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Blind)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 72,) Probably about to be raped

Attack: 2 + 106 = 108 vs 146 = 50 + 30 + 66 = Miss!

The dark blades formed from the last of Anthriel's energy did indeed reach out to all five of the demons, and four of them flickered brightly as the shadows tore through them. The fifth, however, suddenly dodged aside, watching the shard of shadow fly by her with a look of amazement on her face. It had been the one farthest from Anthriel, the one jumping up and down in the middle of the road. As the angel collapsed, unable to even stand any more, the demoness suddenly blinked, her illusions disappearing as she stood over Anthriel. She seemed about to say something, but then the dragon roared, and she glanced its way quickly. By the time she had turned back, Anthriel had blacked out.


"Waky waky!" Said the high pitched, utterly cheerful voice of the demoness. Opening her eyes, Anthriel saw her foe standing above her with a triumphant grin upon her face. She was lying on her back, and every one of her limbs, including her wings, were bound to some sort of table. She was naked, which probably came as no great surprise considering that she never wore clothes to begin with, and her legs had been forcefully spread apart. Her position could hardly be called comfortable, especially considering that she was bound by iron manacles to an iron apparatus, which was both cold and biting. "Comfy? Good! I'm sure you'll earn some better accommodations at some point, but for now you're going to be staying here! It cost me a lot of energy to capture you, but you're a much better catch than that dragon! Love that tattoos, by the way! I never thought your kind went for anything so stylish." She said, utterly conversational.

The demon who had captured her knelt down over her, so that they were closer together. "So, you have a name, sweetheart?"
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

As Anthriel came to she might have noticed her predicament had that high pitched voice not been present. The very sound of that abomination speaking threw the angel into a rage and she strained against her bindings with every ounce of strength she had. Such was her anger that she didn't notice the bite of the iron, didn't notice her compromising position, certainly didn't notice that she was sealed and the only response she deemed to give the demoness she so wished to eviscerate was an animal like snarl, her black eyes burrowing into her captor as she struggled.

At the comment concerning her tattoos Anthriel actually smiled, remembered how she had earned her markings and threw the entirety of her very essence against her bonds. The markings in question twisted and writhed wishing to obey the command of their master as the Angel tried to call upon forbidden strength

Attempt Dark Armor X30 Fervently praying to the dice gods for a nat 20
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 67/71, PP = 52/71, EP = 120/148, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 72,) Definitely about to be raped

Resistance: You rolled a 17. Not good enough.

Pleasure: 3 + 2 + 15 + 6 + 20 - 27 = 19 pleasure.
Damage: 2 + 2 = 4 damage.
Anthriel is drained of 24 EP.

The demoness giggled at Anthriel's vicious snarl, and clapped with glee as her tattoos began to writhe and twist along her form. "That's a wonderful trick! Too bad it isn't working properly!" And indeed it wasn't, as she couldn't cause the images on her body to do more than twist around a little. When she attempted to call upon her power, something seemed to block it somehow, leaving her energies trapped in her body.

"Tsk tsk, so grumpy! Let me help you relax!" The demoness straddled Anthriel, and her glowing crimson eyes captured the bound angel's and held them. Despite her fervent desire to see this woman disemboweled, Anthriel was unable to look away from that gaze, fully hypnotized by it as her captor lowered her mouth to her chest. And, despite whatever was sealing her powers, Anthriel still had the ability to sense a hungry part of the demon's soul reaching out toward her, tendrils of it brushing against her celestial essence and preparing to sink into her.

Wearing a mischievous grin, the demoness lowered her mouth and breathed on the tip of one of the angel's breasts, and despite what her mind might desire, her peak swiftly hardened at the demon's teasing. This time, she didn't bother to speak before her mouth descended onto Anthriel's nipple. And once again, regardless of her wishes on the matter, the angel's body reacted, pleasure shooting up her spine rapidly. The demon's tendrils sank into her essence at the same time, and began absorbing her powerful spirit even as they began to corrupt it. The demon's tongue flicked rapidly across her erect peak, every touch just far enough apart for her to have recovered from the last.

The feeling of the demon's fingers dancing along her belly, toward her flower, gave Anthriel ample notice that her rapist had no intention of stopping with only her breasts. With her power still locked away and slowly being stolen by the demon, things were most definitely not looking up for her.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel had the smirk wiped straight off her face as her power was blocked and recoiled back into her soul... "Shit Wha... WHAT HAVE YOU~ GYAH!!... Hrmmm... Hah... STOP!"
The Angel finally realized the dire situation she was in when she felt her soul being tasted by the creature that had captured her and her mind flashed back to her previous imprisonment as she thrashed ineffectively at her binding. For the first time in over a century Anthriel knew fear and didn't know how to react. With her eyes locked on her captors and her mind reeling from what was happening. As the demon's hand drifted towards her flower her resolve clicked back into place and the Angel managed to get a grip.

"My name... Unclean One is Anthriel, and I Swear that one way or another, your death at my hands will be the single most unspeakable horror of this age"

What panic and fear in the Angels gaze faded into a cold, calculating fury and the gold in Anthriels eyes blinked out as Anthriels soul was tainted by the unholy contact, leaving her eyes solid black masses of hatred. Whatever happened here, the Angel had burned her promise of revenge into the very essence of her soul. The links of chain that adorned the heavy silver collar around her neck made a soft chinking noise as another link was added to each and ornate designs etched themselves into the metal depicting a fall from grace...

I need to weather this out, as much as it galls me to do so. Resistance Full if possible
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 59/71, PP = 36/71, EP = 117/148, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 72,) in the middle of being raped

Anthriel gives in! Sort of. Well, not really, but she doesn't try to break the seal anymore.

Pleasure: 2 + 2 + 15 + 6 + 20 - 27 = 18 pleasure.
Damage: 6 + 2 = 8 damage.
Anthriel is drained of 13 EP.

I did your EP drain incorrectly last round. It should have been 14, not 24.

The demoness let out a giggle as Anthriel demanded that she stop, her mouth vibrating around the tip of the angel's mound for a moment before her tongue went back to work. Her fingers slid over the bound angel's folds and began to rub her there, her fingers parting her lips and teasing her entrance. No matter how hard she tried to resist, Anthriel felt her body growing increasingly excited by the demon's touch, and her captor showed no signs of stopping.

Pulling her mouth off of the tip of Anthriel's breast and giggled again following the delivery of her threat. "Defiant still! How exciting! Your body's telling me a very different story, my little angel." She said, and then slowly slipped a finger into Anthriel's passage and slowly began to twist it about. The sensation of that motion sent a shiver of pleasure shooting up Anthriel's spine, and she could feel more of her energy slipping away. "You taste wonderful! All of that hate and fear from someone so helpless.... Is it your first time being so helpless, so afraid? It tastes like it... I wonder what else you've never done before?" She slid her fingers deeper, probing, but then pulled them out and rose back up to her feet, grinning.

Placing a hand over her crotch, the demoness worked a minor magic, and suddenly a cock stretched out from her mound. "I suppose I'll just have to find out! I wonder how long you'll last before you fall, little angel?" She motioned, and the circle that Anthriel was bound to began to lift itself up, so that it was almost like she was standing. It then began to warp, its shape changing and forcing Anthriel to lean backwards, her wings and her legs spread wide. There was nothing she could do to resist the uncomfortable motion, and the demoness quickly stepped forward, putting herself between Anthriel's parted legs. The tip of her rod was rubbed slowly and teasingly across the enraged angel's flower, and a wide triumphant grin was splashed across the demon's face. "I suppose we'll see, won't we? You're never going to get out of here... Not until I've broken you completely to my will." She whispered, staring directly into Anthriel's pitch black eyes with her own glowing crimson ones.
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel refused to look away from what was happening, she wouldn't hide from it, it would serve no purpose, it would be a betrayal to both herself and others of her kind. But torment at the hands of her twisted captor was getting much harder to ignore and she found her breathing becoming heavier as she strained against her bonds, Her folds becoming wet despite her feelings regarding the matter. Her captor was talking but Anthriel's Mind was elsewhere when the grinning bitch layed her unclean hands upon the Angels flower, the shock of the contact and then probing causing her to tense up, her hips rocking forward a little signaling the betrayal of her body. ' You taste wonderful! All of that hate and fear from someone so helpless.... Is it your first time being so helpless, so afraid? It tastes like it... I wonder what else you've never done before?'
Those words did nothing to improve the Angels mood, "this wasn't torture, this was just degrading. Real torture was centuries of silence and desolation. Nooo~ This? This was INFURIATING! but calm, need to stay calm. Anger isn't going to get me anywhere" These thoughts and others raced through Anthriel's mind as the demon pulled back and grew a cock. "How Very Unoriginal, You wonder how long it will take for me to fall? You think this is my first captivity? My first capture never ended and these marks and the collar I wear are proof! You will never have the strength to hold me wretch, I will wait, and I will watch, and the instant you turn your back I'm going to tear out your heart and EAT IT!" Anthriel's furious tirade was cut short as the device upon which she was restrained shifted and the head of that unnatural member was pressed to her virgin flower, causing the Angels breath to catch as her own arousal started to get the best of her. She knew what would happen but had never tasted such an experience herself and that more than anything else caused her to try and free herself from this damnable situation
Attempt Dark Armor X30
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 51/71, PP = 13/71, EP = 101/148, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 72,) being raped

Resistance: You got a 1.

Anthriel has received the magical demon penis.
Pleasure (Anthriel) : 7 + 5 + 20 + 6 + 12 - 27 = 23 pleasure.
Pleasure: (Demon) : 2 + 6 + 4 = 12 pleasure, leaving her at 123/135 PP.
Damage: 6 + 2 = 8 damage.
Anthriel is drained of 16 EP.

Anthriel's furious tirade brought a long, condescending laugh from the demoness standing above, and as the angel's tattoos twitched and writhed uselessly her captor replied; "Oh? Well, that's very interesting.... But I think you'll be a bit busy from here on out to rip anything out of me." The seal on the bound angel's power proved unyielding, and the demoness licked her lips once just before sliding her cock up into Anthriel. A wave of pleasure shot up Anthriel's spine as she was penetrated, no trace of pain save a minor pinch as her hymen was broken and her untouched depths were violated. Along with the lose of her purity, a torrent of the angel's soul left her body, lost to the demon's hunger, and she could feel herself beginning to grow weak from the loss of her energy.

"So loose... Are you sure you were a virgin?" Her captor sighed teasingly, and any further comment from Anthriel was cut off as the demon forced her into a kiss, grabbing her hair and holding her head as her tongue reached out and explored the captive angel's mouth for a few moments. After pulling away from Anthriel, the demoness began to thrust slowly into her body, her eyes glowing with the power stolen from Anthriel's soul. Despite her resistance and the burning hatred she nursed for her rapist, Anthriel could feel her body reacting strongly to the demon's thrusts, a pressure rising inside of her that seemed to expand with every motion from the demon, until it felt like she was going to explode. Her will was fast crumbling, and her soul was seeping out in ever greater quantities from the surprisingly tender affections of her captor, and there seemed to be little that she could do to prevent her rapidly oncoming orgasm.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel Howled as she was penetrated, her head thrown back as far as the apparatus would allow. The feeling was exquisite and repulsive and confusing but her anger would not fade. Locking eyes once again with her tormentor the Angel bit down on the inside of her mouth, trying to focus on the pain, anything to drive back what she knew was coming. No thought given to what she had never valued and had lost, that was a mortal concern. as she felt her soul being fed to the demon in an ever increasing wave all she could do was bite down, hold on, and try and hold out. Anthriel layed there in silence as a small trickle of blood ran from the corner of her mouth... Sadly she was too surprised when she was kissed to bite the miserable bitch's tongue off, but the Taste of blood probably didn't help any

Try it again, Dark Armor X30
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 37/71, PP = 71, EP = 55/148, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 72,) being fucked senseless and cumming all over the place

Resistance: You got a 1. Again. :p

Anthriel continues to receive the gift of glorious magical demon penis.
Pleasure (Anthriel) : 7 + 1 + 20 + 6 + 12 + 15 - 27 = 34 pleasure = orgasm!
Pleasure: (Demon) : 1 + 5 + 4 + 10 = 20 pleasure, leaving her at 103/135 PP.
Damage: 5 + 2 = 7 * 2 = 14 damage.
Anthriel is drained of 46 EP.

Anthriel gains a mutation!

As inevitable as the coming of the tide, the pain that Anthriel inflicted on herself only helped her last so long. Her body shuddered all on its own, the undeniable pleasure that the demon's touch brought upon her far surpassing her ability to resist. Breaking the kiss, the demoness looked into Anthriel's eyes as she started thrusting harder and faster, their crimson glow intensifying. The fucking proved too much for Anthriel's battered will, and the angel's tattoos continued to writhe ineffectually along her skin as the demon plowed into her pussy.

The pressure growing in her belly grew and grew steadily with every thrust, her captor seemingly knowing exactly how to touch Anthriel to excite her the most. Finally, it proved too much for her, and the angel's will broke, causing her to orgasm wildly on her rapist's cock, feeding her essence to the demon who had captured her. Pleasure unlike any she had ever experienced before hammered through her body and soul, leaving Anthriel breathless and weak, unable to even squirm in her bonds as she recovered from her climax.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Focus on the pain, The pain! FUUUUUUCCCCKK!!!! Anthriel was screaming in her mind even as she cut loose with a bellow that would have made the dragon proud. The climax was the single most intense pleasurable experience of her Life and all the Angel could do was lay there panting, her eyes closed as she tried to regain her concentration, She had to hold out. There was another problem, the corruption was spreading, and if it continued her powers would shift, and not for the better. Anthriel was losing her grip fast, and if this kept up then her Hatred would start to take control, warping her spirit as it changed her body. At the moment of Climax Anthriel collar glowed with a deep red power, The etchings depicting her fall become excruciatingly detailed as the chains grew to an actual measurable length. Ranging almost 2 feet long in solid silver links, each link flaring into existence as her soul was corrupted. The Angel started to resign herself to the motivations of vengeance at any cost...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 37/71, PP = 71, EP = 55/148, Status = Free!

Attack: Hit!
The demoness has been grappled.

The demoness activates Fell Might! X = 20
Grapple: The demoness wins!
Anthriel has been released from her bonds.

"Finally giving in, eh?" The demoness said, and offered a cocky grin as she continued to thrust into Anthriel. Even as she came down from her first climax, the angel could feel another rapidly welling up, the corruption flowing into her and blackening what was left of her soul, which the demon that was raping her continued to drain out of her at an ever increasing rate. Both were so preoccupied with each other that they didn't notice when the tower suddenly rocked slightly.

They did notice when the platinum scaled dragon's head tore through the wall of the keep, however. The demon likely noticed a little bit better than Anthriel, considering that those jaws, filled with teeth that were as long as the angel's forearm, clamped down on her and tore her away from Anthriel. Another figure appeared as the dragon's head pulled back, that of a young woman in dark leather armor, who quickly leaped off of the dragon and ran over to where the angel was bound. "I'll get you out of there, just gimme a second!" The woman said, and began working at Anthriel's bindings.

The dragon began thrashing its head about violently, and its mouth began to slowly open as a blood red glow began to fill the room. Ever so slowly, the silver dragon's jaws parted, until the figure of the demoness could be seen within, her feet planted on the bottom of the dragon's mouth while her hands pressed against the roof. She was bloodied in several places, the massive creatures teeth having left puncture wounds in her body, but the stains of blood on her body were barely visible beneath the swirling red light that her form was now emitting. One hand came away from the roof of the dragon's mouth, but the creature still couldn't close its mouth, and it continued to thrash around violently in an attempt to dislodge its prey. Black flame suddenly appeared around the demon's hand, but then the locks on Anthriel's bonds clicked, and the angel tumbled to the floor as her rescuer turned back to view the enfolding scene in horror. "Help him!" She spat, turning to Anthriel with a pleading look in her eyes.

She had seconds at most before the demoness that had kidnapped her unleashed whatever power she was calling up, and Anthriel could easily guess where the demon lord would send it: Through the dragon's soft pallet, and directly into its brain.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel's soul had reached its first limit, her need for vengeance against her captor finally outweighing the light for the first time. As this happened however the world around her shook and suddenly her rapist was ripped away from her in a flash of silver and teeth...

Purity shift -25, Spirit warrior Lost! Demonology Gained!
Hellfire Blast, Fel Might, Gorgons Gaze

Suddenly it wasn't her captor but a young woman talking to her and working at her bounds as the angel heard the dragon do battle with the target of her rage she felt her restraints release and she crumpled to the floor. "Help Him! her savior cried. As the Angel saw the target of all of her hate prepare to destroy her new ally, a Dragon of beautiful splendor. Anthriel's eyes focused, One turning shock white, the color spreading across the black like a disease as the collar she wore glowed red and formed up the left side of her face, forming half of a gilded mask which encircled the altered eye. The chains flowed down her left arm, twining around it and forming a manacle at her wrist. The Hate... The Rage..... Anthriel focused all of it through her new eye and unleashed a terrible power upon her foe...

Gorgons Gaze4+ X38 Total Cost 54 EP 12 HP. No Roll against this skank
Resist against 190 or become a garden decoration
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