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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

The Fel spirit that continued to claw and bite at her just wasn't going down, despite two point blank blasts of light and a slash from the suddenly active Goron to her left. Satuma was beginning to feel woozy, but then she felt a cool rippling along her skin and felt refreshed. It was healing magic, she was sure of it, and had to have come from Azalia.

The saints bless that girl, Satuma thought as she gathered her new found strengths and continued to blast at the creature in front of her with all her vigor, knowing that it too had to be reaching its limits.

((Attack Fel 4 with Light magic, twice))
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Baring her own flesh to the world wasn't exactly ideal for Alazais. Pale, porcelain skin clearly unused to the sun, and, on closer examination, tinged faintly not with the more usual reds or blues of veins and arteries.. but gold, lacing through the flesh, glowing faintly from beneath the skin. It's not enough to raise more than a wince and moment of distaste, though, as the Oracle goes about first binding the demoness Dancer, and then cleaning her own wounds.. including the one to her chest, though she turns away from her erstwhile companion to do so.

Finally.. it's time for answers. With her wand in her lap and her legs crossed, the Oracle speaks.

"This.. was their Goddess. She's an advance agent of the Darkness I've come to warn against.. they're moving faster than we ever anticipated. The question is...what to tell them.."

A flick of wand towards the doors.

"And what to do with her. Killing her isn't an option.. that's not how we do things.... but I cannot stay here. Nor am I prepared to leave her in the "care" of these villagers.. she'll either be mistreated, or take over again within a week... Light, give me strength. What of you..? What's your plan in all this? I'm sorry for dragging you into things, by the way."

((Sorry to be late, had no Net.))
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren grinned at Nath as he killed the creature he'd been shooting with light and nearly crowed with delight when he scored a hit on the Vampyre. He took two more potshots at the Vampyre grinning all the while.

(((Two more light blasts at the Vamp, oh headachey GM)))
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia decided that the battle needed to be ended quickly. She aimed at the creature Nath was facing, sending two bolts of light at it.

((Light magic at fel 6, twice))
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

((Sorry about the delay people. A series of unpredictable days combined with me not taking the correct chances to reply when possible.))

Despite the hit felling her target, Kriia grumbled as she backed towards her comrades to regroup. "Mhrr, I didn't want to shoot them down. A captive would have been better. But I'm glad you came when you did. I'm not used to hunting foes quite like this." She says falling into a more steady hover as she tries to catch her breath. "I... I want to chase them, but maybe we should see what the others have to say before we fly off into other territories?" The white harpy suggests, though looking almost unhappy to be saying it. Even despite her nature, this incident was out of the ordinary and clan business. As she hovers for the moment she also stows her bow back over her shoulder and checks at her wound, muttering under her breath. "Damn, this stings with every beat..." Reaching up and pulling her chest wrap loose, letting it slide down to her waist where the arrow sliced past before tugging it tight again as a makeshift wound dressing.
Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

Well, on a similar note then. Appologies for my recent lack of posting. Had some surprisingly busy days and got stolen away mid post only to be away from the net for two days. Since I am infact moving home on Sunday, and have been packing and preparing all week, my net time will continue to be rather unpredictable and be a secondary priority for a week or so. After moving into the new place, I will also have to wait for the internet to be set up, and will be resorting to visiting relatives to make posts.

Overall, I should still be able to get online, just on an unpredictable basis.

I'll strive to keep up and take part, but at the moment it's fair to say that Kriia will follow the other two's lead for the time being.
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Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan let out a groan. What had she gotten herself into this time. Still, maybe she'd be able to find some nice food, or a exotic fuck in the Lamian territories. She briefly wondered what their tales could be used for, before slamming the trap door shut and starting out across the grasslands.

She kept simply putting one foot in front of the other. She took a canteen that Etiel had been kind enough to pack for her, from the side of her pack and took a long drink. The thick blood within (was it his? It tasted sweet like his, but slightly off) washed away the dust of the tunnels, and now she simply strode towards the Lamian Principalities, hoping to find someone else.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

A final volley of light attacks from the group, supported by Nath's staffwork and the professor's potent magic saw the last of their foes defeated, the specters dissipating in the wind while the vampyre fell to his knees, the sword cluttering from his grip to the ground below. Coughing up blood and burned severely from the multitude of magical attacks he had been peppered with, he let out a dark chuckle. "I may die, but it changes events not. This place is cursed with death and now, so too are you all. Ahahahahaha..."

And letting out one final laugh, he collapsed, balance shifting and causing him to drop down after the fallen sword, landing next to it in a twisted heap upon some debris, a few sharp remains poking up through his back from where he impacted. The crazed vampyre was no more.

"Hmph. We've no time to eb worrying about the ravings of a deranged madman," called the professor. "Now that we're here, let us get rid of this corpse and set up camp; the secrets to our heritage I've sought are contained within these crumbling walls, I can feel it."

Nath gave a thankful nod to Azalia before darting off to do a quick search of the ruins while others dealt with the dead vampyre, returning soon to report there was nothing else of danger about and beginning the process of setting up camp in the relatively clear mouth. As tents began to go up, Jontus called away Goron, stating that he had found something and required the budding archeologist's help, leaving the others to put up camp.

((Azalia gains 13 exp
Satuma gains 15 exp
Soren gains 13 exp))
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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma set about with the removal of the Vampyre's body, dragging it off to a far ditch and dumping it unceremoniously before returning back to where he had originally lain. Resting there on the ground was the vampyre's blade. Satuma glanced at it, inspecting it, and if feeling nothing wrong would pick it up and put it with her things as she got ready to unpack the tents from the pack lizard and set up camp.

She would have gladly accompanied Nath to clear the ruins, but he'd darted off before anyone else could join him. He returned later on to say that there was no more apparent danger, making it just as well that she had stayed behind to prop up her tent. Once she was done with her own, she'd move on to help the others, starting first with Azalia.

"I wanted to thank you for your support in the battle, your healing magic really saved my scales," Satuma said as she helped hammer a stake into the ground to keep the Azalia's tent fixed to its spot.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

The blade is long and straight, with what apepar to be runes etched into the blade itself, although they are worn and faded, not well maintained. In fact, the blade as a whole looks as though it had seen better days although it was still servicable enough. As Satuma's hand comes in contact with the hilt of the sword, she feels its power in her mind.

Lesser Runeblade (Contains Lesser Rune Magic - Level 1)
AP to use: 4
Damage: 4

Lesser Rune Magic
Level 1 Special
AP: 4
Damage: 3
Spec: Soft Reach 10

Channelling energy through the runes of the blade, one can fire a bolt of pure magical energy out, capable of hitting distant opponents.

To master this ability, one must execute this attack 10 times.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma knew a little swordplay. It had been part of her basic training upon entering the military, as even Engineers sometimes need to fight - and that was certainly coming true now. Sensing the magical essence in the blade, Satuma decided to keep it for now. If there were someone better suited to its use, she'd hand it over to them, but for now analysing the spoils of battle was less of an issue than getting the camp set up properly.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Celine remained quite, but before long had a thought, though probably not one the oracle would like. "You say it isn't your way... about loop holes... or is it serious a code of honor or some such? Even then, what about me, what if I killed her?" Despite her words, she wasn't exactly eager to do that, and her preferred solution would be to leave the bound woman here. Frankly, the village wasn't her problem, but the oracle seemed to take it on herself to at least protect them this much. Celine had no motive to change that.

Sighing, the elf leaned up against the wall and continued. "Well, I just want to get as far away as possible from any trouble. Staying out of sight serves those well that don't care for a serious fight. I'm not sure if I believe you, though if what you've been saying is true, it sounds like there may not be many safe places, soon, unfortunately..."
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The militiaman narrowed his eyes at the suggestion that he bore similarity to the mysterious second man, but thought for a moment at the question. "I... guess that's possible..." he admitted sceptically. "But Norris would have had to be really out of it to not notice," he added quickly, throwing a sharp glare at the sirens over the nekomata's shoulder. "I doubt one of ours would have just snuck up on him, they'd probably call out to him. Even then, he'd surely have seen them when he came running back to town, wouldn't he? Plus, no one who saw Norris come running back saw anyone else with him," he concluded, crossing his arms in a manner that seemed to suggest that in his mind, he had won the argument.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia let out a sigh as the battle ended. She was chanting spells nearly constantly, alternating between healing magic and blasts, and had a nasty feeling she'd have a case of sore throat later. Still, at least the group had won. The mage settled down for a while after the fight, preferring to rest while Nath scouted the area. Once he returned, confirming that it was safe, Azalia began to set up her tent, something she still had problems with. Thankfully, Satuma was there to help her with it - and thank her. "No problem." The sorceress replied. "I saw that you needed some help, so I couldn't just leave you like that." She paused, concentrated on driving the last nail in. "I wonder where those things came from, though. They were clearly creatures of darkness, but those don't appear anywhere... Not normally. Were they summoned by the vampyre?" His last words were troubling, too. Something was going on here...
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma shrugged. "If we believe our own eyes, it would seem that the vampyre either summoned them, or was in league with them while they waited in ambush for us. In either scenario, we must assume that something is very wrong. Those fel spirits are a sign of the Accursed's touch on this land. Their physical presence is an ill portent."

Satuma hammered in her final wooden nail and tested the tent with a firm shake to show that it would hold firm. Nodding, Satuma moved onwards to help Soren with his own tent if he was still busy with it. If he had already finished, or once they had it set up together, Satuma would immediately work on setting up a firepit for the night's meal.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Atair smiles a little, hands coming up and steepling in front of him, his fingers spread. "That is true, but that doesn't answer my question as to whether you did follow him or not." He cocks his head to the side and regards the man for a moment, brows arching and then relaxing. After that statement, his expression turns thoughtful again. "Although you raise a good point. No one saw the second individual return to town. Perhaps they didn't and they're still lurking somewhere between here and there."
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Drago nods, turning his head to look back at Flowers "Hey, Flow! Bring Kriia and check on the survivors. I'm going to see about getting some answers from the rest of the village." he says, turning and heading back towards the burned village, a mixed look of disdain and sadness on his face as he flies. He loved fighting, but he always hated fighting others of his kind.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Although the Oracle has her face-veil and hood up once more, Celine can almost feel the glare radiating from those eyes as she mentions killing their prisoner.

"No one is killing her while I'm around. She'll have to come with me, there's no way around it. I'll just.. have to keep her bound. Somehow."

She starts turning back to her slowly-stirring Dancer.. then shakes her head.

"No.. you're entirely right. Soon nowhere will be safe. And as much as I, and my people can understand the desire to..stay out of trouble, as you put it.. there is much trouble gunning for all of us. With that in mind.."

And she unfolds, briskly moving to her feet, and towards the door.

"Please.. keep an eye on my captive. I shall inform the villagers of what has transpired, then be on my way. If you'd like to accompany me at least as far as the next village... be my guest."

((Move to and open door))
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti returned the man's glare with a steady stare, which continued as he and Atair continued speaking. However, when Atair conceded that no one saw the second man come back to town, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Norris couldn't hide, being the only one in town with a handcannon... but the second one could have easily faded into the crowd, and he doubted anyone would speak up and say "no, that's not right, so-and-so came back with him, too".

He took out his slate - slowly, eyeing the men surrounding them - and began writing. Shortly, he walked out from behind Nae, nudging Atair with the writing board.

What was he doing before we came?
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Feeling the nudge, Atair took his attention from the elf and twisted enough to see the offered message. The question had been on his mind, too, but he was slow to bring it up, wanting to gauge the man's reaction to being questioned in general before, as he might see it, accusing him of being off of his post as well. Still, he inclined his head to Keti slightly, looking, perhaps, like an agreeable nod. His attention back on the elf, he took a moment to find a good way to tack on the question.

"And, perhaps then, if you weren't following Norris, you could let us know what you were doing while all this was supposed to be going on?"