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ACT [ おいらん一味 / Oiran Ichimi] アイリス☆アクション / Iris Action (RE087520, RJ087520)

Re: Iris Action

Can someone upload a full save file? Getting all the versions of each Game Over CG...

If I knew how to... if I figure it out, I'll provide one. It's the config file, right?

Edit: someone want to try this out?

It's the config.dat file... I think this was the save data file.
Last edited:
Re: Iris Action

There, I just uploaded my own copy.
Re: Iris Action

Out of curiousity. Is there a way to get the no3 slime grass fully clothed pic?

That's the only one I can't unlock since getting slime killed means getting something taken off.

I remember I was able to get hit without losing clothing, but I don't know how it happened.
When fighting the boss, start the actual fight by getting near the boss and dodge all his acid. Go all the way left to the tall wall just by the Check point. jump up and tap left a little bit so you're standing on it but only with one foot. The acid will occasionally reach you (very occasionally), so just set that position up and then wait for a few minutes for the time(s) when the acid will hurt you. I got my HP down to 1 heart by getting attacked by other enemies on the previous map prior to the boss map. That was the easiest way for me to get it without worrying about timing and what not.
Re: Iris Action

Yes, those are from levels following the 1st. It's due to how the hacked config.dat works. The author apparently had at least partially put them into place when they uploaded the DLsite version but had no implementation in place beyond that.
Re: Iris Action


yeah, looks like the creator tried to have a release date on 1st of march, looks like it didn't go as planned

(As google translator says) he mentions something about april... Dunno if he plans to release it till then
Re: Iris Action

Looks like a delayed release, yeah. Some time in April.
Re: Iris Action


I hope he gets good luck and releases it sooner.
Re: Iris Action

Looks like our future friend the attack dog is now animated. You can see it on his site (remember to click into the post to see the contents).
Re: Iris Action

He does note that it doesn't look the same as in game due to how he made the .gif
Re: Iris Action

Looks like our future friend the attack dog is now animated. You can see it on his site (remember to click into the post to see the contents).

Someboooddyyy Pooosssttt it!! D: [pretty much i cant find it] *reprogrammed my Pc Due to Stupid me thinking YELLOW Screen = Virus But it was my video card That Died* "because i reprogrammed it i lost the Language Pack oh well~"
Re: Iris Action

Someboooddyyy Pooosssttt it!! D: [pretty much i cant find it] *reprogrammed my Pc Due to Stupid me thinking YELLOW Screen = Virus But it was my video card That Died* "because i reprogrammed it i lost the Language Pack oh well~"

Scroll down to the bottom of yesterday's post and click on [Read more...].
Re: Iris Action

They should play this guys animation at sperm banks, would easily double the amount of cum :p cant wait for the full one
Re: Iris Action

You can't download the DLSite version? Mirroring the demo isn't a great idea unless absolutely necessary because every download helps (or should anyways) inspire the creator to work harder on the game. Is the download just stopping midway through? Retry it, I get that every now and then when I download full versions of the games from them.
Re: Iris Action

You can't download the DLSite version? Mirroring the demo isn't a great idea unless absolutely necessary because every download helps (or should anyways) inspire the creator to work harder on the game. Is the download just stopping midway through? Retry it, I get that every now and then when I download full versions of the games from them.

sr I can't download :( someone upload to mediafire plzz ! tks :(
Re: Iris Action

Spider CG on blog...looks pretty good!