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Official Copper's tits thread

Re: Official Copper's tits thread

It's not a mannequin, the nipples ar un-aligned...

Toxic, can you warn me before you post moobs? (Man Boobs)

I'm more referring to the fact that humans tend to not have, y'know, black separation lines between their chest and arms. Unless it's some wacky fashion statement I don't know about.

And I much prefer "bitch tits" but that's just me.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

Nunu's picture is also missing a pulse. That's a maniquin. Or at very least, fake breasts. Nothing's that pert and perky without help...

You can see the lines clearly where the arms were pushed onto the mannequin's body.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

see now you guys are just spoiling my fun, i wanted to see how many of the boys missed the fact that it was obviously a mannequin (and completely out of my character to post) and just went straight for the jugs.

i guess that means toxic can stop playing along as he already knew.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

It's not a mannequin, the nipples ar un-aligned...

Toxic, can you warn me before you post moobs? (Man Boobs)

Well you got at least one Nunu
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

i wonder how close we are to a new page, maybe people will be so lazy they wont go back a page and i can repost. i know thats what i do sometimes.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

Now that it's brought to attention, I can ask "How are they using a mannequin to try and further their treatment? Is it like 'look how much our product helped this...err person!' I mean comon!"
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

I am helping Nunu's cause in a way with this post.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

Sorry, Nu. Ah well, maybe I can help bump things along before I dash off for the night.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

what toxic means is that google pulled that picture from a natural breast reduction sight.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

So their answer is build you with smaller tits in the first place?
Re: Official Copper's tits thread


i suppose so, then again none of you actually know what breast size i would like to have.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread


Ehhhh! .. nice tits
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

I love boobs, but after spending time with women I got damaged...(Why do they have to comment on each other's breasts? I mean, it's ok as long as it's positive, but they were pointing out every single flaw, all the flaws that I miss because I just think: OMG TITTAYS!
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

Poor Wonderboy... or maybe not. With this perhaps he won't oogle as much, and be the true Wonderboy of women everywhere...
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

The other day, my friend said to me "Ugh guys, they always talk to your tits, not your face. Not you though, you're good."

SCORE! Peripheral vision oggling for the WIN.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

See that's why I'm glad I'm really tall, I have to look down at most women just to speak to them anyways. It also helps that most of the women I know have to wear name badges on their chests.

Name badges must have been invented by men just to give them a reason to look at women's chest now that I think about it.
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

I won't stop Oogling, I'll just see the defects..:(
Re: Official Copper's tits thread

Or you could say women wear them to let us know we're allowed to look at their breasts.

Or maybe that'll just get me in trouble :D

Then again, some women take it to the next level...
