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Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey, not knowing what everything was and not understanding things like... Closed, and personal space... So the curious Alraune who would do any cat proud, was torn between running around, and cowering in fear, but night made her a little less comfortable, but her new, and powerful friend made the odd Dragoraune a little more confident, so the curious plant girl started rambling again, stars shining in her eyes as she looked around and was non too quiet about it either.

She knew that other people, the pink ones like momma were afraid of the lizard things they'd killed, and Joey knew she was stronger then they were, so she wasn't all that afraid of being hurt until her mind started to run away from her.

Whats that! What are those! Are those other people like you? Are they family? Are there other Alraune like me here? Is this your home? Why are people hiding in the wooden boxes like that? Do they grow like that? like trees and flowers!>!>! OOOO! OOO!OO! I smell cooking things like you and the fishies! but where are all the plants and flowers?! they're all gone? Why why why! Why would people do that!? There's nothing pretty here except the lights! the lights are pretty though! Can we get closer and see them all? Are we staying her!? HI! WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?

Although probably tuned out for the most part by Qara, who was hopefully expecting this kind of reaction from Joey, the poor person who was the recipient of the last question was probably caught a little off guard by the smiling green woman looking at her curiously, immediately now assuming that all of these people had to be friendly! HIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thankfully for the person, Joey was dragged into the Tavern and stuff happened around her. Which thankfully stuffed the Alraune right back into her shy shell, hiding behind Qara and blushing furiously the entire time as her eyes darted around her suspiciously and her vines were just about ready to strangle everyone here just in case. Which turned out to be no one apart from the bored lady. "HI LADY!!!! HI!!! OOOoo That's food! I like food because Qara cooked some fish which I thought was crazy but they tasted really good. You smiled so you have to be nice and you made us food! Qara! She's nice right? Because... We already did not nice today, that was sad. I feel kind of bad about those lizard guys Qara... we should have buried them for the trees to eat, they like that stuff you know. Also! alsoalsoalso! Is THIS your home!?
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Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara can't help but smile at Joey's enthusiasm, letting the flood of questions pour over her as she takes a seat, poking at her dinner and starting to eat it slowly. "Hello."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Assuming control of this NPC
The pair got more than a few odd looks, especially as Joey bombarded Qara, the surroundings, and innocent bystanders with question after question. It seemed the Alraune had much to learn about community life.

When they entered the tavern, the poor barmaid started as Joey started shouting excited questions at her. Serving the two some plates piled high with hot, fairly good-tasting food, she tried to answer Joey's questions, but was quickly overwhelmed by the barrage, settling for saying, "Well hello to you girls too! Name's Cayla and I'm the owner of this fine establishment. Maybe you'd like to take a breath missy? People will find it a lot easier to answer you that way." She said this last part looking at Joey, then she laughed lightly, smiling at the two. "Now I know a Su-Ku-Ta when I see one, but what do we have here? Don't believe I've met one of your kind before." She was looking at Joey rather curiously, this land being far enough north that it was unlikely she had met Alraune before.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey nodded excitedly, opening her mouth and pulling in a titanic lungful of air, before letting it out and slowing waaaaay down, still wriggling excitedly as she sat down with Qara and looked at the food, as curious about it as it was terrified by her if it could feel such things before her eyes wandered around the interior of the building again. She decided it would be best to act like Qara, who had been mostly quiet, and slow.

This meant of course that after a moment, the Alraune proceeded to copy her every move, until that got boring quickly and she looked at the smiling lady again. I'm a Joey!Alraune... Alraune named Joey! Joealrauney! she blurted out giggling, somewhere the answer had gotten violently scrambled in her brain, but the point had been made in the middle somewhere, so that was fine. She was happy this place was so empty and that Qara didn't seem worried. This meant she didn't have to be worried right? It was safe here then in this place. Still... probably for the best if no one tried to touch her...
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

"And I'm Qara. Nice to meet you, Cayla." Qara puts in before resuming her meal, happy to let Joey bother someone else for a change. The su-ku-ta finds herself idly pondering whether the townsfolk would have work for her, but decides to let Joey talk herself out before asking questions herself.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

"Oh my! An Alraune you say? I've heard of such, though I never imagined I'd get the... privilege of meeting one this far north. Joey it's absolutely lovely to make your acquaintance. And you too of course Qara." The barmaid had a rather playful look in her yes as she looked at the two travelers.

"So what brings two lovely ladies like yourselves to my little old bar? I don't get a whole lot of business, most of the people up here don't do much drinking and like to cook for themselves, so I love it when I get the chance to meet new, interesting individuals such as yourselves." It seemed this woman actually owned the bar, perhaps being the only person who worked here, or one of only a handful if what she said about not getting much business was true. Right now she was staring at the two with a keen fascination, clearly hoping they would regale her with tales of exploits performed far and wide. Or just any old deeds, anything to break up the boredom of her day.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara! We're new! Joey said happily as she shoveled her food down, making very satisfied soudns as the food disappeared into the happy plant woman. It was nice for her, that she trusted Qara so much, because it did wonders to cut down her shy streak, making her feel safe, and no one had been mean yet and all this was so new, like a dream come true.

At the barmaids continued talking, Joey looked up from her now empty plate, a little food still on her cheek that she flicked away with a vine. Does that make this your home? Qara? is this a spring like mine? or what was it.... A house? Momma told me about houses but this is really big, she said houses were smaller and little and always had a fire, and you have a fire but you have no tea and where's everyone else, big houses should have lotsa people and what's business and why do you need more of it! ALSO! I found these shinies! What are they? Because they're really pretty and the lizard people were carrying them and I didn't want them to go to waste and maybe I'll put them on a necklace because they're a pretty yellow colour like my nectar! See! They sparkle! Qara! getitgetitgetit!

As usual, it seemed the last words in Joey's deluge of language were the most important, because the coins Joey had pulled from her robe were on the table, but one, much to the alraune's flailing, had hit it's side and rolled away, approaching the edge of the table before falling off, and Joey didn't want to lose her shiny, and was just about ready to launch herself, flailing vines and all, after the coin, much to the detriment of all the surrounding furniture.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara gives Cayla a helpless and somewhat apologetic look as the alraune starts talking again, a seemingly endless stream of question and comments comes out of her rather pretty mouth. She does manage to catch the coin before it rolls onto the floor, though, and hands it back.

"I told you, this isn't my home. It's a house. The fire is too keep it warm."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey, finally, and blessedly, shutup. Holding the coin that had almost escaped her possessively and looking rather embarrassed as something clicked in her head, and she realized that she talked more then everyone else around her. This of course made her incredibly self conscious for the moment, and she shut her trap, blushing profusely as the coin rolled around in her fingers, before she put them all back in her robe.

Looking around, the bloom in her hair closing slowly, Joey went back to her meal, her personality doing a complete 180 flip as she clamped up and went back to being both paranoid and shy.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Patting Joey's shoulder, Qara turns her attention to the barkeep. "We're just passing through, really, though I guess a few nights under a roof would be good. I'm an alchemist and something of a scholar. Unfortunately some ingredients are hard to find this far north, which is why I'm headed towards southern Amazonia, for the time being. I happened to meet Joey at a hot spring and she wanted to come with me."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Cayla smiled at Qara. "Oh, so you'll stay a few days? Well if you want to make some denari I have some work an alchemist could do starting tomorrow." She seemed to be about to elaborate on the work when she noticed Joey's depressed state. Perking up almost instantly, swung around the bar and in one fluid motion landed in Joey's lap. "Well aren't you just the cutest, shy, little thing that ever did walk through my door!" She looked at the little flower in Joey's hair and started stroking it, saying, "Awww...why'd you close your flower, you shouldn't hide something that pretty, Joealrauney!" She smiled and giggled, trying to coax the awkward Alraune back to being happiness. "Maybe I could get the two guests of the night some beer? It's on the house."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey almost panicked violently when Cayla landed in her lap, but she was with Qara, and should be ok, so she took a deep breath, even though her eyes were screwed shut tight for a moment before she peeked out. Nodding slowly, Joey smiled softly and the bloom slowly opened again, though she was still quiet, because Qara and Cayla were talking about work, and work was important.

Nodding slightly and Cayla, Joey suddenly realised that she was being offered something on the house, looking confused, Joey tilted her head.

What's Beer, and why would it be "On the House"? Shouldn't it be In the house with us? I mean, if it's on the house, then how can we have it?
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Cayla smiled, saying "Now that's better." As Joey opened up her bloom, the barmaid and owner sliding off of her lap to get the two some beers.

When Joey made her curious remark she started laughing again, "Oh aren't you just precious! Beer is a good drink, honey! Drink a few, but not too much, and it will make you feel really nice! And on the house is an expression, silly! It means that whoever is serving something isn't charging you for it. So it's free and you don't have to pay for it. That's what those shiny things you like are for. They're called 'denarii' and people use them to pay for things."

The barkeep went around the bar and grabbed two spotless mugs and filled them to the brim with a foamy ale before sliding them in front of the women.

"Drink up ladies! Now about my work for you Qara the alchemist." She turned to Qara with a mock-serious voice, which she promptly dropped anyway. "I just need an experienced person such as yourself to find a couple of ingredients for me. Interested?" She slid the cat-woman a piece of paper. On it was a list of five plants, all of which she was relatively familiar with in terms of appearance. "Verminth, leaftwist, yeelg, and thornstalk should all be easy enough to find, they're out in the forest around here, shouldn't be too difficult to come by. Bitshroom may be a little more tricky, as they don't come out much during the day, only pop up at night, or in dark places like caves or cellars. Some folk may let you take a peak around their cellars if you ask nice enough, but I'd leave that to you. I'd do this myself, but I can't leave the bar and chance missing a paying customer. Get few enough as is."

An idea seemed to come to Cayla after a moment. "I'll just need a fistful of each plant, shouldn't be more than you can handle, and while you do that, I'll take care of our friend Joey, she could stay with me for the day and I could teach her all kinds of fun things about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness! How does that sound girls?"
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey, listened carefully to everything that was said, nibbling on her meal slowly and finding it all delicious, before trying the Ale and scrunching up her face for a moment, the taste so strange that she couldn't take it for a moment. But she tried again, and again, and soon enough, she was drinking steadily. Her plant body soaked up the fluids, and more importantly the alcohol extremely quickly, and one glass was more then enough to take her from sober to hard buzzed very quickly.

They were talking about plants, and collecting them for something that Cayla needed, Nice Cayla needed them for something and Joey could help, but then they started talking about leaving Joey here with Cayla and Joey looked at Qara questioningly, not sure what to do. She knew she could help, but did Qara want or need her help, and would Qara think it safe to leave Joey here alone.

Joey was at a loss, and simply bowed her head, doing what she always did when she wasn't sure, she froze, and waited. She had followed Qara, nice Qara, so if the cat lady was ok with her being here, or thought it was safer then taking the panicky Alraune out into the open for whatever reason, then Joey would be alright with it.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara takes the offered beer with a smile, and takes a sip while her ears perk up at the mention of a job. Opening her pack, Qara pulls out a thick notebook, and looks up the names to refresh her memory. "Those should be easy enough to find. What do you think, Joey? Would you like to stay here and keep Cayla company while I fetch the plants?" Putting down the notebook, Qara, takes another sip of the beer, eyeing Joey and Cayla.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey fidgeted for a moment, not really all that sure what to do, and far from sober as she was asked what she wanted to do, which of course she didn't know, so she weighed her options. If she stayed with Cayle, it would only be one person, and Cayle seemed nice so it couldn't be too bad. And if she went with Qara, then... She would be with Qara! She liked Qara a lot, but it was only really with Qara that Joey could even go outside without panicking in the town.

Thinking... was never Joey's strongest suit, but she didn't want to leave this nice place and the food and Qara didn't seem to think there was any problem with her staying. Besides, She would probably just annoy her with more questions while she was trying to work, and they'd been together since yesterday.. Maybe Qara would like some time to herself...

Looking at Qara, Joey smiled weakly and nodded. "That's okay, I'll stay here with Cayla if she's nice... though I might hide a little maybe kinda... Cayla, it's just us right? I don't want any more people because what if they're not so nice? And there's nowhere for me to hide here...
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Grinning, Cayla replied to Qara, "Great! Well when you've got the plants, I've got 12 denari with you name on it! I'd definitely wait until tomorrow though, it's getting dark out and it's going to get cold fast." Indeed, a glance out the window would show that the sun had set and the last dregs of light were quickly fading, though what light there was illuminated snow that was beginning to fall in flurries.

If it was possible, she grinned even more brightly at Joey when she agreed to stay. "Well of course it'll be just the two of us Joey! I'm reckon I'm one of the nicest people you're ever going to meet! We're going to have so much fun!" She moved from behind the bar and into the lounge area, stoking a nice warm fire into existence, and also taking a deep, appreciative, completely unabashed whiff of Joey's hair flower as she went by.

With a nice warm fire lit, Cayla turned to the two and asked, "Well is there anything I can do for you girls? Or any questions I can answer?" There's not a lot to do around here once the sun goes down, especially with as cold as it gets this time of year."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

But... I already asked all my questions Joey said quietly, blushign profusely as Cayla took a whiff of her flower as she passed, completely at a loss for an activity in this place, so out of her own element. Thinking hard for a moment as she watched Cayla move around, she looked at Qara. WE COULD MAKE MORE SEEDLINGS! Joey suddenly said excitedly.

This place doesn't have any flowers that are pretty or friendly! And that's just wierd and I wanna fix it and there are two of you so I could make twice as many! I'm terrible at math, but I bet it would be a lot! And we could watch them plant themselves and I could go find someone like the Satyr and make some myself and we could do that! Or we could catch fis.... no fish here. Umm, we could play hide and seek! I don't know.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qeru frowns thoughtfully. "I suppose I should go out for a bit later in the evening and see if I can find some bitshroom. Do you have any games we could play until then?"
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

"Make seedlings? I don't think I know how to do that..." Cayla had a somewhat confused look on her face. When Qara mentioned heading out to try to find bitshroom, she cautioned the Su-Ku-Ta, "I don't know that I'd recommend that. I don't need the herbs desperately, you may just want to wait until tomorrow and see if you can't find any in someone's basement or something. It can get dangerous outside the village, especially for a visitor, in the snow, and at night. You may be able to take care of yourself just fine, that's just my recommendation. Now on the matter of games..."

Cayla bent down behind the bar and rummaged around for a few moments. She came back up with a deck of cards, an empty bottle, and a plastic sheet with a number of rows of colorful dots accompanied by a spin-board. "Well...I'm afraid I don't have much to choose from, just some designed to provoke more liberal atmosphere." She indicated the cards, bottle, and sheet respectively, "I've used them to play strip poker, spin the bottle, and twister." The barkeep blushed slightly but still managed a confident smile after explaining the concepts behind each if the girls hadn't heard of one. "Don't suppose you ladies would be willing to play? Or did you have something more conventional in mind?"