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Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara stumbles backwards as Joey starts flailing before diving into the spring and coming back, managing to get her clothes wet."Hey! You're getting my clothes wet!"

Grumbling to herself, Qara shakes herself to get rid of the loose drops. "It's magic." Qara says mostly to herself as Joey is already rushing elsewhere. With a sigh, Qara tosses her pack at Joey. "You can carry that. Shall we get going?"
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey, who you would think would catch most things thrown at her, is instead smacked in the back of the head with the pack, Oofing rather messily in the snow face first, arms and tendrils splayed out wildly before she picks up the pack and looks at Qara covered in snow, nodding. YES! We're gonna go now, We're gonna go now! She said bouncing around in a circle, happy as a clam and quite ready to pick up Qara and carry her as well, because it seemed Joey was a tad quicker then the Sukuta, though that was only if she was asked...

it was probably best that Joey didn't do this, because although it wasn't strange to her, how would it look to anyone else if Qara was just seen being carried around like another piece of luggage... Akward? Violent? Bad. Yup. Bad.

However, it seemed that nothing could really dampen the Alraune's spirit as they made their departure from the spring, right up until they hit the edge of Joey's domain, and the Alraune froze, seemingly unable to take another step as she looked around, paralyzed with fear at leaving her home. Looking at Qara desperately, Joey finally closed her eyes, and stepped out one little cowardly step at a time, before dashing over to Qara and trying to hide behind her, looking everywhere wide eyed and on full alert.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara laughs again and starts heading back towards the road where she had come from the day before. As they reach the end of Joey's domain and the alraune freezes, Qara stops to wait for her with open arms, hugging Joey when the alraune finally musters courage to pass the border.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey: HP: 94/94 PP: 37/37 EP: 37/37 Resistance: 35 Status: Fine Buff:
Draconic Transformation (5): Melee damage +15, attack rolls +15, grapple +15, armor +5, gains wings to fly at 2x speed
Qara: HP: 53/53 PP: 52/52 EP: 84/89 Resistance: 26 Status: Fine

When they eventually got underway, the two found themselves on a faint trail through the woods, heading south. It was probably better that they take back trails for awhile, no telling how some of the more close-minded people would take to the sight of the semi-nude Alraune. Even more so once they crossed the border into Badaria, a land once renowned for xenophobia and outright persecution of non-humans, though now aliens would probably pose a greater threat than roving bands of ex-Badarian military.

Joey Perception: 29 notices they are in a forest
Qara Percetption: 45 Sees A Hunter

As the two were walking or if Joey wanted, flying, through the woods, doing whatever they felt like, Qara got an odd feeling that something was watching them. Suddenly the wind shifted and she caught a whiff of a distinctly different smell. Turning towards the source, she saw a tall, bipedal, lizard shape, unmistakably silhouetted between two trees, even though it did a remarkably good job blending in with it's background. Whatever she did, a quick motion from her brought the alien lizard thing to Joey's attention as well. It hissed angrily, seemingly frustrated that it had been discovered, though it didn't attack them just yet.

Smart idea for the buff, kudos! Anyway, first encounter time! READYSETGO!

Hunter: status: Fine
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

After joey calms down, Qara starts towards the south on what appears to be a natural trail of the forest creatures. Not too long after they leave, the su-ku-ta catches a smell of something strange and turns, spotting an alien behind them. Shit. Where there's one, there's usually more.

Quickly dipping a hand into her pocket, Qara pulls out a small vial of a glowy substance and tosses it towards the lizard, imbuing it with her own energy to make it explode.

Using Grenade with 7 EP, +36 to attack, (2d4+2)*5 damage
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey, the enemy brought to her attention, had no rightful idea what it was so it was therefore not inherently bad, but that also meant that it wasn't good yet so she should hide in her flowe..... her FLOWER!!! IT WAS BACK AT THE SPRING! Torn in a moment of confusion and an inability to make a proper decision, saw Qara decide the thing was bad, so that meant she had to handle it like a bad thing. She had to hug it until it stopped moving, but it looked so scary! After Qara had thrown the vial, she'd find that Joey had noticed they were in a forest! Which meant trees! Which meant that Qara was noticing something new, Joey climbing into a tree in an attempt to hide, and her tendrils reaching out towards Qara in an attempt to hide her as well. It was easier to hug things when they couldn't see you... If Qara stalwartly resisted the free ride up into the foliage, then Joey would climb on her own.

Joey is attempting to hide in the tree, the modified roll is 26+1d20 vs (monster Perception+1d20)
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Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey: HP: 94/94 PP: 37/37 EP: 37/37 Resistance: 35 Status: Fine Buff:
Draconic Transformation (5): Melee damage +15, attack rolls +15, grapple +15, armor +5, gains wings to fly at 2x speed
Qara: HP: 15/53 PP: 52/52 EP: 77/89 Resistance: 26 Status: Badly wounded

Qara 'nade 36+10=46 vs. Hunter 1: Hit 35 damage
Joey Stealth: 26+19=45 vs. Hunter 1,2: Evades detection
Qara perception vs sneak attack: 42 vs 39 Hunter 2 detected!
Hunter 2 attack: Body is higher than Qara's dodge so Hit. 26 damage-7 AV=19 (damage roll were very low)
Hunter 1 attack: Body is still higher, Hit. Also 26 damage-7 AV=19 (what were the odds?)
Unfortunately, your armor's durability was 1, so now your TP is 0/25 (letting you keep the AV for both attacks, small favors, you know?)

Qara's quick thinking resulted in the hunter taking the grenade full on, causing it some serious damage. Joey managed to find her her way up into one of the trees she had so astutely noticed earlier, evading the attention of the alien fighting Qara. However as she sent her tentacles to grab the cat woman, another hunter rushed her from behind, however it stepped on a dry branch, cracking it and alerting the woman to its presence.

Unfortunately, the other hunter charged at the same time, and Qara was unable to dodge either, taking two hits from the things, leaving her with several gashes from their brutal claws and her robes in tatters. She noticed the vines reaching to pick her up.

Ouchies. Didn't expect you to get left there, sorry... Now I feel bad. For your next turn you can attack and get tentacled into the tree, spider.
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Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey had managed to hide herself, but was a little slow in dragging Qara up with her, and her friend got hurt making Joey whimper in her place amidst the branches. The creatures were bad, they had to go away, probably forever, because Joey didn't want to pile any more rocks like for Momma. Reaching down towards the creature that neither of them had noticed, Joey encircled the creature with her tendrils, and started lifting it into the air even as Qara was pulled into the safety of the tree, her tendrils unbelievably powerful as she started to completely bind the creature, rendering it helpless in her grip, even more vines waving around lazily, almost daring the other creature to get involved with her.

Joey's Grapple is 81+1d20. Her Stealth is now at 36.
The actual initial roll will be 36+1d20 vs enemy perception+1D20

On a success the creature is placed into a submission hold immediately.

Remember that Joey has Tentacled, which means she can grapple many creatures independently without penalty, and adding grapple score against her wont work.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

As Qara tosses the vial, she notices that she's getting pulled up, just as the hunters attack, cutting her savagely. Wincing from pain, she allows herself to be pulled up and quickly concentrates, flooding her body with soft light that makes the wounds almost disappear.

Using Lay on Hands for 6 EP
Heal 36 HP
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey: HP: 94/94 PP: 37/37 EP: 37/37 Resistance: 35 Status: Fine Buff:
Draconic Transformation (5): Melee damage +15, attack rolls +15, grapple +15, armor +5, gains wings to fly at 2x speed
Qara: HP: 51/53 PP: 52/52 EP: 71/89 Resistance: 26 Status: Only a flesh wound

Qara heals 36 HP
Joey stealth check: 43 vs. Hunters 1&2 wins both
Hunters 1&2 try to attack Qara, fail because of tree (in a hurry, so you get a bonus this time)
Joey grapples uninjured hunter: Sneak attack auto-success: Submission hold.

Qara was pulled into the tree, managing to heal herself back up to being good as new. The hunters pursued her, clawing at the tree beneath her feet but failing to reach her. In the meantime, the hidden Joey reached down from the branches with her vines and grabbed the uninjured, unsuspecting hunter, quickly placing it in a submission hold, restraining it and leaving it at her mercy. The other hunter glanced at the vines, but still tried to reach Qara, intently focused on the cat girl.

Hunter 1: Badly injured
Hunter 2: Fine, in submission hold
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Seeing that Joey is taking care of the second hunter, Qara tosses another grenade at the first one,aiming far enough from the tree to avoid getting hurt herself.

Grenade for 5 EP: +36 attack, (2d4+2)*3 damage.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

With one of the bad things tightly under her control, and now literally at her mercy, Joey reached out for the other as well with the same tactic, the vines slithering through the tree unseen through the branches as they sank behind the second creature. Holding more then one was easy for the Alraune and her many limbs, though this certainly wouldn't stop Qara from messing him up as well. In the event that Qara made the free bad thing stop before she could grab it, Joey would instead start to strangle the creature she already had, tightening her vines around it's throat and cutting off it's breathing until it stopped breathing, because she could already tell, based on it's pathetic struggling, that it wasn't strong enough to free itself.

Alrighty! Grapples! Creatures in a submission hold may only attempt to escape. StrangleHold! This is a strange skill but a good one. The creature must pass a grapple check against Joey, or have its resistance damaged for the difference in the scores. Joey receives +4 to this check. Grapple for Joey for this roll is effectively 85+1d20

Example! grapple totals after rolls, 40 and 60. Resistance damage is 20.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey: HP: 94/94 PP: 37/37 EP: 37/37 Resistance: 35 Status: Fine Buff:
Draconic Transformation (5): Melee damage +15, attack rolls +15, grapple +15, armor +5, gains wings to fly at 2x speed
Qara: HP: 51/53 PP: 52/52 EP: 71/89 Resistance: 26 Status: Only a flesh wound

They dead

Qara's well placed grenade directly impacted the hunter's head before detonating, doing a very nice job of killing the creature. At the same time, Joey's vines wrapped around the other hunter's neck as she applied her force into a stranglehold. It turns out she was a little stronger than she thought as there was a rather loud snapping sound and the hunter went still, it's neck quite clearly broken.

As the dead hunters lay on the ground, but before the two could get out of the tree there was a sudden flash of smoke. A cute, somewhat ditzy looking, buxom, blonde appeared from out of nowhere, standing over the two dead hunters. She was dressed somewhat oddly, in traditional witches attire, a black cloak, with a black pointed hat, even going so far as to hold a ratty broom in one hand. She waved sweetly at the two, probably confused women in the tree calling out, "Thank you dearies! These will do quite nicely!" Then she touched the two bodies and the whole lot of them disappeared in a puff of smoke, a set of battle mage's robes an energy potion, and ten denarii laying on the ground.

Random encounters ftw! Oh and you each get 1xp
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

They were dead, Joey knew they were dead, She didn't like that, but there was nothing to be done, they'd started it after all. Setting the corpse on the ground rather sadly, the appearing witch appeared, spoke and then, disappeared, probably with fantastic timing as the panicked shot of pollen from joey sailed right through where she had been, smacking against a tree 30 feet away harmlessly.

Looking down at the goodies, Joey had no idea what the hell any of it even was or what it did, but the shiny coins were shiny, and shiny things were usually nice to have. Qara was hurt though and there was blood and she found herself looking at the Sukuta with tears in her eyes muttering "sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry over and over and over again as she looked around, hanging from the branches of the tree by her many limbs, following Qara's lead from here on out.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara is startled by the sudden appearance of the witch, but makes herself calm down as the alraune seems to have a panic attack. "It's okay, Joey. It's okay!" Qara hugs Joey briefly before climbing down from the tree and looking at the things the witch left. Looking at her own heavy winter robes and comparing them to the ones left for them, she decides to keep what she's wearing and simply repairs them with a spell. Putting the energy potion into a pocket, she hands the ropes to Joey. "Hey, try these on."

Cast Mend on her own ropes for 2 EP
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Joey, slipping from the tree slowly, looks at Qara, before wrapping the robes around her wings already wrapped around her, feeling really warm and happy now, the battle forgotten as well as the witch as Qara took the shinies and the potion. Wearing her new clothes and thinking she just looked amazing, Joey giggled and spun around a little, still idly rubbing her new scales in odd places and flexing her wings underneath the robe. Now she was ready for winter! maybe. If nothing else the robes would make a nice blanket, which was good because making one out of moss and fungus took forever!

Wandering around in a circle, Joey pointed and looked off towards the south, where they had been heading. "And we keep going right? because this doesn't look like a home, and it's really close to mine! So it can't be yours! So.. Yes?"

Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Qara smiles at Joey. "Yes, let's keep going. There's long way to go yet."

With that, Qara and Joey take to the road again, still heading south.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

Roll for trailblazing: 18 -_- fine no encounters.... Everything recharges but Qara's spirit as she's still technically using it to maintain the buff. Unless she stopped after getting the robes in which case her spirit is recharged as well. Not that it matters if you choose to stay here.

After a long, though uneventful day of traveling, the unusual travelers reached a small town at the Crolia-Badaria border. The townsfolk seemed rather un-bothered by the non-humans, even though they were the only two non-humans apparent. By the time they got there, all of the stores were closed, however there was a tavern open, they had rooms for rent at 3 denarii a night for nice accommodations, nothing fancy, but they were certainly better than sleeping outside. There was only a bedroom, with a bathroom at the end of the hallway. Only one bed though, so it was up to them what they wanted to do about that. Lastly, there was a bar on the first floor, with complementary breakfast, lunch, and dinner for those renting rooms.

Probably my last for the day, feel free to go nuts in the town.
PS: Have either of you seen From Dusk Til Dawn? Just curious...
Or am I?
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Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

As the pair arrives into the town, Qara immediately drags Joey into the tavern, paying for both of them before heading to the bar, asking for their dinners and letting the spirit power fade.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm

The barmaid, a cute woman named Cayla, smiled and handed the two their food, standing nearby if they needed anything or wanted to talk. She seemed a little bored though, the tavern didn't get a lot of business, being empty at this time. The Alraune and Su-Ku-Ta likely being the most interesting customers she had had in a while.
I have been summoned, I hate to disrupt the post train you guys have going. Go wild, Cayla is the only person around. You guys can treat her as an NPC under your control for the day, she's very...open-minded. She just won't be leaving the town with you guys. Have fun!
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