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Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider) GMed by sturm


Tentacle God
Sep 1, 2012
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Quara carefully picked her way through the brush in the area around the hot spring, drawn there by two things. Burnroot, a rare alchemical ingredient she needed to continue her research, and an Alraune. She wasn't here for the Alraune personally, her interest was in the why and how the plant-woman was living here. They were farther north than most of the plant-women could live comfortably, and apparently this one was well-established here. When she had heard about the Alraune, she had figured there must be some secret to the hot spring that allowed her to live there, and perhaps what same factor would make it an ideal place to not only find rare alchemical ingredients, but it could prove a good place to set up shop if she were interested in growing her own supplies.

It was certainly out of the way enough, and she wasn't positive the burnroot would be here, but it was the most likely place she could think of. A solid half-hour off the nearest trail, unwanted visitors would not be a common problem here. Still, Qara had been searching for the burnroot for awhile now, and she was growing impatient. This impatience caused her to get frustrated and not be as cautious as she should have been. Thinking she saw a burnroot plant, she bent down and spread some brush aside. However instead of finding the rare burnroot she found a rare, for this part of the world, shorn weed blossom and receiving a pollen shot to the face.

Given Qara's alchemy background, she knew exactly what she was looking at, and while she normally would have been looking out for shorn weeds in a known Alraune habitat, she had figured it would be too cold for them to grow. Though it would seem whatever effect the hot spring had extended to the phallic plants as well. Despite this nasty surprise, Qara had the wherewithal to hold her breathe and leap backwards, though not without inhaling enough of the pollen to get her hot and bothered, though not mindlessly horny. Unfortunately, the reflexive backwards leap put the Su-Ku-Ta woman on a downwards slope, off-balancing her and sending her from backwards leap to backwards tumble. She rolled down the hill, and landed in the hotspring, coming to rest on top of a very surprised Alraune.


The day was proving rather uneventful for Joey. It was going much the same as the day before, and the day before that, and the day before... The plant-woman was left to her own devices, and right now she was just enjoying some of the pretty plants and rocks she had collected from around her spring. These were actually extremely valuable alchemical ingredients, though of course Joey knew nothing of such things, to her they were just interesting little things to look at, collect, and play with. In truth, she was actually quite good at collecting different things like this, it was like a game to her. Right now she was weaving a crown out of pretty flowers that also just happened to come from a burnroot plant.

The Alraune was quite absorbed in her work, so she didn't realize anything out of the ordinary was afoot until she she heard a crash as a cat-girl burst through the underbrush around her spring, knocking the both of them over into the water.

I will normally give rolls for something like a shorn weed ambush, but for this the consequences aren't all that serious and it just seemed like the best way to introduce your characters.

So go interact and I will post when appropriate.

I'm leaving it open as for what specifically Qara is researching, just figured I'd throw out a bs ingredient to explain why she's in the area.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Muttering oaths under her breath, Qara makes her way through the uncharacteristically thick undergrowth of the damned cold forest. Of course finding burnroot was necessary for her experiments in summoning demons - it would prove invaluable in making certain the demons were obedient, at least the first few times - but given the effort required, she'd rather get some from a merchant. It was a pity there were none available, hence the sidetrip. Still, it should be interesting to meet an isolated alraune this far north, and at least there shouldn't be any shorns to distract her.

Something colourful catches the su-ku-tas attention and she reaches out to push aside a large branch, only to freeze momentarily as she finds herself face to face with the shorn that shouldn't exist, starting to move again only after the damned plant sprays the aphrodisiac at her. Realizing too late that her back is towards the hotspring and on uneven ground, the catgirl stumbles backwards, falling head over heels and rolling straight into the spring.

After a few blurred moments, Qara finds herself laying in the spring, face to face with a surprised looking alraune. "Uh... H-hi?"
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

It was a pretty nice day, the sun was shining lazily through the trees onto the spread petals of Joey's flower, making her sigh happily as she floated in the spring, eyes closed as she hummed quietly to herself. Her eyes opened slowly when the shorns told her there was an intruder, although they didn't say as much, more a general excitement through their roots that fed into Joey down into the spring.

It had taken her awhile to spread her own roots to intertwine with the various shorn weeds around the spring, and they helped keep her safe because the happy weeds were usually enough to keep people away.

Looking around, slight wariness turned into full blown panic when something tumbled down the hill and bowled her over, making her let out a terrified squeel as her tendrils lashed out to bind whatever had set in her spring. Something else to come hurt her? Maybe. It had ears and a tail and was fluffy though the IT was wet right now. Peeking out from the petals of her flower, her face almost completely hidden, the IT spoke... it said hello.

Poking her head out a little more, the bloom in her hair opening a little, Joey carefully unwound her tendrils, though the IT would find a vine around her wrists still, not restraining her, just making Joey feel better. "He....hel... hello... " Joey said barely above a whisper
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

As Qara tries to pull her hands to take off her backpack, she realizes to her annoyance that her hands are still tied. Looking over her shoulder at her now wet backpack, she lets out a sight.

"At least the pack is waterproof. Yeah, hello. I'm Qara. What's your name?" The su-ku-ta shrugs her shoulders, causing drops to fly away from her wet clothes. Though her ears twitch in annoyance, she's careful not to raise her voice, as the alraune is obviously shy.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Joey, for all her usual fear and flailing, was watching the catlady very very carefully, the tug on her wrists making the frightened Alraune shrink into her flower again until she realised that she wasn't struggling and still talking, talking was good, momma said people who talked first were smart.

Hesitantly, the catwoman, who called herself Qara, would find the vines releasing her completely. mommy always called me Joey, my name is Joey.

Looking at her again, Joey opened her flower completely and moved back a little, holding up her hands and pointing to a little cave on the near side of the spring. it's warmer in there, you can dry off safely so you can go in there... seems my pretty is ruined... she added quietly, holding up the broken wreathe of burnroot and sighing. "these flowers are always so pretty
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Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

"Nice to meet you Joey." Qara is amused by the alraune's name, but shrugs it off as unimportant. Getting out of the water and into the cave, she first takes off her backpack and then her clothes, getting back into the spring to talk with Joey some more. "They're really pretty. Can I have them?" The catgirl slowly reaches out, taking Joey's hand into her own. "You see, they're called fireroots, and I've been looking for some."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Joey who would normally not tolerate someone touching her so early, didn't . And backed way off very quickly, once again hiding in her flower before poking her head out of the thick green petals. Ya... You can have them. There are other pretty flowers here to, it took forever to find them and plant them in the warm places and guide the roots down here into the warm spring. So I do that to help them because it's the only place warm enough for them to grow.

Qara would find that Joey maintained a steady distance from her for now, although after she took her clothing off it seemed that the Alraune couldn't keep her eyes from wandering over her form, her natural instincts tugging at her mind, though severely dampened from her solitude they were picking up quickly, and Joey could feel the pollen from the shorn weed on her as well, though the spring was quickly washing it away.

So you came here to pick flowers? Do you need others as well? Where did you come from? Are their others!? The last question in this sequence was said with something nearing complete terror as her vines and roots shot up from the spring and waved around, her eyes swiveling away from Qara's body as she looked for enemies that the weeds told her weren't there. The shorns were no longer excited, so nothing was nearby.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Qara smiles at the shy alraune as she gathers the fallen flowers. "I'm alone. I did come here for the flowers and warmth, though I'm a bit curious about you as well." Wading through the water to place the flowers on top of her pack, Qara quickly returns into the water, sinking in it all the way to her shoulders. "There are some others you might be able to help me with, Joey. I'll need some willow bark, wolfsbane and aetherroses."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Joey perked up at the names, she knew what those plants were because momma had taught her which ones to mix in her tea when she got a fever from the chill outside the spring. It was a shame momma couldn't stay more, the cold had finally taken her away. Looking over at the small stone marker and the flowers growing there, Joey nodded. "Give me a few moments, and warm up. No getting sick, no getting sick" She said quietly, slipping out of her flower and revealing herself fully for the first time.

Slipping through the water to the bank, Joey stood and stretched a little, her vines waving lazily around her as she moved, reaching out here and there as she walked the periphery of her spring, collecting the requisite herbs with little issue, although the last one, Aetherroses were particularly hard to grow. She only had 1 of the rare flowers left a beautiful solitary plant growing between the stones of momma's grave. But it wasn't supposed to grow there, and no matter how many times Joey pulled it, it grew back. Picking the flower, the Alraune returned all the herbs to her new friend Qara, and set them in the cave.

This taking quite awhile, maybe a half hour to collect it all, Joey climbed back into her flower when all was said and done, and floated over to the nude catwoman, handing her bundles of the herbs, and the single flower almost reverently. "Why are you collecting flowers? Are you making tea? The Aetherrose doesn't go in tea, it tastes horrible"
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Qara watches the alraune gather the requested herbs with a smile on her lips, relaxing in the warmth of the hot spring. She was much prettier outside the flower than inside it. "Thank you. You're pretty. I'm making potions, though this one isn't for drinking, but for a ritual I've been researching. I would like to make some tea later, if I can find dry firewood, though. You're pretty."

As Joey floats towards Qara in her flower, the catgirl extends her arms, letting the shy alraune place the herbs into her hands instead of taking them, and placing them into the cave as well before returning into the hot water, watching the flower curiously. "Have you met other alraune before? How did you end up here in the cold?"
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

"Other Alraune? There are others? I came here when I came here and I was all alone but some of the roots spoke. Big dark trees some far away, some nearby. They told me things but it was many season before I met momma and she taught me how to speak properly and make tea. And then momma died and I buried her. And then the sAturr came and we had sex and the shorn weeds came after and then he left. So... I've always been here. Wait... Are their really other Alraune? Momma said I was the only one she had ever seen... And you're pretty to. Very pretty, though not like the sAturr, he was pretty different, but still pretty. I don't leave because it's cold everywhere else so there can't be other Alraune, because then they'd be here right?"

It seemed Joey wasn't the shiniest knife in the crayone box but she was at least capable of thinking, and sweet natured, and when Qara said she was prettier outside the flower, the plant woman stepped out of her bloom and soaked in the water, floating around and prodding at Qara occassionally with her vines in utter curiosity "But you came from outside like momma and the sAturr so there's warm other places... COULD YOU TAKE ME!?

Joey had suddenly gotten very excited and in her exuberance at the idea of leaving her spring, she had hugged Qara again, her vines rubbing around seemingly at random as she finally moved right up close to the catwoman, her hair bloom now completely open and exuding a very sweet smell, like sugarcane.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Qara watches and listens the strange alraune, baffled but curious like a cat. "SAturr... Oh, satyr. That explains the shorns." As Joey pokes and prods at her, the catgirl shifts nervously, but reminds herself that the alraune is probably harmless.

As Joey hugs her again, she smiles and moves to hug the alraune slowly to avoid startling her. Yes, there are other warm places far south from here. The weather gets warmer right south of the mountains and keeps getting warmer and warmer from there."

As the alraune asks to come with her, Qara hesitates but for a moment. After all, she could use an assistant, and alraune usually suit such roles well. Besides, company would certainly be nice... as long as she could keep herself under control. "Sure, that's the way I'm going anyway."
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Joey was so excited by the news that Qara would take her with that the simple hug turned into a writhing mass of poking prodding tentacles that practically crushed the catwoman alchemist into Joey's embrace, the vines slithering over her body while several others waved around exuberantly, and if you listened closely, you could hear the distinct puffing sound of all the nearby shornweeds exploding with pollen at the same time, Joey still connected to them all.

Disconnecting her own roots from theirs, and from her flower, which made her feel extremely strange and vulnerable no less, Joey clung to Qara for a moment before letting go, blushing profusely. Those same urges were firing up again as the other woman's body was pressed tightly against hers.

Once again completely free, Qara would see, Joey dive under the water and tend to her bloom, helping the roots take hold on their own without her guidance before she popped back up with a wide smile. All the shorn weeds are free now, so... they may spit at you even though you're a friend, but they dont mean it, they just like sex because it makes their seeds spread like me. And the blue stuff is tasty she said completely innocently, though she seemed to be letting her eyes roam again. So... when do we leave? Because I'm getting excited and i think im spreading pollen so I shouldn't leave the water because then it would be just like the shorn weeds and you would turn a funny red color and want sex. Wait do you want sex? Because we're both female... how does that work... does it work? Could I use these?

Joey was rambling again, waving around and blushing as she thought about the implications and grabbed one of her tentacles, looking at it curiously.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Qara blushes as the tentacles rub all around her teasingly, but she manages to keep focused and let go of the alraune, only to see her dive under to tend to her flower. As Joye starts talking about sex, Qara blushes even more, wondering about the situation. It would probably be best to deal with those urges now so they won't be a distraction later when she has something important to do, or at least so the su-ku-ta tells herself...

As Joey keeps on rambling, Qara pulls her into an embrace again, pressing her lips on the alraunes as their bodies rub together, her nipples already visibly excited.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Joey raised her eyebrows slightly as Qara moved in to silence her rambling, the feeling of her lips completely unlocking her own inhibitions as she moaned hungrily and pressed tighter against the catwoman, her tendrils curling up the neko's legs as her body seemed to know what it was doing even if she didn't, the mass of vines and tendrils wrapping around them as several slid up Qara's spine, drifting across her body with feather light touches as the Alraune's hands slipped around to her rear, squeezing gently as her own arousal quickly grew to match.

Squirming against Qara's body, their breasts rubbing together, Joey moaned again as several of the tendrils split at their tips, sprouting wide, soft, pink flowers, slick golden shafts sprouting from their centers and waving around slightly as the flowers drifted their petals over Qara's thighs and ass, circling closer and closer before the Neko would feel the petals sliding over her folds and pucker, the thick, slickened lengths beginning to ease into her lower holes with almost no wasted time, twisting and writhing as they squirmed into Qara's body, picking up a slow, steady thrusting rhythm as the pair sought to purge themselves of their urges.

Joey, inexperienced, was moaning and gasping as the sensitive lengths did their work, her tongue slipping into Qara's mouth as a sensual groan slipped between them and Joey began to rock her hips, one of the tendrils sliding up Qara's back reaching her neck and coiling around it, sprouting a flower and leaving the sweet smelling bloom inches from their face as the golden tendril within was revealed, pulsing with warmth...
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Qara moans into Joey's mouth as the plantgirl squeezes her butt and she tastes the aphrodisiac on her lips. Qara's own hands wander on Joey's body, one ending up squeezing her breast while the other wanders on her backside...

Suddenly the catgirl feels a pair of vines approaching her most sensitive parts, and she pulls slightly away from the kiss as a tingle rushes up her spine, almost out of breath. "Gently, now..." Qara whispers into Joey's ear before moaning loudly as they start to ease their way into her. Kissing the alraune again, Qara starts massaging her bust gently even as she feels the vines worm their way deeper inside before settling into steady thrusting, each thrust sending a new wave of pleasure through her body as another vine appears in front of her face, filling the air with aphrodisiac that's hardly needed.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

Joey, moaning and running her hands up Qara's back and around to her chest, squeezing her breasts gently and a little unsure as the tendrils continued to thrust into the nekko's lower folds, undulating a little faster within her as Joey's pleasure rose and thr alraune was writhing in Qara's embrace as each thrust made her body tingle deliciously.

Less nervous, and more concerned with the act now, Joey began to thrust faster and harder, enjoying her new friend immensely as they had the fun sex in her spring, the steam obscuring their forms as surely as the petals of the flowers hid the pumping length's within the alchemist's body.

Curious, and whimpering with lust, Qara would feel a hand stroking her tail slowly before the other had moved up to gentle rub her ears, her lips moving to Qara's neck and suckling gently, her tongue teasing the flesh as her vines drove the encounter towards it's end, the lengths starting to hum and push deeper as Joey's climax neared, the third flower simply continuing to smell nice. Joey knew it wanted to go somewhere, but she couldn't figure out where and didn't care either, ridding herself of almost a year of pent up energy right now, and probably again later... it just felt so good...
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

It felt... good... to be filled with the vines. Through the haze of lust Qara dimly realizes that she'll probably end up pregnant, but she doesn't care... As the pleasure starts to build up, Qara instinctively starts bucking her hips against the intruding vines, and a soft purr starts coming out of her throat as Joey kisses her neck. Closing her eyes, she simply holds onto Joey, letting the alraune set the pace and merely going along with the ride.
Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

The pace continued to slowly build and the humming of the tendrils thrusting ever harder and faster into Qara's holes increased as Joey clung tightly to her new friend, their bodies rolling together as joey shook and moaned. Tightening her restrictive grip on Qara, Joey surprisingly did nothing with the extra flower, the thing just floating their lost and confused as pleasure arced up her spine and the sounds of their lovemaking carried into the spring.

After several minutes, Qara would feel Joey shudder in her arms before crying out loudly in her climax, her lengths spilling a thick, amber fluid into her womb and bowels, the strange sensation setting in firmly as thhe lengths practically vibrated within her, the petals of the flowers latched tightly to her lower holes to keep the fluid from escaping as Joey bucked and writhed.

Not to be forgotten, the flower perched by their faces proceeded to make a rediculous mess as it's release showered the pair in the thick, sticky substance, joey just sighing happily as she slid deeper into the spring, pulling Qara with her. "Thanks, sex is nice. Yes, thank you" she panted out, snuggling as the lengths hummed within Qara for several more minutes before slipping free and away.
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Re: Odd Folk (Courage Wolf and Hentaispider)

As Joey's vines start pulsing, Qara hits her own orgasm, her back arching to improbable degree as she stops purring and lets out a loud moan, her slit clenching tightly around the flower and her pucker doing the same as she feels hot liquid filling her.

Starting to purr again, Qara simply pulls Joey close and cuddles her for a while. "Nice indeed." After a while, the catgirl starts licking Joey's face absent-mindedly before shaking her head and dipping under water to wash the goo off of her head. Emerging moments later, she gives Joey another hug. "I think my clothes will need some more time to get dry, and we won't get much travel time before dark anyway, so we might as well stay here tonight."