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Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

I know i said i wouldnt post again until i had a polished demo but i just wanted to show developments going well :)

(the main test level is the factory one, the street level hasn't been developed as much)


arrow keys to move, up increases your current speed (a sort of dash ability but it lengthens jumps as well...think of it as a rocket boost)

rapidly tap in the direction of a wall to climb it

z - jump
x - fire
c- sub weapon

you can test the different modes of sub weapon by pushing w and entering the numbers
0 - basic flying horizontally
1 - flies up and down but stays alightly above where it started (so you have to jump to reclaim it usually
2 - bit crazy :) but you have to jump or fall to see why, you can easily lose your sub weapons this way and have to reclaim them at a save point

3 - remote control mode, follows your mouse

i still need to finish designing the levels, and the menu for purchasing upgrades, and the menu for switching between subweapons :)

and of course finish all the enemies

atm the first boss is using the futa clone animations...i might keep it that way in the final game depending on circumstance but i'll be sure to give it a different game over screen since it's a boss


also here's some fan art of aigis

I'm in need of commissions because of an unexpected customs charge on my copy of kanzume goddess so if you're interested my price list can be found
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Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

11 days left to get this demo finished and on dlsite...


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Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

Is the hitbox on your character a rectangle because if not I highly suggest you make it one so the character doesn't stick to everything so easily. I found myself getting stuck on ledges nonstop.
Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

Is the hitbox on your character a rectangle because if not I highly suggest you make it one so the character doesn't stick to everything so easily. I found myself getting stuck on ledges nonstop.

it is a rectangle, being able to stick to the sides of things can help you climb on top of them :), i will however check the bounding box on the shooting animation because that's probably slightly different
Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

decided it's too much work for me to do stacking animations for enemies, if i do it i'll run out of juice for the later enemies...i'd rather most unique enemies get an animation instead

in other news i'm basically done with the demo, got all the unfinished areas sealed off now (with obvious end of demo blocks)

now i just need me sfx and to pretty up the game in general
one more game over cg and the basic upgrade menu needs to be made and added then i can get the game advertised on dlsite

my next game after this is gonna be basically a tifatan clone (which itself is a clone) but i'm using DQ characters probably the dragoon :)
Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

Some general tips,

-Don't use game maker's built in effects (especially every step). They're very slow, and take up a lot of resources. They also look pretty terrible. If you're going to use the effects, make sure they appear above objects, not behind.

-When you double jump, don't make it set the speed relative to the current speed. (don't check the relative box)

-When you release the jump key, add the code,
if vspeed > 0
vspeed = vspeed/2

this will make it so you can control when you fall during the jump. Platformers without something like this tend to feel a bit floaty and imprecise.

-I don't know if you know how to set the animation speed, but everything seems to go too fast. A more reasonable speed tends to be,

image_speed = 0.2

-Use masks, if you aren't already. This will keep you from getting stuck in walls when the player changes animations. You generally create a rectangle roughly the size of the standing animation and use it for everything. (though it should be a bit smaller to make collisions fair.)

-The enemies take too many hits, so fighting doesn't ever really seem to be an option. Either have a lot of weak enemies, or only a few strong ones, otherwise the player will always be forced to run. (which isn't good if you intend the game to revolve around fighting.)
Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game


Pretty much all you need for common sound effects.
Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game


Pretty much all you need for common sound effects.

0.0 i got kyrieru's attention... that's a lot of feedback to swallow and i'll look into it, cheers for the link, it's proving useful...

edit- i've made some of those changes and it's a bit easier to pass some of the areas now :) not as many precision jumps required... also after you buy any of the first upgrades the mooks do become a tad easier, the ai on the boss version of the futa droids is actually a little bit smarter so it's a lot less likely to become stuck on a corner like the earlier ones :)
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Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

Well damn, I didn't even know there was an offline version.

I'm trying their music program aswell... don't really know much about composition though :)
Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

because i've bit hit with art block and can't draw the sprites necessary the game will be delayed,
I've found someone else to pick up where i left off with them but they have other commitments to deal with first, hopefully they'll have all the important sprites done before the end of june, in the mean time i'll be working on more of the level design and the Gor cgs.

the good news is my new artist is a great pixel artist unlike me :)

i've just finished the final boss concept and it makes me really excited

just saying there's a few hidden requirements for the good ending.
Re: Object 0 (zero) - H platformer game over rape game

Some general tips,

-When you release the jump key, add the code,
if vspeed > 0
vspeed = vspeed/2

this will make it so you can control when you fall during the jump. Platformers without something like this tend to feel a bit floaty and imprecise.

i just realised you had the wrong <, because we want it to slow when going up, which is a negative vspeed... i've been wondering why i would fall slower for a fraction of a second...welp at least this means im learning enough to notice stuff like this