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Nym (Ranger9000)

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Figured that might be the case." The innkeeper nodded while Eru muttered assent, looking quite tired herself. "Anyway, I've got some lamb with potatoes and salad for today. Go and pick a table, I'll send someone with your orders in just a moment." He said before heading into the kitchen. Once Nym and her friend were seated, they'd have to wait for only a few minutes before a young woman came by, carrying plates with hot, steaming meat and vegetables. The salad turned out to be a somewhat sweet grated carrot and apple salad and the meal itself was accompanied by cool beer. Judging from the taste, the bull running this shop didn't skimp on booze as it hardly appeared to be diluted with anything. The wolfgirl quickly began to eat, chowing down on her dish with a ferocity typical of a forest predator.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nodding in response to the innkeeper's direction, Nym would go find a table close to their bedroom so that they would have less distance to go after they ate. When the food came by, at a rate much faster then she expected, she would give the server her thanks before digging in. Well she didn't have the pace Eru did, she was starving after working her body so hard today, and she'd focus on the meat and beer first. Which to her pleasure revealed that the booze was really good here, to bad she didn't have any extra money and didn't want to stretch Alice and Cedric's goodwill to far or she might have bought some extra rounds.

"We need to find a job ontop of this work for Alice, see if we can't earn ourselves some spending money," Nym voiced her thoughts as she munched at her lamb.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Hmm?" Eru looked at Nym from above her plate as she shoved a potato into her mouth before following up with a piece of lamb meat. Frowning, she chewed quickly before swallowing in order to be able to speak. "Well, we could look around I guess. See if anyone needs a mercenary or something." The wolfgirl shrugged, taking a swig of beer. "Hell, maybe Alice can send us to someone? I mean, she wanders around too, so obviously she's gotta know people willing to hire someone like us. Or maybe we could work as bodyguards, like Cedric. Merchants often employ those, from what I've seen." She mused. "There's lots of wild creatures or bandits these days that are a threat to travelers. Or I dunno, we could go hunting maybe? I'm good at tracking things and you're good at beating the crap out of them. Unless you got a better idea."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"I was wondering if there is like a guild or a warriors group in these lands that offers out jobs," Nym responded, "Which would probably just have us doing everything you just said, just would save us the effort of having to go find the clients ourselves. Either way you are right, we should talk to Alice after we've got the stuff for her, she can probably point us in the right direction."

Once the food was ate and beer was drank by both girls, Nym would check what the light was like out the window. If it was still light outside she'd head upstairs and bring Eru along with her as she aimed to get to an early sleep so they could start quick tomorrow. If it was dark, well then Eru was incharge now, so she'd look over at the wolfgirl with a small grin and wait for her directions.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Maybe there is something like that? I've heard they exist mostly in really big towns, but I'm not sure. I only heard stories about them." Eru mused on the topic of guilds. "Alice is going to know. Or Cedric. Maybe she hired him through one?" The wolfgirl wondered. Looking out the window, Nym would realize it was still bright. Considering that they've eaten their meal at a rather rapid pace, they've likely had a few hours before nightfall. Still, her friend seemed to be quite approving of the idea of going to sleep early, if only to rest after the beating they took. She'd settle on the bed right next to the adventurer, the two of them drifting off to sleep quickly as exhaustion caught up to them.

By the time Nym woke up, she rather quickly realized the two of them must have slept through the rest of the day and the entire night, considering it was morning again. On the plus side, it seemed that the healing potion they got from Magni worked, as there were barely any marks left on her body and the pain was gone completely. She was hardly feeling sore at all! As soon as she moved, Eru would wake as well, yawning as she slowly extracted herself from bed. As the two of them started preparing themselves for the day, a soft knocking would interrupt them. "Nym, are you awake?" Judging from the voice, Alice was on the other side of the door.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The morning came quickly for Nym, which wasn't too surprising given everything that happened. What was uprising to the redhead though was how much better she felt. She didn't think the dwarf's medicine would work this quickly.

Pulling herself upright, and heading about her morning tasks Nym was just slipping her outfit on when she heard Alice speaking through the door. Finishing getting dressed first she then said back, "Yes, we're up Alice," Even as she said that she wandered over to the door and opened it, wondering what Alice had to talk to them about today.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Alice blinked as Nym opened the door, smiling once she saw the girl. "Ah, good morning. I'm glad you're up already. Are you preparing to head out now?" She glanced at Eru who was putting her cloak on in the background. "I just wanted to check up on you and see if you need help after training with Cedric, but you seem to be fine. Also, I wanted to ask which ingredient you'll be bringing me first." The mage continued. "In fact, I wanted to ask in which order you were planning to do those assignments. Also, I wanted to let you know that I'll be rather busy today, so it's entirely possible I'll be coming back to the inn rather late." She gave an apologetic smile. "It's a little unfortunate, but one of my jobs is a bit more complex than I've anticipated. Spellwork is rather hard to do, sometimes."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Yes, a dwarf named Magni gave us some medicine to help deal with the aftereffects of Cedric's training," Nym shuddered in memory of the event, "And we are planning to go for the glade first, then we will try the undine and then the tentacle monster. It seemed best to just go from easiest to hardest."

Then Alice told her that they would be late, "I have no idea when we'll be back either, though hopefully we won't be back any later then you"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"I see. Well, I wish you good luck." The mage nodded. "Today probably won't be a good day for it, but if you wish to speak to me, feel free to drop by tomorrow once you're done with the Undine." With that, Alice bade her goodbyes and went off. Meanwhile, Eru picked up the small basket they were given two days ago and turned to Nym, signalling that she was ready. After the two of them went downstairs, they've ran into Cedric who picked up breakfast for them again. He also picked one up for himself and would join the girls unless they protested, though he'd remain silent during the meal unless asked. And any responses he'd give would mostly consist of one or two words. Once he was done, he'd wish the girls a good day before leaving himself, citing another job to do as his reason.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Okay then," Nym said with a smile to Alice, "And good luck with your own work."

Once Eru was ready to go, they would head downstairs for breakfast, and eat it in silence as Nym kept throwing worried glances back to Cedric. Worried that he might just suddenly start another round of training out of nowhere. She would give him a goodbye when he left, and quickly finished up her food, as they got up and headed outside, she'd look over at Eru and say, "Okay, you said you've seen this place before so you need to lead the way," Hopefully they wouldn't get lost, that would put a rather unneeded delay in their plan.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Sure thing!" Eru replied as she lead Nym outside the city, quickly discarding her cloak almost as soon as they passed the gate. The adventurer ended up having to put it inside her backpack in order to avoid losing it. The wolfgirl herself didn't seem to care, eager to run around naked. The two of them spent the next few hours walking towards the forest, breaking away from the beaten path once they've reached it. Eru took point, leading the other girl through trees and bushes as she sniffed the air around, on the lookout for potential trouble. As they began to near the place Alice marked on the map, she suddenly stopped. "Wolves." She told Nym, turning to face her. "There's a whole bunch of them in the glade, I think. Fucking, from the sounds of it." In fact, if she strained her hearing, the human would hear something that sounded like a canine in heat. "Well, you go first now. It's your job to be their bitch while I gather the flowers." The beastgirl declared.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The walk out to the glade would be mostly uneventful though Nym had to admit she was tempted to match Eru in losing her clothes. Infact she did join the wolfgirl in nudity about halfway through the trip, it would save her having to take it off later when they got to the glade after all. She had to admit there was something liberating to going around in the wild naked but that wasn't something for her to focus on right now.

Eventually Eru stopped, and Nym nearly tripped over herself at the sudden halt. The girl was not expecting the sudden stop, having not heard anything at all. Though once Eru pointed out what she was hearing, Nym would manage to strain her ears enough to catch the sounds of what appeared to be wolves in heat, "Okay then, just don't get distracted by anything, or atleast make sure to get the flowers first. Also try to make sure no one steals the backpack."

Handing the backpack containing both their sets of clothing over to the wolfgirl, Nym would take a moment to prepare herself, and then start walking toward the glade, already flushing a bit as she considered what she was about to do.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Walking through the woods, Eru following at a distance, Nym would find the sounds of wolves mating grow louder and louder. There were occasional moans mixed with them as well. From the sounds of it, someone out there was enjoying herself. Hell, it sounded like there were several people around. And as she entered the glade, the girl was able to confirm that easily. Before her, standing in the middle of a small field of pink flowers, was a whole pack of wolves, busy rutting or waiting for someone or something to rut. Aside of female wolves, they were also fucking a pair of catgirls and a harpy, the flora lowering their inhibitions to the point where anything with a cunt was fair game. There was also a single satyr, though he seemed to be quite busy plowing a dryad he had pinned to a tree. As she entered the clearing, Nym would be noticed by a few of the idle wolves, who quickly began to approach, looking interested.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was surprised as she started to hear other voices, though she didn't entirely know why she found it odd that there were other girls of different species all around the glade having sex with what appeared to be a large pack of wolves, and a single Satyr.

She wouldn't have to long to dwell on it though, as a number of the wolves that didn't have someone to use at this point started to pad over to her. The creatures seemed to be looking at her interestedly, and she took a deep breath to calm herself, which might not have been the best idea ever, before getting down onto the height of the wolves. Looking back at them from her hands and knees.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Now that she was down on all fours, Nym would find herself breathing in the scent of the many, many flowers growing around the place. It was a sweet smell that sent her mind into disarray and made her body grow unbearably hot with desire. Her pussy quickly got wet all on it's own. The approaching wolves quickly gathered around her, one of them getting behind the girl before mounting her. She could feel it's shaft, hard as rock, poke at her folds a few times as the animal adjusted itself on top of her. Then, without any further warning, the wolf thrust into her deep, the large canine cock spreading her wet insides. The male quickly established a rapid pace, fucking her wildly. This was no gentle bedroom play, this was rough mating that befit a beast living in the wild.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The lungful of flowers pollen certainly did a number on Nym's mind. Driving her already growing arousal just at the situation to making her practically leaking in anticipation of what was to come. The girl actually shaking her rump a little bit to the approaching wolves as they surrounded her. When one of the wolves took the first initiative and mounted her the girl let out (much to the rational side of her brains horror) a small mewl at feeling it poking at her entrance, the flowers driving her to wanting, and she didn't have to wait long before the wolf slammed into her.

Letting out a moan Nym let herself be mated by the wolf, the rapid thrusts hitting deep into her and sending jolts of pleasure through her with each one. Panting at a pace that practically matched the wolf's rapid thrusting, Nym would push her hips back into the creature, trying to get it deeper inside her and hit her sensitive spots with each push.

Meanwhile the part of her brain that hadn't been overrun by the flowers was making a note to stay far away from aphrodisiacs in the future and wondering if she'd ever hear the end of this from Eru after all was said and done.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The wolf would take Nym's movements for the invitation that they were, fucking her fast and hard as it slammed it's dick in her almost all the way to the knot. Now that she was in the right position, the male had little trouble hitting the right spots, likely driving her to even greater heights of pleasure. Out of the corner of her eye, the girl would notice Eru sneaking around, quickly gathering the flowers as she stared at what was happening with... Jealousy? Before she could process that completely, Nym would find the wolf's thrusts growing even faster and more frantic, it's knot slapping against her pussy a few times before the beast bucked harder, pushing it in. It rapidly began to inflate, locking the two of them together as the wolf continued to mate the girl with quick, rapid thrusts, pounding her with a desire to fill her up with seed, and soon!
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym almost missed seeing Eru out of the corner of her eye, mostly because she was too busy trying to get all the pleasure she could out of the wolf's movements. Though she did manage to see the look Eru gave her way, and she might have done something, she had no idea what, but something at that point, if it hadn't been for the wolf picking up its pace rapidly. The redhead feeling the creature's knot bashing against her lower entrance a few times before it finally broke past her lips and inflated inside her, locking her to the beast. Not that that stopped the wolf from continuing its thrusts, and already Nym's arms were buckling a bit between the pleasure she was feeling, and soon her head was resting on her hands as she continued to pant and moan with each thrust. Her plant addled mind still causing her body to lightly thrust back as she tried to help for the wolf to paint her insides with its cum.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

After a few more moments, the wolf finally buried his dick as deep as he could, howling as he began to dump his load inside of Nym. Hot cum shot out of the tip of his shaft and into her waiting pussy, filling her up. Meanwhile, Eru finished up her job, setting a full basket of flowers aside and looked at the adventurer, locked with the wolf until it was done. She remained where she was for a moment, glaring, before walking into the clearing herself. Getting on all fours like Nym did, she approached the pack, her mind visibly growing clouded with lust as she was quickly mounted by one of the waiting males. Soon enough the wolfgirl was moaning and panting, shaking her hips to match the thrusts of the dick inside of her, eagerly mating with the animals in the glade.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym basked in the feeling of the wolfs cum flowing into her, the pollen from the flowers leaving her loving the feeling and anticipating just how much more she would have in her by the time the pack was through. When Eru came over the girl even gave the wolfgirl a warbbly smile, kept just a bit off due to the pleasured face she was making.

It was as she waited with the one wolf dug into her that, between pants, Nym looked at the other wolves around and shuddered, ohh she couldn't wait! Maybe she and Eru could have pups, or well, that seemed much more likely for Eru then for her. Either way though the part of Nym's mind that was in control right now was flooded with fantasy driven on by the flowers pollen. Well the part of her mind that hadn't been touched just gave up, deciding to just go with the flow until the wolves had run their course.