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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Man pink cases have so much value this time around 75 glasses and about 170 radars so far...I'm slightly worried we will lose all these glasses and radars like we lost the radars from last time. I've got about 170 radars now but I'm still missing my old 250~

Nootako pls
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Been playing since the 1st EG and I don't waste puddings or peronamins outside of events. I had to remove people off of my friends list who've been around for as long as me but immediately quit after the first gambit.

I'm almost dumbfounded by the complete disregard for the less lucky by the select few who got above average rolls.
I say almost because if one gets mostly good rolls, then they'll just interpret that as the average so their reaction is to be expected.
My most common rolls were 5 and 10 so to clarify just how many peronamins you are talking about? I mean you said several peronamins so I interpreted that as not many, maybe 10 at the highest thus I concluded you were either new or used them up before.

I didn't really keep good track of things but counting 2 halfs as one peronamin I used at least a hundred and probably closer to two. If you used that amount and only got to 30k then I will concede you had particularly bad luck because I certainly didn't have good one.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

..and now my Kii Someya is maxed out (+10)
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

o mai god fuk dis fukn gaem i fukn h8 errythng holy fukn sht

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I only have 2N and 1R Bunny girl. 13.7k charm and I'm sitting in top 500. Why the rush guys? The real party begin at the end of the event :D

I have 100 glasses and 52 radar
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Finally got my SR from squirrel girl. Was actually quite happy exchanging single R gachas for SR wildcard 3 at a pretty good rate, but the SR was a happy surprise.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

ehh i wonder if candies will be ever usefull
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

ehh i wonder if candies will be ever usefull

They are useful. 1 candy + 1k for the roll usually gives 1 N wild (1k value), 1 N Gatcha (1.5k value) or both (2.5k value), with a possibility of more candies and a low chance of a limited. Essentially 1k for a N wild or a N wild that has a small chance of leveling a R/SR instead. They stop being useful after you've got all the gatcha cards and have your pink cards maxed. Standard beginner item that loses purpose once you've been playing for a bit. I just throw them in with R gatchas when fishing for limiteds (not sure how the calculations for it work, if it's dependent on color tiers only they're useless, but if color tiers are a gauge for you to go by (if say silver was 5-10 value and adding a couple candies might bring you from 5 to 5.5), they help slightly).

Edit: Leveled, and cleared out a couple inactives. 2 free slots remaining, ID 984510. Tease me mentioning you're from here.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction


What i meant was "to be usufull as something else than kurito trash", since it's one and only item that does NOTHING in game.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

And level up again so have a spot open, reply to this or drop a tease saying you are from here.

I wonder how many times I will go up in level over the course of this event.

EDIT: Filled.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction


What i meant was "to be usufull as something else than kurito trash", since it's one and only item that does NOTHING in game.

In that case, no, they'll never be useful (since that is their point...)
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Anyone else getting an application error?

In that case, no, they'll never be useful (since that is their point...)

They would be useful if Nutaku ever implements the feature they're meant to be used for.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

They would be useful if Nutaku ever implements the feature they're meant to be used for.

Is there a use for them in the dmm version? (I haven't noticed one, but I'm not too active over there)

And no, not getting an error. Try the basic quick fixes if you haven't already (intentionally crashing flash, restarting your browser, etc)