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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Well, I'm top 400 with around 330k EP. Honestly, if you have a decent sized stamina bar >160/170ish, you can probably get top 500 with 3-4 stamina pots and the corresponding level ups. Course, I don't know where you are at--AND, I don't know how much last minute pushing will occur, so my 330k, may not be good enough.

Does anyone feel they lowered the appearance chance of bosses in the capture screen for this event? Maybe I'm just unlucky (actually, I AM unlucky), but I've only caught 1 Jin and 1 of the second boss in a LOT of runs.

Still no Taylor or Ana ?

- me as well ...

hell tonight I gona revisist the early stages. All of them ! To grind them down. If this wont help I am thinking of quiting this game !
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Still no Taylor or Ana ?

- me as well ...

hell tonight I gona revisist the early stages. All of them ! To grind them down. If this wont help I am thinking of quiting this game !

Taylor is the first event rare that's cute but she doesn't seems to like me as well... I did see Ana and Gauner though (not interested)
if you want your 100% collection you need to pay... a lot. All of these games are like that. If you can not handle this better not play them to begin with.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Taylor is the first event rare that's cute but she doesn't seems to like me as well... I did see Ana and Gauner though (not interested)
if you want your 100% collection you need to pay... a lot. All of these games are like that. If you can not handle this better not play them to begin with.

Well one would expect that after beeing active for 10 days - you can get at least one rare ancounter so you can spend 3$ to catch them.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I'm at 730 and 263K EP
Nah , I'm not gonna spend at Full Stamina potion
Many people also have the same idea
They will spam their StaPot too
in like last 3 hour or so

Gonna go back to be a passive player
Have 50+ fortune tickets at the moment
Probably I can raise it to 100 before 2'nd half end? Or probably more , who knows
At the least it's like 50% chance of getting it on Shrine
And just catch the rare one on stage
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

250 000 and 800#

This is it for part one.

I wont find Ana or Taylor anymore.

What a waste ...

Maybe 2nd part will be easier for me ? But I doubt I will be this active for next 10 days.
This event has disapointed me much.
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

250 000 and 800#

This is it for part one.

I wont find Ana or Taylor anymore.

What a waste ...

Maybe 2nd part will be easier for me ? But I doubt I will be this active for next 10 days.
This event has disapointed me much.

Yea, I've not seen either yet. I'm debating whether I want to use the USD banana I got with my gems for Ana. I definitely like her look, but she is overall a fairly weak eromon from what I can see... so, not really sure if it just be better to try and get the next event rare. Of course, because of how Nutaku set things up, even with my single use $30 banana, I still am not even guaranteed Ana, as I might get the fucking clown instead... Yea, I may have added that little tidbit in my complaint as well.

On a less ranting note, does anyone know when the event actually ends? My clock says 8 hours, but I don't trust it for shit.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Less than an hour left in the event, so it looks like the clock is accurate this time.

Rankings are tight as usual. Top 500 cutoff is looking like 340k. I'll check back in a half hour to see if I'm safe.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Back to usual routines
AFK on stage 4 , I even idle the battle for like 20 minutes just to click ok......



Got 5'th Rena..........
Maybe I'l her up her move , but it seems pricey

Also got much fairies , almost 100:eek:
If keep going like this , I'll be quite 100% guarantee to have Eromon on Shrine:D
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Thank god I randomly decided to check my computer

>playing bloodborne DLC, almost forgot to check.
>rank 501, full stamina but only had 7 mins left.

Close one.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Thank god I randomly decided to check my computer

>playing bloodborne DLC, almost forgot to check.
>rank 501, full stamina but only had 7 mins left.

Close one.

Ikr man, I thought I was safe, in the end I had to use all my 18 stored mini stamina pots and finished #498... That's what u call close :D In fact it's because I lost 60 stamina as a result of an error, reported it but all I heard from them is that they were grateful for the report.

I keep falling, currently #500 but the event ended 3 mins ago, I guess it shouldn't matter anymore, hopefully.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Here's the result of having 4 booster cards with no stamina pots.
50% x3
100% x1

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Here's the result of having 4 booster cards with no stamina pots.
50% x3
100% x1


That's too damned high. Seems like there's a big gap between top 1-10 and 11-100
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Much better ticket pulls this time. 12 R tickets, 4 HR tickets used.


Neither of these girls are EP boosters though, are they? Ah well, at least they're new.

I did miss a second Rachel earlier though, sadly.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

#498 when the event ended, #503 7 minutes after and I got no event girl. Fucking great.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Yeah, I did a x3 Special run just before there was still an hour left in case the timer was off again. Which made me jump up 50 places instantly. Did another x3 run after that for good measure, then one more regular run after that.

End result was #461 at 345k EP.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Did the 2nd half started yet?

Doesn't look like it unless I need to clear my cache. New girl is in fortunes though. Can't draw her yet since my box still hasn't reset though.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Doesn't look like it unless I need to clear my cache. New girl is in fortunes though. Can't draw her yet since my box still hasn't reset though.

Same here. That's why I'm asking.

Edit: Don't tell me they messed up again...