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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

FINALLY 3* and drop complete on Immortal Beast. Jesus, that was annoying.

Grats, just preparing for a clear on that map was a nightmare, I lucked out and got full drops on my first clear. Can't imaging having to run it multiple times while getting just 2 of the 3 drops... :|
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Had three of those almost runs. 2x 2*, because I could not quite stay even with the Liches / they switched focus on cyp for some reason. Never got the bronze Unit in any of em. My first 3* run I got a grand total of one HA. I'm man enough to admitt: I sulked for a bit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I said I was going to post a video if I 3*d Mighty Ogres X....and well...I 3*d it so it is!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I said I was going to post a video if I 3*d Mighty Ogres X....and well...I 3*d it so it is!

Nice, well done on 3*ing it. The last black oni just went on a rampage when I did it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I said I was going to post a video if I 3*d Mighty Ogres X....and well...I 3*d it so it is!

Damn, I got excited seeing Berna tank a hit from the oni, but you used the goddess buff. I want to try to clear it without that...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nice, well done on 3*ing it. The last black oni just went on a rampage when I did it.

Lol my first attempt was a complete mess, I like Nasu's map12 2* attempt went better. But as a first run, it was mostly to simply clear and get a feel for the map as well as seeing how much damage 2 Calliopes and a Cloris could do without the buffs (turns out the only dropped him to around 60~70%).

Attempt #2 was "better" but still a 1* as I was testing Berna between the two Witches (which worked quite well so I repeated it in attempts #3 and 4 which was posted).

Attempt #3 went really well, I just derped hard and didn't withdraw Sybilla in time, which caused me to 2* it.

Attempt #4 is the video posted. I was almost panicking on this attempt as it was being recorded (as well as streamed live in twitch so every one of my followers gets notification "XINE'S STREAMING STUFF! COME WATCH!") didn't want to fail horribly at it and almost forgot what I was going to do lmao. But that's also part of why I didn't mash down the Speed x2 button very much, otherwise I drop units, mash it, and watch stuff die while laughing manically behind the computer. (Yes, I might have a mental disorder, and no I don't care!)

Damn, I got excited seeing Berna tank a hit from the oni, but you used the goddess buff. I want to try to clear it without that...

She can honestly probably take a hit if she's higher level or damn near maxed out, mine is only 50cc40 and I honestly rushed her up there a few days ago. If I had more Platcans and Black Fairies for her I'd drop em on her and Sybilla and try it without the buffs. If you do manage to clear it using a similar strat I'd love to see it if you can post it to YouTube or niconico.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

She can honestly probably take a hit if she's higher level or damn near maxed out, mine is only 50cc40 and I honestly rushed her up there a few days ago. If I had more Platcans and Black Fairies for her I'd drop em on her and Sybilla and try it without the buffs. If you do manage to clear it using a similar strat I'd love to see it if you can post it to YouTube or niconico.

Yeah, looking at her stats, I think she has just enough for the first oni, actually. 2000 attack, right? My Berna is level 51, so 1766 HP and 285 def. Should be doable if she stalls long enough for Nanaly then...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My Berna:
100% Affection

1713 HP
389 Attack
276 Defense

Assassinate III 1/5

This is before Savior/Raise Morale buffs, so she'd be sitting at around...462.91 (462?) Attack and 328.44 (328) Defense. But you have Big Hero I believe so that would push her a tad higher than mine, plus it sounds like yours is 5~10 lvs higher than mine. I think your Berna can take a hit from him and live with around 0.01~5% of her HP left. But that's really all that's needed, assuming she dodges a lot and only takes the 1 shot to the face.

EDIT: Just double checked English Wiki, it's got the regular Black Oni listed as 1600~2000, so I'd assume 2000 as worst case (judging by the chunk he took out of Berna in the video that sounds about right.) The Aura Black Oni is listed as 2500 attack, good god no wonder Sybilla was getting smashed, maybe I should give her some more attention later for being a good girl lmfao.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, yeah, my team looks fine for this map. Just needs some RNG at the start, or I'll have to improvise.

Nanaly alone should still solo half the map though.

I think I'll bring Lilia for the aura black oni. 2k HP and almost 800 defense with Excalibur up should be good.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn Lilia has some HP, my Sybilla and Sherry only have 1688 and 1668 HP respectively, and their skills are both attack increase, tacking on insta-kill chances for Sybilla. But 800 Defense? Ridiculous! Sybilla and Sherry are squishy next to that! Not that a little bit of squishiness is a bad thing heh heh heh.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

50CC70 100% Lilia
2090 HP
510 atk, 306 def, 2/5 Excalibur

So with Big Hero Prince and Excalibur up, her defense reaches 777.

I love my Lilia, but I haven't found much use for her yet. Now seems like a good time.

Really need her AW'd for her to really shine though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just by raw attributes she seems like the tankiest of the Princesses with the exception of Immortal Karma being invincible for some 9~13seconds. I haven't looked into many units for Awakening yet, but I was originally thinking of AWing Spica and Bashira first, though seeing the performance from Berna and Sybilla earlier....thinking of changing my mind on that. I'm also still debating what to do about my 2nd Berna, its only lv15~ currently and I can't CC yet due to lack of materials, but debating between working her up as a second Black OP Rogue, or going 30cc20ish and feeding with 3 Black Fairies to my 50cc40 Berna for a CR/SU and some exp, as I hear the exp after CC is like +20ish~ per level, then x8 for 3 same rarity fairies.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah, I have two spare un-CC'd Bernas that have helped me a bit with certain challenge maps, but their cost is too great for Dwarfs and Giants, so I need other options now.

My first go-to for AW was gonna be Sybilla as well. Maybe both of my Sybillas, actually. Sword beam spam princesses ought to be fun.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah, I have two spare un-CC'd Bernas that have helped me a bit with certain challenge maps, but their cost is too great for Dwarfs and Giants, so I need other options now.

My first go-to for AW was gonna be Sybilla as well. Maybe both of my Sybillas, actually. Sword beam spam princesses ought to be fun.

Sword Beam spam Princesses huh? Sounds interesting, should probably go looking for some videos of an AW Sybilla, still haven't seen Monica's gatling gun yet but my friend whose got an account has 2 Monicas and he wants to AW them both but he doesn't spend any cash on the game, so its going to be a bit too much for him to do that I think lol.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah, AW Sybilla with her skill up gets a ranged attack that has all the power of her Fragarach skill. So she fires sword beams that can also assassinate. My Sybillas have maxed out skill too, so they last 40 seconds.

IIRC, AW Berna gets AOE slashes. So she can actually handle goblin rushes now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah, AW Sybilla with her skill up gets a ranged attack that has all the power of her Fragarach skill. So she fires sword beams that can also assassinate. My Sybillas have maxed out skill too, so they last 40 seconds.

IIRC, AW Berna gets AOE slashes. So she can actually handle goblin rushes now.

That's some sexy shit, guess its time to figure out who I'm going to star dropping my Rainbow Fairies on now... hmmm.... then again, Rogues recently got their AW skills on the JP server didn't they? Wonder who all will have Skill AW when we get Awakening on Nutaku.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

anybody manage to 3* flame beast X?

Only got a vague idea on how to beat it :(

the flame beasts themselves aren't too hard to kill, but damn those rampaging ogres :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

anybody manage to 3* flame beast X?

Only got a vague idea on how to beat it :(

the flame beasts themselves aren't too hard to kill, but damn those rampaging ogres :p

I used as a reference and tweaked it to work with my units. Shizuka in place of the Monk, and a wall of Princesses for basically everything else.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I used as a reference and tweaked it to work with my units. Shizuka in place of the Monk, and a wall of Princesses for basically everything else.

thanks :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Should thank Larcx, pretty sure he's the one who originally posted it a few pages back, I just reposted it since it helped me 3* it (along with the Demoness's protection buffs and a wall of princesses.) Sad thing is, after watching it a couple more times I noticed the Silver Rogue being placed to stall the 3rd Ifrit, didn't even bother doing that on my clear lol.
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