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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's not like getting past level 100 is hard if you were actually smart and bought the exp boost. It only took me a month into the game to get past level 100 and beat Castle Retake, though I needed three healers and a witch to out-DPS the lich at the time. Though this was also because I was too stubborn to level/CC any male mages, and we didn't have Mehlis/Garania/Odette at the time. Hell, I still haven't CC'd Valerie.

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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm also now up to 340 Sacred Crystals spent on Premium Units and haven't rolled a single Black. That statistic that says you get a black every 67.5 SC? Complete. Bullshit.

Anecdotal stats; ingame it's said that you have a 3% chance to get a black from premium summon. So, definitely more than 67.5 on average (but less than 340 on average; you've gotten really unlucky).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thats rare how ppl actually went emo on non competing game...
As long you able to clear the map isn't that fine ? also there plenty of low lvl strategy for clearing map hence i don't see much problem on it...., it show its doable to clear but at the same time it take ur fun like you given cheat sheet on puzzle game.

Just do thing at your own pace, everyone have their start play....
All i had to remind is this game is pretty much clearable with just event unit, there even a silver only strategy for 1st 1-1.5 yr of event (later on they had abit gold mix in it)
For 1st story map someone even made lvl 1 iron unit strategy if thats doesn't look fun ? :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Summon Probability:

Silver: 50%, average crystal spent for silver unit: 10
Gold: 37%, average crystal spent for gold unit: 13.51
Platinum: 10%, average crystal spent for platinum unit: 50
Black: 3%, average crystal spent for black unit: 166.67

That's the math, but the lower the percentage, the higher the deviation, meaning a lot of people will have different percentages that significantly differs. I spent about 420 SC and have 3 blacks, slightly luckier than the average, but for the page events with the 50% drop rates, I've been at around 30% sadly. You can only pray for luck.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thats rare how ppl actually went emo on non competing game...
As long you able to clear the map isn't that fine ? also there plenty of low lvl strategy for clearing map hence i don't see much problem on it...., it show its doable to clear but at the same time it take ur fun like you given cheat sheet on puzzle game.

Just do thing at your own pace, everyone have their start play....
All i had to remind is this game is pretty much clearable with just event unit, there even a silver only strategy for 1st 1-1.5 yr of event (later on they had abit gold mix in it)
For 1st story map someone even made lvl 1 iron unit strategy if thats doesn't look fun ? :p

Funny you mention Silver only strategies for the first year and a half of the game, I recall seeing a JP player using a to clear AND 3* Castle Retake a few months back.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Blame Your ego Bro:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I've been playing 2-3 days after Osawari Release
If You have spend 30 SC on Charisma refill on Dragon Hunting Map
And 6 SC on Gold+ , 6 SC on EXP+
Then You have the right to be mad under Lv 140 , if not. You just make a clown of Yourself


ID was given by PJFrost

Was Lv 5

There is no shame on clearing a Map on 1 Star


Not just You that crying becoz didn't have Black
I just do the SC rolls becos the whisper of OPPAI GODDESSES :V
Yeah I know I will not pull Black


5 Rolls
1'st = Garret
2'nd = Robert
3'rd = Leeanne
4'th = WTF , Garret again
5'th = Giovanni
Why I post 2 Robert? (LV 30)
Well just wanna let You all know , I pull him again....
This... is really a TROLL

Even If it like this
I will not turn mad just becoz a game
This just a funny joke , do not get stressed out of it
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The attached excel file has a calculator and table detailing Aigis summon rates for those curious since there has been a fairly wide range of values for the average.


  • Aigis Drop Rates Calculator.zip
    38.8 KB · Views: 0
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I'm done spending SCs for now. Pretty decent run, but I am a little weirded out that I only got 1 single silver archer. I need 4 ffs.
So the end result of 125 scs (reserved some for events) spent:
15 Silver: Daniela a few Valeries that I immediately used to crank mine up to lvl 50 and reduce his costs. Only a single bandit this time (YES!). Phyllis,2x Dorca, 2x Bernhard a pirate leeanne and 2x that red haired rogue. Dunno what the last one was.
2 Black: Sophie and Liana
2 Platinum: Cypria and Camilla
6 Gold: Mehlis Monica (my third, A few more and I have a full cheer squad to be parked on the sideline for Crystal daily) cuterie, 2x Betty, Fedora.

Nice, but still no princess :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just to throw this out there, you will average 1 black every 113.8 crystals as opposed to the 67.5 number thrown out there.

Then explain how I've used three times that and don't have a single bloody Black.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You can get past it, you just choose not to since you won't accept below 3*.

Do you KNOW what OCD means?

OCD = OBSESSIVE Compulsive Disorder. See that bolded word? It means I CANNOT STAND IT. I cannot accept a lesser score than three stars. I WILL NOT accept a score of lesser. I'm NOT MENTALLY CAPABLE of accepting less than perfection.

I can accept a lesser score about as easily as you can survive the vacuum of space unassisted. You just can't.

You know what I also cannot accept? These freaking people who complain about getting 'the wrong blacks' or saying that 'the average for getting blacks is 1 every ___ Sacred Crystals'. Because when it's inevitably proven false, nobody can explain it except with the words 'you're just unlucky'.

Nobody ever considers that mister 'I got a black with a mere 40 Sacred Crystals' may have gotten extremely lucky and I'm just getting the true experience; that it might be another 500 Sacred Crystals from me before I ever see a single fucking Black.

... God, I wish this game allowed you to trade units...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just going to put this out there since I think it needs to be said. An average is an average, its not a guarantee, its not an absolute, a chance is a chance regardless of what an "average" may show. I think a few people should probably stop harping on the whole "average" number and keep in mind that you can do 100 pulls (that's 500 SC in this example) and you have a 3% chance per pull, and each pull is a different chance. You're more or less fighting for a 3% chance of pulling a Black, regardless of the specific unit, every time you throw 5SC at the gacha. So yes, while "on average" some people might be lucky enough to score a Black unit in that 100 pulls, not everyone will, in fact, given the chances of even pulling on a single pull, a majority aren't likely to pull one. Speaking of those lucky few, some JP player was doing a marathon of Aigis stream the other day and started a fresh account and went into Aigis, when he was able to actually do some pulls, he bought 150 SC and threw 50 at the premium gacha and got a Platinum and a Black unit in the 2nd and 3rd pulls.... and then proceeded to spam skills when there was no point in even using them and from what I heard, continued playing with occasional breaks until he cleared Castle Retake which took him around 13~14hours. (I was getting kicked off around the 10~11hr mark so I couldn't keep watching to confirm myself, nor do I know if he 1, 2 or 3*d Castle Retake.)

As far as being OCD goes, I know exactly what it means myself as my brother has it. So I hope you don't think I've been poking any fun or attempting to irritate you over it. It's not exactly something I'd wish on many people, and its as Shyao said, its not something that you can actually "fix", someone who has OCD has to live with it and accept that about themselves, as does anyone who is/becomes involved with them.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have OCD too, but I don't bitch to other people about my lack of progress because of it.

I didn't get past War of Magic for ages despite probably being able to two-star it (it's impossible to one-star). I've lost countless amounts of charisma/stamina on first-time attempts because I immediately restart if a unit dies or an enemy gets past.

And yeah, you should probably get a grasp of what average means. I got my first black in 10 SCs and two more blacks almost back-to-back. That obviously means nothing except that I'm lucky.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Then explain how I've used three times that and don't have a single bloody Black.

345 crystals = 69 summons

Translates to 87.8% of getting at least one black.
Obviously unlikely for someone to go this far without a black, but not too rare (1 in 9).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I don't want to add to the drama, here but my perspective on this is that I kinda envy all of those 100+ SC rolls, even if you don't get any blacks. Because it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll get some units at least that I don't have but could use. Here's the complete list of premium-only units I have:

Garrett (Male Gold HA)
Betty (Female Gold Rogue)
Konrad (Male Gold Bandit)
Mehlis (Female Gold Mage) (probably my luckiest summon as of yet)
Stray (Male Gold Archer)
Kojuro (Male Gold Samurai) (and this is my least lucky golden summon)

The rest of my crew is from events and trading post. I don't have a single premium only plat or black. And that's not likely to change all that much, considering that right now I'm kind of on the fence whether I should buy The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky on Steam while it's 50% off or should I wait for an even better sale. This is a game that's been on my wishlist forever and the base price is 15.99.

And I can still beat all the levels (aside of War of Magic, I'm stuck on that one) just fine by nothing but patience and being active since March. Dropping 100 dollars on a game like this is utterly unimaginable me, so I don't have any illusions about getting any premium-only units, let alone all of them. I'm just aiming for getting all of the free units and I go most of them (still pissed about Bashira, but I'm not going to start on that again).

What I'm driving at is that the game is fully playable and the events are completable without paying a dime. So getting all of those fancy premium-only units is not essential, it's an optional luxury. And it is a gamble. You all knew that when you bought Nutaku Gold to click the "Premium Summon". You either get your money's worth or not, you won't know until you try. If you can't accept that, then don't gamble. Being outraged that you end up not winning when you really "deserved" to win is just silly.

Sorry if this post was a bit of a mess. It's almost 3 AM here, so it's a bit hard not to ramble somewhat.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do you KNOW what OCD means?

OCD = OBSESSIVE Compulsive Disorder. See that bolded word? It means I CANNOT STAND IT. I cannot accept a lesser score than three stars. I WILL NOT accept a score of lesser. I'm NOT MENTALLY CAPABLE of accepting less than perfection.

I can accept a lesser score about as easily as you can survive the vacuum of space unassisted. You just can't.

You know what I also cannot accept? These freaking people who complain about getting 'the wrong blacks' or saying that 'the average for getting blacks is 1 every ___ Sacred Crystals'. Because when it's inevitably proven false, nobody can explain it except with the words 'you're just unlucky'.

Nobody ever considers that mister 'I got a black with a mere 40 Sacred Crystals' may have gotten extremely lucky and I'm just getting the true experience; that it might be another 500 Sacred Crystals from me before I ever see a single fucking Black.

... God, I wish this game allowed you to trade units...

Literally everyone is posting about the statistics of getting a black in a single roll and what the average SC amount is to get a black. That's literally it. The average. You can be above the average and be below it. You're below the average, having not gotten a black unit in far above the average. That's the risk you take with a lottery.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Literally everyone is posting about the statistics of getting a black in a single roll and what the average SC amount is to get a black. That's literally it. The average. You can be above the average and be below it. You're below the average, having not gotten a black unit in far above the average. That's the risk you take with a lottery.

Black units aren't even a requirement to clear most of the stages right now. Most of the time they just make things easier, but the stages are still clearable with other units which are high enough level. The only black units I have are Saki, Anya, and Fully maxed Karma, all of which were not gacha rolls. Most of my platinum units are from events except for a Garania and Sherry. Pretty much all of my gacha rolls give me silver units unfortunately. Regardless, with proper team development over the last few months, I can clear all these newer maps rather easily. It just takes time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most black units are detrimental to dealing with early rushes anyway (which is the first cause for concern when 3*'ing most story quests).

With the exception of Nanaly (who is already one of the most broken units in the game anyway), and Berna for taking out early black armors (sup Castle Retake/Immortal Beast).
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

now I'm kind of on the fence whether I should buy The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky on Steam while it's 50% off or should I wait for an even better sale. This is a game that's been on my wishlist forever and the base price is 15.99.

Cheap , You should get it
I'm a Console Gamers anyway
So I spend much more expensive
And I always target Limited Edition / Collectors Edition (Let Say 100$)
But it come's usefull in future , just hold em for many Years
And put it in an Auction , I sell it even 5 times or even more than the actual price of Limited Edition (Let Say 500$)
Like that Batman Gotham that comes with the Console (PS4)
I sell it 2,5 times the price in just 10 days after I get it
Easy Money:D

Enough with Black
Everyone is want it , who would not anyway?:rolleyes:
I guess I kind of Lucky enough to pull Liana with 5 free SC in earlier game
And now , all the bad Luck is coming........
If You become stressed out of it , might as well quit the game now
Before You become more crazy
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Not sure why I was expecting the day change time to stay the same, but it not doing so definitely caught me by surprise.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Not sure why I was expecting the day change time to stay the same, but it not doing so definitely caught me by surprise.

Technically its stayed the same really, however uk time has changed.
I was expecting it be an hour earlier when they changed the clocks.