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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They put Liana in to replace Iris, for some deluded reason. :rolleyes: She's literally the worst thing to happen to this version of Aegis.

Don't, we're likely getting a farm Event next, you'll need those. ;)

I really wish they'd listen to the users and make the logical choice to reduce her cost by 2, making her viable and on the same level with all the other gacha blacks.

And woohoo, farm event! I don't really have a reason to farm the current event, so I'm back to story/challenge/daily missions every day...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The game seems to be running much smoother after the patch :)
(Running chrome with hardware acceleration turned off)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Decided to waste a few hours pulling normal shrine summons.
Aprox. 1,000,000 gold worth (500 pull).

Was a long and painful experience having to pull 1 at a time and sell when my character list was full.

Results in terms rares:
13 silvers
0 gold, platinum, black

Either I used up my days worth of luck pulling Olivie or Shrine hates me.

Actually, you're right in the mean.

Current estimations put the pull rate for silver or above at 2.8% or so, last I checked. Given that, you should have gotten about 14 silver-or-better units, which you did, minus one, allowing for Standard Deviation. You're still within acceptable allotments for "Random" number generation. And the no gold/plat/black is also normal, with gold pulls being 0.1% or worse given available data and only getting exponentially worse for plat and black.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This event is so easy that I'll probably skip it tomorrow to earn some magical crystals in daily. I'm only unsure yet because last week I was winning like 6-9 every try in the hard level, but maybe I have better luck this time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Got a weird problem with the game. I can't seem to get any mouse interactions with the game anymore. I click on it to start it doesn't respond at all. Has anybody else heard of this happening. Use to work just fine. Not sure if recent update or a recently installed tablet driver is the culprit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Got a weird problem with the game. I can't seem to get any mouse interactions with the game anymore. I click on it to start it doesn't respond at all. Has anybody else heard of this happening. Use to work just fine. Not sure if recent update or a recently installed tablet driver is the culprit.
I had this problem at very beginning when i used Firefox (it freezed somewhere in mission menu usually). That was before first event i think. Never faced that problem in Chrome.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I had this problem at very beginning when i used Firefox (it freezed somewhere in mission menu usually). That was before first event i think. Never faced that problem in Chrome.

I've tried 3 browsers and have had the same issue. I'm thinking its some weird setting issue with windows 8. no idea what though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I've tried 3 browsers and have had the same issue. I'm thinking its some weird setting issue with windows 8. no idea what though.
Then i don't know what it is, sorry. Sometimes my Win 8 desktop shows just white screen without even that event info (before loading screen with riding Valkyrie). After booting it normaly works fine. Never had that issue in my Win 7 laptop. So it might be something to do with Win 8.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Need your guys' opinion on something. Are any of the following male units worth leveling or keeping for the future as fodder. Do any of the gold or platinum units gain anything great after they AW?


Garrett (have 2 untouched)

Stray (Have 2. One leveled to fifty and the other is untouched)


a second Gellius
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hey, welcome to the group! *gently pets the newbie* ^^

Well, I would say leveling Liana depends on your access to Black Fairies. If you can reliably farm Tue/Fri dailies to stockpile some, then yeah she'd be a huge upgrade over one of your silver healers. You can get more nit-picky when you have other healers of similar rarity competing for her spot, but an overpriced, underpowered black-rarity healer is still going to school any silver-rarity healer.

Thanks! I don't know about reliably farming for Black Fairies - I don't think I've tried the Tues/Fri H missions yet. I know she's going to be better than the healers I have now, I just didn't know if it was worth taking the time to level her while the event is going on.

in this game, there are no blacks that are crap in general, though liana compared to only blacks is sorta on the low end
(i would say the same as the only black i ever rolled, Despara *tear*)

Yeah, definitely didn't mean that to suggest she's completely useless but I saw a lot of "Woo Black Gacha WTF Liana" type posts earlier. I'll definitely take her over pulling a Phyllis or something, but I wasn't sure if she was a "MUST LEVEL NAO" kind of character especially concerning this event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Need your guys' opinion on something. Are any of the following male units worth leveling or keeping for the future as fodder. Do any of the gold or platinum units gain anything great after they AW?


Garrett (have 2 untouched)

Stray (Have 2. One leveled to fifty and the other is untouched)


a second Gellius

Strays are AW fodder for sure.

If you're not hurting for HA's, I'd actually use your second Gellius to CR/SU your first.

Vincent's not bad if you don't have an alternative Vampire Hunter (And we'll see if we get Fran, so I'd hold onto him just in case)

Garrett's not bad. Two might be useful in the God mode version of the Wednesday daily. Not sure, haven't really looked at it since I run an all-female crew.

And Bernard is... well, Bernard. CC at 30 for AW fodder or keep around to CC another plat/black class or gold HA, your call.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

rolled again today with the login crystal and got a 3rd silver. 50% chance of anything higher then silver my ass!

to get 3 silvers in a row i had a 12.5% chance of that happening...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

rolled again today with the login crystal and got a 3rd silver. 50% chance of anything higher then silver my ass!

to get 3 silvers in a row i had a 12.5% chance of that happening...

or you look at it the other way, 50% chance of not rolling anything higher than silver.

with such a small sample size, you wouldn't know if your next 3 rolls were gold or higher or your next 2 rolls were silver and the next 5 were gold or higher, etc
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

nutakugames ‏@nutakugames 4h4 hours ago

@Azraeth_Gaming @LargeBigDog No dice; they've made it "Olivie" and they intend to keep it that way.

Welp, looks like we're stuck with Olivie. Sorry, folks.


@Cjazus If you don't have 4 Black Faeries and a Plat Armor reserved for her, I wouldn't bother leveling Liana right now unless you have no one better to work on in your team. Even then, if your silver healers are CC'd, I'm certain that you can get through the event for a perfect Rowanna with the two of them, depending on exact level. Just FYI, look up strats for Tue/Fri daily. It's a rush map that requires high-level, low-cost units in bulk (At least for H mode). Like most of the dailies, it can be tricky to figure out at the higher difficulties. Liana also needs 1 Silver Archer, Mage and Healer for CC. Make sure you reserve those for her use eventually. If you don't have one of those, then that's another good reason to hold off leveling her for now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do any of the gold or platinum units gain anything great after they AW?

heVOICESad pretty much covered everything. But as to anything great after awakening, Gellius has amazing defensive potential if you invest in him and don't mind using male units.

Gellius' Awakening Ability is +10 MR, which may not sound that amazing in and of itself, but his Awakening Skill makes Gellius into one of the most formidable defensive options available. His Awakening Skill triples his Defense and MR and increases his block count to 5, but he can't attack while using it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I don't really care one way or the other, but if they don't even have the pull to get something as trivial as a name changed passed how are we supposed to believe anything meaningful to the actual quality of this version of the game will ever be addressed :rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What sets Gellius apart from the other non-Black HA is his high HP. The only female HA that's comes close to Gellius' HP (4,175 HP, post balance) is Miranda (3,486) and Miranda is an brute-type HA. It's something that you won't have to worry about with the events you guys are getting now, but once you guys get the harder bosses then the HP stat will be more important for tanking. Bernice has her limits as a tank, so if you still insist on females-only, then good luck! She's still a good tank regardless.

Gellius' Skill AW is a side-grade. You lose the higher duration for more durability. For blind runs, it's preferable to have a higher duration if you're not confident in your team's ability to kill a boss fast or confidence in your team's healers (longer duration means more time for your healers' skills to come off cooldown). Both skills can be argued for and it just comes down to the trade-off.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was hesitant to level my Despara because no one ever seems hyped about getting her. The nearly non existent wait time for her skill is pretty awesome. was planning to use my two spare Gadoras for Garrett, but it's looking worthwhile to through them her way instead.

Managed to pull Sakuya and Berna while going for Monica. Sakuya seems too niche to spend a lot of resources on, and I'm not a big rogue fan so Berna seems to be in the same boat.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Decided to spent some SC for lulz and I got Marius and Monica. Are they any good aside from Monica's passive abilities?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

*decides to give into temptation* *rolls 6xs with saved up SC* *gets Bashira as best roll*

*3hrs later when updating the facebook page and keep seeing that one comment with Olivie over and over, loses to temptation again*
*buys 70 SC*
*on 3rd roll*
idk what to do with the rest of my crystals now, since i doubt in getting another of that grade for a long while after this

sucks in this EN version she doesnt have her during norm/cc passive of 15% def/mr ignore
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