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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you only have one witch... I'd ask what did you stupidly do with your calliope/cloris

If you only have one heavy armor... I'd ask what you did with your other Leeanne

As for your choice 3.... you already have it if you don't make noob mistakes and combined thing pointless

1. Prince
2. Kerry(the one valkyrie recommend)
3. Bandit(Eunice the one bandit recommend)
4. Rogue(Cecily the one rogue recommend)
5. Soldier x2(Katie and Phyliss the two soldiers recommend)
6. Heavy Armor x2 (Leeanne x2)
7. Archer x2(Soma and Daniela)
8. Witches x2(Cloris and Calliope)
9. Mages x2(Valerie x2)
10. Healer x2(Alissa and Dorca)

These alone would be able to the majority of maps.

Still have them, but there is no chr/stm to lvl them and affection item also a big problem to max them up.
There always have event to be cleared and this have to sacrifice daily, mostly thursday (begining of event / used to be friday until they change friday fairy into crystal map) and tuesday.
Farming event i had to give up more daily and now collection event i totaly didnt do any daily.
Weekend during my paying time always have revival event thats where i get higher rarity for my team. Xtra CHR always used to lvl main team.....

even nowday i can clearly said i don't have the chr to lvl these back up unit, cuz main team need even more exp on their awakening.
For event i'm able to clear most of it with the replacement choice i mention before. I been doing these for 5-6 month and no there still no back up unit i cleared all event with what i have.
thats 1 archer / 1 witch / 1 pirate / 1 vh / 2 valk / 1 mage / 1 ha / 3 healer /1 gunner (not max affection) / and a little bit more of class not yet in en
(currently working on spica since its out in trading, but she still non CC lvl 34 0 affection i still need to give to other unit 1st)
(have 23 platinum armour but no stam to farm the fairy -.-)

If you don't believe me i cleared them with those unit, i can show u the last event unit eden on her max CR and skill should be proof enuff that i completed the event with the little unit i had
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have to say, I did spring for Black Robe Cyrus, and I'm actually rather pleased. Even ignoring some of the slightly better general stats because he's gold, he seems to actually have a slightly higher base radius on his spell blast than Valerie. Hoping to get my used Val and Cyrus to 50 to CC in the near future, a pair of CC'd mages seem to do a lot for 3 starring certain more obnoxious maps...

Though I was looking forwards to using Aria in place of Katie in a lot of places due to her being 3 points cheaper, buuut her affection bonus being Attack instead of Defense really limits her ability to just stand in front of everything for me the way Katie does. Ah well, is what it is.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have to say, I did spring for Black Robe Cyrus, and I'm actually rather pleased. Even ignoring some of the slightly better general stats because he's gold, he seems to actually have a slightly higher base radius on his spell blast than Valerie. Hoping to get my used Val and Cyrus to 50 to CC in the near future, a pair of CC'd mages seem to do a lot for 3 starring certain more obnoxious maps.

Note that on skill Valerie gets x1.5 blast, and Cyrus gets x2.0
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You guys are talking about strategy, but the sad fact is we don't need strategy in the en aigis for now and that's not gonna change any soon, if ever. We've had way too much time to prepare, some of us would probably be already able to clear events from many months ahead and we're still having long breaks between the current events. If this continues ppl like Xovian may never experience any kind of challenge in the en aigis. That's the main reason why I've only been farming Dragon Hunting and avoiding getting my units higher than 50CC40, but I guess the damage has been done :( I never played the dmm aigis so I may be wrong about this and I hope I am.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You guys are talking about strategy, but the sad fact is we don't need strategy in the en aigis for now and that's not gonna change any soon, if ever. We've had way too much time to prepare, some of us would probably be already able to clear events from many months ahead and we're still having long breaks between the current events. If this continues ppl like Xovian may never experience any kind of challenge in the en aigis. That's the main reason why I've only been farming Dragon Hunting and avoiding getting my units higher than 50CC40, but I guess the damage has been done :( I never played the dmm aigis so I may be wrong about this and I hope I am.

Let me add that, with his current team i doubt he will felt any chalenge at all :p
If xovian do got chalenged (other than that witch map cuz of gimmick), how can we clear with out freenium unit ;)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I dunno, I'm still having a lot of trouble with 3 starring Castle Retake and even clearing Immortal Beast so there's some challenge left for some of us =P Though I'm hoping Themis and Kerry can sweep up the Dragon Mages this go round like they did last time, or else I'm going to have a lot of trouble >_> Ugh dragon mages -_-

Heck, right now if I screw up my build even minutely on Remnant Vanquish 3 I can lose an early life or two, though actually losing is pretty unlikely. I dunno, sometimes it feels like even if you have the most blinged out army, some of the rush-y-er or... "Surprise!" wielding maps could mess you up if you don't look them up in advanced, and could easily take a few tries if you're devising your own strategy. Early red gargoyles, in particular, seem to be one of the game's favorite cheap shots.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If this continues ppl like Xovian may never experience any kind of challenge in the en aigis. That's the main reason why I've only been farming Dragon Hunting and avoiding getting my units higher than 50CC40, but I guess the damage has been done :( I never played the dmm aigis so I may be wrong about this and I hope I am.

There are still a number of things that even I can not complete in this game. Both Dwarfs and Giants maps for example, as i can only 1-2 star the first and cant even 1 star the second. War of Magic hasn't been 3 stared either. I do not expect this to change for some time to come. By then new much tougher events will be hitting as well, not to mention introduction of mechanics that will require strategies to deal with them.

Admittedly there are a number of maps that can be beaten by brute force (prince / unit levels), but there are some that can't be even now, that list will only grow over time i'm sure.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There are still a number of things that even I can not complete in this game. Both Dwarfs and Giants maps for example, as i can only 1-2 star the first and cant even 1 star the second. War of Magic hasn't been 3 stared either. I do not expect this to change for some time to come. By then new much tougher events will be hitting as well, not to mention introduction of mechanics that will require strategies to deal with them.

Admittedly there are a number of maps that can be beaten by brute force (prince / unit levels), but there are some that can't be even now, that list will only grow over time i'm sure.

Well true that challenge map do need specific unit and cost, so does awakening orb map later on, but your black should be able to handle the early rush.
For me in my EN i already tried to CR my silver for awakening map since that 1 of most major farmed map, in my JP i let some of it past cuz i dont have the starting cost and i focus kill the enemy that drop orb, although its already 3 star now cuz of gold rush event, awakening daily have helper on them.

Well when you start awakening ur unit, they got major boost in ability and stat so i guess it should be easy for you.
Since you premium player its better to max CR gold instead of silver, use silver for CC and awaken fodder later
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You guys are talking about strategy, but the sad fact is we don't need strategy in the en aigis for now and that's not gonna change any soon, if ever. We've had way too much time to prepare, some of us would probably be already able to clear events from many months ahead and we're still having long breaks between the current events. If this continues ppl like Xovian may never experience any kind of challenge in the en aigis. That's the main reason why I've only been farming Dragon Hunting and avoiding getting my units higher than 50CC40, but I guess the damage has been done :( I never played the dmm aigis so I may be wrong about this and I hope I am.

well, even total newbies can do latest events. And once you got your main team in 50CC40-50cc50 territory - you should be able to steamroll through the game. it all depends on time you putting in. for example someon who plays once per day and dont time his resources are much weaker than those of us who sit on timers. But Nutaku need to consider them too, so it's obvious that we should have no problems in those events.
As example - about current DMM aigis event
Thats a farm event for black Ninja Nagi, when event started i was 17 lvl. but i still was able to make a setup for a 2nd map, and currently farming seals needed for her. since i am freemium and low level - i cant go for a ideal unit. But i will get her with -2CRs (out of 5 )and 4/10 Skill. which are quite good for someone of my level. Maybe even will be able to reach 5/10 skill
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well, even total newbies can do latest events. And once you got your main team in 50CC40-50cc50 territory - you should be able to steamroll through the game. it all depends on time you putting in. for example someon who plays once per day and dont time his resources are much weaker than those of us who sit on timers. But Nutaku need to consider them too, so it's obvious that we should have no problems in those events.

oh all event will have their weaker version its to measure how good the player are.
I completed the last event of that DMM as well *rainbow fairy where are u -.-*

My plan only up to CR-3 (used around 11SC) since i don't have anymore SC after spending them all in gold rush event. CR-4 need 28 SC was it i forgot.

Btw that 50CC50 is it mainly silver ? or gold ? and some plat.....
cuz 50CC50 silver you gonna need some specific class to clear the harder map (and remember their CR requirement too)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well, even total newbies can do latest events. And once you got your main team in 50CC40-50cc50 territory - you should be able to steamroll through the game. it all depends on time you putting in. for example someon who plays once per day and dont time his resources are much weaker than those of us who sit on timers. But Nutaku need to consider them too, so it's obvious that we should have no problems in those events.
As example - about current DMM aigis event
Thats a farm event for black Ninja Nagi, when event started i was 17 lvl. but i still was able to make a setup for a 2nd map, and currently farming seals needed for her. since i am freemium and low level - i cant go for a ideal unit. But i will get her with -2CRs (out of 5 )and 4/10 Skill. which are quite good for someone of my level. Maybe even will be able to reach 5/10 skill

I actually meant clearing ALL of the event maps, cos obviously they will always be divided into tiers so even noobs can complete a few, but I'd expect the extreme-tier ones etc to be somewhat more challenging.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I actually meant clearing ALL of the event maps, cos obviously they will always be divided into tiers so even noobs can complete a few, but I'd expect the extreme-tier ones etc to be somewhat more challenging.

its all about figuring out strategy though. once someone shared his, then it will be no problem for rest of us. unless luck factor are involved
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I actually meant clearing ALL of the event maps, cos obviously they will always be divided into tiers so even noobs can complete a few, but I'd expect the extreme-tier ones etc to be somewhat more challenging.

Yeah the hardest map is chalenging that u need some unit strenght.
All i can tell you is at begining u will have spider runing toward you with 1500 atk (The gimmick in this map is poison 5hp / tick, and if the boss still alive standing there watching you, he will buff all the enemy unit in map by 50% atk)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Since you premium player its better to max CR gold instead of silver, use silver for CC and awaken fodder later
Other than blacks i have no units to CR, though i only recently acomplished this with my 5 rogues which were the last units needing it. (Yes even cuterie, who was also cc'ed at 50)

I do not look at guides for events or for future maps as i like them to be a surprise. I also build my team based on what I want, and not what is "best". I like Liana, even though many people swear she is terrible due to her cost especially when most maps have no need for her secondary skill function, yet i still use her. I will end up having 3 "princesses" which no one in their right mind would recommend, but i do plan to add Anya to my team.

I enjoy seeing what i have work even though it is not always optimal, or recommened. If i fail at something i fail and try to devolpe a better strat. Some times this means placing an archer before a soldier, sometimes it means saving for a more expensive unit, but thus far I've not seen anything that a specific map has that stops people regardless of their units. Even my free account has passed a majority of maps on strat alone, and there are no impressive units and the prince is under level 40. So almost anything can be achieved in the game with what we have, even when free.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I also build my team based on what I want, and not what is "best". I like Liana, even though many people swear she is terrible due to her cost especially when most maps have no need for her secondary skill function, yet i still use her.

Well it's not like higher cost makes her a worse unit, just more expensive, but I don't think u have any problems with that, having all of ur units min-costed :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah thats what i plan to do in EN ver since im confident my unit can handle the situation.
In my JP ver unfortunatly i always check video for map that cost higher than 5 stam as i can't afford to spare them too much. (1st time avenger and tengu unit introduced failed 2 star -.-)

Even i check video, know the strategy... my true chalenge is always, how can i make my team adapted to this strategy. Since i always and always lacking on certain unit class or their Cost too high.
Alot of time i even add my own version on some part of the strategy, its fun i guess finding my own way with my own team.

With liana i think she can easily fit 3rd healer role, since most the time when you need to put 3rd healer, you already have too much free cost to spend (my 3rd healer atm is echidna in JP ver thats 28 cost)
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah thats what i plan to do in EN ver since im confident my unit can handle the situation.
In my JP ver unfortunatly i always check video for map that cost higher than 5 stam as i can't afford to spare them too much. (1st time avenger and tengu unit introduced failed 2 star -.-)

Even i check video, know the strategy... my true chalenge is always, how can i make my team adapted to this strategy. Since i always and always lacking on certain unit class or their Cost too high.
Alot of time i even add my own version on some part of the strategy, its fun i guess finding my own way with my own team.

there also such thing as timings. As simplest example - that is my old basic setup for dragon hunt.
After i changed Katie to Aria, my soldier started to get 2 hits from dragon fire, not 1 like b4. since -3 unit points allow me to place Belinda faster, and she start slowing dragon earlier. so having a lower cost downgraded performance a little=)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

there also such thing as timings. As simplest example - that is my old basic setup for dragon hunt.
After i changed Katie to Aria, my soldier started to get 2 hits from dragon fire, not 1 like b4. since -3 unit points allow me to place Belinda faster, and she start slowing dragon earlier. so having a lower cost downgraded performance a little=)

your lack of trust in Alissa and the usage of that cowdisgustes me.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

you just want to deploy sybilla *admit it *cuz from ur IGN!!!* :p
what i did is deploy aria in front cave - deploy belinda at that spot fast foward........ deploy prince left of aria then fast foward again.... click aria skill deploy archer and healer on the ramp --> AFK :p

Edit: something like this... and nah non of the cave mob ever leaked out


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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

you just want to deploy sybilla *admit it *cuz from ur IGN!!!* :p
what i did is deploy aria in front cave - deploy belinda at that spot fast foward........ deploy prince left of aria then fast foward again.... click aria skill deploy archer and healer on the ramp --> AFK :p

My actual Nutaku IGN is Kohakuren though=) This is just "why not" forum name=)

Well Sybilla 1hko small goblins and thats makes clearing that map a bit faster, since there no walk waiting time. and i put Aria>Prince>Belinda>Sybilla>Iris those set up when 12-14 units are on counter - rest is afk

your lack of trust in Alissa and the usage of that cowdisgustes me.
Alissa is 50cc30 i think, and i don't mind Dorca (also there was scientific curiosity, will she be milked at 100% or not )
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