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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Had to read all those pages to get what this votes thing about. XD
Well, my vote is clear - Sybilla
Conrad is fine too though

You just doom us all....

Conrad now has five votes....

I'm setting off this nuke and ending it all...

Firing in
Aigis: NO WAIT!

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, this is it, my goddess. Hold me.

*Hugs Aigis-sama*

*...cops a feel as the blast gets close*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So remember when I said I'd be totally okay with old greybeard because I love his awakening profile pic and that with my luck, I'd pull Garania next?

Well I pulled Garania next

From 2k

WTF Aigis....

Edit: Joke's on her. Just found out Garania's artist is probably my favorite in all internet history, so I'm 100% perfectly happy about this again.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My vote to bashira
yesterday did 250, spend 150k on 2k gacha and 5 silvers; alissa, witch, male ha, harrisa and one more
was a good day
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I remember someone talking about bashira from 2k too

For something with a lottery-winning chance tier, 2k gatcha spams out plat and black units awfully often.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

As you know that plat and black from 2k gacha is less than 0.1% chance.
So yeah its there, but the luck quite exceptional high to get it.

dam this chance remind me of OLD RO boss farming card 0.02% :mad:
I totaly dont want to remember my RO life day......
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For something with a lottery-winning chance tier, 2k gatcha spams out plat and black units awfully often.

The more often someone wins the more ppl start trying, I guess, so globally that may happen quite often. What's interesting tho is that ppl seem to be getting more plats+ than golds, but maybe those with golds simply don't boast that much :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That was Cellia. Bashira came from premium.

Talking about someone over on hongfire. He freaked out... his reaction was far more entertaining then my disbelief was.

EDIT: Also it seems he saw Bashira and wanted her like a day before he got her >.<
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Been wondering how people are getting over 1M gold and still have their units leveled up.

From experience monday daily will earn me ~250k (no buffs). Since I've been leveling units the hard way (0-1 plats last couple weeks) by doing Remnant Vanquish 3 (best unit exp/money gain ratio i think) by the end of the week I've got around around 50-70k.
Most money I've ever had was by DH farming which made me go over 500k by the end of the week, yet unit exp is way lower and I think I would probably lag behind in events to come.

So atm i'm stumped at my options:
1- I continue to level my golds/plats units and have them stay at 50 bc i can't CC them, and have no money for anything else;
2- I level my silvers and CC them to save money and storage space (my 7 Elaines say hi...), and have no money for anything else;
3- I completely disregard unit exp, jump to DH farm and use the money on gatcha hoping to get useful units (at least to CC the units that I already have at 50 - Aria says Hi since i stupidly forgot about her and CCed Phylis...).

Decisions, decisions....
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

3- I completely disregard unit exp, jump to DH farm and use the money on gatcha hoping to get useful units

That's what I've been doing for weeks now, farming merely DH then spending at least 200k a week for the 2k gatcha, got like 20-25 silvers that way so far. But that's mostly because I'm freemium and simply do not have enough units to make good use of the extra fodder, almost all of my units are lvl 40+ (CCed or not) so I don't rly need those irons (can't seem to get more than 1 exp armour a week to get them to 50 as well, just like u, so I'm kinda stuck). Anyway, if u want to save money then DH farming is definitely the option for u.

Btw, I don't currently have any max lvl units so gotta ask those who do - is it still possible to feed new units to a max lvl unit (obviously for CR/SL purposes)?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Btw, I don't currently have any max lvl units so gotta ask those who do - is it still possible to feed new units to a max lvl unit (obviously for CR/SL purposes)?
Yes, I've done so. Skill and CR both occured.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes, I've done so. Skill and CR both occured.

Ty, I thought so but needed to make sure, would suck if u couldn't.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What will I need to CC Chydis if I get her? Not sure If I can allow myself to do some CC before or trying to CR healers I already got.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What will I need to CC Chydis if I get her? Not sure If I can allow myself to do some CC before or trying to CR healers I already got.

If i remember correctly - archer / mage / healer
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If i remember correctly - archer / mage / healer
Yup and all Silver. I've actually been debating whether or not to CC her since I only have 4 Valeries (I got plenty of Somas and Daniella's and 2 Dorcas) and with the possibility of Gold Rush being the next event maybe I can score a Gold Healer......
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

All silvers, right?:(

yup platinum / black use all silver :D

Chydis is a good power healer due to elven (make note that elven race always have low hp around 2/3 of usual, but they always get boosted atk def and 5 MR (witch +3 mr))
You defenetly need her in future it will make your life alot easier.
BTW, my rooster spare silver have 1 soldier / 5 bandit / 3 thief / 3 valk / 0 healer / 0 mage / 0 archer, o well i will restock them somewhere in future.

Gold rush? highly doubt this event will be next -.- in jp their gold rush event is like 1x / 4 month
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Chydis is a good power healer due to elven (make note that elven race always have low hp around 2/3 of usual, but they always get boosted atk def and 5 MR (witch +3 mr))
You defenetly need her in future it will make your life alot easier.
Blegh....Yeah I know I really do want to CC her, but my Valeries....I still need to CC Belinda too....Oh well, I'll probably give in and maybe get Valerie(s)from 2k lottery....

Speaking of CCing I finally CC'd Betty after hearing she's good, went to look on her wiki page and noticed her awakening, I'm guessing that is what makes her good? What is it exactly does she potentially have the ability to kill a unit and turns into a Gold Unit from the Monday Event? Or is it something else?