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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm doing it because I need black fairies for my Nanaly.
I already have one but wanted to try getting more to use with a plat armor.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I wish ya luck sabotage, I got 4 blacks last week, but then again I spent 15 (or more) crystals on the daily, so it came at a cost. Oddly enough it was before I had gotten a single black character too. Did get a single rainbow as well, but it failed on use. /shurg
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

@Xovian Xovian
Thanks,and good luck to you too.

Another run ,another silver fairy...
I would like to say that I'm done with this daily but sadly I know I'm going to try again on thursday.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

@Xovian Xovian
Thanks,and good luck to you too.

Another run ,another silver fairy...
I would like to say that I'm done with this daily but sadly I know I'm going to try again on thursday.

i wish you luck bro. without events is our only way to aqquire black Fairies

in other news. i managed to snatch 2 Plat armors yesterday so i got both my Kerrie and my Calliope Ready for the CC (havent been able to get a freaking gold fairy tough -w-.

My list of CC characters
Katie lvl 50/01
Calliope Actually 40 pre CC but have the Armor ready for her once i get my silver Fairies
Kerrie lvl 50
Daniela 50/01
Soma 50/01
Alisa 50/01
Dorca 50/01
so.....7 CC characters at 2 weeks? nice :D my next units to CC are going to be a thief, Barbastoff and Conrad.

any sugestions for the thief? should i CC Cypra or Cecily
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

aiyaiyai, you all are crazy w/ your cc lists. =P

I'm still carving away at Katie, level 38.

But I did get 2 plats and 12 golds yesterday.

And today 4 golds, a bunch of silvers, 1 black and 1 rainbow.

I think the game is being merciful to me.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Manage to get a black fairy today on N and CC my Nunnally :3
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I wish i had a black unit to CC, i finally got one black fairy to use it on. Though im happy with all these plat fairies im finally getting off of my runs. Really need them to upgrade my plat units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do you all notice any particular difference in running E vs N dailies? Seems like the same rate of prizes to me.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm yeah, I don't really see much of a difference between E n N dailies.

I managed to get a black unit after 8 rerolls o 3o
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually to be honest for some reason I have had better luck with the E runs than the N runs. I have no idea why .... might be because i can run E runs more?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i managed to snatch 2 Plat armors yesterday so i got both my Kerrie and my Calliope Ready for the CC (havent been able to get a freaking gold fairy tough -w-.

My list of CC characters
Katie lvl 50/01
Calliope Actually 40 pre CC but have the Armor ready for her once i get my silver Fairies
Kerrie lvl 50
Daniela 50/01
Soma 50/01
Alisa 50/01
Dorca 50/01
so.....7 CC characters at 2 weeks? nice :D my next units to CC are going to be a thief, Barbastoff and Conrad.

any sugestions for the thief? should i CC Cypra or Cecily
I jelly, didn't get a single plat yesterday on my main account did get one on free so at least I saw one. (Unlike today where both accounts got plague with silver fairy only drops (if it wasn't a nil drop)).

As I'm not a a big fan of thieves, outside of Betty (for her eventual gold boost), I'd honestly go with the cheaper cost. Cypria is just plain too expensive to get out unless you could reduce her cost, and after CC she isn't even playable in the "thieves role" IMO due to increase in cost, Plat or not, and even reduced after CC. So good ol Cecily gets my vote on that one.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm for gift items should I just stick with the challenge missions (low cost battle) or try to do the dailies tomorrow? Not sure what is the most stamina efficient for leveling affection.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm for gift items should I just stick with the challenge missions (low cost battle) or try to do the dailies tomorrow? Not sure what is the most stamina efficient for leveling affection.

For me im trying to get the 1 that drop 1 flower 1x pearl 2 x ruby 1x gold 1x plat fairy at the cost of 3 stam
I haven't up to there yet but thats the main objective atm.
Daily seem not so great until you can do H mode (my opinion though)
Atm i'm just gonna do low cost battle for affection and fairy to make it easier to lvl my silver unit and trying to CC 3 more class
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally finished castle retake, CCed witch was the turning point to being able to do it for me. Being able to do dragon hunt stage is awesome, it's fast, gives L18 fodder (saves gold on lvlin up) and uses up my charisma quickly.

To anyone rolling new account to get good summons, I did a TON of them and this is what I deem as a fairly efficient way of doing it:

1) Have 2-3 browser, use 1 to surf or do whatever, the other 2 to run the game. That or have a book / TV.

2) right click registers as left click, so you can tap both mouse key to fast forward through the dialogues and stuff.

3) Remember the game freezes if its minimized, so don't minimize them, alt tab out.

3a) if you click the 2x battle speed, hold the mouse button and move it out of the game window, the 2x speed will lock. Do that before alt tabbing to another browser.

4) You'll get very very good at knowing when to switch and click thru to letting it run.

5) Use a disposable email, search on google and you'll get tons.

6) always use a referral login for +100 gold. Note that an account with +2000 gold referral finished cannot give new accounts +100 gold.

7) Once you unlock goddess, you will have 6 crystal + 200 gold, use 200 gold to buy 2 more crystal, you will have 8, enough for 1 premium + 1 rare summon.

8) If you roll a top notch (Nanaly/Despara/Sybilla) well then you're golden and go live with the account, you're done with this painful process :)

9) If you roll any great but not top (Plat princess, Thetis ...etc), use this accounts referral login for you future rolls to build up the gold, then roll 1-4 more times to see if the great roll can become awesome enough to go live. I call these accounts "hopefuls".

A hopeful account doesn't have to be plat, a double top gold like Themis + Betty could qualify, hell I'd take that over Black Berna + silver any day.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just done trying the immortal beast... 3 lich in the end is always = game over ~_~ do we have someone here that already had finished that evil stage?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

o_O 3 liches? Wow I only just barely beat castle retake just now. That is just evil.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

o_O 3 liches? Wow I only just barely beat castle retake just now. That is just evil.

>_< I know that feeling, killing the lich in the castle retake is already hard and now there 3 of that :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just done trying the immortal beast... 3 lich in the end is always = game over ~_~ do we have someone here that already had finished that evil stage?
You're not supposed to beat it; it's a deliberate roadblock until the next content-patch is released (at which point the difficulty will presumably be dialed down to a reasonable level).

Minor spoilers and illegitimate gameplay
The 3 liches in that mission are substantially tougher than the ones in the final Challenge mission or the earlier Story mission. They can kick the crap out of maxed-out Black princesses supported by maxed-out Platinum healers. They're presumably immune to instant death, since I couldn't get it to trigger with maxed Assassinate or maxed Fragarach.

And if you do manage to beat the mission (which requires massive and blatant cheating, to the point that you'll eliminate any actual challenge or entertainment value in the game) then you'll find that there's no story content (e.g. dialog) triggered by your "victory" and no new missions beyond it. And the rewards are mundane: iron/copper units, a one-time crystal reward for 3-star victory, and the standard "one-time silver unit reward for collecting all of the prize units."
Play the mission once or twice, get trounced, and then focus on other stuff (farming, filling out your roster, unlocking CG, upgrading your units) while you wait for additional content and Events to be patched in. And maybe toss a few dollars at Nutaku if you can afford it :)