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(Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

seriously? ... You guys can just sell some materials (like silver coins or bag of coins)

The more I see, the more I sure that Nutaku's Kanpani is more harder/different version than Dmm's one ... I play Kanpani back when it just open in DMM so I can say this for sure. There's some tweaks here and there (Not just languages)

1. Low gold issue:
I sold every silver coin / bag of coins, and still very low on funds. I guess I'll start selling the 3K gold materials then.

2. Labyrinth question: I attacked it twice. Once testing strength and once going down a level.

Both times, I got wiped after beating the first 3 or 4 groups. So I'm kinda curious what level you guys were at before you successfully started clearing the labyrinth. How many fights it has, etc.

3. Any recommendation on the gem usage order?

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but my current plan is:
- open all resource building slots
- buy 5 'Bakery aprons' and equip characters with them
- buy a 3rd army slot for 50 gems (for battlefield)
- open the 3 PR division slots
- open the 3 blacksmith slots
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Seriously, some of these recipe drops can be a real pain. Others I get lucky on the second run. I've spent the better part of the last 2 days leveling alt characters and farming Ch. 1 - Ch. 3 quests. I finally got all recipes from 1-1 to 3-5. The completionist in me is pleased :cool:

On another note, yesterday I spent like 7000 food on the XP quest for my main party and saw exactly....zero gold jellys. The RNG can be a cruel mistress.

For those of you getting stuck on certain quests: level and craft more. Every wall I hit was solved with a little farming and crafting some better equipment. Make good use of those resources and craft, craft, craft some more!
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

2. Labyrinth question: I attacked it twice. Once testing strength and once going down a level.

Both times, I got wiped after beating the first 3 or 4 groups. So I'm kinda curious what level you guys were at before you successfully started clearing the labyrinth. How many fights it has, etc.

There are 12 or so fights. I could handle the blue route in labyrinth with a level 30 party no problem. Make sure you have a cleric for heals: it is mandatory. Better equipment helps as well.

I tried the first red route a while back and lost on the 3rd or so fight so I'd recommend level 40-45 before trying that. I'm in the 40s now so I should try it again sometime...

3. Any recommendation on the gem usage order?

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but my current plan is:
- open all resource building slots
- buy 5 'Bakery aprons' and equip characters with them
- buy a 3rd army slot for 50 gems (for battlefield)
- open the 3 PR division slots
- open the 3 blacksmith slots

Yup, that order is pretty good though I would open up the 3 blacksmith slots before PR division or 3rd party slot. I would even put 3rd party slot dead last: it's just not important yet.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

1. Low gold issue:
I sold every silver coin / bag of coins, and still very low on funds. I guess I'll start selling the 3K gold materials then.

2. Labyrinth question: I attacked it twice. Once testing strength and once going down a level.

Both times, I got wiped after beating the first 3 or 4 groups. So I'm kinda curious what level you guys were at before you successfully started clearing the labyrinth. How many fights it has, etc.

3. Any recommendation on the gem usage order?

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but my current plan is:
- open all resource building slots
- buy 5 'Bakery aprons' and equip characters with them
- buy a 3rd army slot for 50 gems (for battlefield)
- open the 3 PR division slots
- open the 3 blacksmith slots

1. you might wanna save those 3K materials cause they hard to find and used for high-end equipment. Wait Friday (actually depend on where you live, It's map after Ronin and Archer Hammer, which means tomorrow), there's gold map give lots of gold there

2. Party at least 30 (note : this party still using default equipment). go with 2 clerics, 1 solider, Monica and 1 archer/mage.
Works well for route blue - all option 1 (most easiest route) Please remember Labyrinth cost 10K gold and the compensation is 200 bread

3. you might wanna switch blacksmith and PR
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Not as lucky as rawr over there but my first +3. Not the best weapon but I'll take it over the default >_>


  • First +3.jpg
    First +3.jpg
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Sadie get!
Sunshine Knights complete!
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Got Oili's voice stone. The item name misspells it as "Oily".

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

3. Any recommendation on the gem usage order?

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but my current plan is:
- open all resource building slots
- buy 5 'Bakery aprons' and equip characters with them
- buy a 3rd army slot for 50 gems (for battlefield)
- open the 3 PR division slots
- open the 3 blacksmith slots

I'd suggest:
1) Resource slots
2) 5 Aprons
3) Blacksmith slots -> because good equips really do make a difference, I found out.
4 - 5) Hmm... depends? You said you're low on gold, is that because you're up-classing your units whenever possible? Then that means you'd have a lot of girls that are not at max level for their class, and so battlefield party slots will be a good choice for mass experience boost.

On the other hand, if you're like me, who's a tad bit frugal with gold spending, I've only allowed myself to level my girls up to 30, and save up the rest hoping to find rarer girls to invest my all. Hence I have quite a lot of girls at max level, most of them upgraded from 1-2* to 3*. I'd prefer rarer mercenaries to knock on my doorstep first, and so I'll be opting for PR slots.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Another recruitment another 2 star... i swear i have shittiest luck while recruiting/droping chars from missions... not a single 3 star, 2 stars are rarity.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

So today I spent 320k in phantom labyrinth and got 1 recipe, is that normal?
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

So today I spent 320k in phantom labyrinth and got 1 recipe, is that normal?

I'm quite sure it is. In dmm 250K at least can net you 2-3 golden chest, one if you really unlucky (100% recipes), but the fragments (not matter how many it is) should be all silver chest
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I saw 2 in total, but the first one was 5 fragments.

Supposedly gold chests are recipes, but you'll get mats instead if it's a recipe you already have.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I have shittiest luck recruiting but i drop recipies like crazy, my 3rd recipy in just an hour, and on a first try:D Considering i barelly managed to finish it (had to revive using 2 stones... but since i dropped gold chest i just could not do it) it will take some time before i will be able to farm mats for it tho :D

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I have shittiest luck recruiting but i drop recipies like crazy, my 3rd recipy in just an hour, and on a first try:D Considering i barelly managed to finish it (had to revive using 2 stones... but since i dropped gold chest i just could not do it) it will take some time before i will be able to farm mats for it tho :D


You should be able to save some stones if you just wanna have some patience. Just log out before your team eliminated, wait 100 minutes, login, your CEO skill hit 100, revive team. Save 1 stone
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

You should be able to save some stones if you just wanna have some patience. Just log out before your team eliminated, wait 100 minutes, login, your CEO skill hit 100, revive team. Save 1 stone

I wonder would that be considered an exploit? If Nordland/NutakuDev say they don't care then it's good idea.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I wonder would that be considered an exploit? If Nordland/NutakuDev say they don't care then it's good idea.

It not an exploit ... done it a lot in Dmm version, the dev didn't mind since it part to help weak player.
So in case everyone wondering the minimum requirement to finish Chapter 9
(Open one of my Dmm Id)


All girls have their labyrinth weapon +3 and armor +2 with accessory +2


Note : The last time I run this Id is last year Christmas

You think how come I can finish Chapter 9 with my 60+ team?

If you have solider (blue who use pike) level them. Use them to handle Future Chapter
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

It not an exploit ... done it a lot in Dmm version, the dev didn't mind since it part to help weak player.

You think how come I can finish Chapter 9 with my 60+ team?
Ain't risking potential ban for something like that after putting money and time into my account. I want to see NutakuDev/Nordland giving their opinion :p

If you have solider (blue who use pike) level them. Use them to handle Future Chapter

I sure do, even managed to get her +3 labirynth halabard. Which made her laugh at most bosses attacks.