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(Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

1 day of stamina refill goes a long way.
It's not that big difference actually. Of course there is some difference, but it's not that big. Really.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

oh, didn't know that. well, still the 24hours of stamina missed out could have killed quite a few of these higher level bosses.

and i may add that with that x8 card you still should be able to do better then full freemium like myself, but worse than those guys with x26. you only lost a bit in comparasion to other x8 guys (and i doubt that there a lot of them started yesterday, since i was in top 10 for quite a while, they started to play only today)
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

every 4 hours was a kill to the level 50+ RB. that's 6 potential RB kills worth a lot of event points.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

every 4 hours was a kill to the level 50+ RB. that's 6 potential RB kills worth a lot of event points.

you will catch up to that and after that you will still hit the wall of bosses that you cant kill in 8 hours Energy regen. so it not really matters
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls


You are pretty much at same point that i am. How many backups are in your support list?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls


You are pretty much at same point that i am. How many backups are in your support list?

it changes time to time - right now its 9
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Is support list the list of girls that show up after a pvp battle?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

it changes time to time - right now its 9

Ok. It has been me + 3 in past few fights for me. It's annoying system, don't understand why it have to be so random.

@frrrosty: I mean the list of players that can help you in battle.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

and i can confirm that you can get tickets if you didnt kill the boss by yourself, just found this thing

So is the best farming method to...
1. Search for bosses
2. Hit it with the 1x attack (?)
3. Share said boss

That said, I'm sure the rankings for damage for each boss affects how many points you get (although not necessarily the rewards for beating a boss)...
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

So is the best farming method to...
1. Search for bosses
2. Hit it with the 1x attack (?)
3. Share said boss

That said, I'm sure the rankings for damage for each boss affects how many points you get (although not necessarily the rewards for beating a boss)...

Best as in the most stamina saved? As long as people actually go in on it. Some people still reluctant to help for who knows why. Could be because they aren't online or don't care because every group of people asked to help are seemingly different. Not knowing who is going to be asked, whether they can be trusted to help, and whether the one asking for help is going to be able to finish it off if it comes down to it are all factors to be considered. So the safest thing beyond all else is to assume that every fight you put minimum effort in you plan to also finish off yourself to guarantee no points wasted.

If everyone was just a cool dude like me etcetctetc.

For the points, not sure man. I got roughly 2k for minimum effort around the level 38-42 bosses. That seemed pretty legit to me. Was like 8-12% of my max points. For just dumpin on a random boss with no real contribution (or 6x sometimes for names I recognized from here), not gonna look into it much further.
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I only attack another person's boss if significant damage(at least 40%) has been done to it already. Otherwise no one will attack it and the boss just expires and you just wasted stamina.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

That seems fair, as it is a bit of a waste if someone doesn't 6x a boss once in the encounter.

Edit: I did this for the people.

Got 4th (out of 4 participants) on a level 45 boss (not mine) and got 937 event points. Fought another 45 boss (not mine) and got 1st out of 4 participants and got 205x (lolgoldfishmemory) and a ministam! And then I solo'd up a 47 (mine) and got 3557 and the standard 200 gacha 400ish eros (all 3 received these rewards).

Is this conclusive information? Nope but that's a good enough sample size for me. Contribute 1/3 stamina get 30% event points? I'm down with that. I think Ima plan to do some of those assignments that give stamina items to play with tomorrow to build up more. Seems to be ideal if you don't mind missing out some gacha tickets and such. Maybe just do it once when I go to sleep.
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

When the daily resets, does the boss strength reset too? Because there's no way I'm killing 20 of these 7 mil hp monsters (unless support hits count too, I guess).

Also re: strategy: The rewards you get from a kill seem to be based on total damage dealt, but I don't know whether its really efficient or not to support others. Keep in mind you're helping your competitors get points too. ;)
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Hmm I kind of wonder how you guys are doing with the puzzles for the new stuff? I'm rather worried since most of the people I see are way lower level then me. Guess that's the problem with stacking points into energy instead of attack and defense.

Anyway finally made it to the 1million plus hp bosses. Wow yeah I am worried now about making the dailies. With the 6x attack I can do at best 800k damage if everything procs well. Bleh man I wish I had leveled more chick cards.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

When the daily resets, does the boss strength reset too? Because there's no way I'm killing 20 of these 7 mil hp monsters (unless support hits count too, I guess).

Also re: strategy: The rewards you get from a kill seem to be based on total damage dealt, but I don't know whether its really efficient or not to support others. Keep in mind you're helping your competitors get points too. ;)

As long as you reach the ranking you're aiming for and keep at it, I'd be surprised to see someone I assisted suddenly overtake me. Would have to be pure luck (received more stam items) or just time spent. If you got nothing for helping people perhaps I'd agree, but as it stands you only benefit from helping in boss kills since trying to find one on your own is a waste of stamina to begin with.

For puzzles I'm just being a dirty shitter. I hunt for someone who has a terrible deck/build and just run them down. Aka picking them battles carefully. If an opportunity to win doesn't seem apparent I just do something else. No need to rush.

Edit: Freemium perspective****
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

With that attitude, none of us will be getting anywhere soon. I for one actually want the highest tier total point bonuses, so I'll be hitting every boss that comes my way. From my own experience and what has been posted so far, it looks like hitting support bosses awards you with points proportional to your contribution. You may be giving points to your competitors, but every point you get is a point denied to them as well. I'm getting less event points from bosses I take down entirely by myself as opposed to bosses I hit once and let others take down for me. They get more points than I do because they do more damage. Seems legit.

tl;dr The people who do the most damage end up being the highest-ranked. It is in your best interest to deal as much damage as possible to your own bosses and also support others.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

ShinV I got you buddy send me them bosses I'm lovin' it. I'll 6x you all day baby.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

But is it really efficient, though? Is it better to get to the top ranks (of freemiums, anyways) by soloing bosses (for larger single rewards) or is there a +bonus to support rewards? I do know that last hitting gets you a bonus, at least.

Also, has anyone figured out what a Limit Clear is? I've a couple cards that are clearable apparently.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Top 500 is pretty good I feel. If everyone here is doing everything possible within the realm of reason, going any higher than top 500 is kinda unnecessary. Looking at the rewards, one extra gold ticket? 5 more chick gachas? I'm good on that. In total rankings that extra UR is pretty big in top 250 but if you do the puzzle then uhh... nope. 2 gold tickets vs 3 silver is big though. In that case I could understand some over dedication. Beyond that, as it stands, seems to be a bit much.

Actually the people between 50-100 have around 90-150k points. I got 37k, that's close right? I can do thisssssssss

But yeah it's efficient just check my other posts. If you're not convinced, I don't know what to tell ya. If you want to dump 30 stamina to maybe find a boss and then dump another 60 stamina (or more) at the 30-50 boss levels to get another 1k (3.3k in total) in points solo vs spending 30 stamina and getting 2k for every boss you see pop up that isn't yours, that's on you.

If this changes at higher boss levels someone's gonna have to show me the data. I'm pretty satisfied with the helping so far. I've not received any special benefit from solo killing these 40+ bosses.

Limit clear seems to be a rare+(or higher) only thing that I have no information on since I haven't done it yet. I've chosen to level up a rare I knew I could get multiple copies of with like 5 tags to max level with max affection so I could LIMIT BREAK later down the line so it would be maximum useful. I just need to cap it out before I do so (at R+ level 23 atm will take a few days).

Don't know if that helps but I'll be sure to let you know what turns up.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I've been kinda just assuming this but I should probably ask: training in this works kinda like LoV, right? That is, its best to fully level the component cards before training into a +?