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[Nutaku] Armor Blitz


Tentacle God
Feb 14, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

I like that they finally added an event.
Is it more of the same? Sure.
But all Nutaku games do follow this. Ohh look, new map and get new unit.
It's used everywhere, so I don't think that detracts for this game anymore then else where.

As others have pointed out the games massive flaw is the amount of grind this game requires. Other Nutaku games have their grind, Aegis being one I remember well as I was the first player to 200, prior to the cap being raised. It's gotten much faster then back then, as the game has evolved.

I would hope the Devs here follow suit and add an auto complete to maps or make a map do a x10 or x100 (would have to have the resources already before it can start) for a single completion. Something like this would go a long way in letting people level units and begin doing more content.

The down side is you may well have people get their favorite girls to max and stop playing, but odds are if they are taking to long to level, they aren't playing anyways.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Find a new attack speed emblem.

Get excited because I almost never find 4*+ attack speed emblems.

Look at the stats

Realize the game is just toying with me again.

Well, if you ask me.. I'll put that emblem on an Artypiece. It is only use that I can see from that emblem. Or an really fast tank like Cromwell.

Meanwhile I managed to reach the Oicia Final. It was going swimmingly but then my S-51 decided that it is better use of its time shooting at an distant turret instead of firing at enemy tanks firing at my Heavy tanks. Well. There went an almost successful first attempt win clear. My arty lived long enough for the dot to kill it off. lol


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Looks like they made event a lot easier for the last week remaining of it.
Not much trouble involved in picking up the rewards at all.
Though I have to say 3 weeks is too long. Loses some steam along the way.

Going to have a nice surplus stack of points for exchange shop things to grab.
Think I'll take a 100% chance on a 5* with 1000 blueprints added in and the some extra gatcha rolls on more tanks and tokens and what not.

Bountiful times.

And wow either my Firefox is messing up or the new forum is a serious eyesore compared to the old.
Nasty when software upgrades run those tricks on forums.

Edit : and Ocica beaten. Simply let enemy come to me and only spawned tanks to pick up and wear down theirs, then when AI hit 0 tanks. Launched my 5 survivors. Spread them out on 3 lanes to prevent being AoE down. 2 left standing. How very WWII Soviet style and I even picked Natalia as my commander. Thing of Beauty when coincidences merge like that.
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Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Got PanzerWerfer and she is just as hilarious as expected.

She'll kill anything without a defense skill up, including lvl40 enemy Maus or Wraith.
Can solo or close to it, the damnable destroyer hp sink heavy bosses at absurd high levels (if dmg buff works on her, I bet she'll even do it in style)

She'll go down to a stiff wind though and is obviously 1 use only.
But it is available 1 sec from Launch. So who cares. She can swing a fight in seconds whether incoming deathball or coming up behind one..

Not bad for an unit type no one wants.
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Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
So anyway, research rotation brought Sturmtiger yet again. I'm sure many people are disappointed.

As for me...

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Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Guess they have limited the tank pool it rolls among. Since statistically speaking 3rd SturmTiger? in 4 months is super unlikely to happen.
Simply another part they have not thought entirely through, while some will be happy, more will be annoyed as heck.
One for the "feature" fix list I believe.

Your sturm is ready for Elite now?


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Guess they have limited the tank pool it rolls among. Since statistically speaking 3rd SturmTiger? in 4 months is super unlikely to happen.
Simply another part they have not thought entirely through, while some will be happy, more will be annoyed as heck.
One for the "feature" fix list I believe.

Your sturm is ready for Elite now?
Already elited, don't you see the golden ring around her? :p


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
I find that picking my nose is far more interesting than seeing damn same sturmtiger show up for her fourth time.
At least everyone now knows what it felt for me to pull jagdpanther after jagdpanther after jagdpanther.


Tentacle God
Feb 14, 2015
Reputation score
Not sure why they refuse to write in a variable to the code for the weekly unit.
Once a unit gets set to 1 (the moment a unit hits that coveted 5th spot - 5* only), its outa rotation until the last unit gets the variable set to 1. At which point all variables reset to 0.
Simple if - then statements that devs refuse to use is just beyond me.

Least some good changes have been made (the change to the event was actually a nerf imo, went from being able to artillery the first 10-11 to only the first 8. EG bosses health was increased since they lowered the pumpkins damage.)

If events stay fairly constant, I wont have much room for complaints I guess. Well, a lot less room for complaints anyways. :)


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
You know, it's been over a week since I posted Sturmtiger. I better fix that.



Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
I keep on logging in to see if I got banned. I still aren't. -.-It was going to be super easy to just drop nutaku cuz banned = canonot even login. Now I see that Tessa which actually has my interest when compared to the last two boring event girls. Idk.