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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga



That makes three Rosemary. And my first Wasted Effort and Krista. I'd call those solid pulls.

Had to use a gacha ticket for the last 44 insignia, but I got my Ella now.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Yeah I got Ella too.. she sucks imo lol

I like that she is wood but I hate her ability, wish it was something better. At least being a 2500atk 10-cost is pretty good, I'll give her that.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Isn't Krista, like, the worst SSR in the history of everything and ever?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Isn't Krista, like, the worst SSR in the history of everything and ever?

I wanted her because she is an h-scene girl, not to put her in my deck lol

Rosemary and Nora are amazing though. I'm pretty sure the only 6-cost I'd say is better than Rosemary right now would be grace since her ability draws a card and Rosemary suffers from terrible defense. Also we might have that fire onsen 6-cost with 1800 attack but I can't remember her name to check.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Oh. Wow. Thats... terribad.

I actually have her and Nerdraged pretty bad when I got her, I think. What were the devs thinking? Most painful counter to Ex Book ?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I complete first part this event, but what is max stats of little demon card?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

your suggestion to optimal spend $ of alchemist insignia?
I brought 5 single card with each elemental, now I have 355 insignia, I want the SSR card
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

spend 10$ for a 1st time 7-spin = 400 insignia

if you have any gacha tickets, 1 gacha ticket = 50 insignia
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Bleh, just arena'd for the first time in 3 weeks or so and got starmie. Really annoying to fight with all the cost shackles and EX books :mad:
Good thing my deck isn't too terrible for turtleing, and that reeve is just as mean as the character that inspired her.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I think this current event girl is one of the only event cards that has a hentai scene. I pretty much quit this game though because of how hard it is to find any of the hentai content.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Wow, two golds in a row from event gacha after getting jack shit for the first week.

(oh god, 3000/2500 max stats)

Scratch that, three golds. Damn.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

^ I got that 1 too from event tickets, was wondering why her SR isn't gold-ish like the others ?

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'd say this has definitely been the best event they've done. Tickets dropping off quests, all bosses dropping 3, and seemingly better card draw rates though that may just be due to the larger pool of draws. Definitely more free player friendly even if it does have cash specific stuff. The event card isn't exactly amazing though which is kind of weird...

I've drawn a decent number of SR's. 1 Kurbis, Urie, and 2 Renee. A bunch of HR's which are meh like Romina, Flora, Vanilla, but I finally drew a Yuzuki which I like. This event has actually kept me from feeling incredibly irritated every time I draw another Sakura.

Infinitely better than the, what, 3-4 draws you got as a free player in the previous events?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I think the Goddess Iris event was slightly better, since this event has a few shortcomings, like:

-as mentioned, crappy event card
-crappy login rewards as well (aside from the free card expansion on day 3)
-high stamina curve progression for the later areas similar to the first few events
-low drop rate on not just tickets, but virtually everything, even the card fodder
-no farmable R exp cards, though upgrade stones are nice

But yeah, the potential haul has been pretty good.

Renee is a slightly inferior Vita/Yuzuki (in that it'll probably take at least two on-curve cards to take her down in one turn), but costing one less mana.

Barbara has Blue Eyes White Dragon stats, on top of her random hand discard skill, 'nuff said.

Raja is basically a more expensive Mary (same summon cost, but Raja's skill isn't free), so if you want to abuse her skill/not worry about mana costs, Mary seems like the better choice. Otherwise, Raja has 200 more attack and does 200 more LP damage per skill use, while sacrificing 300 defense, so it's a fair trade.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The event card is going to get buffed, eventually. Mark never stated when he was going to do it but even he realized that -500 attack just makes it suck. He never said he was going to change it to +500 attack instead though.. so not sure what he will buff, when he does. I plan on upgrading at least one in hopes that the skill gets changed to +500 because that would make her much better.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I think this event is by event gatcha, I have 123 tickets
spend 10 pots and I am in 19-1, good notices is pots was reward by insignia event

Edit: very nice pull, I want do a black deck now
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

anyone mind posting pics or a video of colette's hentai scenes when they fully evolve her? I'm realizing I derped around too much and can't finish 10 laps being at the beginning stage 7 now and having class in the morning
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Does she have an H scene? I was under the impression the only things with H scenes were from premium gacha.