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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

well, I discovered you can have negative points.. and apparently you lose THREE points for a turn 1 forfeit, which is total bullshit
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Okay so first thing's first, green orbs, get rid of them. The cost is too high for the utility they provide.

yada yada

P.S. I got revenge for you.


Praise 3k atk Sakura. :D

Thanx for the advices, but main probem here is that i have nothing to replace my card with, i can roll a couple of N traps but thats it.
anyways the main problem is levels, not the deck itself.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I am amazed that Love Angel Ace wasn't given a random boobjob.

Seriously. I can't even believe it. There may be hope for this game yet.

Have to take into consideration, very few cards even have H scenes in this game, so if she doesn't have one, there's no need for boobs.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Have to take into consideration, very few cards even have H scenes in this game, so if she doesn't have one, there's no need for boobs.

And yet Anastasia, Marsha, Nena, etc. all got boobjobs.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

And yet Anastasia, Marsha, Nena, etc. all got boobjobs.

Possibility that they get scenes in the future then? If not, sounds like money was wasted altering them if it cost something.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So, six matches so far: 2 straight losses, one win where my opponent gave up after getting bored of being trolled by Natalies (seriously I had 3 Natalies + Crow in my hand at one point, best hand in a long time). The other three matches ended prematurely because of disconnects. Once it counted as a loss, once as a win and I assume we both got disconnected on the third occasion, since then I didn't win or lose anything. So the game is as stable as a house of cards, nothing new there. I should probably revise my deck somewhat, since I lost those two matches against people with similar RP. The annoying part is that I have some good cards, I just don't have money to level them up. And since early on I didn't realised the importance of ingame money, I blew quite a lot on stupid things. Like maxing out an Amna. Or upgrading an Alexandra.

In case if anyone would like to help putting together a more optimal deck, here's mine:


Rest of the trap cards:

And the rarest cards not in my deck at the moment:

As for levels: the cards out of my deck are mostly unleveled. The only cards I have fully maxed out are: Amna, Sylvie, Antaret and a Natalie. Most of the rest are maxed out as far as their upgrade level allows it, with the exception of some low MP cards and the two normal Sakuras.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

half hour match, opponent down to 168, Jodie in hand, brain lock and skip summoning phase, lose

I want to break everything in the house.

200 points is insane. I don't think I even want to bother
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Possibility that they get scenes in the future then? If not, sounds like money was wasted altering them if it cost something.

Their justification during the first Q&A was "company policy".

I have no idea who has an h-scene in JP, though.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So, six matches so far: 2 straight losses, one win where my opponent gave up after getting bored of being trolled by Natalies (seriously I had 3 Natalies + Crow in my hand at one point, best hand in a long time). The other three matches ended prematurely because of disconnects. Once it counted as a loss, once as a win and I assume we both got disconnected on the third occasion, since then I didn't win or lose anything. So the game is as stable as a house of cards, nothing new there. I should probably revise my deck somewhat, since I lost those two matches against people with similar RP. The annoying part is that I have some good cards, I just don't have money to level them up. And since early on I didn't realised the importance of ingame money, I blew quite a lot on stupid things. Like maxing out an Amna. Or upgrading an Alexandra.

In case if anyone would like to help putting together a more optimal deck, here's mine:


Rest of the trap cards:

And the rarest cards not in my deck at the moment:

As for levels: the cards out of my deck are mostly unleveled. The only cards I have fully maxed out are: Amna, Sylvie, Antaret and a Natalie. Most of the rest are maxed out as far as their upgrade level allows it, with the exception of some low MP cards and the two normal Sakuras.

Remove one of your regular invitations to hell and replace it with all for one.

Candella or whatever her name is, if you haven't already, make sure when you stop leveling her when her attack is between 2001-2099. This will make you safe vs normal invitations, normal dodge, and banish traps, since the calculation the traps are on pre buff stats. Allows you to attack with 3k with a lot less risk. This is optional of course.

Replace one of your low units or one of your less liked traps for a Banish.

If I'm not mistaken, the sr swordsman is the one that can't take damage from over a certain atk, you definitely want her in your deck if she is, because if the opponent has 5 cards out, and they're all too high of attack, she can defend vs all of them alone and you can force the opponent to lose from running out of cards.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Bleh, I'm doing ok so far I guess. 7 1 so far, and the one loss was against a freakishly underpowered opponent. But I hat 3 anteret, sylvie and sakura as my starting hand. My first summon was a pumpkin girl when I had 7 mana, and he had his field pretty much full by then. Fuck.

By the way, anyone got any tips for me what to do with my deck?


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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Is there any other way to earn money in this game than running the story dungeons...? I'm dirt poor with way too much fodder =(
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Bleh, I'm doing ok so far I guess. 7 1 so far, and the one loss was against a freakishly underpowered opponent. But I hat 3 anteret, sylvie and sakura as my starting hand. My first summon was a pumpkin girl when I had 7 mana, and he had his field pretty much full by then. Fuck.

By the way, anyone got any tips for me what to do with my deck?

Three fountains seems to be a bit of an overkill. Other than that I wish I had a deck like that. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

1) Remove one of your regular invitations to hell and replace it with all for one.

2) Candella or whatever her name is, if you haven't already, make sure when you stop leveling her when her attack is between 2001-2099. This will make you safe vs normal invitations, normal dodge, and banish traps, since the calculation the traps are on pre buff stats. Allows you to attack with 3k with a lot less risk. This is optional of course.

3) Replace one of your low units or one of your less liked traps for a Banish.

4) If I'm not mistaken, the sr swordsman is the one that can't take damage from over a certain atk, you definitely want her in your deck if she is, because if the opponent has 5 cards out, and they're all too high of attack, she can defend vs all of them alone and you can force the opponent to lose from running out of cards.

1) Is all for one that good though? I mean yes, if one has a crapton of mana to waste and a lot of units in the graveyard, sure. But drawn out matches beyond round 10 are rare. Someone usually steamrolls the other by round 8-9 in my experience. And early on All for One is too pricey and not effective enough.

2) Well, too late for that.

3) Might as well. I probably have too many really low cost cards anyway.

4) Yep, that's her, Mizuki. Let's be real here though: for that to work, we need the following:
- having her at hand when such a situation comes around.
- having the enemy board completely full of 2300+ ATK cards
- the opponent not having any cards to remove one of his own cards for the rest of the game
- the opponent not having any way to remove Mizuki from the board for the rest of the game.

The chances of having all of that happening at the same time are astronomically low. And in any other situation, Mizuki is a waste of space, since her stats are absolutely abysmal for a 9 MP card.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Bleh, I'm doing ok so far I guess. 7 1 so far, and the one loss was against a freakishly underpowered opponent. But I hat 3 anteret, sylvie and sakura as my starting hand. My first summon was a pumpkin girl when I had 7 mana, and he had his field pretty much full by then. Fuck.

By the way, anyone got any tips for me what to do with my deck?

I don't know your card levels, but your late game looks good enough. If you are having trouble with a full field vs 1-2 of your quality creatures, you should add more "Never Give Up" and Dodge. The 3-4 drop creatures you run suck unless you are on curve and swarming the field, but you look more late game focused than mid game.

Fatima is really good, even at low levels. You should play at least 1 of her.

Run more Decrees if you have them, otherwise use 1-2 Sap Strength.

I would focus on leveling Sakura for this tournament, she's cheap to level up and very strong.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

1) Is all for one that good though? I mean yes, if one has a crapton of mana to waste and a lot of units in the graveyard, sure. But drawn out matches beyond round 10 are rare. Someone usually steamrolls the other by round 8-9 in my experience. And early on All for One is too pricey and not effective enough.

2) Well, too late for that.

3) Might as well. I probably have too many really low cost cards anyway.

4) Yep, that's her, Mizuki. Let's be real here though: for that to work, we need the following:
- having her at hand when such a situation comes around.
- having the enemy board completely full of 2300+ ATK cards
- the opponent not having any cards to remove one of his own cards for the rest of the game
- the opponent not having any way to remove Mizuki from the board for the rest of the game.

The chances of having all of that happening at the same time are astronomically low. And in any other situation, Mizuki is a waste of space, since her stats are absolutely abysmal for a 9 MP card.

Well, in regards to all for one, it can be a game ender if you bait people into attacking a defensive unit you attacked with like so. It's less advised to use it with units likely to get decreed though.



As for Mizuki, you've clearly never had to go against the guy with 3 maxed Miyabis and Sylvies. Also, most people don't run things to remove their own cards from the board. I can't think of anything to remove a face up card, other than Shaliff, but if they used her then I'd call it a victory since they lost 5 cards for it.

If anything it'd be more of a last ditch effort strategy though. If you know you're in a losing battle, and they keep summoning those strong cards, there's a pretty good chance they didn't keep a lower card in case you had a Mizuki. Also, you can bait them pretty hard into it if you had Oniwaka in defensive use her skill to delay an extra turn.


Those times when you feel you can't lose.


Fuck Shalif
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Yeah, pretty much my thoughts. My draw luck gave me a ton of very nice lategame options, but barely any to actually make it there. I considered swapping the fountains for 5 cost summons and one anteret for a fatima. With never give up I have issues. Sometimes it just refuses to trigger, any idea why? My card levels are usually between halfway and maxed for non evolved cards, and almost maxed for evolved cards.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Yeah, pretty much my thoughts. My draw luck gave me a ton of very nice lategame options, but barely any to actually make it there. I considered swapping the fountains for 5 cost summons and one anteret for a fatima. With never give up I have issues. Sometimes it just refuses to trigger, any idea why? My card levels are usually between halfway and maxed for non evolved cards, and almost maxed for evolved cards.

Never give up requires your unit to survive, and no other trap to take effect during the opponents attack. So if you example your prepare for battle takes effect, then Never Give up cannot until the next attack.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

1) Well, in regards to all for one, it can be a game ender if you bait people into attacking a defensive unit you attacked with like so. It's less advised to use it with units likely to get decreed though.

2) As for Mizuki, you've clearly never had to go against the guy with 3 maxed Miyabis and Sylvies. Also, most people don't run things to remove their own cards from the board. I can't think of anything to remove a face up card, other than Shaliff, but if they used her then I'd call it a victory since they lost 5 cards for it.

If anything it'd be more of a last ditch effort strategy though. If you know you're in a losing battle, and they keep summoning those strong cards, there's a pretty good chance they didn't keep a lower card in case you had a Mizuki. Also, you can bait them pretty hard into it if you had Oniwaka in defensive use her skill to delay an extra turn.

1) Fair enough, I'll give it a try. I did win a few matches with well timed Chains after all. This can be more effective late game.

2) Usually only 1500+ RP guys have such ridiculous decks. And considering that I can't seem to break 1300, I usually don't get paired with them. And when I do, I throw the match right away, since against a premium deck I'd lose anyway, why waste my time.
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