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Noxian Nights (Updated 9/28 - FINAL CONTENT UPDATE)

Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Now I am stuck at find the guard for the night party.
I will really appreciate if the game have notification on top of quest-related NPC or any sort of quest log.

Edit: Found him finally.
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Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Now I am stuck at find the guard for the night party.
I will really appreciate if the game have notification on top of quest-related NPC or any sort of quest log.

I think I spend more time finding NPC more than fighting.

The game tells you he's in the slums, which are located at southwest part of town. There's only like 3 npcs there you can even talk to in the day time.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

You're talking about Sierra Lee. While she is also working on this game, the art is Nomo's.

Yes, I know I'm talking about Sierra Lee. And I know she's still come a long way one her writing and gameplay. Because I was there play testing every version of the games on day one of releases. The comment still stands, she's doing a great job. Am I wrong?
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Yes, I know I'm talking about Sierra Lee. And I know she's still come a long way one her writing and gameplay. Because I was there play testing every version of the games on day one of releases. The comment still stands, she's doing a great job. Am I wrong?

No, but feels a little weird praising only one of the devs.

Anyway, since there are 5 new scenes, are these all of them?

    1. Titjob+Blowjob scene
    2. Irelia's ass grabbing scene
    3. Irelia's gangbang scene
    4. Irelia and Dyuu scene (happens two times)
    5. Riven captured scene which leads to a game over.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

No, but feels a little weird praising only one of the devs.

Anyway, since there are 5 new scenes, are these all of them?

    1. Titjob+Blowjob scene
    2. Irelia's ass grabbing scene
    3. Irelia's gangbang scene
    4. Irelia and Dyuu scene (happens two times)
    5. Riven captured scene which leads to a game over.

  1. Your list is the ones i found too.
    Now about the ending ,is good since is a demo and all, but i missed the free mode, and there was a limit on her lust or it was just me? till you made x things you couldn't corrupt her, what let me to not seeing all blowjob stages....what is a shame, since i really like them...
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

No, but feels a little weird praising only one of the devs.

Well, I can only comment on Sierra coming a long way because I've been in and out of touch with her over the last 11 months or so.

As far as Nomo I've never heard of them before this game. So I can't make any comments about improvement or anything. I like the art, don't get me wrong.

Also, maybe I'm misunderstanding, does Nomo only do art or is there some other things Nomo works on as well? Just for my own clarifications?
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Okay, let me give my full thoughts on the demo now that I've finished it.

I am very much happy with it. And while I'm not too interested in Leblanc as a character, she is a much needed mage for the team being put in front of the player. However, with the additions of Irelia and Katarina to the story, who I assume will be your main party at the end, there is one downside I can see, being a lack of a character with any real healing magic. Because of this, I feel like Soraka or Sona would have been a welcome addition to the game as one of the four mains. However, I won't make that judgement yet since Irelia only had two abilities in the demo and both Leblanc and Katarina don't even join the party. Sure, Cnal Bel is in your party at one point, but he had very little magic anyways.

Next, mechanics. I feel like the spell selections of the various characters are good. Riven now having a cooldown system makes a lot more sense for her and I assume Katarina will be using a similar system. Battles do get a little too hard in this demo, as I was complaining about Irelia being extremely weak when I got her, getting destroyed by virtually every monster I found. Until I got Dyuu, battles in that cave were disasterous. And even after I got him, they were still really hard. I feel like the Paralysis status effect is getting outright abused at that point and in battles where all your opponents are tentacle monsters, full party paralysis is a very real danger.

If I may make some suggestions, Paralysis needs to be nerfed big time. Right now, paralysis lasts a very long time and seems to half your defense, making you take far more damage. When paralysis is already lasting 4-6 turns on average, the defense loss isn't necessary. Full party paralysis might as well be a Game Over. Right now, Paralysis seems too powerful considering you cannot get any accessories currently that block it. Also, the only accessory you get for free is a Poison-preventing charm. As far as I've seen, none of the monsters currently in the demo are poisonous. Could we please get that replaced with something more useful like, say, Blindness or Paralysis?

Also, the boss of the mines before the end of the demo was way too powerful. My party levels were Riven 10, Irelia 9, and Dyuu 7. And that boss took way too little damage, had way too much health, and hit way too hard. Keep in mind that, at this point, my party's equipment was Riven with the Flowing Waters and Relentless enchantments, Linen cloth armor, and the Necklace of Poison. Irelia had just her basic stuff; the Guardsman Sword, Strength+ enchantment, and the Enchanted Cloak. And I nearly got destroyed. I didn't buy any enchantments or the like, since nothing gives enough money to afford them at 5000 gold for the nice ones, but I do feel like better armor needs to be available and soon. I felt incredibly weak in that dungeon, so you guys may need to rethink the items scattered around, perhaps add some chests or the like.

As for secret rooms, I only found one; the one with the Flowing Waters enchantment, so if there's more, they're a little too secret. So if there's supplies I could have gotten in those caves, I didn't find it, which may be the downside to having a large dungeon that you're dropped into rather suddenly, without time to prepare, that's also that difficult. Heck, a little direction would be nice, since I was complaining about the fights when I only had Riven and Irelia being too hard.

So, my suggestions; we need better armors available, enchantments are a little too expensive given the current drop rates for money (average drop for money on a per fight basis was about 30g by the end of the demo. If I could fight 100 fights and still not afford the items you expect me to have, it's time to do some tweaking). Maybe this means giving out more enchantments, allowing us to find better gear, etc. I don't know.

But now for the elephant in the room; I had a massive problem in this demo. When I finally beat the Watery Fiend for the first time, I ran into a rather... interesting problem. On all future fights against these 'boss monsters', I would suddenly find myself taking far more damage and dealing less than I did before. I don't know what just happened, but if this is some kind of monster scaling thing, it's not nice. I had the same problem with the stronger tentacle monsters in the caves; I beat one of them in the jumping room, but when I went for the second one to get some levels and gold, they're suddenly dealing ludicrous amounts of damage and tearing me apart. If we're intended to grind these monsters for cash and exp, this is a big problem.

And I was trying to grind. I would make sure to gain at least a few levels in every area, going out of my way to get into fights, repeat them as much as I can, fight all optional fights, etc. If I'm having trouble, I can't be the only one. Some tweaking of the monsters is required, even if it's just raising exp and gold or reducing exp needed to level, I don't know. But at every new dungeon and new turn, I felt extremely weak, feeble, and was struggling with even the most simple of monsters in every new area.

I think I've said enough...

Thanks a lot for the feedback, however I think you went too hard into it.While that area might seem hard, it was not meant for you to kill everything, especially further in tentacles.They will be returning to the cave in the future, so it was just a sneak peak of much bigger area with a lot more to it plot wise.

Well, I can only comment on Sierra coming a long way because I've been in and out of touch with her over the last 11 months or so.

As far as Nomo I've never heard of them before this game. So I can't make any comments about improvement or anything. I like the art, don't get me wrong.

Also, maybe I'm misunderstanding, does Nomo only do art or is there some other things Nomo works on as well? Just for my own clarifications?

Well it is pretty straight forward, the whole game/plot was my idea and I was looking for a rpg programmer to help me make it, after some fails with unserious people, Sierra found a post of mine and contacted me.
Since then we have been improving it and adding to what the original idea was and she has read pretty much all the lore of league of legends to make the top quality wiring for a game she wasnt that experienced with, so it is a real collaboration, I'm not just doing the art if that is what you ask.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Anyway, since there are 5 new scenes, are these all of them?

    1. Titjob+Blowjob scene
    2. Irelia's ass grabbing scene
    3. Irelia's gangbang scene
    4. Irelia and Dyuu scene (happens two times)
    5. Riven captured scene which leads to a game over.

  1. Wait, what :eek:

    I was thinking the scene with irelia and Dyuu counted twice...

    So... How/When can i get riven captured for the last cg ? D:

    Btw great game, nice art, maybe somethime i lost a lot of time scouting the town for npc and sadly, no more lust potion in the end for the BJ scene, but man that was great !
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Wait, what :eek:

I was thinking the scene with irelia and Dyuu counted twice...

So... How/When can i get riven captured for the last cg ? D:

Btw great game, nice art, maybe somethime i lost a lot of time scouting the town for npc and sadly, no more lust potion in the end for the BJ scene, but man that was great !

Yea, the irelia dyuu one has additional art to it and text so we do count it as 2 scenes.The Riven capture one was in the previous version, you just attack the castle.

And thanks! As for lust, it is hard to put lust based scenes so early into development, since you will need to be further in the game to make Riven slutty in order for it to feel right, but we will definitely add scenes little by little in the future.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Your list is the ones i found too.
Now about the ending ,is good since is a demo and all, but i missed the free mode, and there was a limit on her lust or it was just me? till you made x things you couldn't corrupt her, what let me to not seeing all blowjob stages....what is a shame, since i really like them...

I think there was a limit until the Cnal scene. I got only 17 by then.

I think by the end of the demo I had 42. I stopped checking around town after the first 4 nights because everyone was saying the same stuff. The only places I checked were the horses, the guy outside the bar, and the bar job application.

Also, yeah I was thinking that the Irelia + Dyuu had two but wasn't sure about it because I didn't get the captured scene in the last version of the game.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Combat could use some balancing. I don't think it is too hard per se but for such difficulty there should be more rewards. Some fights are also amazingly difficult. The end game dungeon team of paralysis enemies in particular. I think a good solution would be auto-heal after battle. It removes the tedium of manually using items after battle and you can keep the battles a bit more challenging.

I had to grind for cash for the wine. It wasn't fun. Not hard but just fairly slow going to get that 500 dollars that I didn't expect to need for progression. I went and bought 2 enchantments + a couple of potions since I anticipated tough fights ahead and was hit by major disappointment when I couldn't find an alternative way to get the wine.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Thanks a lot for the feedback, however I think you went too hard into it.While that area might seem hard, it was not meant for you to kill everything, especially further in tentacles.They will be returning to the cave in the future, so it was just a sneak peak of much bigger area with a lot more to it plot wise.

Well, that makes a lot more sense, then. If I was supposed to return to fight the harder monsters, then ignore that part of my feedback. But I'd still like to know why I had such a hard time with the boss on the way out of the dungeon when I was such a high level going out; even that optional Minotaur boss was easier than the giant tentacle monster at the exit.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Yea, the irelia dyuu one has additional art to it and text so we do count it as 2 scenes.The Riven capture one was in the previous version, you just attack the castle.

And thanks! As for lust, it is hard to put lust based scenes so early into development, since you will need to be further in the game to make Riven slutty in order for it to feel right, but we will definitely add scenes little by little in the future.

It's still possible to get Lust as high as you want and indeed a few of the dialogue does feel strange because of it. After the very first time you have to *pay your rent*:

1) Don't do anything else, go straight outside to fight some monsters
2) Get damaged in combat a little, go back to the shack and talk to the guy to *pay rent* again
3) Repeat

You can keep doing this until you unlock the last *pay rent* scene because your lust level will be so high. Which further down the game will result in some hilarious dialogue when she's forced to *pay rent* again.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

It's still possible to get Lust as high as you want and indeed a few of the dialogue does feel strange because of it. After the very first time you have to *pay your rent*:

1) Don't do anything else, go straight outside to fight some monsters
2) Get damaged in combat a little, go back to the shack and talk to the guy to *pay rent* again
3) Repeat

You can keep doing this until you unlock the last *pay rent* scene because your lust level will be so high. Which further down the game will result in some hilarious dialogue when she's forced to *pay rent* again.
Ah, there the bug is. It'll be fixed by next version - anyone using it to max lust now, your dialogue will be extremely glitchy if you keep those saves.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Played the new updated version and other than being a bit sad I couldn't walk around after the demo ended I really liked it. Art is great, there seems to be an actual plot and even though the combat is nothing amazingly special I do like the new cooldown-based combat for the main character. If I wasn't living under the poverty line I'd definitely contribute a few bucks - as it is I'll just have to thank you guys instead. Looking forward to see the next version! :D
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

The game tells you he's in the slums, which are located at southwest part of town. There's only like 3 npcs there you can even talk to in the day time.

Sorry, but that didn't change the fact that he's 'hiding' at the world end of the map. And using camo clothes to blend to the environment.

And yes, I spent 5 min in the slums and cannot found him. Until I use 'stick to the right wall' tactic and walk until I am 1 tiles aways before I notice him cause he block my way.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Sorry, but that didn't change the fact that he's 'hiding' at the world end of the map. And using camo clothes to blend to the environment.

And yes, I spent 5 min in the slums and cannot found him. Until I use 'stick to the right wall' tactic and walk until I am 1 tiles aways before I notice him cause he block my way.

If it looks like he's blending into the environment, you might want to take a colorblind test, because I saw him perfectly clearly on the first time I visited the map.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Well, that makes a lot more sense, then. If I was supposed to return to fight the harder monsters, then ignore that part of my feedback. But I'd still like to know why I had such a hard time with the boss on the way out of the dungeon when I was such a high level going out; even that optional Minotaur boss was easier than the giant tentacle monster at the exit.

Personally, Riven did all the heavy lifting for me. Slime kept the party alive and Irelia just stood around all mopey like with an itch for tentacle penetration. Irelia really needs some rework. She is supposed to be quite tanky.

Turn 1: Riven uses Ki Burst Stun skill, Slime lurks (SP generation)
Turn 2: Riven uses Broken Wings to get damage debuff, Slime Lurks (accumulating that SP for emergency repeated panic heals).
Turn 3: Riven uses Runic Blade and deals nice damage due to debuff.

If Ki Burst is on cd then attack. If not, repeat with Riven.
Slime heals, keeping everyone topped up and lurking to get a bit of health and sp if needed.

When Riven stuns, you get a free turn and I use that to get everyone attacking unless Slime needs SP.

Irelia is not really useful in the fight. She can heal a little bit or do a bit of damage. I used her as an emergency potion user but that wasn't necessary.

Riven's stun and debuff is mandatory. First for survival because slime can't heal all characters fast enough and the second to damage the boss more effectively. I had a single Strength enchantment on Riven.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 9/12)

Personally, Riven did all the heavy lifting for me. Slime kept the party alive and Irelia just stood around all mopey like with an itch for tentacle penetration. Irelia really needs some rework. She is supposed to be quite tanky.

Turn 1: Riven uses Ki Burst Stun skill, Slime lurks (SP generation)
Turn 2: Riven uses Broken Wings to get damage debuff, Slime Lurks (accumulating that SP for emergency repeated panic heals).
Turn 3: Riven uses Runic Blade and deals nice damage due to debuff.

If Ki Burst is on cd then attack. If not, repeat with Riven.
Slime heals, keeping everyone topped up and lurking to get a bit of health and sp if needed.

When Riven stuns, you get a free turn and I use that to get everyone attacking unless Slime needs SP.

Irelia is not really useful in the fight. She can heal a little bit or do a bit of damage. I used her as an emergency potion user but that wasn't necessary.

Riven's stun and debuff is mandatory. First for survival because slime can't heal all characters fast enough and the second to damage the boss more effectively. I had a single Strength enchantment on Riven.

I know. I had the next skill beyond Ki Burst, Valor, which does a self-heal plus a three way buff, giving her increased defense, magic defense, and agility. It helps on bosses.