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Nox Home World

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Re: Nox Home World

Setting Lyra down in one of the seats and quickly buckling her in, Thanus steps towards Aya as she takes the controls. "Very good." he states straight forwardly. Compliments and small talk had never been Thanus' strong point. He expected Aya would get them in the air swiftly as possible, and if this vessel had weapons, that she would know how to proceed best. So he leaves her to it. Attempting to observe the fight the way he usually did with his team was hazy at best, currently, with how distracted Ayla was being stuck in the literal eye of the storm. Seeing one creature land so close to her made him breathe and frown deeply and intensely, but at least it was dealt with promptly. He simply had to rely on them. He knew that Ayla hadn't ever been personally exposed to such direct danger like this before. It was surely very different to being able to calmly guide from afar. He had to wonder how Sinnve was coping also. Luckily he knew that whilst perhaps ill disciplined, the girl was far from soft or fragile, when things got serious.

- - - - -

The moment their enemy had pounced from the trees, Ellisia didn't even wait for them to reach the ground. In a move that they might not have expected, she suddenly leaps powerfully from the ground straight at a descending predator twisting past it's outstretched claws and cleaving it in half horizontally, before kicking back off of the remains to ensure the corpse didn't land on Sinnve or Ayla. The next to come swooping in from the ground lost it's forearm as it slashed at her, immediately followed by it's head.

Marik meanwhile had already immediately cast his long firearm back into subspace, not expecting to get a second good shot off. The charging time was too long, and a trick shot like that wasn't going to happen again whilst being threatened in melee. Had he known that Siphon and Talok would take up the tactic they had, he might just have been able to continue using his aser weapon, but regardless, his short blades had been drawn now. Without the kind of reach that Ellisia's formidable sword gave her, Marik would have to employ a more daring combat style, and get inside the creatures reach. Failing to immediately kill any that he engaged would be dangerous. Fortunately he did excel at very close, fast and adaptive fighting, and his blades were as sharp as a blade got.

The first vengeful predator that came in on his side to test them was too brave, it's vicious swipes being ducked, hopped, and twirled past, with Marik taking a fluid step closer with each miss, and finally stepping past it as a fountain of blood erupts from it's throat, his other blade making a lightning quick backwards stab to the back of it's head just to be sure. The whole exchange had happened in barely a second. Facing the next ones to arrive, which within reason would be more cautious and now pacing, he begins trying to work out how to handle the significantly greater risk of two on one. These guys were too big and long reaching for him to be fully confident of knowing how to do this. Luckily, Siphons agro drawing fire gives him the exact opening he needed to fix the situation. Not hesitating to take advantage of the chance he'd been given, he sprints forward in a flash at one of the Predators, throwing one of his blades as he went. The blade only stabbing a short way into the distracted creatures chest, which was all he had expected and relied on. It's attention coming back to him, his charge is competently blocked by it's claws and evasive action. As he takes one step back from it's incoming counter attack however, Marik makes a sudden two fingered pointing motion towards it with his empty hand, resulting in a bright snap as a short arc of lightning jumps from his fingers and hits the hilt of his thrown sword. The jolt, whilst only a fairly small one as far as this creature was concerned, only needed to be enough of a "shock" to disrupt it's attack for a split second. The knight using it's own momentum to help bury a blade up through the bottom of it's neck and jaw area, before tearing both blades out and diving back in time to avoid, most, of the blood. He would then quickly jump back to get back in formation with the others, not wanting to leave any room to slip in behind him.

"Thanus and Aya have arrived safely."
Ayla declares over the violence, continuing to stay low. Her expression very slightly reminiscent of someone patient yet anxiously waiting for a stomach turning roller coaster ride to end, whilst putting on an effort to remain strong.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon started to grunt a reply when one of the predators made a bee line for him, claws outstretched. Grunting as he barely avoided losing his head, his pistol vanished and out came a pair of extremely sharp, wicked looking blades. By the time the predator had darted back and started swiping again, Siphon was swinging, using it's own momentum against it to duck under, and allow the creature to literally fly into one of his swords, the material literally taking it's head clean off. They only had a few predators left, but suddenly more of them were approaching.

Growling, Siphon shouted out, "We're about to get over-run! Tell them to ..."

He trailed off as the entire area lit up with a white light, and one by one the predators vanished in mid leap, until they were the only ones that were left standing. Even the one pursuing Sho suddenly vanished.

Blinking several times, Siphon slowly let his battle rage die off, and uttered, "what the hell? What the hell was that? Marik, Elissia, was that one of you or something E.O.S did?"

Aya had the jumper in the air shortly after the door closed, calling back to Thanus that she was picking up a shit ton of predator life readings, and then suddenly letting out a startled "what the hell?!?"
Re: Nox Home World

"It's nothing I know off." Ellisia states still on guard. Marik stepping back to carefully scan the area, listening intently.

"Indeed, it's not our doing." Ayla agrees. "The Nox perhaps?"

- - - - -

"What is it? They... the beasts have disappeared?" Thanus would ask.
Re: Nox Home World

"Don't worry. I can fly," Sho whispers back. If the thing was climbing the trees, chances are, it could leap pretty damn far. Since shooting it with the zat wasn't going to work, the next best thing was to not make herself an easy target. Clearing the treetops, she kept going up. And up. And up. Not to mention over as well. Even if it could jump after her, it was going to have to clear a damn good bit of distance to reach the height she'd put herself at. And unless it had some means of changing trajectory mid-jump, as long as she saw the thing coming, she could go even higher or cut herself to the left or right. Current plan was to reconvene with the others. If shit was going down, it was best if they were in a group, especially if they had to bugger out in a hurry.

Of course, that was before the white light and the thing vanishing on her. Not that she was going to complain, but when something wipes out your enemy, you don't thank them until you're sure they're not going to do the same to you. Still heading back to the jumper, she hit the comm again. "Mine just vanished. Status?"

(For reference, Sho is pretty high up. There might be a chance she can see what just showed up, pending on where they are. Of course, she's also very visible herself, but streaking back to the jumper while she's talking.)
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Re: Nox Home World

"Gone from our end too, not sure what the hell just happened, but it seems like they just got ... teleported or something."

Siphon shook his head.

"Not with that flash of light, if they had done that, they just would have faded out with no theatrics like that. I've not seen anything like that before."

Talok however had something to say.

"I have, once. Years ago during a battle that led to my being able to get here and follow you. I believe what we just saw was the work of an ascended being, but why, I don't know."

Siphon just stared at him, blinking and not saying a word.

Aya nodded.

"All of the beasts. Every last one of them, gone in a few seconds, including ones with no life readings near them. Something or someone just ... erased them."

Off in the distance Sho could see the jumper coming towards them, but she also spotted something else to another side, a white orb of light that suddenly shot straight into the sky and vanished. If she remembered the event, she'd realize she'd seen that exact same type of light and orb structure a few years back when Siphon had been forced to ascend to combat Adria at the end of the Ori War. If that were the case though, was it Alana again, or one of the others, and why had they done that?
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Re: Nox Home World

"I'm leaning more toward wiped out of existence, personally." Welcome as it was, that glowing ball of light disturbed her. While the Klarnell were a menace, whichever Ancient just took it upon themselves to wipe out their pets was playing a pretty dangerous game. "One of the heavy hitters just leveled the playing field for us. Thing is, I didn't get a look at who. Not to mention why, especially with them having that policy against doing much of anything hand's on." True that Alana had said she was to guard against the creatures, but even this seemed like it was a bit much, even for an Ancient guardian.

"Meet you guys at the Nox city? The village is...lost," is about all she'll say on the matter at the moment. Elaboration can be done sometime later, not over the radio. Or if they wanted to wing over and take a look themselves. Regardless, Sho won't say anything yet, unless pressed for information.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon was silent for a moment before he replied.

"That would explain what we saw. Well, you did say they were getting involved somewhat because of the Klarnell, maybe these things were here before they started stepping in and they decided to do some retro active cleaning. Though ... hmm, now I wonder if our escape wasn't influenced by one too. The city is cloaked remember? We'll have to broadcast to them and hope someone there is still alive. Otherwise Lyra might be the last living Nox ..."
Re: Nox Home World

"It's concerning indeed. But fortunate for us, at least."

Ellisia also chiming in via the coms to everyone now, "We need to determine the status of the city right away. We have a dying Nox and a potentially crucial data unit here that both need to be delivered immediately. Additionally, if we're to remain in dangerous territory, then Ayla and Sinnve can't stay with us like this."

"What about the rest of the Nox?" Marik interjects.

"If the city is secure, then we may be able to still find help for Lyra there. If not... and if I'm understanding her ailment correctly, then getting her to the Al-Sora may be her best hope. Then we inform Alliance command of the situation here, and perhaps go about staging an evacuation and recovery for the city."

"The Nox are long lived and experts at concealing themselves after all. I would be very surprised if they had no hidden spaces or emergency plans at all."
Ayla adds, recomposing herself after the sudden end to the fighting.

"Either way, the gate is barely a few minutes back the way we came. We can both evac Ayla and Sinnve there, have a landing site for the Jumper, and attempt to contact the city to figure out our next move."
Ellisia concludes, looking to be intending to head that way.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon nodded slowly, an idea forming in his mind.

"I agree about getting both of them out of here, it isn't safe like this and we can't be completely certain the Klarnell didn't have some other trick up their sleeves. That data unit needs to be where it can do the most good, and Lyra needs help. Here's my thinking. We get back to the gate, Ayla and Sinnve go through with Talok who will take Lyra as well. Ayla, if you would, take that data unit to Marvun, just ask one of the gate guards to take you to him. Talok, get Lyra into a stasis unit and then get us some back-up. I'm not giving up on the Nox just yet, they've survived a very long time, and they survived a plague that the Ancients had issues with. As soon as you're all through, I'm heading towards the city and attempting to establish contact. Now I'm glad we brought one of the Ancient's jumpers and not our own, the systems are installed to enter their cloaking field on this one. If anyone else wants to head back, regroup and get some better armaments and the like, go for it. Hell, a second jumper would be useful at this point, but I'm going in. Any other thoughts I've missed out on or objections to what I'm suggesting?"
Re: Nox Home World

"Yeah, I know. Doesn't mean I can't meet you nearby. Flying on her own was definitely preferable to being crammed into the shuttle and with a little tweaking, she could probably head inside the thing before passing through the Nox's shield. "Though I don't know. This seems a little extreme. Even for them to be cleaning up a mistake." She'll listen to the plan as far as who goes where. "Not like we can't bring her back once we're sure the rest of them are okay. I'll stay here. Not like I've got anything heavier to use, anyway. Just hurry back, all right?"
Re: Nox Home World

"Sounds good to me. Lets go. Afraid I have to ask you to move your fastest Ayla. Time may be working against us here." Ellisia responds, looking to Ayla for the last part.

"Perfectly understood. I'll do my best." She replies. Whilst the distance was still only very small, as the slowest of the group is was Ayla who would end up setting the effective pace. Either way though, it wouldn't take them long.

As they begin their jog back, Sinnve speaks up to comment, "Well I've got one idea in mind myself, speaking of better armaments." Looking to the others as she spoke, with a certain kind of 'I-told-you-so' expression being briefly cast at Ellisia in particular, and expecting Talok at least to realise what she was talking about. "Ophlankia could surely come in real handy here. Would I be able to get inside the cities bubble with her though?"
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon shook his head.

"Unless those golems have a jet pack I've forgotten about, you won't be getting it up that high. The city is a floating one, about a quarter mile off the ground, and the golem is far too big to fit into the jumper. Probably too big to fit inside the city too. Aya we're heading for the gate, take the jumper back there and wait for us please. Sho, I'll make my way over to you by jumper as soon as possible."

Within a few minutes they would be back at the gate, and Siphon started dialing Peltas.

((Figure I'll give Sinnve a chance to respond before shoving them through the gate HAHA.))
Re: Nox Home World

"Well uh, it doesn't use jets of gas, but actually yes, it does have a flight system. I used it on Mirton. In this kind of gravity it could get up there just fine. I'm just thinking these guys are dangerous, and you guys might need every edge you can get, even if I can't go inside the buildings with you." Sinnve answers, looking up at the Alveran, and waiting by the gate just a moment longer.

"Even just for the golems sensors, it feels like worthwhile backup to me." Marik adds.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon nodded.

"I agree on that, if nothing more it'll give us an early warning if more of those things are in the city, hell, it should be able to tell us if there's even any one alive in the city and where they are after we leave the jumper. Be more effective than just the hand helds, that's for sure."

The gate was ready, all that was left was for those going through to go.

((Once they go through, Siphon is on his way to that city.))
Re: Nox Home World

"Right then. Well I better get going then." Sinnve replies.

"Yes. We certainly can't keep Lyra waiting either." Ayla nods. "I want to see all of you in one piece later on. Farewell for now." She says, finally looking to Talok, and stepping through the gate. Ellisia and Marik nodding with their hand over heart salute.

"I'll be back." Sinnve stepping through backwards with a thumbs up.

"Was that an Earth hand gesture?" Marik comments lightly.

"Yeah. Must have got it from me." Ellisia replies. "Ok then. Time to board the Jumper and see if the city will respond to communications. If not, we'll need to investigate. Careful as possible on the approach. No sense dying from being blown out of the sky."

Ellisia never had been particularly fond of riding in light vehicles. Was rather easy to feel abnormally helpless, when all her special training and skills temporarily became next to worthless. Getting in one demanded a fair bit of trust.
Re: Nox Home World

Loading into the jumper, Siphon nodded as he took the helm from Aya.

"We're going in cloaked, have to anyway to pass through their field. If any Nox notice us, they won't fire on a jumper. If it's the enemy, well they probably won't see us since the sensors themselves won't detect the jumper. It's weird how their sensor systems actually work, a lot of it is tied in to the mental abilities of the Nox as a whole. Sho we're on our way, we're going to run a quick scan before picking you up, just to make sure nothing hostile shows up on sensors. If it's clear of hostiles or unknown life forms, we'll go, if not ... we're waiting for some back up. I have no intention of walking into a fire storm without backup here, not with what we could be dealing with."

The jumper lifted off, and cloaked, Siphon piloting it within sensor range of the city before activating them. Of course, they had to briefly enter the field to do so.

"Fortunately, this will work inside the field, now let's see we have ...."

He trailed off, eyes widening at the readouts.

"Well ... the power is on, and there's an unknown energy reading coming from one of the Nox systems with their power signature on it but other than that ... Hailing them is out of the question. I'm not reading any life signs. Not a single one."
Re: Nox Home World

"Roger that." She can possibly be seen hovering around the area close by the village, keeping an eye out for the jumper. As it gets closer, she tails after it, letting Siphon handle the scans that he's wanting to do before getting let in. From there, it's a matter of waiting on him, and their back-up.
Re: Nox Home World

Frowning, Siphon made his decision.

"If there's nothing alive there that we can detect, nothing will shoot at us. Sho we're coming to get you, decloaking about two hundred meters off your left side. Sensors aren't picking up anything living inside the city, but we are getting some ... strange power readings."

A few moments later the jumper decloaked near her, and the back door would open enough to allow her inside it.

((Figure she can glide into the jumper haha.))
Re: Nox Home World

"Strange power readings? It's not like anything from the last planet, are they? If the Klarnell planted another kamikaze thing, we are well and truly fucked, you realize." She's already heading for where he said the jumper was going to be, circling once and then angling to glide in through the back. "In!" She announces, though her landing is heavy enough that they'd know without her having done so. While the doors are closing, she flops into the nearest chair and buckles in, in case they need to leave in a hurry again.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon waited until Sho was sitting down before moving the jumper and cloaking, then answering.

"No, not the same. These are definitely Nox energy signatures, but they're interlaced with a pattern I haven't seen them use before. It could possibly be a defensive device, perhaps a cloak within a cloak, I'm not sure. With no life signs detectable though, we're going in. Let's just this is another trick the Nox have and not some farewell message."

A few minutes later, the jumper docked with the station, the doors opened and they were on their way. They'd gone no fewer than twenty yard when they saw the first of the bodies. Nox, Klarnell and Predator alike, all dead, and enough to litter the corridor as far as they could see, at least until a bend further down the hall. Siphon grimaced.

"This ... doesn't look good."
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