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Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

It was hard work moving the heavy cart up the steep hill to the bridge. Melissa had to dodge two cars on the way up, too. However, the descent promised to be eaiser, and there was an open lane to send it back down, though Melissa would have to be careful not to let it run away and tip at the bottom.

However, right as the two girls were reaching the top, they heard a disturbing shreik. Something saw them, something loud. They couldn't see any movement, or hear any more noise, but they had to know, time was not on their side.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa grunts as she pushes the cart up the slope, though she tries to hide it from Jamie. Once it starts to level out, she breathes a sigh of relief. "It's all down hill from here, right?" she asks jokingly, just before the shriek sounds. "Shit, I didn't mean like that." Keeping one hand on the handle of the cart, Melissa pulls the shotgun off her shoulder with the other.

"Keep your eyes open, Jamie," she says while pushing the cart towards the slope down. "Shoot anything that moves." Once the cart reaches the area where the street slopes down, she turns to Jamie and says, "Okay, get ready. I'm going to hang on and make sure you don't roll away, but you need to cover me while I do. Ready?" Once Jamie is ready and there are no enemies in sight, Melissa begins the trek down the hill, putting both hands back on the handle of the cart.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Jamie get's the launcher ready, it almost looks funny as she prepares to fire from the shopping cart. As they start to role down, the source of the noise becomes visible, a strange humanoid leaping moster. It is jumping from roof to roof, almost upon them. Jamie fires a grenade, but misses by inches, causing a small explosion behind the thing. The recoil jolts the cart ever so slightly, causing Melissa to lose her hold on it as it picks up speed. The monster will be to them by the time they reach the bottom of the hill.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Shit, not another one of those things," Melissa says, staring at the figure leaping above them, immediately being reminded of the creature from the security room. Distracted by the memory, she loses her grip on the handle when the cart lurches forward. Afraid Jamie will go hurtling down the ramp and crash, she lunges forward, desperate to catch the cart and slow it down. Even if the creature is rapidly approaching, protecting her injured sergeant comes first in Melissa's mind.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa manages to divert the cart back into the open, though stumbles and falls onto the pavement with a thud, scraping her up a bit. The cart is still going quite fast, probably going 15 mph by the time it levels out, but at least Jamie won't hit a car and fly out of it.

The most doesn't seem to take long to decide who it'll go for, and pounces on Melissa as she's still face down on the ground, causing her to drop her weapon, it skids a few feet away, out of the girl's reach.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa hits the ground with a grunt, then cries out in pain when the monster lands heavily on top of her. "Never heard of being a gentle lover?" she asks sarcastically, snarling since she knows the creature's intent. With her weapon not an option, the soldier struggles as hard as she can, trying to push herself off the ground, and hopefully the creature off her.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa can't stand up, but the struggle results in a roll, so she's laying on top with her back against the monster, a position that will work to her advantage. However, the beast grabs onto her arms tight, pulling her back. The soldier can feel a bulge pressed up against her, the monster likes it when its prey fights back.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The switch of position isn't exactly what Melissa was hoping for, though it gives her an idea. The last time she had fought one of these things, it seemed to get a little sloppy when she stopped fighting to get better stock of the situation. With her arms behind her back, there isn't much she can do, so rather than struggle vainly against the powerful creature, she allows it to hold onto her, while trying to change her position again. This time, she attempts to sit up, bringing her back straight while the creature still holds her arms, with her butt resting on top of it. If she managed to keep the creature where it was while pulling herself somewhat away, maybe she could give Jamie a better shot. She just hoped the sergeant would remember her pistol.

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The struggling woman could not hear if help was coming as she fought with the monster, she just had hope for the moment. The monster seemed reluctant to let her move as she desired, both because this type liked total control, and because his body didn't quite move this way. Still, they wound up sitting, for the most part, with Melissa in the thing's lap. It still held on tight, though it seemed to believe she was giving up. He hissed in her ear, in a tone that was filled with lust and a bit of mild frustration. Arms still locked, it started to feel up one of the soldier's breasts, growing a bit harder under the woman.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

'Damn,' she thinks as the creature rises to a sitting position behind her, pulling her head away slightly as it hisses into her ear. 'Jamie's not going to have a good shot with it pressed up against me like this, I need to get away on my own.' Even with that thought, Melissa bides her time, knowing how strong this type of monster is. She bites her lip as it begins to fondle her breasts, squirming slightly instinctively, but trying not to appear as though she's fighting. Feigning a bit of sensitivity at it's touches, she arches her back and gives off a slight moan. It is only a pretext, however, as she attempts to bring her hands, still gripped behind her back, down towards the creatures lap and the source of the poking beneath her. If she can get her fingers down to the creature's lap, she might be able to distract it long enough to escape.

(prepare again)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The monster really enjoys Melissa ontop of him like this. He's rough, but not as rough as he could be, as he rubs their bodies together. He was just starting to get a bit more intense, preparing to start taking off some of the woman's clothing when he feels Melissa's hand in his lap. He pauses and gives of a somewhat surprised screech, but doesn't seem alarmed, only confused. It forces her to look at him, he has a really suspicious look, or as much as is possible for a mutant such as himself, almost like a staring contest. One of his hands slides between the soldier's legs, rubbing it gently, for a change. Slowly, his mouth actually changes into a small, smug smile, convinced he's actually got a willing girl for once.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Still biding her time, Melissa continues to allow the creature to rub against her and fondle her, biting her lip to stifle a cry. 'Jamie, please be on your way,' she thinks, pleading as she feels her fingers brush against the monster's member. The fight to keep her emotions contained intensifies as the creature stares into her eyes, the desire to snarl and attack growing stronger as she sees it's condescending attitude towards her. When one of it's hands moves to rub between her legs though, she instinctively flinches away and lets out a quick gasp of horror. Worried that her act might be discovered, she forces a look of desire onto her face, opening her mouth and breathing out with a sigh while her hand in the creature's lap begins to rub back and forth slowly.

'If I just try to pull away, he'll keep his grip on me' she thinks, trying to work out a plan as she continues to try to keep the creature from attacking. 'I need to get him to let go, even if it's just for a moment. But what will get him to do that?' Suddenly thinking back to the infected man she had been fighting earlier, Melissa decides to try diplomacy again, though she wonders if this thing will be any more receptive to it than the mindless human from before. "I bet you've done it just like this with a hundred other girls," she says, staring into the mutant's strange eyes, "But don't you ever get tired of the same thing all the time? Sometimes it's fun to try something different." Hoping to drive her point across even clearer, she makes a display of running her tongue across both of her lips before making a kissing motion, trying to insinuate a desire for oral stimulation. If the creature is smart enough to take the hint, then she might have a chance to break free when it decides to change positions.

(prepare/try to convince the mutant to let her out of the submission hold)
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Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The thing has some intelligence, taking a few moments to stare at his prey, before letting up on his hold considerably. He's still wary, ready to pounce if Melissa makes a break for it, be he allows her room to manuver, no doubt thinking she'll get in a better position for sex. His mouth opens a bit, a small trickle of drool can be seen. The monster is clearly quite taken with the solider, not having encountered a human quite like this.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

'It's working!' Melissa thinks, startled, at first pleased with her performance, then quickly growing nervous at what she knows the creature is expecting now. She licks her lips unconsciously, then twists around to face the creature sitting behind her. She places both of her palms on it's chest to try push it backwards on it's back, while she stays straddling on top of it. As she does, she makes a quick glance down the street, hoping to catch sight of Jamie, hoping her sergeant can come to her aid again. At the same time, she looks over to where the shotgun had skidded away only a few moments ago. 'This is going to be tricky.' Slowly sliding herself backwards, Melissa brings and hand back down to the creature's crotch, wrapping her fingers around it's length, lightly teasing the creature as she considers her options.

(take control of the grapple [if that's possible?])
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The monster allows Melissa to flip him, but still has arms loosely wrapped around her. He wasn't sure about letting the human on top, but was willing to try. He gasped a bit as his member was rubbed, eyes rolling up a bit in pleasure. Jamie was no where to be seen, but her cart was tipped over about a half a block away in a ditch...

(you have control of the grapple)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

With Jamie nowhere in sight, fear floods into Melissa's mind. Fear both for own situation, as well as fear for what might have happened to the sergeant. The creature below her, writhing and gasping at her touches, however, convinces the soldier that she has to worry about herself first. Without being able to count on Jamie as backup, she begins to doubt how effective she might be in recovering her weapon and killing the creature before it can pounce on her again. As much as she is loathe to continue pleasing the creature that had attacked her, Melissa knows that right now she has the advantage, but trying to go for her weapon would only anger it. Ignoring her revulsion, she brings her other hand down to the creature's member, using both hands to pump up and down it's shaft, forcing herself to arc her back and moan seductively to continue her ploy.

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa can feel the throbbing rod grow a bit. The monster howls out a moan, arching its back a bit, really enjoying this. Not only was it an interesting experience, the solider was pretty good with her hands. He let his hands fall a bit limp, sliding down to the bluenette's rump, rubbing gently.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Feeling the rod growing in her hands and hearing the pleasure in the creature's moans, Melissa fights to restrain a sneer of disgust, though at the same time, a warm feeling starts to spread through her body as she instinctively begins to enjoy the lewd act. Though she struggles to restrain herself, her hands begin to move more swiftly and elaborately, sometimes sliding over the head of the creature's cock, other times playing with it's sack. Her rear pushes back against the monster's hands, as she slides it further down it's legs, bringing her chest closer to the creature and planting her knees on the ground. Continuing to moan and swivel her body, she continues the act, though in truth she is preparing herself to leap up and rush for her weapon...

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The solider's plan starts to backfire a bit, the monster's grip on her rear tightens as he starts to pinch and grope her butt a bit, moaning in enjoyment. His member is near its longest now, just shy of eight inches, ready to take it up a notch. As far as monsters go, at least this one had a "normal" cock, it looked just like any healthy human male's. For the moment, he was satisfied to let Melissa go on as she was, but she couldn't beat around the bush all day, or else he might get impatient.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Though she had been acting before, a real gasp sounds from Melissa's lips as the monster's groping becomes more insistent. 'I guess I have to give him what I promised,' she thinks, staring down at the member in her hands, 'or else he'll take what he wants before I can try to escape.' Melissa licks her lips nervously, then slides her body back further, so that she is kneeling between the monsters legs, with it's rod right before her face. 'At least it can't pinch my ass anymore,' she jokes to herself, trying to keep from dwelling on how disgusting what she is about to do is.

Hesitantly, Melissa leans forward, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue. She brings her hands down to the base of the monsters cock, then drags her tongue over the head, fighting the urge to shudder in revulsion. Looking up at the creature, she continues her act, bringing her tongue back into her mouth, then making a show of swallowing while moaning in delight. Bringing her face down again, she slides her tongue up the underside of the member then swirls the tip. 'I hope this works,' she prays, finally working her way up to doing what she knows she has to do.

Melissa starts with a kiss on the tip of the creature's cock, then moves down further, wrapping her lips around the head. With another embellished moan, she begins to bob her head up and down, going further each time until she feels the tip begin to press against the back of her throat. Closing her eyes, she speeds up, eager for the monster to reach it's peak so she can get to the next step of her plan.
