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Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Up ahead the two could see a large building with parking lot, perhaps a mall. "That looks like a good place to stop and rest, just a bit farther, I can make that easy." The sarge gave Melissa a sly look as they kept going. "Man, I kind of miss your carrying me you know?" She kept going, however. Melissa couldn't help but pick up the undertone in the sarge's voice. This was going to be a long walk...

When they got to the parking lot, they spied a bench that the sarge could rest on. As she was sitting down, the sarge spoke again. "Care to take a look my leg again, it itches a bit, perhaps you could rub it or something?"
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa kneels before the sarge as the woman sits on the bench. "No offense, but I'm not missing it all that much," she says, "I got my fill of carrying heavy loads all over the place in boot." As she speaks, she moves in to inspect the sarge's leg, paying attention to the bandages she had put over the woman's wounds. She carefully massages the woman's legs, then asks, "If it's bothering you, I think there still might be some more painkillers in the first aid kit. You want some more?"
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Ugh. Yes, please." The sarge winced as she was injected with a bit more. Her face flushed a bit and she started giving Melissa some wierd looks. It was clearly the painkiller making her act a bit loopy.

For the moment, however, the injured woman did not make any more advances. After a few minutes she got back to her feet and the two continued on. They had a choice to make, spend time searching the mall and perhaps find people, monsters, and supplies, or keep going to the base. "It's getting dark soon. If we look in there, there's no way I can make it to base before it gets dangerous out here." The sarge seemed concerned, despite being in a foggy state of mind, she still had enough sense to know it was a bad idea to stay out for the monsters at night.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa looks up at the sarge, a bit worried at how the painkillers are affecting the woman. She was right, though, it will be getting dark soon, and Melissa had no desire to be running around this city at night. With the sarge acting strangely, however, Melissa wasn't sure that making a break for the base was the best idea. They might even be able to find some kind of painkiller in the mall that wouldn't affect the sarge so much.

"Tell you what, sarge," she says, "Let's find some place in the mall to hold up until morning, then we can make it the rest of the way to base."

(search the mall for supplies)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The two made it to the main doors, the inside was totally trashed. Lots of people had tried gathering here, it might have even been an evac depot at one point, as evident by the military crates. However, now they were gone, not a sole around. Then again, this was a very large building, there could be tons of surviors, or monsters, just elsewhere in the building.

The two stuck together, the sarge was in no condition to wander off by herself. Most of the stores in this quad, 1/8 of the total store, as the mall had two levels, were make up shops and hair salons. Nothing to be had here. The next quad was arcades, nothing of use there either, but signs of a struggle. The next quad was the food court, but before the search could begin, the sarge needed another break. "Melissa, I need another rest." The corporal couldn't help but notice that the sarge had used her first name, a first. However, what was of more concern was the fact that the sarge didn't look so good at all. She wasn't zombifying, but she looked like she might be sick soon.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Okay, sarge," Melissa says, gesturing to one of the chairs in the food court. When the woman gets comfortable, the corporal looks around the mall. The first aid kit had painkillers, but nothing for someone feeling sick. Maybe she could find something in the employee's areas. Or maybe sarge just needs something to eat? They hadn't had time for chow before they left base to set the charges at the bridge.

"Wait here, sarge, I'll look for the nurses' office," Melissa says, a hand on the sarge's shoulder. "You hungry? I don't think anyone will mind if I grab something for you."

(look for medicine and food for sarge)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The sarge leans back on the bench weakly, she's starting to turn a bit greenish-pale. "Ugh. Just call me Jamie, we don't need to be... all formal out here." She rolled her head to look at Melissa. "Don't worry, I'm not going to die on you here. Just find something good to drink, maybe the slushie machine still works or something." She was still coherent, at the very least, that was a good sign.

The food court had a large variety of options. Two hamburger joints, tacos, ice cream. With that last one Melissa could see what the sarge ment, if the power was out the cold stuff would melt fast, better get some now if they wanted it. The stuff out front was all ransaked, but in the employee area on the outside wall there was still some stuff in the coolers.

There were standard first aid kits all over, but nothing for anyone sick, just treatment for wounds and such. Looking around the food court, there was a small sign near the bathrooms that pointed the way to admin and security, it seemed to be located deep in the heart of the mall, in interior hallways that were rather cramped. Melissa would have to leave the sarge here for quite some time to continue her search, and there was a high chance of being ambushed in these hallways, by monsters or otherwise. Taking the sick woman with her was an option, but if such a confrontation happened, she'd be a major liability.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Right... uh... Jamie," Melissa says, stumbling over using the first name of the woman she had always looked up to as a superior for so long. She rushes to get a cool drink for the sick woman, getting as much still frozen ice as she could in it. "Here, drink this," she says, while also handing her something to snack on.

With the sarge growing increasingly ill, Melissa didn't feel it was a good job to take her along on a search of the interior of the mall. Instead, after giving the woman a moment to rest, she says, "Sarge, I mean... Jamie... There's a security station back in the employee area. I want to go check it out." She stands and motions over to the restrooms. "I think it'll be better if you take it easy while I do. You should be safe if you lay low in the restrooms." Before setting off into the deeper parts of the mall, Melissa checks the restrooms she had pointed out to the sergeant. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I'll knock on the door four times to let you know I'm coming in. Shoot anything else that tries to get in..."
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa arrived at the admin wing of the mall with little trouble, though it was a creepy journey. They hadn't seen anything alive, friendly or otherwise, yet in the entire mall. The halls and shops were dead silent.

The first door the right was the security room. As Melissa slowly drew near, she could hear something moving around inside. There was no telling what it was from the sound, but things were getting knocked over, not hard, but enough so to cause a bit of a ruckus.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa quietly sidles up to the door and grabs the sword she had picked up from the house. 'I hope this thing is as dangerous as it looks,' she thinks as she slowly moves to open the door, hoping to get a good look at whatever was making the noise before she had to decide whether to use the sword or not.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Order Roll

Melissa 7+22 = 29 (First)
Leaper 7+20 = 27

Melissa opens the door to find a wierd looking man-monster thing. It's crawling around the security office on all fours, it looks impossible, the things legs bend in wierd places. It seemed to be confused on how to get out of the area, there were scratch marks at a window to the hall, like it tried to claw its way out. The monster turns to look at Melissa in a flash as she opens the door, but cannot react fast enough.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

'Holy shit,' she thinks, looking at the disgusting thing, 'Whatever happened to those people earlier gets worse!' With that thought in mind, Melissa knows exactly what the creature will try to do, and immediately rushes forward, stabbing the sword at it.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Hit Chance

14+35 = 49 vs 43 = 8+35

Damage (sword, d10, pierce)

10+(26/4) = 17

Melissa's blow lands right through the things right shoulder. The monster lets out a horrible scream of pain, sounding half human and half animal. It isn't impaired yet, however.


(double dice rule)

17+55 = 72 vs 51 = 14+2+35

The monster leaps with a power Melissa had never experienced. It slams her against the wall hard enough to crack the dry wall.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa grunts in pain as the creature drives her against the wall, momentarily dazed. The scratch of dry wall on the back of her head quickly brings the soldier back to her senses though. She grits her teeth at the ugly creature in front of her and growls angrily, "I'm tired of you things grabbing me." With that, she brings the sword out as far from her and her attacker as she can, then swings the weapon towards it, hoping to smash it with the hilt.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(I'm afraid I'm going to have to count it as slash, and using the sword for bash damage would be unfair, though the ingame action will indeed be a hit with the hilt)

Hit Chance

5+37 = 42 vs 62 = 7+55

The thing simply moves its elbow against Melissa's arm as she tries to fight back, pinning her arm for just enough time to stop the attack.

Special Attack: "Kiss" (-5 next roll for Melissa)

15+55 = 70 vs 42 = 7+37

The monster slobbers on Melissa's face. The stuff stinks, and drips all over, causing great distraction.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(Oh wow, 37 vs 55, and now a -5, that's not good)

"Ugh," Melissa recoils as the tongue slimes across her face, and spits the disgusting liquid away. 'What is it with these things and kissing?' she thinks, almost gagging. Deciding that the monster is much too close for comfort, Melissa braces her back against the wall and pushes against the creature as hard as she can.

(escape grapple)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(Yeah, the correct answer was to slam the door in its face. Don't worry, I got something else planned to make the fight easier. Also, IDK if I asked you, but if theres anything you don't want to happen to Melissa, now would be a good time to speak up)

Event Timer: 4

Escape Grapple

2+37-5 = 34 vs 56 = 1+55

Melissa continues to try and break free, but doesn't even get close. the thing hisses right in her face whenever she gets close. The monster is getting some perverse pleasure out of her struggles.

Submission Hold

17+55 = 72 vs 44 = 7+37

With a loud roar, the monster pulls the solider forward, shoves her arms behind her back, then slams her back against the wall, trapping her arms behind her back.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(actually, I did send you a PM about that)

The sudden motion draws Melissa even closer to the disgusting creature, and she groans in disgust, pulling her face away as it hisses. She had never spent much time training in hand to hand combat, but she knows she's in a bad situation. If the rumors are true, however, it's about to get much worse. Of course, in ever crisis lies opportunity. 'This thing... ugh... got me pinned. I can get out... when it tries to do something else.

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(Ah, so you did, sometime's its hard to remember who replied and who did not)

Event Timer: 3

Clothes Rip

4+55 = 59 vs 42 = 5+37

Melissa prepares for the onslaught this beast has in store for her. When dealing with an enemy this strong, it is vital to wait for the right time to strike. The thing, still holding her against the wall, removes her uniform slowly, with human-like precision. After each grope, each removal, it looks into her eyes for any hint of emotion. After a few minutes Melissa is left in her undergarments, still pinned against the wall, but slightly more pumped to break lose when the time is right.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(can you prepare multiple times and keep getting +5?)

Melissa watches grimly as the creature removes her clothes, waiting for just the right moment to attempt to escape. After seeing how it seemed to enjoy her struggles, she tries to restrain any cries she might be tempted to make, though the teases and gropes cause her to twitch every so often. Being stripped down to her underwear makes her want to break free this instant, but with the creature so strong, she isn't sure she can, even after studying it's movements like she has so far.

(prepare again if she can get another +5, else escape submission)