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Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Hit Chance

12+35-5 = 42 vs 26 = 1+25


7+(26/2) = 20

The zombie holding Melissa isn't concerned about helping the other one. As such, her blow lands right square in the face, killing the man with ease.

Special Attack: Kiss

9+40 = 49 vs 50 = 13+37

The injured man knows he doesn't have much time left. He just wants one kiss before he dies. Unfortunately for him, Melissa twists out of the way just in time.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa spits as the man falls away, and twists away just in time to avoid the attentions of the first man. "God damn it," she growls, "Get the hell off me!" As she yells, she lashes out with another punch, once again aiming for the man's face, no longer worrying about hurting or killing him.

(attack infected 1)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Hit Chance

17+37 = 54 vs 42 = 2+40

(not bothering to roll, you'll do 1 damage...)

It's quite easy to kill the last zombie. It almost falls apart with a mere tap, and Melissa sent a blow much harder then that. It drops to the floor, lifeless.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

With both of the men finally down, Melissa is free to bring a hand up to her face to wipe away the saliva that had been slathered all over her. She spits a few more times, muttering angrily as she does. Annoyed at what she had just gone through, she stomps through the house, checking the rooms for anyone who wasn't going to try to slobber all over her, as well as for any items of interest. "Sarge, I'm almost done in here, you ready to go?" she calls, mentally slapping herself for not having the presence of mind to call the woman for help her earlier.

(search the house)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The house is really trashed. Looking at the big picture, it seems that the EMTs had been called out to inspect the man in his underwear, who was infected first. Then, perhaps because of a lack of guards, the zombie managed to overpower the EMTs, hence the other zombie, but where was the last.

A search of the house showed that it was clear. The only object of interest was a large, ornate sword. Not for combat, for show, but it might be able to do some damage. About this time the sarge hobbled in. "Sorry, I did hear the fight, but I tripped and fell." She was blushing slightly, either still attracted to Melissa from the drugs, or maybe just embarrassed about the fall.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Although she wasn't really a fan of old weapons like this, Melissa grabs the sword anyway. When the sarge hobbles in and apologizes, Melissa waves it off. "It's okay, I took care of em." Even though she put on a show of dismissal, in the back of her mind, Melissa was really beginning to worry about the sarge.

"One of these guys who attacked me was an EMT," Melissa says, looking around the house one more time. "They normally work in pairs, I wonder what happened to the other one."

(look for clues for the missing paramedic)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

There were signs of a struggle in the kitchen and master bedroom. Trails of paper from a turned over filing cabinet and a muddish like substance. After a bit of work, it seemed they pair had found the trails of the two dead men. One trailed remained, it led out the kitchen's sliding door and into the back yard.

It was alot more coherent then the other's for some reason. Leaning out the door, Melissa could see a hole in the fence, the footprints lead to the other side. The other EMT wasn't on this plot of land, so if he was a zombie too he was probably too far away to be a threat.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Even though she wanted to get back to base, Melissa's curiosity was piqued. "Sarge I'm going to check this out real quick." she syas before heading into the back yard. The other EMT might not be zombie at all. The trail might be from the man, or woman, running away from the other two. With that thought in mind, Melissa looks through the hole in the fence, wondering just where the trail went.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The trail went through the next yard, winding its way back and forth before finding a window on the side of the house. Whatever made it had climbed through, the edges were muddy and the room inside trashed. Inside Melissa could hear a wierd sound, almost like the zombies before, but higher pitched.

Just as Melissa was about to think, a dog ran out of the house into the street, and massive growl type noise came from the house, where the soft painful moaning had been comming from.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The sudden appearance of the dog nearly caused the already cautious soldier to fire her weapon, but she recognized the animal at the last second and let go of the trigger. "Damn dog," she mutters, before relaxing her hold on the grenade launcher. The growl from inside the house, however, instantly worried her again. 'Screw it,' she thinks approaching the window, 'I've already come this far.' Without a second thought, she pulls herself up to the window and into the trashed room, hoping to make as little noise as possible.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The noise was comming from a few rooms over. The way there was littered with trash and mud. In the hall outside the door, Melissa found the EMT. He was zombiefied, but dead, lying in the hall.

In the room, the noises continued. Melissa noticed a woman sitting on the bed, her shirt torn. She too seemed in the process of zombification.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa looks from the dead EMT to the woman. 'Looks like whatever they had can spread,' she thinks, unconsciously wiping a hand over her face again. Briefly, Melissa considers trying to find help for the woman, but again imagines traveling across the city while wrestling with her. Her previous experience with the two men earlier convinces her that she can't just leave the woman here, to attack someone else that might happen by. Melissa grits her teeth and approaches the woman, hoping to hit her in the back of the head with the butt of the grenade launcher.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

*RP Auto hit*

3+(26/2) = 16

The woman doesn't move as Melissa's lancher comes down on her head. She slumps forward with a loud growl. She's phased, but not out of it totally.


5+40 = 45 vs 45 = 10+35

The monster grabs onto Melissa's launcher, a good grip. However, as it isn't a part of her body, Melissa has a great melee advantage as kicks the woman back down onto the floor.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Shit," Melissa says as the woman turns back to attack her. She was hoping for a quick take down, but sometimes things just don't work that easily. After she kicks the woman away from her and back down to the ground, the corporal grabs the barrel of the launcher in both hands, raises it high over her head, then brings the butt down straight for the woman's head.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Hit Chance

13+35 = 48 vs 43 = 18+25


1+(26/2) = 14

In the zombie's prone position this type of blow distributes the force out across the thing's body. However, the attack is strong enough to keep the zombie howling on the ground, for now.

Infected now has 10 HP
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Determined to finish what she started, Melissa follows her target down to the ground, once more driving the butt of the launcher into the woman.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Hit Chance

3+35 = 38 vs 31 = 6+25

Damage (you'll kill it no matter what you roll)

The infected woman tries to roll out of the way, letting out a cry, filled with sadness this time. However, Melissa's blow strikes home as always, she's getting quite good at bashing in zombies' faces and skulls. The woman stops moving, dead at last on the floor next to her bed.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

After the task is finished, Melissa stands still for a moment, catching her breath. 'I think I'm taking to this a little too well,' she thinks to herself, somewhat regretting her decision to so quickly attack the woman. Even with her doubts, Melissa quickly makes her way back out of the house and back to where she had left the sergeant. "I found the other EMT sarge," she says, "I don't think theres any more reason for us to hang out here. Let's get back to base."

(back to sarge and start heading to base)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The two head in the general direction of the base. The sarge can move faster then if Melissa had to carry her, but they still are not going very fast. As they get into the more built up area of the surburb, it becomes more clear that they stand out quite a bit against the deserted backdrop. However, for the moment, all was silent, but a strange feeling of unease was setting in.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Normally a suburb like this would have plenty of activity, cars driving by, children playing in the yards, people washing cars, mowing lawns, delivering mail. But now nothing. The feeling of being completely and utterly alone is overpowering, and Melissa stays close to the wounded sergeant as the two make their trek through the area. "Just let me know if you need to stop, Sarge," she says, looking up and down the street for anything out of the ordinary. Well, more out of the ordinary than complete abandonment.
