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Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The trip across the field seemed like one of the mountain hikes in full gear the instructors send new recruits on to toughen them up. By the time they'd reached the houses, Melissa was quite tired. Getting up behind cover, she almost dropped the sarge, though the woman only grunted slightly, understanding.

Surveying the choices, most houses were intact, though a few busted down front doors. No movement or monsters in sight, though the homes were dark, so it was kind of hard to tell. There was hardly any indication of which house would be good to search, and which wouldn't. However, something caught Melissa's eyes. A block towards the center of the suburb there was an ambulance pulled up infront of a house. Maybe that would be a good place to find help for the sarge.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa pants as she stops a moment, catching her breath. She looks back at the bridge, then at sarge and the gear she was carrying. "Damn it, I should have done this earlier," she says, pushing the bag of explosives off to the side. Blowing up that other bridge would have to wait until the two women could get some help.

Looking down the street, none of the houses seem like an obviously good choice to search, but that ambulance might yield something. "Come on, sarge, time to move again," Melissa says, picking up the injured woman again. She tries to pick up the pace as much as she can with her somewhat lightened load.

(drop the explosives, head for the ambulance)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The ambulance's rear doors were open, the interior wrecked. It seems the paramedics had had a patient at one time, but from the looks of things he escaped. A wierd conclusion to draw, but there was a very clear trail of debris from the ambulance into a nearby house.

Before they went any further, however, Melissa spotted a pair of crutches. The sarge noticed too, and claimed they'd be more then enough to let her move on her own.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Sitting the sarge down in the back of the ambulance, Melisa grabs the crutches for the woman then sets about looking through the vehicle. "I hope whoever drove this thing didn't pull the keys out every time he stopped." The corporal ignores the debris trail for now.

(check for keys)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa found the keys. They were in the ignition, in the on position, but the vehicle was lifeless. As a matter of fact, the electronics in the back should have been running either way, but they were all nonfunctional as well. Even the equipment not connected to the ambulance wasn't lit up, like the portable gear.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Oh, you have to be kidding me," Melissa whispers, trying to start the car several times ineffectually. 'This is impossible,' she thinks, 'The only thing that could short out all the electronics is an EMP, but you'd need a...' Melissa pauses for a second as she finally realizes just what that strange explosion was that had rocked the area earlier.

Melissa slides out of the ambulance and heads back to the rear. "Come on sarge, this rig is busted," she says, while giving the woman a hand to stand up and familiarize herself with the crutches. "I hate to say it, but I think we are gonna have to walk back to base. You had the map when we left, know where it is from here?"
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The woman grunts slightly as she gets used to the crutches. "One camp is just on the other side of this suburb. Past these houses, past the town center, then a bit of desert, then the field camp. It isn't the one we left from, but it'll do. She pointed in the right direction, the same direction they had been moving.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Shit, thats a long walk," Melissa says, looking down the street. "Well, let's get going, only thing worse than than be trapped in a city full of monsters is being trapped in a city full of monsters after dark, I always say. Well I would say it, if I had ever been trapped in a city full of monsters before." With that, Melissa begins heading down the street, trying to set a pace fast enough to make some progress, but slow enough that the injured woman could keep up.

(head in the direction specified)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Just as the pair were starting to leave, they heard a loud moan. Something, or someone was in the home that the trail lead to. It sounded human, sort of, and full of pain. It was soon joined by another like it, there was more then one person in the house...
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Ah, damn it," Melissa mutters as she turns to look at the house. Search and rescue wasn't her MOS, but leaving a civvie out by themselves with whatever the hell was running around here seems more than a little cruel. "Sarge, I'm gonna go check that out," she says, holding her grenade launcher ready. "Cover the door, and yell if anything less hot than that new private in B company makes pretty eyes at you."

Cautiously, Melissa approaches the house and peeks into the front door. She hesitantly calls out, "Hello? I'm with the military. I can help if your hurt. If you have any weapons, please don't shoot." She hopes that sounded like something a rescue team would say. Regardless, the corporal slowly enters the house, peering into each room before entering, her launcher at the ready. She would only be able to shoot the weapon from across a large room, but if worst came to worst, she could hit something with the butt of it, or swing it like a club.

(enter the house)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

As Melissa called out, there was a loud moan in response, much closer then comfortable. Before she could react, two men appeared in a doorway to her left. Something was clearly wrong, they're eyes were off, a bit greenish tinted, and they had a look that could see right through a person. They roared again, and proceeded to attack.

Order Roll

Melissa 6+22 = 28
Infected #1 5+20 = 25
Infected #2 3+20 = 23

Melissa goes first.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Whoa!" Melissa gasps as she steps back from the approaching figures. "What the hell..." She stares at them for a second, taking in their strange features. When she sees them advancing on her in a hostile manner though, she reacts like she's been taught and pushes the closest one away, using her grenade launcher in both hands.

(attack number 1, melee)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melee Hit

12+35 = 47 vs 43 = 18+25 HIT

Damage (Rifle d8, bash)

8+(26/2) = 21

Melissa scores an amazing hit. The butt of her launcher crashes into the zombie like man's face, breaking his nose. He falls back and crashes over the living room sofa.

Infected #1 now has 19 HP


16+40 = 56 vs 42 = 7+35

The second infected manages to latch onto Melissa, grabbing her left arm.

(Reminder, you can attack while grappled in this game)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Back off!" Melissa yells as the strangely mutated man falls away from her. Unfortunately, the strength of her attack causes her to stumble forward slightly, right into the grip of her other attacker. She struggles violently, even trying to bring her elbow up into his face, hoping to force him back just like the other.

(melee infected 2)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melee (its grapple v grapple when grappled)

10+47 = 47 vs 45 = 5+40


8+(26/2) = 21

Melissa uses the same tactic, only slighty hindered by the attack. Once again her enemy suffers a broken nose. It lets go and stumbles back, just as the other is getting up, in more ways then one.

The infected now has 19 HP


16+45 = 61 vs 45 = 10+35

Melissa can only act so fast. The first man latches onto her just as she beats down the other.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(10 + 47 = 47?)

Melissa stares down at the man as he falls backwards, confused as to his strange appearance and actions. She spends just a bit too much time looking at him, however, as the other man manages to grab onto her due to her inattention. "Damn it, what the hell is wrong with you?" she growls as she struggles with the man, trying to throw him off. She had hoped the hit would have knocked the man out, or at least convinced him to stop fighting, but whatever has happened to them keeps them from feeling pain. "I really don't want to kill you!" she says angrily, "Just get off me, and I'll try to get you some help!"

(escape grapple)
(can she see them 'getting up'? ie, are they naked?)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(Oh, just a typo, you won anyway. Your correct score is 37 not 47. And they aren't naked, but the bulge can be seen pressing on the pants. Oh, one of the two is just in underwear)

Escape Grapple

20+37 = 57 vs 44 = 4+40

Melissa knocks the man aside with little effort. He seems more enraged at her words then anything.


1+40 = 41 vs 46 = 11+35

He tried to regrab Melissa, but she's just a bit too fast. A quick dodge and he nearly trips.


5+40 = 45 vs 47 = 12+35

The other man recovers and does a really bad attempt at a flying leap. The sheer suddeness makes Melissa slightly slow to react, however, though the attack still misses.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

With the constant attacks, Melissa hardly has time to think, she's merely reacting to the men lunging at her. No matter what she wanted, the corporal was feeling too threatened to simply keep avoiding them, and with her having to look out for sarge, she couldn't risk trying to wrestle the men all the way back to base. She grits her teeth, and lunges for her first attacker, hoping to knock him out cold, rather than kill him, but prepared to do so if she has to.

(attack infected 1)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Hit Chance

13+35 = 48 vs 36 = 11+25


5+(26/2) = 18 (.... lol...)

Melissa was a little too careful. She lands a good blow, but the monster is still kicking, but just.

Infected #1 has 1 HP


12+40 = 52 vs 50 = 15+35

The same man grabs back onto Melissa. It's really hurting, though, and is more moaning in pain then desire by this point.

Special Attack: Kiss

17+40 = 57 vs 48 = 3+35

The other shows a slight remainder of its humanity and leans in close as the other two are fighting. It plants a big, wet kiss on Melissa's lips, drool drips everywhere. (-5 to your next roll)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa grits her teeth as her attack lands against the man with a solid thud, but she gasps when he remains standing and lunges for her again, too surprised to dodge out of the way. When the other man stumbles forward and presses his mouth against her, Melissa's eyes fly wide open and she starts to let out a small scream, though it is cut short by the invading tongue. She reacts instinctively, immediately punching out at the one pressing against her.

(attack infected 2)