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Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Ooooohhhh~" Taylor cooed when Angie pulled out her paired toys. Her fingers withdrew when Angie put the first against her slit, sliding out to position themselves to spread her lips open for the mechanic, while her middle finger circled her clit. She let out a tiny little groan when Angie slipped the first one inside her pussy, and when she flipped the other one to 'prepare' it, Taylor couldn't help but grin. After Angie had made it some distance down the shaft, Taylor slowly reached a hand out to caress her behind her head, rolling her hips forward each time she pushed deeper onto the artificial cock, and moaning as if the dick between Angela's lips were really her own.

Taylor hissed in pleasure when the second entered her, and when Angie turned the dial, she let out a moan and almost fell forward onto the mechanic. "M-my, my... y-you make s-such naughty toys, Ang-gie," she murmured. "Don't f-forget about me, okay? If I h-have to- have to- *gasp* spend the night being tortured by th-this magniiiiificent thing... I don't th-think I could stop from j-just... from just eating y-you up, the n-next time I s-s-see you. ♥" Taylor licked her lips, before she gingerly stood and leaned forward to kiss Angela goodbye.

Once she had changed and relieved herself of the burden of her sack of fake dongs, Angela made her way back to Uun's, where she found another pair of demons at the door - both also red-skinned - though they let her on through, apparently knowing who she was. She found Benny inside, feet kicked up on a table as he jabbered at his ever-stoic, mountain-sized companion. "'Eeeey, look who it is!" He cried when he noticed her. "How ya doin', dollface? Ya lookin' way less unconscious than you was da las' time we saw ya's! 'Ey, dat girlie you was wit was pretty cute, lucky lucky eh?"

Taylor had the turret had been kept in the cages, which Angie found in the back of the building. She passed by the seating area where she and her two demon lovers had blown the crowd's minds last night... where there seemed to be a lot of workers scrubbing the area down.

When she got to the cage, she indeed saw her turret there, its parts piled up on a canvas sheet. Someone there directed her to a nearby hallway, saying Uun would be waiting for her there.

"Ah, come in," he would say, as she found and entered the office labeled 'Owner' down the hall. His greeting was somewhat muffled - not only by the walls, but by a pair of other voices, giving out throaty, feminine moans. Though she'd worked on his machines before, she'd never seen Uun himself before now...

He was of average height, but muscularly built, with lank blonde hair that fell to around his deeply-tanned shoulders - one of which had a jagged tattoo on it. Large grey eyes shone almost luminescently back at Angie as she entered, before they turned back to the sight on the opposite wall - two women, a petite human-looking girl with light, lavender hair, and a curvy woman with long, thick red hair and a tiny pair of spectacles, were fucking on a large bed. The redhead held one of the smaller girl's legs over her shoulder while she straddled the other one, and... and it looked like she was fucking her with Angela's double-ended dildo.

What may have been the biggest surprise was that Uun wasn't a demon - he looked more like one of the catfolk from the Anudor to the south! Pointed, dark-furred ears sprouted from the same place as a human or demon's ears would have, but he had a long tail that jutted out from his trousers - a lighter, tan-color fur making up the majority, with the darker fur striping it. "Are you a corpse?! Put your hips into it! You are on top, you are the lead! Is only your flesh that is on bottom! You must fuck like you are top, Teia!"

Besides the two women and Uun himself, a burly member of the Mongrels was standing guard in there, as well... though, he seemed to be having a great deal of trouble focusing on standing watch, judging by where his gaze kept drifting, and the sizable tent in his pants.

Uun watched intently for a moment, before standing up and diverting his attention to Angela. "Ah, yes. The star of last night! How are you this morning, miss?" he asked with a smile, reaching out to take her hand in a firm handshake. He had a bit of an accent... "Have you had breakfast, yet? It would be my pleasure to provide you with such, if you are hungry." Uun looked her up and down. "And such modest clothing! I was not expecting such, for such a vision, no?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Oh, hey, Benny," Angie called back as she was admitted into Uun's, giving the demon a friendly wave as she walked by. "Yeah, that was, uh... that was Taylor. She's kind of my girlfriend, now." Angela added at the end, sounding slightly surprised herself. "And yeah, it got pretty... hectic, last night. I enjoyed it though. It felt nice coming out of my comfort zone."

"Oh, I've actually been meaning to look for you though. But I've got stuff to do right now, so can we talk again afterwards?" The young mechanic added hastily, though without waiting for a reply from Benny she quickly headed off, a blush creeping across her face as she slowed down to glance at the area she was fucked so thoroughly last night, before picking her pace up once more. Once at the cages Angie gathered up the parts of her sentry, storing them in a work bag she had brought along. Her brief contract had ended last night when Benny came to relieve her of guard duty, and as she was in no danger of being attacked Angela had no reason to erect a sentry.

With her mechanical friend safely stored Angie made her way to Uun's office, and was surprised by what the owner was, the surprise flickering on her face for only a brief moment. The mechanic had assumed Uun would have turned out to be some sultry demon, built purposely for the erotic arts. But actually, he looked more like someone you'd expect to see in the middle of a bar brawl. And a Su-Ku-Ta to top it off.

Though Angie's attention wasn't focused on Uun for too long as she quickly realised the two of them were not alone, and looking around she saw the two women on the bed, desperately trying to follow Uun's instructions on how to pleasure each other, no doubt so they would serve the customers well. Angie watched the two women for several minutes, her blush deepening, and realising the toy they were using looked all too familiar. It would seem her little plastic friend had been getting around a lot.

"I-I'm good... great. I'm fine, thanks," The young mechanic stammered, flustered by the scene of the two women and the recent memories it suddenly stirred up. Angie quickly took his hand and gave it a brief shake. "Thank you for the offer, but I've already eaten quite a bit." She blushed once more at the compliment. "T-thanks. These are my work clothes, I'm a mechanic, if you remember? This is the first time we've met, I believe, but I've done a bit of work for you before now. But I can't go around dressed smartly all the time can I? I wouldn't want to get my good clothes all dirty." Angie let out a nervous laugh.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Yeah? Hot!" Benny called back. "I shoulda figya'd fer the sort 'ta like girls, babe - ya gots taste!"

Turning back to his immense compatriot, he started making small talk again - very loudly, as his voice was quite audible to Angela, even as she made her way to the back. "Ey, Clyde, man, whaddaya think them girlies see in ugly ol' guys like us?"

"Dunno, Ben. S'pose it's muscle."

"Eeeh, muscle ain't pretty though. Ya need curves f'dat, an' we ain't got none, ey? I s'pose is good fer us ain't all them dames got taste like ol' toots ova there, eh? Ey, you rememba da time you went to da john afta we finished f'da night, an' when you came back I had dem tree sweet ol' honeys all ova me? Couldn't keep their hands offa me!"

"They were robbing you, Ben. They were holding you down, one was sucking your spirit energy out, and the other was beating you with your own coinpurse."

"Yeeeah..." Benny said, sighing dreamily.

"AY! Angie babe, ya mind hurryin' back?" Benny called out, much louder than before - which was fairly impressive, given how his voice was already echoing throughout Uun's. "I wanna go n' see ma babydoll before m'shift starts!"

Uun looked surprised to learn of Angela's trade. "Really? Uun am most ashamed to say he does not recall. He supposes he must have been busy - Uun most certainly would have remembered a jewel like you, no?" He gave her a grin. "You say you are a mechanic? That is very interesting, jewel - few women in my home city of Shry-Kuth-Lus would know so learned a trade. Uun have met seen little to say Badaria is much different."

"I suppose, though..." he said, before spreading his muscled arms wide, palms open, as if presenting everything around him - the office, not quite as opulent as the the Pleasure Den's main floor, was still decorated richly in what must have been the Sukuta's native style. On the bed, the red-haired woman on top was bucking her hips against the petite girl, her moans starting to sound more needful, coming from deeper in her throat. "...This place is not the Badaria of days gone by, is it?"

"Truly, though - to be so beautiful and possessing knowledge so demanding of the mind? I am Uun, proprietor if this humble establishment, and it is an honor to meet such a rare gem." He bent down to kiss her fingers, pausing just above her hand. "Might Uun have the pleasure of this jewel's name?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie flushed a deeper shade of red as Uun kept the compliments flowing, his words almost as rich and heady as the wine she had drunk last night. "Well, it's not exactly an easy trade to learn and get into. I was lucky to have been trained while I was young, but some..." Angie glanced over at the women still copulating on the bed, her gaze lingering for perhaps a moment or two longer than she had intended, before turning back to Uun. "...prefer to pick up an easier trade. Especially now that this isn't Artmirst anymore. N-not that I think there's anything wrong with what people choose to do. Some people are better suited for other jobs, is all." Angie added hastily, not wanting it to look like she thought herself above the people that worked for Uun. Especially after what happened the night before.

"M-my name's Angela Winchester," The young mechanic stammered, taken aback by Uun's actions. "But, m-my friends call me Angie."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Aaaah. Angela. Angie. Hmmm." Uun rolled her name around as if he were tasting wine, feeling how it came out, and (presumably) committing it to memory. "Sounds like 'Angel', does it not? And so fitting to your circumstance, do you not think? You carry not only your namesake's radiance, but it's rarity, as well - for how many woman of such worth as you would you find in Badaria? As many Angels you would find in our city of vices, no? Ha!"

The red-haired girl's moans had been building in frequency, and out of the corner of her eye, Angie saw her slump forward, leaning against the slimmer girl's leg as she braced a hand on the bed, near her shoulder, before starting to thrust her hips onto Angie's toy furiously.

"Slooowly, Momo," he chastized - despite his attention having left them, not looking away from Angela. "If you give in to yourself like that, your man, he will be finish far too fast - you will be... nobody, nameless slut, make him happy for only short while, and nothing more. Make him want to beg, and he will think of you again - and you, will not wanting for anything."

The buxom woman's hips slowed... though her breaths were strained, as she tried to keep herself from cumming. The girl beneath her did little to help her, though, as her body met each thrust with passionate rolls of her hips, while she breathlessly clung to the sheets - the very picture of a lover deep in the throes of ecstasy.

"You know, Angela," He continued, without missing a beat, "Uun think you have most beautiful eyes. Uun is ashamed he did not notice them earlier! They are such a clear blue, burning bright, like sky above Uun's homeland! Is difficult to see, here in Acheron, with smoke and buildings and clouds, but at home, the sky would be pure blue, and stretch as far as could see, in every direction." The cat-man nodded. "Yes. Make Uun nostalgic - yearn for home, no?"

After a short pause, he blinked, and then smiled at Angela - a white, and perhaps just slightly too wide grin. "Uun hopes Angela will allow him to call her 'Angie' as well, for Uun would love greatly to be among Angela's friends. What can humble Uun do for so fine a lady?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angela tried her damnedest to ignore the two women and their 'training' just behind her whilst Uun continued to throw compliment after compliment at her, the mechanic feeling slightly uncomfortable. But that was only because she had never met someone who was as generous with their praise both for her look and her skills. The hard fucking going on behind Angie didn't help matters either, but the only discomfort that came from was a slow growing desire deep inside her.

Uun's comment about angels brought a knowing smile to Angie's lips, for that was just what she may have to end up hunting later on if Benny's merchant friend turned up dry. Though the smile softened a moment later. "It's a tough business, I'll admit that. The few women I've known in the mechanic business gave up shortly after, but I've been doing this all my life so it's all I know. And I'm not going to let those men get the better of me." Angela flashed Uun another smile, this one full of confidence.

"Maybe one day you'll get to see your homeland again some day? There's been talk of people taking the fight to the invaders, and even rumours of a planned attack on them," Angie hadn't seem the aliens first hand, but she had heard tales from adventurers and wanderers that had run into them and managed to escape somehow, and of what had happened to the Su-Ku-Ta homeland. It was enough for her to want them wiped out, even if she hadn't been affected by them herself. They were invaders, and had no place here. Though, didn't she think the same about demons not too long ago?

"Well," Angela hesitated for a moment. "Taylor did say to me, one of the women I was with last night, the one I went home with. She said, well, that you had payment for me for last nights... show." She said the last word in a lower tone, with a hint of shame in it. The mechanic paused for another moment, longer than the last, before speaking once more. "I uh, was also wondering if you'd know if Abril is working right now. And if not, where'd she be? I uh... I want to speak with her, and maybe... Well, I'm not entirely certain about it yet, but... I'm thinking, perhaps... the three of us could perform tonight? Together." A red flush quickly crept up Angie's face once more as she expressed a possible desire to have sex for others to see once more in Uun's establishment. "I-it's not something I'm completely comfortable about... but, well... Taylor, she... I thought it'd possibly be something I should at least try? Whilst not out of my head on lust and alcohol, that is."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.


"Alas, but only if it were so," the vice den's owner said. "Uun has kept abreast of the news of the sands he used to call home, and it is that Shry-Kuth-Lus was taken by Grey Terror from blue sky, and is now home to them. The thought of a slimy monster in Uun's bed and chair, breaking bread at HIS table and bathing in HIS tub..." His voice had started to rise and his tail was in the air, now, and both it and his ears looked bigger... puffed up, and the corners of his mouth were starting to crinkle downward, his oversized smile starting very much to resemble a snarl. Then, he brought his hands up and covered his mouth - and when he brought them down, the smile was back in place, and he gave Angela a slight bow. "Uun hopes Miss Angela will forgive him for his most unseemly loss of composure. Uun will continue: besides his city no longer being his, Uun has also heard the saddening tale that his fellow Su-Ku-Ta are now exceedingly rare - most of us lived in Shry-Kuth-Lus, no? Most not escape like crafty Uun, so only very little Su-Ku-Ta now. Even if Grey Terror leave, Uun not think would have enough his fellows to fill even one district of his city. Uun race maybe last days, do very bad to Uun's heart to think on."

The squealing from the bed grew louder, and the busty redhead was now biting a knuckle, trying to keep from moaning out - trying, and mostly failing. "S-slow down, Teia..." she moaned out, obviously at the brink. The lithe girl underneath her slowed - but did not seem to offer her partner any reprieve, as she simply began rolling her hips on the fake shaft connecting them with agonizing looking slowness, enveloping and releasing centimeters of the phallus inside her at a time. Angela, if she looked closely, could almost see how each move shifted the thing inside of the girl - for, indeed, the petite woman that was the bottom had the whole thing inside of her, to the point that the thing's girth could be seen making shapes, rising from her trim belly as she pushed it inside of her. "Yes, as you wish... my mistress. ♥" While Taylor might use magic to forbid Angie from cumming, that girl looked like she might have been able to keep her at the edge with skill alone.

"So!" Uun said. His attention had been on the two girls for a moment. "Uun tries not to think about such things. Uun focus on running his business - he tries to make up for Great Sadness by make his patrons happy - and his friends in his work happy and well-fed, yes?" He made a graceful, sweeping motion to the two on the bed. "Uun believe Miss Angela know this already, but best way to do this is make sure they are simply... the best."

The top's voice, continuing to be pulled from her against her will, had been rising as he spoke. The lavender-haired girl quickly thrust three times on the shaft, eliciting another squeal from Momo. She didn't cum, however, and she leaned over Teia, bracing herself with one hand on the bed, while she fondled her own chest with the other, the girl on the bottom having resumed her agonizingly slow grinding.

"Does mistress wish to cum?" She asked.

"Y-yes!" She gasped.

"Mistress must only command her slave," came her reply.

"Teia - m-make me cum!"

With that, the slight girl beneath her reached up and draped her arms around Momo's shoulders, pulling her down for a kiss as her legs locked around her waist and pumped the fake phallus hard. She rode Angie's false cock through it while the voluptuous woman that she served tensed hard, her pussy sending out spray after spray of girlcum, to pool in Teia's bellybutton, and soak into Teia's skin and the sheets below.

"To hear gracious Angela and her beauteous friends say she wishes to perform for Uun's crowd once more does Uun's heart much good! He hopes eagerly Angela will decide as much." From out of his drawer, Uun fetched small, velvet pouch - 'Uun' embroidered on it. He bowed and presented it, held in two hands, to Angela. "Uun thinks this is what your friend spoke of. Uun would like to present you with this - is but a small token of his esteem of the most enrapturing performance demonstrated within his domicile, and an expression of his desire to continue to do business together, yes? As to the question of your 'Abril', the demoness does not elect to make her home with Uun as some do - however, Uun believes, after last night, she chose to spend her evening in Uun's boudoir, where Uun's women dress, put on their makeup and their jewelry, and take their rest, if they choose to do so with Uun. You will find it just outside - Momo!"

The woman, collapsed over her partner and breathing hard as she recovered from her orgasm, looked up.

Uun smiled and bowed, one hand sweeping out to indicate the busty woman. "If it please you, Momo will help you locate your friend. Many of Uun's women are very... affectionate, especially now, when there are no patrons, yes? She will let them know you are not there for amusement."

The girl in question had already (shakily) gotten to her feet, adorning herself with a gauzy wrap through which a silhouette of her form was easily still visible. Teia clung to her as she rose, prolonging their kiss as long as she could - planting kisses on her cheek, neck, anywhere she could reach, for as long as she could. She presented Angie with a smile and gave her a (slightly wobbly) curtsy, red-brown eyes dilated behind her tiny spectacles.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie listened quietly as Uun spoke of his homeland and its people, of the sadness he had for his race's inevitable extinction and the anger he had for the invaders taking the catfolk's homeland for their own. Angela felt sadness for Uun and regret for bringing up his race's situation. But he was trying to make the best for himself out of a bad situation, and judging by how popular Uun's Den is it looked like he was doing pretty well for himself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dredge up bad memories for you," Angie said finally after Uun had finished. "But, at least you're doing well for yourself, right?" Angie's attention was then pulled to the two women once more as they writhed on the bed. She watched them for a few long moments grinding against each other, letting their moans fill her ears, enjoying the toy that had most likely seen much action during last night. The red flush crept quickly back up the young mechanic's face once more, and before long she was once again recalling the events of last night. "Your girls seem to enjoy working for you, at least."

"T-thanks, it was an... enjoyable experience," Angie took the money, gazing at the pouch for a moment before pocketing it, and feeling only a little bit awkward at receiving money for having sex. Which, she realised, was odd. Angie had always thought she would be quite repulsed by the idea of taking money for sex in any form, and yet here she was already setting up plans just in case she was interested in performing another show. Angie then listened to Uun explaining where she may find Abril, and was about to thank the Su-Ku-Ta before he called for one of the women.

"Oh, yes, thanks, I'd appreciate her help," Angie turned to Momo as she climbed to her feet and dressed in a sheer wrap. Angie watched Momo and her lover kiss, Teia desperate to keep Momo with her until the very last moment. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Angela said as the woman turned to her.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Last computron finally burnt out <_> Took me awhile for the guy to call back and say it's fucked, and longer to cave and spring for a new one. Sorry ;_;

"'Doing well'? Uun supposes his lady could say that," the cat-man replied. "Uun was a prince, in Shry-Kuth-Lus - he had such fine, rooms in his family's estate, and lived in opulence. Now, Uun makes his living entertaining providing common pleasures, and lives under rule of queen. Uun's purse is full and his body comfortable, but, eehhh... his spirit, it is not yet free of the ghosts of the past, still yearns for what it once knew." He frowned, looking wistful, though his smile returned - quite quickly, lips tight over his teeth. "Please, pay no attention to Uun - he speaks too candidly of things not to his lady's interest. Do not let Uun keep you, yes? Find your friend."

The voluptuous redhead that was to be her guide was still panting deeply as she came up to Angie. "Is it~?" she asked. "I could make it even more of a pleasure..." she drawled in a breathless voice, slyly looking at Angie through her eyelashes, running fingers along the mechanic's arm.

After a brief moment, she smiled impishly, and coiled an arm through Angie's, clinging to it as she drew up close on Angie's side. "I'm Momo - a pleasure to meet you, as well. If you'll follow me...?" she said, her voice having a dreamy, trailing quality to it. She lead Angie out the door.

As they were leaving, Angie noticed Uun walk over to the bed, scooping up the other girl who he'd called Teia. Teia, puppet, you did very well. But... there is always more to learn..."

A few doors later, her curvy guide let Angela through a door, where she immediately was confronted by the sight of a gaggle of women - some 'equipped' like Abril, but most not - clustered around what looked to be a long, low lounging chair - some kneeling, some standing, some sitting on the couch. There was a gasp, and a huge jet of spunk flew straight up from the middle of the women to splatter against the ceiling as they giggled. A few girls on the outside of the cluster turned to look at who'd just come in - and immediately broke off to make their way towards Angie.

"Why hel-lo there, cutie," came one golden-skinned and raven-haired girl that looked like she was from the Amazon. "Are you one of Uun's friends? We were just entertaining ourselves, but we'd be happy to entertain you instead. ♥"

"Back off, new girl," came the smooth voice of a dark-skinned beauty with violet eyes and two tiny little horns on her head, who stopped close, letting her vividly-colored eyes roam over Angela's body. "You look delicious," she said. "Have you ever had a tongue like mine?" She asked, after which she licked her lips - and kept going, eventually revealing almost a foot of pink tongue, which then dexterously rolled back up into her mouth. "Because even if you have, I'd bet it wasn't nearly as trained as mine is. I know just where to hit in that little tunnel of yours, baby - let Varsanna make you feel good."

"She don't want you, V - she wants a man." A hand took Angie's wrist that Momo wasn't hanging onto and pressed it onto a perfect handful of soft, bare breastflesh, belonging to a grinning, indigo-skinned demoness, who had to bend her head down to look Angie in the eyes. From her crotch, however, there sprouted a thickly-veined, dripping cock, which seemed to have a ring of crimson lipstick around it's middle. "And I'm more man than any human boy you've ever had the misfortune to tumble, with, girl. You have perfect timing - I'm primed and ready to go! Come with me - I'll show just how good Acheron can be to a lady."

"Girls, please," Momo interceded. "Miss Angela here is just here to find a friend of hers. Once her business is concluded, then you can proposition her, okay? ♥"

They all grumbled and stepped back, after which Angela saw other girls around the room, most reclining in long couches and lounging chairs, talking or idling lazily. A few tables on the opposite side of the room seated a few women spending their time pursuing stitching or other idle tasks, and there were mirrors and tables on another wall, where some girls were indeed trying on jewelry, and one danced. A heap of cushions and pillows in another corner of the room hosted a few sleeping girls. The cluster Angie had first noticed was not an isolated incident, and here and there throughout the chamber were women riding, caressing, kissing, and in one case, outright pounding each other.

After some looking, Angie finally spotted Abril - she was seated facing half-away from the door Angela came in through, and her eyes were locked on the big orgy - her hand idly stroking the length of her cock, which seemed to only be at half-mast.


Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angela's face took on a deep crimson hue once more at Momo's playful flirting, though the blush quickly faded from the mechanic's cheeks as Momo linked their arms together and led the way to where Abril was resting. As they walked from the room Angie looked back and watched Uun tend to Teia, before directing her sight to the path the two of them walked.

It didn't take long for the two of them to make their way to the rest room, and when the door opened Angela's eyes opened wide in shock at the sight before her. She had expected to find a small group of women resting in the room, and perhaps some of them enjoying the company of each other whilst they waited for night's shows to start, though she would never had expected what could only be guessed as being an orgy going on. It took a few seconds for Angie to realise she was being addressed as she watched the jet of semen arc its way upwards to splat against the ceiling, and as the procession of women that came to greet and proposition the mechanic grew she pulled herself closer to Momo, as if expecting the curvaceous woman to defend her against the sudden rush of eager women. Though despite backing against her guide Angela had her free hand grabbed by one of the working ladies who had, an, admittedly, rather impressive member leaking its sticky fluid, whose heady aroma was quickly flooding her senses.

Fortunately Angela didn't have to suffer their advances for too long as the crowd thinned out quickly enough once Momo had informed the women that Angela had come simply to find a specific person. Angie thanked Momo, both for bringing her to the room and for getting rid of the women before she set out looking for Abril. Though even with her eyes set on Abril she couldn't help but look over the other women, noting how very different each was from the other, and assuming that was due to their demonic or mutated heritage. Angela's eyes didn't linger on the other women for too long though, as she spotted Abril soon enough, her new lover's attention completely locked onto one of the many gatherings of women whilst she slowly stroked herself off.

"Looks like you could do with a hand~" Angie murmured softly into Abril's ear as she stood behind the serving girl, hands resting on her shoulders and breasts pressed against her back. Though somewhat intimidated by the advances of the sexually aggressive women that had swamped her earlier, Angie's attitude did a complete 180 when it came to Abril, having already spend a fair bit of time getting to know the well endowed woman intimately, and wanting to get to know her better.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Abril took her other hand off her breast and reached up and back to stroke Angela's hair. "Hm-hm. A hand might be nice. A little more might be better~"

The demoness pulled Angie around to take a seat on the couch - when she was seated, Abril straddled Angie, bare butt against her overalled lap. The demoness leaned in close, her big golden eyes staring into Angie's as her ample breasts weighed against Angie's own, her arms on either side of Angie as they draped over her shoulders and the couch's back. "So, was that an offer? Those girls've been hasslin' me about how lucky I was to get stuck in the centerpiece of that crazy fuckfest - and uh, well, you - last night. Wanna help me make them even more jealous, right now?" She leaned in. "My cock's been numb like, all morning, you little minx. Maybe if it gets a second taste of you, it'll remember it's got way more poundin' to do before it gives up on me, eh?" The demoness kissed Angie's cheek.

Abril then leaned back, a thoughtful look on her face. "Actually, what brings you by, cutie? By 'here', I mean 'with us sluts', that is. Uun wanted to talk to you, but if you've got her with you-", Abril tilted her head towards Momo, who was sitting on the backrest on the opposite end of the couch, "-I bet you've already seen 'im."
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Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie allowed Abril to pull her around, following the demoness' directions she moved to the front of the settee and sat down next to the woman, before Abril surprised the mechanic by climbing onto her lap, straddling her waist whilst resting intimately against the smaller woman. "It might be," Angie muttered teasingly, one hand coming to rest and drape over Abril's hip whilst the other squeezed between the two of them and closed around the demon woman's shaft. "I was pretty out of it last night thanks to the alcohol and Taylor's teasing, and while I remember how amazing it felt I don't really remember too much of the specifics."

"But that's not exactly why I came here to see you now," Angie explained once Abril had kissed her, and despite what she had said her hand was slowly gliding along the length of the demoness' impressive member. "I, uh, I was actually wondering... that if you'd, y'know... want to go out with me? I really enjoyed my time with you and Taylor last night, and I'd like to do more with the two of you again sometime. This... this is really quite new to me. Not just wanton sex, but getting involved with demons in general. Sure, my work sees me doing jobs for them, but I've never really been involved with demons before now. And, I really like you two, and I'd really like to spend more time getting to know both of you. Taylor's already agreed, and I'd hoping we'd be able to date as well. And also... I was thinking that... perhaps... if I get the nerve for it, of course... the three of us could do a show tonight?" A deep blush crept up on Angie's face once more at her suggestion, and her gaze slipped from Abril's.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

I'm pretty sure this is like the fourth time I'm apologizing for being a disgustingly slow cunt I am sorry. :<

Abril licked her lips when Angie's fingers wrapped around her half-erect member. The mechanic could feel it pulsing in her grip - each throb leaving it feeling a little bigger, a little heavier, and a little more stiff. When she started pumping, Abril's grin widened, and she started moving along with her, thrusting in time with Angie's movements - pushing in to meet her hand, pulling away when Angie did, with equal slowness.

"You wanna do it again tonight? I'm in!" the demoness said enthusiastically, tilting Angie's head back to nip at her neck. Her cock jumped when she'd mentioned an encore of last night - that member of hers was really rising now. "How about we get some practice in, cutie? You said you can't remember the details, so how about I just fill you aaaalllll in." One hand reached back to re-set Angie's hand to allow her a very squeezable handful of ass, before starting on one button of the beset mechanic's overalls, to palm Angie's chest with but her shirt separating flesh from flesh.

"I'll go out with you, sure," Abril said, "Where to? It's still awhile 'till Uun's opens up again. You wanna get it on in public or something instead? You live dangerous, don'tcha. And what do you mean 'date'? Like the fruit, right? We serve those off our bodies here, you want to try that too?"

Abril seems a little confused as to what Angela meant, but her hips were starting to pick up the pace. The room was filled with horny demonesses, and as a loud squeal and giggling erupted from the big cluster that Angie had first seen upon entering the room, Angie saw the big indigo-skinned futa from earlier haul the Amazonian out from the crowd by her hair, tossing her across a sedan and jamming her fat prick into her rear with little fanfare. And though the cry the Amazonian wasn't pained, as a pair of other endowed demonesses stalked towards the Amazonian and her 'lover', stroking themselves, it may have occurred to Angie that she might have to tick off a lot more time than she'd originally intended if she let Abril continue.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Mmmm, I said maybe..." Angie moaned softly as Abril tilted her head backwards and teased the flesh of her neck. At the suggestion of spending a little time fucking with her second lover Angela's mind began to race and her hand's motions increased as she pumped the futa demon's throbbing cock, her other hand grabbing hold of Abril's ass and kneading her bare flesh. "And as much as I'd l-love that... mmm... I-I have to decline right now." She allowed the demoness to unclasp her overalls and fondle her breast for a moment before leaning back up and gently pushing the sultry waitress back, though her other hand continued to glide along the length of Abril's dick.

"I uh, um... didn't mean go out as in, go out somewhere right now. I meant go out with me as in, go out with me. You know, us being in a relationship. As girlfriends. Though there'd be three of us in the relationship." Angela's cheeks took on a tinge of red once more as she explained to Abril what she had meant. "And by dates, I mean all of us going out together, to places. I'd really like for all of us to get to know each other better. Of course, that does include all of us having sex at some point during it~" She then leaned in close, locking her lips with Abril's and giving the demoness a taste of tongue as she caught one of the demoness' from earlier bury herself deep inside the ass of another of Uun's women out of the corner of her eye, and realised that if she stayed around for too much longer she'd end up giving in to her desires for Abril.

"Tell you what, how about a quick blowjob before I leave to start my work~?" Angie asked, whispering sensually into Abril's ear as her hand came to a stop at the top of the demoness' shaft and rolled her hand over the head of Abril's pulsating member.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

A surprised look flashed in the demonesses' eyes when Angela pushed her away, and she might've caught a flash of hunger in her eyes once or twice, though the hand on the demonesses' throbbing meat kept her occupied long enough for Angie's next point to take her mind off it.

"Uhnn. 'Girl' 'friends'? That's... what. Just, like, - uUUuuhn, yeahh - friends, that're... girls?" Abril asked, slowly, a few moans escaping her as her dick got worked by the mechanic. "Is this a hummmm...an thing? Back in Hell, we didn't really - nnf - do anythin' like that, babe."

After their kiss, Abril grabbed Angie by the wrist of her hand working her shaft and pulled it away, up to her mouth, where she licked her palm - slowly, sensually, dragging her tongue up until she could suck down Angie's index and middle fingers, the mechanic feeling tongue squirm around her digits before the demon released them, guiding it back to her cock, while her other hand reached behind her, to plunge two fingers into her cunt from behind. "If it means more sex with you, though, I'm game. When in Badaria, do as the humans do, right?"

She grinned - a somewhat sharper-looking affair than a human's, perhaps, Angela might have noted - when offered a parting blowjob. "That sounds great!" She stopped playing with her slit and brought her fingers around to cup Angie's chin, a bit of her wetness smearing onto Angie's cheek. "Aaahhh~", she said, pulling gently on the tip of Angie's tongue if she acquiesced, before bending to share another kiss with the human.

After breaking away, she would plop down on the seat next to Angie, thick pole pointing up at the ceiling... though after a moment, her eyes swept across the room. "Tell you what, babe... I want you all to myself, and things might get a little... out of control, if we do it right here. Maybe we could go somewhere without quite as many sluts around? Maybe one of the booths outside - it's just cleaners and guards around this time 'a day, and I don't usually get to be the one above the table often, hehe." The demoness licked her lips, a smirk on her face.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"We'd be, uh... romantically involved," Angie tried explaining again, hoping to make the demoness understand. "Oh, yeah, it's probably a human, well... a mortal thing. We don't have an eternity to do what we want, so we find people we like, and well, we want to spend an extended period of time with them in our lives. Sometimes it's only for a small part of our lives and other times it's for the rest of our lives." Angela then went silent as Abril pulled the mechanics teasing hand from her cock and began to lick the pre-cum coating the humans digits, suckling on the woman's fingers, cleaning them up before putting Angie's hand back on her throbbing member.

"Oh, it'll definitely mean you'll get to have more sex with me. To be honest, you're the first person in a long while whose dick made me feel as good as yours did last night. I might not remember the specifics, but my body certainly remembers. And I don't want to lose access to feeling like that any time soon." Angie then leant forward, her lips millimetres from Abril's as she placed her second on the demoness' cock, pumping her lover furiously with both hands. "Though that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you, I really do. I just... I have a thing, where I'll only get physical with someone else if we're dating. The last guy I had a casual thing with turned out to be a prick, and I don't want to go through that again." Angie wasn't surprised when Abril came in for a second kiss, she herself had planned on it as she finished speaking, but the futanari demon had decided to do it first. She smiled into the kiss and slowed her pumping, one hand slowly stroking the length of Abril's member while the other rolled over the head of the demoness' cock once more.

Once they separated and Abril sat back onto the couch Angela leant forward, a hand wrapping around the base of the demon woman's cock as her head slowly descended towards her lover's lap. Though as Abril spoke Angie paused and looked up to her. "That... sounds like a good idea, actually. If you've got somewhere we can go, then c'mon~" Angie smiled, and standing up she took hold of one of Abril's hands to pull the demoness up. Once up and on their way Angie would move close behind the demoness, still holding hands with Abril whilst her other took to caressing her lovers bare flesh.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 44/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Abril led Angie back out into the hall and out into the main floor again, heading back to the heavily draped tables Angie had tasted ecstasy in last night. As they left, a chorus of voices followed them out, catcalling and chastising about sharing, though none of the haremites really made any effort to follow them, save for Momo, the guide girl - who simply made her way back to Uun's chamber, finished with her business in the harem's common room.

At the tables, there were still people working at the area the three had been at last night, so Abril led her to a section away from there and slid into the seat, giving the human a smirk as she lifted the tablecloth away for Angie to scoot in under. It was relatively deserted, save for some cleaners and the odd casino staffer, and a few suited guards, here and there - including Benny and Clyde, 'chatting' - i.e., Benny blathering while Clyde stared off into the distance.

The drapes mostly hid them from sight, but if Angie hesitated, Abril would again suggest an alternative.

"Say - how about the restroom, then? You could sneak off to it, and I'd wait awhile before following, if you're still shy. They even have gloryholes between the men and women's... you ever tried one of those, babe? They're great fun ♥"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Mmm, no this is fine," Angie replied once she had made sure the drapes were mostly concealing the two of them. "Though perhaps we could try that another time~?" The young woman, a smirk of her own spread across her lips, straddled the demoness' lap for a moment as the tablecloth was lifted up. Unclasping the other strap Angela let her overalls fall to her waist as she slowly slid down Abril's body, and as she finally knelt underneath the table, resting between the futa's legs Angie pulled off her tee shirt and tossed it to one side, giving Abril a view of her breasts. "Can't risk getting it dirty now, can I~?" She said with a flirtatious smile, and licking her lips.

Leaning forward Angie slid Abril's massive length between her awaiting cleavage, blanketing what she could of the demoness' impressive member with her warm breast flesh. "This really is quite impressive~" Angela cooed as she began to rock back and forth slowly, squishing her breasts even more tightly around Abril's cock with her arms. "And this smell, it's intoxicating. I bet this is going to shoot out a load~" Giggling for a moment, Angie then tilted her head forward, the tip of her tongue swirling around the head of Abril's cock in time to her hips gyrations for several long moments before she cupped her lips around the tip and began to gently suck, flicking her tongue over the demoness' urethra whilst moaning softly.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie got an appreciative grin from the demoness when her shirt came off and her chest was exposed. "I dunno..." Abril drawled. "It could be a good look. If I was ever that covered up, I'd give it a try~"

"Why thank you ♥", the demon said, when Angie complimented her cock. "I'll make sure to leave it's impression in you the next time I get to shove it in you. ♥" She let out a sigh as she felt Angie's tits wrap around her thick shaft, closing her eyes and letting her head tilt back as Angie got to work, letting out a soft moan here and there. The demonesses' toes curled a little when Angie sucked in that fat cock's head and tongued her male half's slit, gooey, salty pre already starting to coat her tongue - but shortly into it, she felt the demon's hand against the back of her head, while the other came down to snake it's fingers into her pussy, drooling out it's own juices just under the shaft.

"Ooohh, don't tease me - I've been trying to cum all morning, slut. C'mooon..."

The demoness pushed against Angie's head - not too hard, though she did plainly want Angie speared further down on her fat dick. Abril didn't seem to proscribe to Taylor's love of holding it in - it might be fun to tease the girl a little harder... though, of course, Angie was on a schedule... what would it hurt to let Abril boss her around a little bit? Decisions, decisions.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Mmm, you really want this, huh~?" Angie asked as she lifted her head up and pulled her chest away from Abril's dick, her hands coming up and wrapping around the monstrous cock and began to glide along its length, twisting in alternating directions as they went up and down. "Mmm, fine~"

Pulling her hands free and allowing Abril's hands to guide her head back down Angela quickly took the demoness' full length into her mouth, feeling its girth squeeze into her throat. The mechanic held it there for a minute or so, just enjoying the feeling of it buried deep inside her mouth before she pulled her head upwards once more until the cock was free of her warmth. Angie's eyes looked up and locked with her lovers own as a subtle smile tugged at the corners of her lips before planting a kiss on the tip of the dick. Slower this time, Angie opened her mouth once again to receive the thick cock, her tongue sticking out slightly now as it traced a line down the underside of Abril's shaft until the entire cock was enveloped by Angie's warm mouth and throat again. With much more energy now Angela began to bob her head up and down the demoness' shaft, her soft moans coming once more as she hungrily sucked on Abril's meaty dick, desperate to taste the demoness' seed.